Also known as Quehué
Where: La Pampa, Argentina (37.0° S, 64.5° W)
• Paleocoordinates: 36.7° S, 62.9° W (Wright 2013)
• coordinate stated in text
• outcrop-level geographic resolution
When: Huayquerian mammal zone, Cerro Azul Formation, Huayquerian (8.0 - 5.0 Ma)
• Sostillo et al 2018: remains from Laguna Chillhué and Quehué (Pascual and Bondesio, 1982; Montalvo et al., 1995; Sostillo, 2016) were recovered from the lower levels of the Cerro Azul Formation and interpreted as fluvial facies (Deschamps et al., 2013; Sostillo et al., 2014).
•Romano et al. 2023: Biochronological methods were useful in ordering and estimating the age of the different faunas of the Cerro Azul Formation, ranging from ca. 8 to ca. 5.7 Ma. Some appear to be transitional between Chasicoan and “Huayquerian” faunas (Cerro La Bota, Cerro Patagua, and Algarrobo del Águila), and other three (Barrancas Coloradas, El Guanaco, and Caleufú) cover the latest Miocene, even some of them could have reached the earliest Pliocene. The Cerro Azul Formation localities cover the range between ca. 8 to ca. 5.7 Ma (late Tortonian–Messinian; Late Miocene; Fig. 3; Supplementary Online Information 1, Tab. S8). 6.826 Ma (6.474 - 7.311 Ma) for Quehue.
• group of beds-level stratigraphic resolution
Environment/lithology: fluvial; paleosol/pedogenic, nodular sandstone and siltstone
•are discontinuous along the whole occupied area in the provinces of La Pampa and Buenos Aires (Fig. 2). They are composed of silts, sandy silts and very thin silty sands, reddish and brown colored, with a homogeneous and com- pact general aspect, and frequent carbonate nodules and evidences of pedogenic processes (Folguera and Zárate, 2009). Visconti et al. (2010) interpreted them as eolian de- posits characterized by loessic materials, with a high per- centage of lithic fragments and volcaniclastic sediments. Detailed geological and stratigraphic descriptions of the Cerro Azul Formation are provided by Linares et al. (1980), Goin et al. (2000), Visconti et al. (2010), and Folguera and Zárate (2009)
Size class: macrofossils
Collection methods: Esteban, et al. 2000: Todos los ejemplares analizados están depositados en
•la Cátedra de Geología Histórica de la Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales de la Universidad Nacional ele La Pampa, Argentina, cuyo acrónimo es GHUNLPam
Primary reference: F. J. Goin, C. I. Montalvo, and G. Visconti. 2000. Los marsupiales (Mammalia) del Mioceno Superior de la Formacion Cerro Azul(Provincia de La Pampa, Argentina). Estudios Geol 56:101-126 [C. Jaramillo/J. Carrillo/J. Carrillo]more details
Purpose of describing collection: paleoecologic analysis
PaleoDB collection 151500: authorized by Carlos Jaramillo, entered by Juan Carrillo on 04.10.2013, edited by Evangelos Vlachos, Miranta Kouvari, Grace Varnham, Philip Mannion and Kateryn Pino
Creative Commons license: CC0 (CC0)
Taxonomic list
Amphibia | |
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Mammalia | |
Thylatheridium dolgopolae Reig 1952 opossum | |
"Achlysictis cf. lelongi" = Thylacosmilus atrox
"Achlysictis cf. lelongi" = Thylacosmilus atrox Riggs 1933 metatherian | |
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"Typotheriopsis silveyrai" = Typotheriopsis chasicoensis9 Cabrera and Kraglievich 1931 notoungulate GHUNLPam 9154
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Macrochorobates scalabrinii2, Euphractini indet.10, Proeuphractus sp.2, Zaedyus pichiy2, Chorobates villosissimus2, Macroeuphractus morenoi2, Chasicotatus ameghinoi2, Doellotatus inornatus2
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Lagostomus pretrichodactyla4 Rovereto 1914 viscacha GHUNLPam 5822 left mandible with p4-m3, GHUNLPam 5823 left mandible with p4-m3, GHUNLPam 14710 left mandible with i and p4-m3.
Lagostomus telenkechanum4 Rasia and Candela 2017 viscacha GHUNLPam 5824 right mandible with i and p4, GHUNLPam 5874 right mandible with broken i and p4-m2.
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Metacaremys calfucalel6 Piñero et al. 2021 caviomorph GHUNLPam 6663, 8552, 14372, 14374, 19119, 22760
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Neophanomys pristinus11 Verzi et al. 2011 caviomorph GHUNLPam 2948 - Neophanomys biplicatus according to ref 70240
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Aves | |
Nothura sp.1 Wagler 1827 tinamou GHUNLPam 27042, distal portion of right humerus, GHUNLPam 5901/1, proximal portion of left tarsometatarsus, GHUNLPam 5901/2, distal portion of right tarsometatarsus