Lanai, terrace 8-13 (Pleistocene of the United States)

Where: Hawaii (20.8° N, 157.1° W)

• coordinate estimated from map

• local area-level geographic resolution

When: Early/Lower Pleistocene (2.6 - 0.8 Ma)

• pre-Mid-Pleistocene-Transition terraces

• group of beds-level stratigraphic resolution

Environment/lithology: reef, buildup or bioherm; limestone

• coral reef facies, bioclastic facies

Size class: macrofossils

Primary reference: I. D. E. Faichney, J. M. Webster, D. A. Clague, J. C. Braga, W. Renema and D. C. Potts. 2011. The impact of the Mid-Pleistocene Transition on the composition of submerged reefs of the Maui Nui Complex, Hawaii. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 299:493-506 [W. Kiessling/U. Merkel]more details

Purpose of describing collection: general faunal/floral analysis

PaleoDB collection 105531: authorized by Wolfgang Kiessling, entered by Uta Merkel on 22.02.2011

Creative Commons license: CC0 (CC0)

Taxonomic list

 Scleractinia - Merulinidae
Platygyra sp. Ehrenberg 1834 stony coral
 Scleractinia - Faviidae
Faviidae indet. Gregory 1900 stony coral
 Scleractinia - Poritidae
Porites sp. Link 1807 stony coral
Porites ? compressa Dana 1846 stony coral
 Scleractinia - Agariciidae
Leptoseris hawaiiensis Vaughan 1907 stony coral
Pavona sp. Lamarck 1801 stony coral
? Pavona sp. Lamarck 1801 stony coral
Pavona varians Verrill 1864 stony coral
 Scleractinia - Leptastreidae
Leptastrea sp. Milne-Edwards and Haime 1848 stony coral
? Leptastrea sp. Milne-Edwards and Haime 1848 stony coral
Leptastrea purpurea Dana 1846 stony coral
 Scleractinia - Pocilloporidae
Pocillopora sp. Lamarck 1816 stony coral
 Scleractinia - Acroporidae
Acropora sp. Oken 1815 stony coral
? Acropora sp. Oken 1815 stony coral
Acropora ? cerealis Dana 1846 stony coral
Montipora sp. Blainville 1830 stony coral
? Montipora sp. Blainville 1830 stony coral
"Montipora patula" = Montipora hispida Dana 1846 stony coral
 Loftusiida - Acervulinidae
Gypsina sp. Carter 1877
 Rotaliacea - Calcarinidae
 Rotaliacea - Rotaliidae
Rotaliidae indet. Ehrenberg 1839
 Nummulitacea - Nummulitidae
Heterostegina sp. d'Orbigny 1826
 Asterigerinacea - Amphisteginidae
Amphistegina sp. d'Orbigny 1826
 Miliolida - Soritidae
Amphisorus sp. Ehrenberg 1839
Amphisorus sp./ Sorites sp.
 Lituolida - Lituolidae
Textularia sp. Defrance 1824
  - Corallinophycidae
Mesophyllum sp. Lemoine 1930
Lithothamnion sp. Heydrich 1897
Spongites sp. Kützing 1841
"Lithophyllum pustulatum" = Titanoderma pustulatum Lamouroux 1816
"Lithophyllum prototypum" = Titanoderma prototypum Foslie 1897
Lithophyllum sp. Philippi 1837
Hydrolithon onkodes Heydrich 1897
Lithoporella sp. Foslie 1909
 Peyssonneliales - Rhodymeniophycidae
Peyssonnelia sp. Decaisne 1841