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Amphibia - Temnospondyli

Batrachia was named by Macartney (1802). It is extant. It was considered monophyletic by Meyer and Zardoya (2003), Anderson et al. (2008).

It was reranked as the order Batrachia by Owen (1842), Mantell (1854), Owen (1859), Owen (1860), Owen (1861); it was reranked as the class Batrachia by Hay (1902); it was synonymized subjectively with Amphibia by Dundee (1989); it was reranked as the unranked clade Batrachia by McGowan and Evans (1995), Gardner (2001), Zardoya and Meyer (2001), Meyer and Zardoya (2003), Anderson et al. (2008), Maddin et al. (2012).

It was assigned to Sauria by Owen (1859); to Reptilia by Owen (1842), Mantell (1854), Owen (1860), Owen (1861); to Vertebrata by Hay (1902); to Dissorophoidea by Anderson et al. (2008); and to Lissamphibia by McGowan and Evans (1995), Gardner (2001), Zardoya and Meyer (2001), Meyer and Zardoya (2003), Maddin et al. (2012).

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1802Batrachia Macartney
1842Batrachia Owen p. 181
1854Batrachia Mantell p. 646
1859Batrachia Owen p. 153
1860Batrachia Owen p. 283
1861Batrachia Owen p. 319
1902Batrachia Hay p. 409
1995Batrachia McGowan and Evans
2001Batrachia Gardner p. 334 fig. 8
2001Batrachia Zardoya and Meyer p. 7380
2003Batrachia Meyer and Zardoya
2008Batrachia Anderson et al. p. 517
2012Batrachia Maddin et al.

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EubilateriaAx 1987
phylumChordataHaeckel 1874
subclassDipnotetrapodomorpha(Nelson 2006)
Batrachia(Macartney 1802)
Batrachia(Macartney 1802)

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

Unr. Batrachia Macartney 1802
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Unr. Caudata Scopoli 1777 [salamander]
G. †Apricosiren Evans and McGowan 2002
Apricosiren ensomi Evans and McGowan 2002
G. †Bishara Nessov 1997
Bishara backa Nessov 1997
G. †Egoria Skutschas et al. 2020
Egoria malashichevi Skutschas et al. 2020
G. †Galverpeton Estes and Sanchíz 1982
Galverpeton ibericum Estes and Sanchíz 1982
G. †Heteroclitotriton De Stefano 1903
Heteroclitotriton zitteli De Stefano 1903
G. †Hylaeobatrachus Dollo 1884
Hylaeobatrachus croyii Dollo 1884
Fm. †Karauridae Ivachnenko 1978
G. †Karaurus Ivachnenko 1978
Karaurus sharovi Ivachnenko 1978
G. †Kokartus Nessov 1988
Kokartus honorarius Nessov 1988
G. †Kulgeriherpeton Skutschas et al. 2018
Kulgeriherpeton ultimus Skutschas et al. 2018
G. †Marmorerpeton Evans et al. 1988
Marmorerpeton freemani Evans et al. 1988
Marmorerpeton kermacki Evans et al. 1988
Marmorerpeton wakei Jones et al. 2022
Unr. †Pancryptobrancha Vasilyan et al. 2013
G. †Ukrainurus Vasilyan et al. 2013
Ukrainurus hypsognathus Vasilyan et al. 2013
Subor. †Prosirenoidea Estes 1981
Fm. †Prosirenidae Estes 1969
G. †Prosiren Goin and Auffenberg 1958
Prosiren elinorae Goin and Auffenberg 1958
Or. †Proteida
Fm. †Batrachosauroididae Auffenberg 1958
G. †Batrachosauroides Taylor and Hesse 1943
Batrachosauroides dissimulans Taylor and Hesse 1943
G. †Opisthotriton Auffenberg 1961
Opisthotriton gidleyi Sullivan 1991
Opisthotriton kayi Auffenberg 1961
G. †Palaeoproteus Herre 1935
Palaeoproteus gallicus Estes et al. 1967
Palaeoproteus klatti Herre 1935
G. †Parrisia Denton, Jr. and O'Neill 1998
Parrisia neocesariensis Denton, Jr. and O'Neill 1998
G. †Peratosauroides Naylor 1981
G. †Prodesmodon Estes 1964
Prodesmodon copei Estes 1964
Invalid names: Cuttysarkus mcnallyi Estes 1964 [synonym]
Invalid names: Cuttysarkus Estes 1964 [synonym]
G. †Ramonellus Nevo and Estes 1969
Ramonellus longispinus Nevo and Estes 1969
Fm. †Triassuridae Ivakhnenko 1978
G. †Triassurus Ivakhnenko 1978
Triassurus sixtelae Ivakhnenko 1978
Fm. Urodela Duméril 1805 [salamander]
Subor. †Ambystomatoidea
Fm. Ambystomatidae Hallowell 1856 [mole salamander]
G. Amblystoma Tschudi 1838 [mole salamander]
G. †Amphitriton Rogers 1976
G. †Plioambystoma Adams and Martin 1929
Fm. Dicamptodontidae Tihen 1958 [giant salamander]
G. Dicamptodon Strauch 1870 [Pacific giant salamander]
Subfm. †Dicamptodontinae Tihen 1958
Invalid names: Rhyacotritoninae Tihen 1958 [empty]
Fm. †Scapherpetontidae Auffenberg and Goin 1959
G. †Lisserpeton Estes 1965
G. †Piceoerpeton Meszoely 1967
G. †Scapherpeton Cope 1876
Fm. Amphiumidae Gray 1825
G. Amphiuma Garden 1821 [amphiuma]
Amphiuma jepseni Estes 1969
Amphiuma means Garden 1821 [two-toed amphiuma]
Amphiuma pholeter Neill 1964 [one-toed amphiuma]
Amphiuma tridactylum Cuvier 1827 [three-toed amphiuma]
Invalid names: Amphiuma antica Holman 1977 [nomen dubium]
G. Muraenopsis Fitzinger
G. †Paleoamphiuma Rieppel and Grande 1998
Paleoamphiuma tetradactylum Rieppel and Grande 1998
G. †Proamphiuma Estes 1969
Proamphiuma cretacea Estes 1969
G. †Chunerpeton Gao and Shubin 2003
Chunerpeton tianyiensis Gao and Shubin 2003
Fm. Cryptobranchidae Cope 1889 [hellbender]
G. Andrias Tschudi 1837 [giant salamander]
Invalid names: Megalobatrachus Tschudi 1837 [synonym]
Subfm. †Aviturinae Gubin 1991
G. Cryptobranchus Leuckart 1821 [hellbender]
Invalid names: Plicagnathus Cook 1917 [synonym], Sieboldia Blanchard 1871 [synonym]
G. †Eoscapherpeton Nessov 1981
Invalid names: Mynbulakia Nessov 1981 [synonym]
G. †Linglongtriton Jia and Gao 2019
Linglongtriton daxishanensis Jia and Gao 2019
G. †Nuominerpeton Jia and Gao 2016
Nuominerpeton aquilonaris Jia and Gao 2016
G. †Hemitrypus Cope 1876
Fm. Hynobiidae Cope 1866
G. Batrachuperus Boulenger 1878 [Mountain salamanders]
Batrachuperus mustersi Smith 1940 [Paghman mountain salamander]
G. Hynobius Tschudi 1838 [Asian salamanders]
Hynobius boulengeri Thompson 1912 [Boulengers oriental salamander]
Hynobius formosanus Maki 1922 [Taiwan salamander]
Hynobius leechii Boulenger 1887 [Gensan salamander]
Hynobius naevius Temminck and Schlegel 1838 [Sagami salamander]
Hynobius nebulosus Temminck and Schlegel 1838 [Mitsjama salamander]
Hynobius retardatus Dunn 1923 [Noboribetsu salamander]
G. Liua Zhao and Hu 1983 [Sichuan salamanders]
Liua shihi Liu 1950 [Sichuan salamander]
G. Onychodactylus Tschudi 1838 [Clawed salamanders]
Onychodactylus fischeri Boulenger 1886 [Fischer's clawed salamander]
Onychodactylus japonicus Houttuyn 1782 [Japanese clawed salamander]
G. †Parahynobius Venczel 1999
G. Ranodon Kessler 1866 [Siberian salamanders]
Ranodon tsinpaensis Liu and Hu 1966 [Shaanxi salamander]
G. †Iridotriton Evans et al. 2005
Iridotriton hechti Evans et al. 2005
G. †Kiyatriton Averianov and Voronkevich 2002
Kiyatriton krasnolutskii Skutchas 2016
Kiyatriton leshchinskiyi Averianov and Voronkevich 2002
G. †Laccotriton Gao et al. 1998
Laccotriton subsolanus Gao et al. 1998
G. †Liaoxitriton Dong and Wang 1998
Liaoxitriton zhongjiani Dong and Wang 1998
Fm. Menopomidae Cope 1875
G. Menopoma Harlan
G. †Nesovtriton Skutschas 2009
Nesovtriton mynbulakensis Skutschas 2009
G. †Nezpercius Blob et al. 2001
Nezpercius dodsoni Blob et al. 2001
Fm. Plethodontidae Gray 1850 [lungless salamander]
G. Aneides Baird 1849
Aneides lugubris Baird 1849 [Arboreal salamander]
G. Batrachoseps Bonaparte 1839
Batrachoseps attenuatus Escholtz 1833 [California slender salamander]
Batrachoseps relictus Brame and Murray 1968 [Relictual slender salamander]
Subfm. †Desmognathinae Gray 1850
G. Desmognathus Baird 1850
G. †Eurycea
G. Gyrinophilus Cope 1869
G. Hemidactylium Tschudi
G. Manculus Cope 1869
G. †Palaeoplethodon Poinar and Wake 2015
Palaeoplethodon hispaniolae Poinar and Wake 2015
G. Plethodon Tschudi 1838 [woodland salamander]
Plethodon cinereus Green 1818 [Redback salamander]
Plethodon glutinosus Green 1818 [northern slimy salamander]
G. Pseudotriton Tschudi 1838
G. Spelerpes Rafinesque 1832
G. Stereochilus Cope 1869
Fm. Pleurodelidae Gray 1850
G. Diemyctylus Rafinesque 1820
G. †Polysemia Meyer 1860
Fm. Proteidae Hogg 1838 [mudpuppy]
G. †Euronecturus Macaluso et al. 2021
Euronecturus grogu Macaluso et al. 2021
G. †Mioproteus Estes and Darevsky 1978
Mioproteus caucasicus Estes and Darevsky 1978
Mioproteus gardneri Venczel and Codrea 2019
G. Necturus Rafinesque
Necturus alabamensis Viosca 1937 [Alabama waterdog]
Necturus beyeri Viosca 1937 [Gulf Coast waterdog]
Necturus krausei Naylor 1978
Necturus lewisi Brimley 1934 [Neuse River wtaerdog]
Necturus maculosus Rafinesque 1818 [mudpuppy]
Necturus punctatus Gibbes 1850 [Dwarf waterdog]
G. †Orthophyia von Meyer 1845
Orthophyia longa Meyer 1845
G. †Paranecturus DeMar, Jr. 2013
Paranecturus garbanii DeMar, Jr. 2013
G. Proteus Laurenti 1768 [Old World blind cave salamander]
Proteus anguinus Laurenti 1768 [olm]
Proteus bavaricus Brunner 1956
Fm. Rhyacotritonidae Tihen 1958 [torrent salamander]
G. Rhyacotriton Dunn 1920 [torrent salamander]
Rhyacotriton olympicus Gaige 1917 [Olympic torrent salamander]
G. Salamandra Laurenti 1768
Salamandra goussardiana Lartet 1851
Salamandra lanzai Nascetti et al. 1988 [Lanzas fire salamander]
Salamandra mimula Brunner 1957
Salamandra opaca Gravenhorst 1807
Salamandra salamandra Linnaeus 1758 [Fire salamander]
Salamandra sansaniensis Lartet 1851
Fm. Salamandridae Gray 1825 [newt]
G. †Archaeotriton von Meyer 1860
G. †Brachycormus von Meyer 1860
Brachycormus noachius Goldfuss 1831
G. †Carpathotriton Venczel 2008
G. †Chelotriton Pomel 1853
Chelotriton ogygius Goldfuss 1831
Chelotriton paradoxus Pomel 1853
Chelotriton robustus Westphal 1979
G. Chioglossa Bocage 1868
Chioglossa lusitanica Bocage 1864 [Gold-striped salamander]
Chioglossa meini Estes and Hoffstetter 1976
G. Euproctus Gené 1838 [European brook salamander]
Euproctus rusconii Gene 1838 [Sardinian brook salamander]
G. Ichthyosaura Sonnini de Manoncourt and Latreille 1801
G. †Koaliella Herre 1950
G. †Koalliella Herre 1950
Koalliella genzeli Herre 1950
G. Lissotriton Bell 1839
G. †Megalotriton Zittel 1890
Megalotriton filholi Zittel 1890
Megalotriton portisi De Stefano 1903
G. Mertensiella Wolterstorff 1925 [Caucasian salamander]
Mertensiella caucasica Waga 1876 [Caucasian salamander]
Mertensiella luschani Steindachner 1891 [Luschans salamander]
G. Notophthalmus Rafinesque 1820
Notophthalmus crassus Tihen 1974
Notophthalmus robustus Estes 1963
Notophthalmus slaughteri Holman 1966
Notophthalmus viridescens Rafinesque 1820 [Eastern newt]
G. †Oligosemia Longinos Navás 1922
Oligosemia spinosa Longinos Navás 1922
G. Ommatotriton Owen 1850
G. †Palaeopleurodeles Herre 1941
G. †Phosphotriton Tissier et al. 2016
Phosphotriton sigei Tissier et al. 2016
G. Pleurodeles Michahelles 1830
Pleurodeles waltl Michahelles 1830 [Iberian ribbed newt]
G. †Procynops Young 1965
Procynops miocenicus Young 1965
G. Salamandrina Fitzinger 1826 [spectacled salamander]
Salamandrina perspicillata Savi 1821 [Northern spectacled salamander]
Salamandrina terdigitata Lacepede 1788 [Southern spectacled salamander]
G. Taricha Gray 1850 [Roughskin newts]
Subg. †Taricha (Palaeotaricha) van Frank 1955
Taricha granulosa Skilton 1849 [Roughskin newt]
Taricha lindoei Naylor 1979
Taricha miocenica Tihen 1974
Taricha oligocenica van Frank 1955
Taricha torosa Rathke 1833 [California newt]
G. Triturus Rafinesque 1815
Triturus cristatus Fitzinger 1843
Invalid names: Triton cristatus Laurenti 1768 [replaced]
Triturus lacasianum Lartet 1851
Triturus marmoratus Latreille 1800 [marbled newt]
Triturus minimus Giebel 1847
Triturus montandoni Boulenger 1880
Triturus opalinus Meyer 1851
Triturus roehrsi Herre 1955
Triturus sansaniense Lartet 1851
Triturus schnaitheimi Herre and Lunau 1950
Triturus vulgaris Linnaeus 1758 [smooth newt]
Triturus wintershofi Lunau 1950
Invalid names: Triton Laurenti 1768 [replaced]
G. Tylototriton Anderson 1871 [crocodile salamander]
Tylototriton kweichowensis Fang and Chang 1932 [Kweichow crocodile newt]
Tylototriton taliangensis Liu 1950 [Pusakang crocodile newt]
Tylototriton verrucosus Anderson 1871 [Himalayan newt]
Tylototriton weigelti Herre 1935
Subor. Salamandroidea Noble 1931
G. †Balveherpeton Skutschas et al. 2020
Balveherpeton hoennetalensis Skutschas et al. 2020
G. †Beiyanerpeton Gao and Shubin 2012
Beiyanerpeton jianpingensis Gao and Shubin 2012
G. †Jeholotriton Wang 2000
G. †Nasopus Marsh 1894
G. †Pangerpeton Wang and Evans 2006
Pangerpeton sinensis Wang and Evans 2006
G. †Qinglongtriton Jia and Gao 2016
Qinglongtriton gangouensis Jia and Gao 2016
G. †Regalerpeton Zhang et al. 2009
Regalerpeton weichangensis Zhang et al. 2009
Invalid names: Necturidae Fitzinger 1843 [empty]
G. †Seminobatrachus Skutschas and Gubin 2012
Seminobatrachus boltyschkensis Skutschas and Gubin 2012
G. †Sinerpeton Gao and Shubin 2001
Sinerpeton fengshanensis Gao and Shubin 2001
Fm. Sirenidae Gray 1825 [siren]
G. †Adelphesiren Goin and Auffenberg 1958
G. †Habrosaurus Gilmore 1928
Habrosaurus dilatus Gilmore 1928
Invalid names: Adelphesiren olivae Goin and Auffenberg 1958 [synonym]
Habrosaurus prodilatus Gardner 2003
G. †Kababisha Evans et al. 1996
Kababisha humarensis Evans et al. 1996
Kababisha sudanensis Evans et al. 1996
G. †Noterpeton Rage et al. 1993
Noterpeton bolivianum Rage et al. 1993
G. Pseudobranchus Gray 1825 [dwarf siren]
Pseudobranchus robustus Goin and Auffenberg 1955 [dwarf siren]
Pseudobranchus striatus Le Conte 1824 [Northern dwarf siren]
Pseudobranchus vetustus Goin and Auffenberg 1955 [dwarf siren]
G. Siren Linnaeus 1766 [siren]
Siren dunni Goin and Auffenberg 1957
Siren hesterna Goin and Auffenberg 1955 [siren]
Siren lacertina Linnaeus 1766 [greater siren]
Siren miotexana Holman 1977
Siren simpsoni Goin and Auffenberg 1955 [Simpson's siren]
G. †Valdotriton Evans and Milner 1996 [Wealden newt]
Valdotriton gracilis Evans and Milner 1996
Invalid names: Meantes Linnaeus 1766 [empty], Neocaudata Cannatella and Hillis 1993 [invalid subgroup], Thoriidae Cope 1869 [empty]
G. †Urupia Skutschas and Krasnolutskii 2011
Urupia monstrosa Skutschas and Krasnolutskii 2011
Invalid names: Amphiumoidea [empty], Comonecturoides Hecht and Estes 1960 [nomen dubium], Comonecturoides marshi Hecht and Estes 1960 [nomen dubium], Karauroidea Estes 1981 [empty], Noterpetontidae Rage et al. 1993 [empty], Plethodontoidea [empty]
Or. Salientia Laurenti 1768 [frogs and relatives]
Or. Anura Fischer von Waldheim 1813 [frog]
Unr. †Acosmanura Savage 1973
G. Hadromophryne Hewitt 1913
G. Lithobates Fitzinger 1843
G. Phrynobatrachus Günther 1862
G. Platyplectrum Günther 1863
Platyplectrum marmoratum Günther 1863 [Ornate burrowing frog]
G. Pristimantis Espada 1870
Fm. Alytidae Fitzinger 1843 [midwife toads]
G. †Paralatonia Venczel and Csiki 2003
Paralatonia transylvanica Venczel and Csiki 2003
Invalid names: Discoglossinae Günther 1859 [empty]
G. †Bissektia Nessov 1981
Bissektia nana Nessov 1981
Invalid names: Batrachophrynidae Cope 1875 [empty]
Unr. †Costata Lataste 1879
G. †Iberobatrachus Baez 2013
Fm. Discoglossidae Günther 1859 [painted frog]
G. †Altanulia Gubin 1993
Altanulia alifanovi Gubin 1993
G. Alytes Wagler 1829 [midwife toad]
Alytes dickhilleni Arntzen and Garcia Paris 1995
Alytes muletensis Sanchiz and Adrover 1979
Alytes obstetricans Laurenti 1768 [midwife frog]
Invalid names: Baleaphryne Sanchiz and Adrover 1979 [synonym]
G. †Aralobatrachus Nessov 1981
Aralobatrachus robustus Nessov 1981
G. †Bakonybatrachus Szentesi and Venczel 2012
Bakonybatrachus fedori Szentesi and Venczel 2012
G. Barbourula Taylor and Noble 1924 [jungle toad]
G. Discoglossus Otth 1837 [painted frog]
Discoglossus galganoi Capula et al. 1985
Discoglossus nigriventer Mendelssohn and Steinitz 1943
Discoglossus pictus Otth 1837 [Painted frog]
Discoglossus sardus Tschudi 1837 [Sardinia painted frog]
G. †Enneabatrachus Evans and Milner 1993
Enneabatrachus hechti Evans and Milner 1993
G. †Eodiscoglossus Villalta 1957
Eodiscoglossus oxoniensis Evans et al. 1990
Eodiscoglossus santonjae Villalta 1957
G. †Estesina Ročec and Nessov 1993
Estesina elegans Ročec and Nessov 1993
G. †Itemirella Nessov 1981
Itemirella cretacea Nessov 1981
G. †Kizylkuma Nessov 1981
Kizylkuma antiqua Nessov 1981
G. †Latonia von Meyer 1843
Latonia gigantea Lartet 1851
Invalid names: Latonia feifari Hodrová 1987 [synonym], Rana batthyanyi Bolkay 1913 [synonym], Rana sansaniensis Lartet 1851 [synonym]
Latonia ragei Hossini 1993
Latonia seyfriedi von Meyer 1843
G. Pelophilus Tschudi 1838
G. †Procerobatrachus Ročec and Nessov 1993
Procerobatrachus paulus Ročec and Nessov 1993
G. †Prodiscoglossus Friant 1944
G. †Saevesoederberghia Ročec and Nessov 1993
Saevesoederberghia egredia Ročec and Nessov 1993
G. †Zaphrissa Cope 1866
Zaphrissa eurypelis Cope 1866
Subor. Discoglossoidea Sokol 1977
Fm. Bombinatoridae Gray 1825
G. Bombina Oken 1816 [fire-bellied toad]
G. †Eobarbourula Folie et al. 2013
G. †Hatzegobatrachus Venczel and Csiki 2003
G. †Electrorana Xing et al. 2018
Electrorana limoae Xing et al. 2018
Fm. †Eleutherodactylidae Lutz 1954
G. Eleutherodactylus Duméril and Bibron 1841
Unr. Eoanura Piveteau 1937
Subor. Amphicoela
Invalid names: Liopelmidae Noble 1924 [empty]
Subor. †Anomocoela Nichols 1916
G. †Aerugoamnis Henrici et al. 2013
Subor. †Diplasiocoela Nichols 1916
Invalid names: Brevicipitidae Bonaparte 1850 [empty]
Subor. Procoela
Invalid names: Brachycephalidae Reinhardt and Lütken 1862 [empty]
Invalid names: Opisthocoela [empty]
G. †Gansubatrachus Zhang et al. 2023
Gansubatrachus qilianensis Zhang et al. 2023
Subor. Gastrechmia Cope 1867
Invalid names: Hemisidae Cope 1867 [empty]
G. †Genibatrachus Gao and Chen 2017
Genibatrachus baoshanensis Gao and Chen 2017
Fm. †Gobiatidae Ročec and Nessov 1993
G. †Cretasalia Gubin 1999
Cretasalia tsybini Gubin 1999
G. †Gobiates Spinar and Tatarinov 1986
Gobiates asiaticus Ročec and Nessov 1993
Gobiates bogatchovi Ročec and Nessov 1993
Gobiates dzhyrakudukensis Ročec and Nessov 1993
Gobiates fritschi Ročec and Nessov 1993
Gobiates furcatus Ročec and Nessov 1993
Gobiates khermeentsavi Spinar and Tatarinov 1986
Gobiates kizylkumensis Ročec and Nessov 1993
Gobiates leptocolaptus Borsuk-Bialynicka 1978
Gobiates sosedkoi Nessov 1981
Gobiates spinari Ročec and Nessov 1993
Gobiates tatarinovi Ročec and Nessov 1993
G. †Gobiatoides Ročec and Nessov 1993
Gobiatoides parvus Ročec and Nessov 1993
G. †Hensonbatrachus Gardner and Brinkman 2015
Hensonbatrachus kermiti Gardner and Brinkman 2015
Fm. Leiopelmatidae Mivart 1869
G. Ascaphus Stjenjeger 1899 [tailed frog]
Ascaphus truei Stejneger 1899 [Tailed frog]
G. Leiopelma Fitzinger 1861
Leiopelma acricarina Worthy et al. 2013
Leiopelma auroraensis Worthy 1987
Leiopelma hamiltoni McCulloch 1919 [Hamiltons frog]
Leiopelma hochstetteri Fitzinger 1861 [Hochstetters New Zealand frog]
Leiopelma markhami Worthy 1987
Leiopelma miocaenale Worthy et al. 2013
Leiopelma waitomoensis Worthy 1987
Invalid names: Ascaphidae Fejérváry 1923 [synonym], Leiopelmatinae Mivart 1869 [empty]
Unr. Neobatrachia Reig 1958
G. †Arariphrynus Leal and Brito 2006
Arariphrynus placidoi Leal and Brito 2006
Unr. †Australobatrachia Frost and Grant 2006
Fm. †Calyptocephalellidae Reig 1960
Fm. Bufonidae Gray 1825 [toad]
G. Anaxyrus Tschudi 1845
G. Bufo Laurenti 1768
G. Bufotes Rafinesque 1815
G. Epidalea Cope 1864 [Natterjack toad]
G. Peltophryne Fitzinger 1843
G. Rhinella Fitzinger 1826
Fm. †Ceratophryidae Evans et al. 2014
G. †Uberabatrachus Báez et al. 2012
G. †Wawelia Casamiquela 1963
Fm. †Ceratophrynidae Tschudi 1838
G. Ceratophrys Wied 1824 [South American horned frog]
G. Chacophrys Reig and Limeses 1963 [escuercito]
G. Lepidobatrachus Budgett 1899 [Budgett's frog]
G. †Cratia Baez et al. 2009
Cratia gracilis Baez et al. 2009
G. †Eurycephalella Baez et al. 2009
Eurycephalella alcinae Baez et al. 2009
G. †Hungarobatrachus Szentesi and Venczel 2010
Hungarobatrachus szukacsi Szentesi and Venczel 2010
Superfm. Hyloidea Ford and Cannatella 1993
G. †Beelzebufo Evans et al. 2008
Fm. Hylidae Rafinesque 1815 [tree frog]
Fm. Leptodactylidae Stirton 1953
Fm. Myobatrachidae Schlegel 1850 [Australian froglet]
G. †Mariliabatrachus Santos et al. 2023
Mariliabatrachus navai Santos et al. 2023
G. †Primaevorana Moura et al. 2021
Primaevorana cratensis Moura et al. 2021
Superfm. Ranoidea Rafinesque 1814
Fm. Mantellidae Laurent 1946
Fm. Microhylidae Günther 1858
Fm. Ranidae Rafinesque 1814
Fm. Rhacophoridae Hoffman 1932 [moss frog]
Invalid names: Ptychadenidae Dubois 1987 [empty]
Fm. Telmatobiidae Fitzinger 1843 [water frog]
G. Telmatobius Wiegmann 1834
Invalid names: Heleophrynidae Noble 1931 [empty], Sooglossidae Noble 1931 [empty]
G. †Neusibatrachus Seiffert 1972
Neusibatrachus wilferti Seiffert 1972
Subor. Odontaglossa Cope 1875
Invalid names: Dactylethridae Günther 1858 [empty]
Fm. Odontophrynidae Pyron and Wiens 2011
G. Odontophrynus Reinhardt and Lutken 1862
Odontophrynus americanus Dumeril and Bibron 1841
Odontophrynus cordobae Martino and Sinsch 2002
G. †Opisthocoelellus Kuhn 1941
Invalid names: Opisthocoelellus weigelti Kuhn 1941 [nomen dubium]
G. †Paradiscoglossus Estes and Sanchíz 1982
Paradiscoglossus americanus Estes and Sanchíz 1982
Superfm. Pelobatoidea Laurent 1979
Fm. Megophryidae Nobel 1931
G. Scutiger Theobald 1868
Fm. Pelobatidae Lataste 1879 [spadefoot toad]
G. †Elkobatrachus Henrici and Haynes 2006
G. †Enigmatosaurus Nopcsa 1926
G. †Eopelobates Parker 1929
G. Leptobrachium Tschudi 1838 [Eastern spadefoot toad]
G. †Macropelobates Noble 1924
G. †Miopelobates Wettstein-Westersheimb 1955
G. Pelobates Wagler 1830 [spadefoot toad]
G. Scaphiopus Holbrook 1836 [spadefoot toad]
G. Spea Cope 1866
Invalid names: Neoscaphiopus Taylor 1942 [synonym]
G. Uldzinia Gubin 1996
Invalid names: Pelobatinae Bonaparte 1850 [empty]
Fm. Pelodytidae Cope 1866 [parsley frog]
G. †Miopelodytes Taylor 1941
G. Pelodytes Fitzinger 1838 [parsley frog]
G. †Tephrodytes Henrici 1994
G. †Prospea Chen et al. 2016
Subor. Phaneroglossa Wagler
Unr. Arcifera Cope 1865
Fm. Cystignathidae Cope 1865
Invalid names: Amphignathodontidae Boulenger 1882 [empty], Asterophrydidae Copee 1866 [empty], Dendrophryniscidae Jiménez de la Espada 1870 [empty]
Unr. Firmisternia Cope 1875
Fm. Engystomatidae Cope 1867
Invalid names: Dendrobatidae Cope 1865 [empty], Dyscophidae Boulenger 1882 [empty], Phryniscidae Cope 1867 [empty]
Superfm. Pipoidea Fitzinger 1843
Unr. Panpipidae Aranciaga Rolando et al. 2019
Unr. †Shelaniinae Aranciaga Rolando et al. 2019
Fm. Rhinophrynidae [burrowing toad]
G. †Chelomophrynus Henrici 1991
G. †Eorhinophrynus Hecht 1959
G. †Rhadinosteus Henrici 1998
G. Rhinophrynus Dumeril and Bibron 1841 [burrowing toad]
Invalid names: Aglossa Cope 1875 [invalid subgroup]
Subor. †Proanura Romer 1945
Fm. †Triadobatrachidae Kuhn 1962
Invalid names: Protobatrachidae Romer 1945 [replaced]
Subor. Raniformia Cope 1865
Invalid names: Colostethidae Cope 1866 [empty]
G. †Scotiophryne Estes 1969
Scotiophryne pustulosa Estes 1969
G. †Sunnybatrachus Evans and McGowan 2002
Sunnybatrachus purbeckensis Evans and McGowan 2002
G. †Thaumastosaurus De Stefano 1903
Thaumastosaurus bottii De Stefano 1903
Thaumastosaurus gezei Rage and Rocek 2007
Invalid names: Rana cadurcorum Martin et al. 2012 [synonym], Rana plicata Filhol 1876 [synonym]
Thaumastosaurus wardi Holman and Harrison 2002
G. †Theatonius Fox 1976
Fm. †Tregobatrachidae Holman 1975
G. †Tregobatrachus Holman 1975
G. †Tyrrellbatrachus Gardner 2015
G. †Varibatrachus Parmley et al. 2015
Varibatrachus abraczinskasae Parmley et al. 2015
G. †Vieraella Reig 1961
Vieraella herbstii Reig 1961
G. †Wealdenbatrachus Fey 1988
Unr. Xenoanura Savage 1973
Unr. Pipimorpha Ford and Cannatella 1993
G. †Avitabatrachus Báez et al. 2000
G. †Cordicephalus Nevo 1968
G. †Cratopipa Carvalho et al. 2019
G. †Gracilibatrachus Baez 2013
Fm. †Palaeobatrachidae Cope 1865
Fm. Pipidae Gray 1825 [clawed frog]
Unr. †Pipinomorpha Báez and Pugener 2003
G. †Thoraciliacus Nevo 1968
Invalid names: Allophyrnidae Frank and Ramus 1996 [empty], Archaeobatrachia Reig 1958 [invalid subgroup], Arthroleptidae Frank and Ramus 1996 [empty], Centrolenidae Frank and Ramus 1996 [empty], Comobatrachus Hecht and Estes 1960 [nomen dubium], Comobatrachus aenigmatis Hecht and Estes 1960 [nomen dubium], Diacium unipedalis Cope 1873 [nomen dubium], Ecaudata Scopoli 1777 [synonym], Eobatrachus Marsh 1887 [nomen dubium], Eobatrachus agilis Marsh 1887 [nomen dubium], Epicria Fitzinger 1843 [empty], Hemisotidae Frank and Ramus 1996 [empty], Hyperoliidae Frank and Ramus 1996 [empty], Jeholobatrachus Endo 1940 [nomen nudum], Lalagobatrachia Frost and Grant 2006 [empty], Liaobatrachus Ji and Ji 1998 [nomen dubium], Mesobatrachia Laurent 1979 [invalid subgroup], Montsechobatrachus Fejervary 1921 [nomen dubium], Montsechobatrachus gaudryi Vidal 1902 [nomen dubium], Opisthocoela Owen 1859 [empty], Palaeobatrachoidea Bolkay 1919 [empty], Pseudidae Frank and Ramus 1996 [empty], Rhinodermatidae Frank and Ramus 1996 [empty], Scaphiophryninae Frank and Ramus 1996 [empty], Vieraellidae Reig 1961 [invalid subgroup]
G. †Czatkobatrachus Evans and Borsuk-Bialynicka 1998
Czatkobatrachus polonicus Evans and Borsuk-Bialynicka 1998
G. Lutetiobatrachus Wuitke 1988
G. †Notobatrachus Reig 1956 [frog]
Notobatrachus reigi Báez and Nicoli 2008
G. †Ostrombatrachos Oreska et al. 2024
Ostrombatrachos nodos Oreska et al. 2024
G. †Triadobatrachus Kuhn 1962
Triadobatrachus massinoti Piveteau 1804
Invalid names: Protobatrachus triassicus Kuhn 1938 [objective synonym]
Invalid names: Protobatrachus Piveteau 1936 [replaced]
Invalid names: Notobatrachidae Reig 1956 [invalid subgroup]
Invalid names: Gymnophidia Cope 1869 [empty], Trachystomata [empty]
R. Owen 1860Vertebrae biconcave (Siren), proccelian (Rana) or opisthocoelian (Pipa) : pleurapophyses short, straight. Two occipital condyles ; two vomerine bones, in most dentigerous : no scales or scutes. Larvae with gills, in most deciduous.
R. Owen 1861Vertebrae biconcave (Siren), procoelian (Rana), or opisthocoelian (Pipa): pleurapophyses short, straight. Two occipital condyles and two vomerine bones, in most dentigerous: no scales or scutes. Larvae with gills, in most deciduous.
No measurements are available
Composition: phosphaticsubp
Environment: brackish, freshwater, terrestrialuc
Locomotion: actively mobilesubo
Life habit: amphibioussubo
Diet: carnivoresubo
Dispersal: waterc
Created: 2009-07-20 21:44:54
Modified: 2009-07-20 23:44:54
Source: subo = suborder, c = class, subp = subphylum, uc = unranked clade
References: Hendy et al. 2009, Uhen 2004, Carroll 1988

Age range

Maximum range based only on fossils: base of the Olenekian to the top of the Holocene or 251.20000 to 0.00000 Ma
Minimum age of oldest fossil (stem group age): 247.2 Ma

Collections (1529 total)

Oldest occurrences

Time interval Ma Country or state Original ID and collection number
Induan - Smithian252.17 - 247.2Madagascar (Diana) Protobatrachus massinoti (92079)
Olenekian251.2 - 247.2Poland (Malopolskie) Czatkobatrachus polonicus (38528)
Ladinian - Carnian242.0 - 228.0Kyrgyzstan (Batken) Triassurus sixtelae (115162)
Carnian237.0 - 228.0India (Madhya Pradesh) Eodiscoglossus sp. (207798)
Late/Upper Triassic237.0 - 201.4USA (Virginia) Batrachia indet. (192421)
Norian228.0 - 208.5USA (Arizona) Salientia indet. (39160 196662)
Sinemurian - Pliensbachian199.3 - 182.7USA (Arizona) Urodela indet., Prosalirus bitis, Anura indet. (27716)
Toarcian - Aalenian182.7 - 170.3Argentina (Santa Cruz) Vieraella herbstii (29393)
Toarcian - Aalenian182.7 - 170.3Argentina (Chubut) Notobatrachus reigi (211359)
Toarcian - Aalenian182.7 - 170.3India (Andhra Pradesh) Pelobatidae indet., Sirenidae indet. (39673)
Middle Toarcian - Late/Upper Toarcian182.0 - 175.6Argentina (Chubut) Notobatrachus reigi (67434)
Late/Upper Toarcian - Early/Lower Bajocian180.1 - 168.4Argentina (Chubut) Notobatrachus reigi (92115)
Middle Jurassic174.7 - 161.5Russian Federation (Orenburg) Caudata indet., Karauridae indet. (141590)
Bathonian168.3 - 166.1Argentina (Santa Cruz) Notobatrachus degiustoi (13348 79725 92112)
Bathonian168.3 - 166.1Madagascar (Mahajunga) Urodela indet. (194795 194860 194861)
Bathonian168.3 - 166.1United Kingdom (Scotland) Caudata indet., Marmorerpeton wakei, Marmorerpeton kermacki (139746)
Bathonian168.3 - 166.1Morocco (Figuig) Caudata indet. (176120)
Bathonian168.3 - 166.1Russian Federation (Krasnoyarsk) Caudata indet. A, Karauridae indet., Urupia monstrosa, Egoria malashichevi, Kiyatriton krasnolutskii, Eodiscoglossus sp., Caudata indet. (61891)
Bathonian - Callovian168.3 - 163.5Kyrgyzstan (Jalal-Abad) Anura indet. (138960)
Early/Lower Bathonian167.7 - 164.7France (Midi-Pyrénées) Anura indet. (61377)