†family Cassiopidae Beurlen 1967 (snail)

Gastropoda - Sorbeoconcha - Cassiopidae

Alternative spelling: Cassiopinae

Synonym: Glauconiidae Pchelintsev 1953 [replaced name]

Parent taxon: Cerithiimorpha according to P. Bouchet et al. 2017

See also Bouchet et al. 2005 and Ponder and Warén 1988

Sister taxa: Canterburyellidae, Eustomatidae, Juramelanatriidae, Ladinulidae, Lucmeriidae, Maoraxidae, Popenellidae, Probittiidae, Procerithiidae, Propupaspiridae, Zardinellopsidae

Subtaxa: Bicarinella Cassiope Coninoda Glauconia Glauconiella Gymnentome Hexaglauconia Mennessieria Mesoglauconia Paraglauconia Pseudoglauconia

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Ecology: epifaunal grazer


• Miocene of Peru (1 collection)

• Cretaceous of Angola (1), Austria (2), Brazil (3), Egypt (3), Germany (3), Greece (1), Hungary (1), Japan (4), Mexico (6), Peru (2), Portugal (7), Spain (9), the United Kingdom (2), United States (25: California, Kansas, Mississippi, Texas, Utah)

Total: 70 collections including 81 occurrences

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