Bloukrans (Prince Albert District): Capitanian, South Africa

List of taxa
Where & when
Taphonomy & methods
Metadata & references
Taxonomic list
Amphibia - Temnospondyli - Rhinesuchidae
Rhinesuchus whaitsi Broom 1908
Boonstra 1969
Anningia megalops n. gen., n. sp. Broom 1927
Reisz and Dilkes 1992 1 individual
TMP N. 4024 (type)
Tapinocephalus atherstonei Owen 1876
Titanosuchus ferox Owen 1879
Parascapanodon avifontis Boonstra 1955
Boonstra 1969
Dicynodon haughtonianus n. sp. Huene 1931
Huene 1931
GPIT unumbered, well preserved partial skull and lower jaws
Dicynodon jouberti Broom 1905
10 specimens
Dicynodon megalorhinus (Broom 1904)
4 specimens
Therocephalia - Pristerognathidae
Alopecognathus angusticeps Broom 1915
Cynariognathus sp. Broom 1931
Pristerognathoides minor Haughton 1918
Pristerognathoides vanwyki n. sp. (Broom 1925)
Pristerognathoides parvus (Boonstra 1954)
Bradysaurus strubeni
see common names

Country:South Africa State/province:Western Cape County:Prince Albert
Coordinates: 33.0° South, 22.0° East (view map)
Paleocoordinates:53.1° South, 28.6° West (Wright 2013)
Basis of coordinate:based on political unit
Geographic resolution:small collection
Period: Permian Epoch: Guadalupian
Stage: Capitanian 10 m.y. bin: Permian 4
Key time interval: Capitanian Zone:  Tapinocephalus or Pristerognathus Assemblage
Age range of interval: 264.28 - 259.51 m.y. ago
Geological group:Beaufort Formation:Abrahamskraal
Stratigraphic resolution:group of beds
Stratigraphy comments: "This locality is considered to be low in the Beaufort Group (middle of the 'Tapinocephalus zone,' Upper Permian) [...] " (Reisz & Dilkes, 1992). The middle Tapinocephalus Zone corresponds to the transition of the Tapinocephalus and Pristerognathus Assemblage Zones of Rubidge et al. (1995, South African Committee for Stratigraphy, Biostratigraphic Series No. 1).
Both Tapinocephalus and Pristerognathus AZs are Capitanian according to Catuneanu et al. (2005, J. Afr. Earth Sci. 43). Since the locality is west of 24°E it very likely is within the Abrahamskraal Fm. (cf. Catuneanu et al., 2005 figs. 24, 25).
Lithology and environment
Primary lithology: not reported
Environment:terrestrial indet. Tectonic setting:foreland basin
Modes of preservation:body
Size of fossils:macrofossils
Collection methods and comments
Collection excludes:some genera
Collection methods:mechanical,survey of museum collection
Reason for describing collection:taxonomic analysis
Museum repositories:TMP
Collection method comments: Specimen was poorly preserved already but was further badly damaged by serial sectioning using a relatively thick saw blade (Reisz & Dilkes, 1992).
TMP = Transvaal Museum, Pretoria
Taxonomic list comments:Reisz & Dilkes (1992) state that the locality "has yielded, in addition to A. megalops, several therapsids, including Dicynodon, Titanosuchus, Tapinocephalus, and three pristerognathid therocephalians."
Also known as:Bloukrantz, Blaaukranz
Database number:89650
Authorizer:J. Mueller, A. Dunhill, R. Butler Enterer:T. Liebrecht, B. Allen, J. Benito Moreno
Modifier:J. Benito Moreno Research group:vertebrate
Created:2009-06-11 06:31:37 Last modified:2025-02-22 15:12:02
Access level:the public Released:2009-06-11 06:31:37
Creative Commons license:CC0
Reference information

Primary reference:

27216. J. W. Kitching. 1977. The distribution of the Karroo vertebrate fauna. Memoirs of the Bernard Price Institute for Palaeontological Research 1:1-131 [H. Sims/J. Camp]

Secondary references:

67683 L. D. Boonstra. 1969. The fauna of the Tapinocephalus Zone (Beaufort Beds of the Karoo). Annals of the South African Museum 56(1):1-73 [A. Dunhill/B. Allen]
58372 F. v. Huene. 1931. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Fauna der südafrikanischen Karrooformation. Geologische und Palaeontologische Abhandlung 18:157-228 [R. Butler/J. Benito Moreno/J. Benito Moreno]
30066 R. R. Reisz and D. W. Dilkes. 1992. The taxonomic position of Anningia megalops, a small amniote from the Permian of South Africa. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 29(7):1605-1608 [J. Mueller/T. Liebrecht]