Strophomenata - Strophomenida - Grorudiidae
Parent taxon: Plectambonitoidea according to M. Liljeroth et al. 2017
See also Williams et al. 2000 and Zhan and Jin 2005
Sister taxa: Aegiromenidae, Allwynellidae, Alwynellidae, Bimuriidae, Christianiidae, Hesperomenidae, Leptellinidae, Leptestiidae, Paucicostella, Plectambonitidae, Sowerbyellidae, Strophodontidae, Syndielasmatidae, Taffiidae, Tafflidae, Xenambonitidae, Anoptambonitidae
Subtaxa: Calyptolepta Diambonioidea Grorudia Railtonella Tetraodontella
Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder
• Arenig of China (3 collections)
• Ordovician of Australia (1), Canada (3: Newfoundland), China (13), Estonia (1), Iran (1), Ireland (3), Kazakhstan (3), Norway (9), the Russian Federation (2), Sweden (5)
Total: 44 collections including 46 occurrences