†family Lyracystidae Sprinkle and Collins 2006

Eocrinoidea - Gogiida - Lyracystidae

Full reference: J. Sprinkle and D. Collins. 2006. New eocrinoids from the Burgess Shale, southern British Columbia, Canada, and the Spence Shale, northern Utah, USA. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 43:303-322

Parent taxon: Gogiida according to J. Sprinkle and D. Collins 2006

Sister taxa: Eocrinidae, Wudingeocrinus

Subtaxa: Lyracystis

View classification

Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder


• Cambrian of Canada (1: British Columbia collection), United States (1: Utah)

• Delamaran of Canada (3: British Columbia)

Total: 5 collections each including a single occurrence

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