Middleburg: Early Triassic, South Africa

List of taxa
Where & when
Taphonomy & methods
Metadata & references
Taxonomic list
Anomodontia - Lystrosauridae
Lystrosaurus sp. Cope 1870
Dolomitipes accordii (Ceoloni et al. 1988)
Marchetti et al. 2019
Watson Collection, UCL, UK, WA-R 321
Therocephalia - Ericiolacertidae
Ericiolacerta parva Watson 1931
Therocephalia - Lycideopidae
Tetracynodon darti Sigogneau 1963
Therocephalia - Akidnognathidae
Moschorhinus kitchingi Broom 1920
Reptilia - Owenettidae
Owenetta kitchingorum Reisz and Scott 2002
Procolophonichnium nopcsai n. sp. Nopcsa 1923
Marchetti et al. 2019
Reptilia - Procolophonidae
Sauropareion anoplus Modesto et al. 2001
Reptilia - Prolacertidae
Prolacerta broomi Parrington 1935
Reptilia - Proterosuchidae
Proterosuchus fergusi Broom 1903
see common names

Country:South Africa State/province:East Cape County:Middelburg
Coordinates: 33.0° South, 20.4° East (view map)
Paleocoordinates:47.7° South, 17.3° West (Wright 2013)
Period: Triassic Epoch: Early Triassic
10 m.y. bin: Triassic 1
Key time interval: Early Triassic
Age range of interval: 251.902 - 247.2 m.y. ago
Formation:Balfour Member:Palingkloof
Lithology and environment
Primary lithology:red argillaceous mudstone
Secondary lithology:green sandstone
Geology comments: represent high-sinuosity channel and floodplain deposits that accumulated under semi-arid climatic conditions
Modes of preservation:body
Size of fossils:macrofossils
Collection methods and comments
Reason for describing collection:general faunal/floral analysis
Database number:188978
Authorizer:M. Uhen, B. Allen Enterer:M. Hudgins, B. Allen
Modifier:M. Hudgins Research group:vertebrate
Created:2017-09-23 13:39:45 Last modified:2025-02-22 15:12:02
Access level:the public Released:2017-09-23 13:39:45
Creative Commons license:CC0
Reference information

Primary reference:

63462. R. Damiani, J. Neveling, S. Modesto and A. Yates. 2003. Barendskraal, a diverse amniote locality from the Lystrosaurus assemblage zone, early Triassic of South Africa. Palaeontologia Africana 39:53-62 [M. Uhen/M. Hudgins/M. Uhen]

Secondary references:

75385% 30000J. W. Cosgriff, W. R. Hammer, and W. J. Ryan. 1982. The Pangaean reptile, Lystrosaurus maccaigi, in the Lower Triassic of Antarctica. Journal of Paleontology 56(2):371-385 [J. Alroy/R. Whatley/R. Whatley]
80933 L. Marchetti, H. Klein, M. Buchwitz, A. Ronchi, R. M. H. Smith, W. J. De Klerk, L. Sciscio and G. H. Groenewald. 2019. Permian-Triassic vertebrate footprints from South Africa: Ichnotaxonomy, producers and biostratigraphy through two major faunal crises. Gondwana Research 72:139-168 [B. Allen/B. Allen]