Anticosti Island, Southwest Point, Chicotte Formation: Alexandrian, Canada

List of taxa
Where & when
Taphonomy & methods
Metadata & references
Taxonomic list
Anthozoa - Cystiphyllida - Tryplasmatidae
Porpites sp. Schlotheim 1820
Trilobita - Corynexochida - Illaenidae
Stenopareia sp. Holm 1886
Gastropoda - Euomphalina - Platyceratidae
Platyceras sp. Conrad 1840
Cyclonema sp. Hall 1852
Periechocrinites sp.
Pseudospharexochus canadensis
Gastropoda - Bellerophontida - Bucaniidae
Salpingostoma sp. Roemer 1876
Bivalvia - Myalinida - Ambonychiidae
Ambonychia sp. Hall 1847
Rhynchonellata - Spiriferida - Cyrtiidae
Eospirifer radiatus (Sowerby 1834)
Cyrtia myrtea
Rhynchonellata - Pentamerida - Stricklandiidae
Costistricklandia sp. Amsden 1953
Crinoidea - Monobathrida - Eucalyptocrinitidae
Eucalyptocrinites sp. Goldfuss 1831
see common names

Country:Canada State/province:Québec
Coordinates: 49.4° North, 63.6° West (view map)
Paleocoordinates:22.1° South, 87.0° West (Wright 2013)
Basis of coordinate:estimated from map
Geographic resolution:outcrop
Period: Silurian Epoch: Llandovery
10 m.y. bin: Silurian 1
*Period:Early/Lower Silurian *Epoch:Early/Lower Llandoverian - Early/Lower Wenlockian
*Local age/stage:Alexandrian - Niagaran
Key time interval: Alexandrian Zone:  Icriodella inconstans
Age range of interval: 443.8 - 438.7 m.y. ago
* legacy (obsolete) database fields
Geological group:Anticosti Formation:Chicotte
Stratigraphic resolution:formation
Lithology and environment
Primary lithology:gray grainstone
Secondary lithology:gray argillaceous grainstone
Includes fossils?Y
Includes fossils?Y
Lithology description: "[M]assive- to thick-bedded, light grey, coarse, crinoidal grainstone and interbeds of medium-bedded, green-grey, argillaceous crinoidal grainstone that tend to be recessive in the cliff faces and less common toward the top of the section." Locally cross-stratified.
Environment:carbonate indet.
Geology comments: Environmental call by T. Hanson.
Size of fossils:macrofossils
Collection methods and comments
Collection excludes:some macrofossils
Collection methods:field collection
Reason for describing collection:biostratigraphic analysis
Collection method comments: Collection composed almost entirely of encrinite debris but with some brachiopods and rarer corals and stromatoporids.
Database number:24442
Authorizer:S. Holland Enterer:T. Hanson
Modifier:T. Hanson Research group:marine invertebrate
Created:2002-08-07 15:15:07 Last modified:2025-02-22 15:12:02
Access level:the public Released:2002-08-07 15:15:07
Creative Commons license:CC0
Reference information

Primary reference:

6866. C. R. Barnes, A. A. Petryk, and T. E. Bolton. 1981. Anticosti Island, Québec. In P. J. Lespérance (ed.), Field meeting, Anticosti-Gaspé, Québec, 1981: IUGS Subcommssion on Silurian Stratigraphy, Ordovician-Silurian Boundary Working Group Guidebook 1:1-24 [S. Holland/T. Hanson/S. Bruning]