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Palaeictops altimontis
Palaeictops altimontis was named by Velazco and Novacek (2016). Its type specimen is AMNH 96250, a skull, and it is a 3D body fossil. Its type locality is East Fork Basin, which is in an Uintan terrestrial horizon in the Tepee Trail Formation of Wyoming.
Synonymy list
Year | Name and author |
2016 | Palaeictops altimontis Velazco and Novacek p. 19 |
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†Palaeictops altimontis Velazco and Novacek 2016
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Reference | Diagnosis | |
P. M. Velazco and M. J. Novacek 2016 | Like Palaeictops bridgeri in having p5 with open prefossid and shortened talonid, but di ers in smaller size, in lacking an anterior accessory cuspule at labial base of paraconid; p5 metaconid aligned less obliquely relatively to protoconid; more anteroposteriorly compressed trigonid on m2; and less transverse M2 with a deeper ecto exus. Di ers from P. bicuspis, P. mul- ticuspis, and P. matthewi in having smaller, more anteriorly separated paraconid on p5 and lower trigonids on m1–3. Skull like P. bicuspis but unlike Leptictis in having single sagittal crest ( g. 13A). Skull like Leptictis but unlike P. bicuspis in having posteriorly narrow nasal elements. Basi- cranium di ers from Leptictis (cf. g. 14 and Novacek, 1986: g. 22) in having: (1) a postglenoid foramen positioned more laterally and farther from the anteroexternal edge of the tympanic cavity; (2) a more transversely ared basioccipital that overlaps ventrally the promontorium of the petrosal; (3) shallower grooves on the promontorium for the promontory and stapedial branches of the internal carotid artery; (4) a posterior lacerate foramen only slightly larger than the stapedius fossa (much larger and more oval than stapedius fossa in Leptictis); (5) a cochlear fossula with a more expanded, dorsal rim; (6) a narrower bridge of the mastoid tubercle of the petrosal extending from ventral rim of the cochlear fossula between the stylomastoid foramen and stapedius fossa; (7) a paraoccipital process that is less extensive, so that the distance is shorter between stylomastoid foramen and posterior margin of basicranium; and (8) a shallower groove on paraoccipital process for the digastric muscle. |
No measurements are available
Source: f = family, subc = subclass, c = class, subp = subphylum | |||||
References: Lillegraven 1979, Ji et al. 2002, Meehan and Martin 2010, Hendy et al. 2009, Carroll 1988 |