Pocillopora Lamarck 1816 (stony coral)

Anthozoa - Scleractinia - Pocilloporidae

Parent taxon: Pocilloporidae according to R. A. López-Pérez 2005

See also Sepkoski 2002 and Veron and Pichon 1976

Sister taxa: Seriatopora, Stylocoeniella, Stylophora

Subtaxa: Pocillopora arnoldi Pocillopora baracoaensis Pocillopora capitata Pocillopora crassoramosa Pocillopora damicornis Pocillopora elegans Pocillopora eydouxi Pocillopora guadalupensis Pocillopora guantanamensis Pocillopora informis Pocillopora jenkinsi Pocillopora ligulata Pocillopora maddenensis Pocillopora madreporacea Pocillopora palmata Pocillopora robusta Pocillopora verrucosa Pocillopora woodjonesi

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Ecology: stationary intermediate-level epifaunal microcarnivore-photosymbiotic


• Quaternary of Australia (26 collections), Barbados (5), British Indian Ocean Territory (1), Cayman Islands (4), Christmas Island (1), Cocos (Keeling) Islands (1), Cook Islands (1), Costa Rica (2), Djibouti (1), Egypt (10), French Polynesia (32), Guam (2), India (1), Indonesia (2), Japan (16), Kenya (6), Madagascar (2), Maldives (1), Mauritius (5), Mexico (32), the Netherlands Antilles (6), New Caledonia (4), New Zealand (1), Pakistan (3), Palau (1), Panama (5), Papua New Guinea (11), the Philippines (2), Pitcairn (3), Saudi Arabia (8), the Seychelles (4), Taiwan (1), Tuvalu (1), United States (7: Hawaii), Vanuatu (1)

• Pliocene to Pleistocene of Ecuador (1), Indonesia (1), United States Minor Outlying Islands (1)

• Pliocene of Costa Rica (2), French Polynesia (1), Indonesia (13), Jamaica (1), Papua New Guinea (1), United States (2: Florida, Hawaii)

• Miocene to Pliocene of Chile (1), the Dominican Republic (1), Indonesia (2), Malaysia (1)

• Miocene of Colombia (1), Cuba (2), the Dominican Republic (5), Fiji (1), France (10), Grenada (2), Indonesia (4), Italy (1), the Marshall Islands (4), Panama (4), Portugal (1), Trinidad and Tobago (1), United States Minor Outlying Islands (1), Venezuela (1)

• Oligocene to Miocene of Christmas Island (3)

• Oligocene of Cuba (1), Haiti (1), Jamaica (2), Venezuela (1)

• Eocene to Miocene of the Marshall Islands (1)

• Eocene of Jamaica (2), the Marshall Islands (1), Panama (1), Spain (1)

Total: 289 collections including 358 occurrences

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