Permian of China

The interval definitions in this timescale are derived from the following sources:

  • F. M. Gradstein, J. G. Ogg, M. D. Schmitz and G. M. Ogg. 2020. Geologic Time Scale 2020 view
  • F. M. Gradstein, J. G. Ogg, and A. G. Smith. 2004. A Geologic Time Scale 2004 1-589 view
  • A. G. Sennikov and V. K. Golubev. 2006. Vyazniki Biotic Assemblage of the Terminal Permian. Paleontological Journal 40(suppl. 4):S475-S481 view

There are 16 timescales which overlap this one. show

Interval boundaries marked with * have been interpolated based on the differences between the ages for international timescale boundaries quoted in the source and the currently accepted ages for those boundaries.

Interval names marked with † are no longer in current use.

This timescale is used in the definition of 42 collections

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International Chronostratigraphic TimescalePermian of ChinaCarboniferous of North AmericaPermo-Triassic Subages of Eastern EuropeCarboniferous SubepochsPermian of the Salt RangeObsolete Carboniferous Ages of China
TriassicEarly TriassicOlenekianVokhmian247.2
Kathwai251.5 *
252.4 *
Chhidru252.9 *
Baoqingian253.4 *
WuchiapingianLaoshanianLate Vyatkian/Early Vyatkian254.14
Kalabagh255 *
Wargal256 *
Laibinian257.7 *
GuadalupianCapitanianLengwuanLate Severodvinian/Early Severodvinian259.51
WordianKuhfengianLate Urzhumian/Early Urzhumian264.28
265.3 *
Amb266.1 *
RoadianLate Kazanian/Early Kazanian266.9
270.7 *
Longlinian285.4 *
AsselianZisongianBursumian †293.52
CarboniferousPennsylvanianGzhelianVirgilianLate PennsylvanianMapingian †298.9
Desmoinesian305.9 *
MoscovianMiddle Pennsylvanian307
Atokan312.7 *
BashkirianEarly Pennsylvanian315.2
Morrowan318.4 *
MississippianSerpukhovianChesterianLate Mississippian323.2
ViseanMiddle Mississippian330.9
Meramecian335.8 *
Osagean343.1 *
TournaisianEarly Mississippian346.7
Kinderhookian351.9 *