There are 4 matches
Collection | Authorizer | Collection name | Reference |
5872 | J. Alroy | Quarry near Sneed Memorial Church (coll. Petersen) Chadian/Arundian - Carboniferous 2 - Alabama | Rigby and Bryant (1979) |
164684 | S. Holland | Fort Payne - formation summary Carboniferous - Carboniferous 1-5 - Georgia | Allen and Lester (1954) |
230550 | P. Wagner | ASC-1. Northeast of Leeds. 5 meters Osagean - Carboniferous 1-2 - Alabama | Waters and Bell (1986) |
230551 | P. Wagner | ASC-1. Northeast of Leeds. 09 meters Osagean - Carboniferous 1-2 - Alabama | Waters and Bell (1986) |