Amandelboom farm: Capitanian, South Africa
collected by RMH Smith 2012

List of taxa
Where & when
Taphonomy & methods
Metadata & references
Taxonomic list
Amphibia - Temnospondyli - Rhinesuchidae
Rhinesuchidae indet. Watson 1919
Rhinesuchus sp. Broom 1908
McHugh 2014
SAM-PK-K6728, partial postcranial skeleton
Pristerodon mackayi Huxley 1868
Endothiodon bathystoma Owen
Diictodon feliceps (Owen 1876)
Numerous articulated skeletons and isolated skull
Anomodontia - Cryptodontidae
? Tropidostoma dubium (Owen 1876)
1 specimen
Gorgonops torvus Owen 1876
Eriphostoma microdon Broom 1911
1 specimen
Pareiasuchus sp. Broom and Haughton 1913
Pareiasaurus sp. Owen 1876
see common names

Country:South Africa State/province:Northern Cape County:Fraserburg
Coordinates: 32.1° South, 22.1° East (view map)
Paleocoordinates:52.8° South, 27.2° West (Wright 2013)
Basis of coordinate:estimated from map
Geographic resolution:local area
Period: Permian Epoch: Guadalupian
Stage: Capitanian 10 m.y. bin: Permian 4
Key time interval: Capitanian Other zone:  Pristerognathus Assemblage
Age range of interval: 264.28 - 259.51 m.y. ago
Age estimate: maximum 260.41 Ma (U/Pb)
Geological group:Beaufort Formation:Teekloof Member:Poortjie
Stratigraphic resolution:group of beds
Stratigraphy comments: lower Teekloof Formation, in the uppermost Poortjie Member.iostratigraphically, this new gorgonopsian specimen occurs in the uppermost Pristerognathus AZ (Smith and Keyser 1995); this suggests that its horizon of provenance is younger than ~260.41 Ma (late Capitanian) based on the age of the Pristerognathus AZ as derived from CA-TIMS U–Pb dates from reworked tuff beds in the Eastern Cape Province
Lithology and environment
Primary lithology:gray siltstone
Includes fossils?Y
Lithology description: dark grey, maroon-mottled, siltstone
Environment:fluvial indet.
Modes of preservation:body
Size of fossils:macrofossils
Collection methods and comments
Collection methods:surface (in situ),field collection
Reason for describing collection:taxonomic analysis
Collectors:RMH Smith Collection dates:November 2012
Collection method comments: SAM: South African Museum, Cape Town
Also known as:Ryers Valley 401
Database number:176246
Authorizer:R. Butler, A. Dunhill Enterer:R. Butler, B. Allen
Modifier:R. Butler
Created:2016-02-03 16:37:40 Last modified:2025-02-22 15:12:02
Access level:database members Released:2017-02-03 16:37:40
Creative Commons license:CC0
Reference information

Primary reference:

57888. C. F. Kammerer, R. M. H. Smith, M. O. Day and B. S. Rubidge. 2015. New information on the morphology and stratigraphic range of the mid‐Permian gorgonopsian Eriphostoma microdon Broom, 1911. Papers in Palaeontology [R. Butler/R. Butler]

Secondary references:

66951 J. B. McHugh. 2014. Paleohistology and histovariability of the Permian stereospondyl Rhinesuchus. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 34(1):59-68 [A. Dunhill/B. Allen]