There are 1641 matches - here are the first 30 rows
Collection | Authorizer | Collection name | Reference |
1765 | M. Patzkowsky | ACAR, Atherfield Point [Carstone Mbr, Lower Greensand] Middle Albian - Cretaceous 4 - United Kingdom | Casey (1961) |
1766 | M. Patzkowsky | COMB-Greensand Middle Albian - Cretaceous 4 - United Kingdom | Casey (1961) |
1784 | J. Alroy | UCLA loc. 3467, North Fork Cottonwood Creek (= LACMIP loc. 23467; UCR loc. 186) Late Albian - Cretaceous 4 - California | Murphy and Rodda (1960) |
2102 | M. Patzkowsky | Middle Polish Trench [Mogilno Fm] Middle Albian - Cretaceous 4 - Poland | Marek (1989) |
3823 | C. Marshall | Xixona, Spain (Unit 1) Late Albian - Cretaceous 4 - Spain | Gallemi et al. (1997) |
3824 | C. Marshall | Xixona, Spain (Unit 2) Late Albian - Cretaceous 4 - Spain | Gallemi et al. (1997) |
3829 | C. Marshall | Xixona, Spain (Unit 3) Late Albian - Cretaceous 4 - Spain | Gallemi et al. (1997) |
3831 | C. Marshall | Xixona, Spain (Unit 4) Late Albian - Cretaceous 4 - Spain | Gallemi et al. (1997) |
5192 | J. Alroy | SMU Loc. 263 (Weno Fm.) Late Albian - Cretaceous 4 - Texas | Lee (1996) |
5194 | J. Alroy | SMU Loc. 263 (middle Paw Paw Fm.) Late Albian - Cretaceous 4 - Texas | Lee (1996) |
5195 | J. Alroy | SMU Loc. 263 (upper Paw Paw Fm.) Late Albian - Cretaceous 4 - Texas | Lee (1996) |
5196 | J. Alroy | SMU Loc. 263 (Main Street Fm.) Late Albian - Cretaceous 4 - Texas | Lee (1996) |
6280 | M. Kosnik | Taylor et al. Late Albian - Cretaceous 4 - United Kingdom | Taylor et al. (1983) |
12838 | F. Fursich | Locality I Late Albian - Cretaceous 4 - Italy | Dieni et al. (1973) |
12839 | F. Fursich | Locality I Late Albian - Cretaceous 4 - Italy | Dieni et al. (1973) |
21255 | W. Kiessling | Lampazos, Mexico (= Reef 2685) Middle Albian - Cretaceous 4 - Mexico | Baron-Szabo and González-León (1999) |
24029 | W. Kiessling | Wadi El Assyi, radiolitid member, Nakhl, Oman (= Reef 1364) Middle Albian - Cretaceous 4 - Oman | Masse et al. (1997) |
27035 | M. Carrano | J. B. White farm, Decatur (coll. 1928) Late Albian - Cretaceous 4 - Nebraska | Barbour (1931) |
28365 | H. Wang | The Bull Mountain locality Late Albian - Cretaceous 4 - Maryland | Pedersen et al. (1994) |
28408 | H. Wang | West Brothers locality Late Albian - Cretaceous 4 - Maryland | Friis et al. (1988) |
29138 | B. Tiffney | Black Eagle (5) Late Albian - Cretaceous 4 - Montana | Crabtree (1987) |
31080 | B. Tiffney | Sun River (20) Late Albian - Cretaceous 4 - Montana | Crabtree (1987) |
31171 | B. Tiffney | Summit (19) Late Albian - Cretaceous 4 - Montana | Crabtree (1987) |
31174 | B. Tiffney | Aspen (2) Late Albian - Cretaceous 4 - Wyoming | Crabtree (1987) |
31186 | B. Tiffney | Fall River (10) Middle Albian/Late Albian - Cretaceous 4 - Wyoming | Crabtree (1987) |
31589 | R. Lupia | PRA-LRF 8-L-11 (= Peace River Area - Loon River Formation - Section 8 - Sample #8-L-11) Middle Albian/Late Albian - Cretaceous 4 - Canada | Singh (1971) |
31590 | R. Lupia | PRA-PRF-CM 7-C-3 (= Peace River Area - Peace River Formation - Cadotte Member - Section 7 - Sample #7-C-3) Middle Albian/Late Albian - Cretaceous 4 - Canada | Singh (1971) |
31591 | R. Lupia | PRA-PRF-CM 7-C-2 (= Peace River Area - Peace River Formation - Cadotte Member - Section 7 - Sample #7-C-2) Middle Albian/Late Albian - Cretaceous 4 - Canada | Singh (1971) |
31592 | R. Lupia | PRA-PRF-PM 4-P-8 (= Peace River Area - Peace River Formation - Paddy Member - Section 4 - Sample #4-P-8) Middle Albian/Late Albian - Cretaceous 4 - Canada | Singh (1971) |
31593 | R. Lupia | PRA-PRF-PM 4-P-7 (= Peace River Area - Peace River Formaion - Paddy Member - Section 4 - Sample #4-P-7) Middle Albian/Late Albian - Cretaceous 4 - Canada | Singh (1971) |