Family Plagioeciidae Canu 1918 (bryozoan)

Stenolaemata - Tubuliporata - Plagioeciidae

Parent taxon: Tubuliporina according to S. S. Brezina et al. 2021

See also Bassler 1953, Di Martino and Taylor 2013, Gordon and Taylor 2015, Guha and Gopikrishna 2007, Hara and Taylor 2009, Lee et al. 1997 and ZatoĊ„ and Taylor 2010

Sister taxa: Cinctiporidae, Diaperoeciidae, Diastoporidae, Discocytis, Eleidae, Entalophoridae, Filisparsidae, Frondiporidae, Hastingsiidae, Mecynoeciidae, Multisparsidae, Oncousoeciidae, Semiceidae, Serietubigera, Stomatoporidae, Telopora, Terviidae, Tubuliporidae

Subtaxa: Actinopora Cardioecia Cavaria Desmatelesia Hyporosopora Laterotubigera Liripora Mesenteripora Mesonopora Notoplagioecia Plagioecia Reticrisina Semilaterotubigera Stathmepora Terebellaria Tubigera Wassypora

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Type: Plagioecia

Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder


• Quaternary of Greece (1 collection), Italy (3)

• Miocene of Algeria (2), France (1), Germany (1), Hungary (1), Morocco (2), Panama (1), Spain (1)

• Oligocene of United States (2: Alabama)

• Eocene of India (3), New Zealand (3), United States (2: Alabama, Mississippi)

• Paleocene of Argentina (2), France (1), United States (3: Alabama, New Jersey)

• Cretaceous of Australia (3), Belgium (1), the Czech Republic (2), France (37), Germany (2), the Netherlands (1), Switzerland (6), the United Kingdom (1), United States (3: Texas)

• Jurassic of France (12), Poland (3), Portugal (18), Romania (2), Spain (1), the United Kingdom (5), United States (1: Utah)

Total: 127 collections including 180 occurrences

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