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Orthotetida was named by Waagen (1884).
It was assigned to Strophomenata by Williams et al. (2000), Rubel (2011), Hints and Harper (2015).
It was assigned to Strophomenata by Williams et al. (2000), Rubel (2011), Hints and Harper (2015).
Synonymy list
Year | Name and author |
1884 | Orthotetida Waagen |
2000 | Orthotetida Williams et al. p. 644 |
2011 | Orthotetida Rubel |
2015 | Orthotetida Hints and Harper |
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If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.
Or. †Orthotetida Waagen 1884
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Subor. †Orthotetidina Waagen 1884
Superfm. †Chilidiopsoidea Boucot 1959
Fm. †Areostrophiidae Manankov 1979
Subfm. †Adectorhynchinae Henry and Gordon 1985
G. †Adectorhynchus
G. †Drahanostrophia
G. †Eoschuchertella
G. †Floweria Cooper and Dutro 1982
G. †Guistrophia
Fm. †Chilidiopsidae Boucot 1959
Subfm. †Chilidiopsinae Boucot 1959
G. †Hipparionix King
†Hipparionyx ereme Talent 1963
†Hipparionyx major Gill 1949
Invalid names: Hipparionyx ereme Talent 1963 [valid], Hipparionyx major Gill 1949 [valid]
G. †Iridistrophia Havlicek 1965
Invalid names: Hinganella Su 1980 [synonym], Magicostrophia [synonym]
G. †Kopella Nikitina et al. 2006
G. †Morinorhynchus Havlicek 1965
Invalid names: Fardeniinae Williams 1951 [synonym]
G. †Fardenia Lamont 1935
Subg. †Fardenia (Coolinia) Bancroft 1949
Invalid names: Chilidiopsis [synonym], Krizistrophia [synonym]
Subg. †Fardenia (Fardenia) Lamont 1935
†Fardenia comes Marek and Havlíček 1967
†Fardenia costatula Cooper and Kindle 1936
†Fardenia filistriata Boucot et al. 1972
†Fardenia flabellata Beznosova 1985
†Fardenia gwaliae Cocks 2014
†Fardenia modica Rong and Li 1999
†Fardenia oblectator Baarli 1995
†Fardenia scalena Williams 1962
†Fardenia transversalis Stearn 1956
G. †Xystostrophia Havlicek 1965
†Xystostrophia umbraculum von Schlotheim 1820
†Xystostrophia woolworthana Hall 1857
Invalid names: Apicilirella [synonym]
Superfm. †Orthotetoidea Waagen 1884
Fm. †Derbyiidae Stehli 1954
G. †Derbyia Waagen 1884
†Derbya bennetti Hall and Clarke 1892
†Derbya keokuk Hall 1858
†Derbya robusta Hall 1858
†Derbyia achengensis Lee and Gu 1980
†Derbyia acutangula Huang 1933
Invalid names: Derbyia guangdongensis Ni 1977 [synonym], Derbyia mucronata Liao 1980 [synonym]
†Derbyia acutiplicata Metz 1936
†Derbyia altestriata Waagen 1884
†Derbyia arellanoi Cooper 1953
†Derbyia auriplexa Hoover 1981
†Derbyia baroghilensis Reed 1925
†Derbyia bella Cooper and Grant 1974
†Derbyia bilobata Jin and Shi 1985
†Derbyia buriensis Reed 1944
†Derbyia carteri Cooper and Grant 1974
†Derbyia cincinnata Cooper and Grant 1974
†Derbyia complicata Cooper and Grant 1974
†Derbyia crassa Meek and Hayden 1858
†Orthisina umbraculum multistriata Meek and Hayden 1859
Invalid names: Orthisina umbraculum Swallow 1858 [synonym]
†Derbyia crenulata Girty 1909
†Derbyia cymbula Hall and Clarke 1893
†Derbyia daliangensis Lee and Gu 1980
†Derbyia deltauriculata Hoover 1981
†Derbyia dirata Grant 1993
†Derbyia diversa Reed 1944
†Derbyia dorsoplana Diener 1915
†Derbyia dorsosulcata Liu and Waterhouse 1985
†Derbyia duomaensis Sun 1983
†Derbyia dupliciseptata Grabau 1931
†Derbyia elevata King 1931
†Derbyia elongata Cooper 1953
†Derbyia expansa Schellwien 1892
†Derbyia exserta Sun 1983
†Derbyia filosa Cooper and Grant 1974
†Derbyia gigantea Kalashnikov 1993
†Derbyia grandis Waagen 1884
†Derbyia guidingensis Shen and He 1994
†Derbyia hardmani Thomas 1958
†Derbyia haroubi Angiolini 1997
†Derbyia hemisphaerica Waagen 1884
†Derbyia hooserensis Dunbar and Condra 1932
†Derbyia incurva Abich 1878
†Derbyia informis Cooper and Grant 1974
†Derbyia laqueata Cooper and Grant 1974
†Derbyia lotanggangensis Liang 1982
†Derbyia magnus Branson 1930
†Derbyia metzi Gauri 1965
†Derbyia mongolica Grabau 1931
†Derbyia multicostellatus Gauri 1965
†Derbyia mutabilis Liao 1980
†Derbyia nasuta Girty 1909
†Derbyia nigpi Chen and Liao 2007
†Derbyia nipponica Nakamura 1972
†Derbyia otoeis Lee and Gu 1980
†Derbyia pannucia Cooper and Grant 1974
†Derbyia pannuciella Xu and Grant 1994
†Derbyia pararegularis Lee and Gu 1980
†Derbyia parasitica Kozlowski 1914
†Derbyia perplexus Waterhouse 1981
†Derbyia plicatella Waagen 1884
†Derbyia postplicatella Waterhouse and Gupta 1983
†Derbyia profunda Cooper and Grant 1974
†Derbyia regis Grant 1995
†Derbyia regularis minor Waagen 1884
†Derbyia rudicula Liang 1990
†Derbyia sakamotozawensis Shintani 2011
†Derbyia schellwieni Frech 1911
Invalid names: Derbyia disalata Liao 1980 [synonym], Derbyia yangtzeensis Jin and Hu 1978 [synonym]
†Derbyia scitula Cooper and Grant 1974
†Derbyia scobina Grant 1976
†Derbyia senbaensis Jin and Shi 1985
†Derbyia simplicis Lee and Gu 1980
†Derbyia speciosa Yang 1984
†Derbyia striolata Lee and Gu 1980
†Derbyia strophomenoidea Cooper and Grant 1974
†Derbyia subaurita Reed 1944
†Derbyia subsinuata Reed 1944
†Derbyia sulca Branson 1930
†Derbyia sulcata Walter 1953
†Derbyia sultanensis Reed 1944
†Derbyia texta Cooper and Grant 1974
†Derbyia vercherei Waagen 1884
†Derbyia waageni Schellwien 1892
†Derbyia wabaunseensis Dunbar and Condra 1932
†Derbyia yeerqiangensis Chen and Shi 2006
†Derbyia yongjiensis Lee and Gu 1980
†Derbyia yukisawensis Tazawa and Shintani 2014
Invalid names: Paraderbyia Sun 1983 [synonym], Plicatoderbyia Thomas 1937 [synonym], Pseudoderbyia Likharev 1934 [synonym], Wardakia Termier et al. 1974 [synonym]
G. †Diplanus Stehli 1954
†Diplanus apochordus Cooper and Grant 1974
†Diplanus catatonus Cooper and Grant 1974
†Diplanus dilatus Grant 1995
†Diplanus lamellatus King 1931
†Diplanus rarus Cooper and Grant 1974
†Diplanus redactus Cooper and Grant 1974
†Diplanus stanleyi Watkins 1974
Fm. †Meekellidae Stehli 1954
Subfm. †Meekellinae Stehli 1954
G. †Alatorthotetina He and Zhu 1985
†Alatorthotetina derbyiformis He and Zhu 1985
†Alatorthotetina sichuanensis He and Zhu 1985
†Alatorthotetina speciosa Liao 1980
G. †Geyerella Schellwien 1900
†Geyerella alpina Schellwien 1900
†Geyerella americana Girty 1909
Invalid names: Orthotetes campanulatus Girty 1909 [synonym], Orthotetes distortus Girty 1909 [synonym]
†Geyerella distorta Schellwien 1900
†Geyerella gemmellaroi Schellwien 1900
†Geyerella hessi Cooper and Grant 1974
†Geyerella inexpectata Cooper and Grant 1974
†Geyerella kedaoensis Lee and Gu 1980
†Geyerella kingorum Cooper and Grant 1974
†Geyerella mongolica Grabau 1931
†Geyerella ofunatoensis Tazawa 2011
†Geyerella ovata Lee and Gu 1980
†Geyerella rex de Gregorio 1930
†Geyerella tschernyschewi Licharew 1932
Invalid names: Turriculum de Gregorio 1930 [synonym]
G. †Meekella
†Meekella abnormalis Huang 1933
†Meekella addicta Grant 1976
†Meekella angustiplicata Cooper and Grant 1974
†Meekella arakeljani Sokolskaja 1965
†Meekella attenuata Girty 1909
†Meekella baschkirica Tschernyschew 1902
†Meekella beipeiensis Chen 2005
†Meekella bellistriata Lee and Gu 1980
†Meekella bisculpta Grant 1976
†Meekella calathica Cooper and Grant 1974
†Meekella caperata Cooper and Grant 1974
†Meekella chenxianensis Shen and Shi 2007
†Meekella circularis Cooper and Grant 1974
†Meekella colpata Grant 1976
†Meekella deltoides Liao 1980
†Meekella depressa Schellwien 1900
†Meekella dongluoensis Chen and Liao 2007
†Meekella enigma Cloud 1944
†Meekella enormis Cooper and Grant 1974
†Meekella evanescens Schellwien 1900
†Meekella eximia Eichwald 1845
†Meekella eximiaeformis Toula 1875
†Meekella garnieri Bayan 1874
†Meekella gigantea Hayasaka 1932
†Meekella guocunensis Liang 1982
†Meekella hessensis King 1931
†Meekella heterofolda Liang 1990
Invalid names: Asiomeekella heterofolda Liang 1990 [synonym], Meekella perigeyerelloides Shen et al. 1992 [synonym]
†Meekella intermedia Cooper and Grant 1974
†Meekella irregularis Schellwien 1900
†Meekella jiangxiensis Hu and Jin 1982
†Meekella julfensis Garbelli et al. 2014
†Meekella kayseri Jaekel 1892
†Meekella kueichowensis Huang 1933
Invalid names: Meekella dorsisulcata Feng 1978 [synonym], Meekella langdaiensis Liao 1980 [synonym], Parameekella hauyinshanensis He and Zhu 1985 [synonym]
†Meekella magnifica Cooper and Grant 1974
†Meekella megala Grant 1993
†Meekella mexicana Girty 1909
†Meekella minatoi Nakamura 1972
†Meekella minuta Zeng et al. 1995
†Meekella multilirata Girty 1909
†Meekella nagaiwensis Shintani 2011
†Meekella nodosa Nakamura 1972
†Meekella occidentalis Newberry 1861
Invalid names: Meekella grandis King 1931 [synonym], Streptorhynchus pyramidalis Newberry 1861 [synonym]
†Meekella pacifica Licharew and Kotlyar 1978
†Meekella prionota Cooper and Grant 1974
†Meekella procera Schellwien 1900
†Meekella punjabica Reed 1944
†Meekella pusilloplicata Liao 1980
†Meekella rotunda Branson 1930
†Meekella sanheensis Liao and Meng 1986
†Meekella sichuanensis Shen et al. 1992
†Meekella storta Glushenko 1975
†Meekella striatocostata Cox 1857
†Meekella texana King 1931
†Meekella timanica Tschernyschew 1902
†Meekella ufensis Tschernyschew 1902
†Meekella uncitoides Tschernyschew 1902
†Meekella undulata Chang 1987
†Meekella uralica Tschernyschew 1902
†Meekella versiformis Shen et al. 1992
†Meekella yanjiensis Lee and Gu 1980
†Meekella zhejiangensis Liang 1982
Invalid names: Asiomeekella Liang 1990 [synonym], Gegenella [synonym], Parameekella He and Zhu 1985 [synonym]
G. †Niviconia Cooper and Grant 1974
†Niviconia abrupta Cooper and Grant 1974
†Niviconia globosa King 1931
G. †Orthothetina Schellwien 1900
†Orthothetina azarjani Kotlyar 1989
†Orthothetina caojiayingensis Feng 1978
†Orthothetina curvata Ustritsky 1960
†Orthothetina deminuta Zhan 1979
†Orthothetina dzhulfensis Sokolskaja 1965
†Orthothetina ellipsoides Shen et al. 1992
†Orthothetina emaciatus Jin and Ye 1979
†Orthothetina frechi Huang 1933
†Orthothetina gigantea Liang 1990
†Orthothetina hayasakai Nakamura 1972
†Orthothetina iljinae Sokolskaja 1965
†Orthothetina kayseri Jaekel 1929
†Orthothetina ladina Stache 1878
†Orthothetina leei Thomas 1910
†Orthothetina neilsoni McIntosh 1974
†Orthothetina peregrina Abich 1878
†Orthothetina persica Schellwien 1900
†Orthothetina planoconvexa Hayasaka 1933
†Orthothetina polita Fliegel 1901
†Orthothetina regularis Huang 1933
†Orthothetina ruber Frech 1911
†Orthothetina ruchae Yanagida and Nakornsri 1999
†Orthothetina shuangtangensis Liang 1982
Invalid names: Orthothetina mutabilis Liang 1990 [synonym]
†Orthothetina sokolskajae Kotlyar 1989
†Orthothetina thomasi McIntosh 1974
†Orthothetina transversa Nakamura 1972
†Orthothetina triangularis Tong 1978
Invalid names: Orthothetina exquisita Shen et al. 1992 [synonym]
†Orthothetina vediensis Sokolskaja 1965
†Orthothetina yanziyanensis Lu 1982
†Orthothetina yishanensis Yang 1991
†Orthothetina yuananensis Ni 1977
†Orthothetina zhejiangensis Liang 1990
Invalid names: Lopingia Zhan 1979 [synonym]
G. †Paraorthotetina He and Zhu 1985
†Paraorthotetina glausi Fantini Sestini and Glaus 1966
†Paraorthotetina provecta Liao 1980
G. †Perigeyerella
†Perigeyerella chenxianensis Shen and Shi 2007
†Perigeyerella elongata Feng 1978
†Perigeyerella fastigiata Liao and Meng 1986
Invalid names: Perigeyerella altilosina Xu and Grant 1994 [synonym], Perigeyerella subpelargonatus Liang 1990 [synonym]
†Perigeyerella guangxiensis Chen and Liao 2007
†Perigeyerella miriae Verna and Angiolini 2011
†Perigeyerella obesa Shen and Shi 2007
†Perigeyerella raffaellae Angiolini 1999
†Perigeyerella rutehiana Crippa and Angiolini 2012
†Perigeyerella tricosa Grant 1976
†Perigeyerella zhinanensis Liang 1990
Subfm. †Omboniinae Sokolskaya 1960
G. †Ombonia Caneva 1906
†Ombonia antalyensis Angiolini et al. 2007
†Ombonia capilla Chen and Liao 2007
†Ombonia invecta Cooper and Grant 1974
†Ombonia magna Greco 1938
†Ombonia spicula Liang 1990
†Ombonia tirolensis Stache 1878
Fm. †Orthotetellidae Cooper and Grant 1974
Fm. †Orthotetidae Waagen 1884
G. †Derbyoides
†Derbyoides dunbari Cooper and Grant 1974
†Derbyoides lamella Liang 1990
†Derbyoides marathonensis Cooper and Grant 1974
G. †Hipparionix King
†Hipparionyx ereme Talent 1963
†Hipparionyx major Gill 1949
Invalid names: Hipparionyx ereme Talent 1963 [valid], Hipparionyx major Gill 1949 [valid]
G. †Orthotetes
†Orthotetes abruptus Liang 1990
†Orthotetes afanasjevae Manankov 2004
†Orthotetes bisulcatus Waterhouse 1966
†Orthotetes canadensis Shi and Waterhouse 1996
†Orthotetes guppyi Thomas 1958
†Orthotetes huagongensis Liao 1979
†Orthotetes jugorica Ustritsky 1960
†Orthotetes kaskaskiensis McChesney 1860
†Orthotetes keokuk Hall 1858
†Orthotetes kraffti Diener 1903
†Orthotetes occidentalis Lane 1963
†Orthotetes picta Fang 1983
†Orthotetes plana Ivanov 1926
†Orthotetes simensis Tschernyschew 1902
†Orthotetes sulcus Branson 1930
†Orthotetes sulensis Kalashnikov 1993
†Orthotetes trigonalis Lee and Gu 1980
†Orthothetes crenistria Phillips 1836
Invalid names: Orthotetoides [synonym], Pseudoorthotetes [synonym]
Fm. †Pulsiidae Cooper and Grant 1974
G. †Schellwienella
†Schellwienella alternata Weller 1914
†Schellwienella burlingtonensis Weller 1914
†Schellwienella chouteauensis Weller 1914
†Schellwienella crenistria McIntosh 1974
†Schellwienella crenulicostata Weller 1914
†Schellwienella inaequalis Hall 1858
†Schellwienella inflata White and Whitfield 1862
†Schellwienella marcidula Amsden 1958
†Schellwienella planumbona Weller 1914
†Schellwienella radialis Brunton 1968
†Schellwienella regina Grabau 1931
†Schellwienella rotunda Thomas 1910
†Schellwienella scotica McIntosh 1974
†Schellwienella senilis Phillips 1836
†Schellwienella umbonata Easton et al. 1958
Fm. †Schuchertellidae Williams 1953
Subfm. †Schuchertellinae Williams 1953
G. †Goniarina Cooper and Grant 1969
†Goniarina appeli Cooper and Grant 1974
†Goniarina diabloensis Cooper and Grant 1974
†Goniarina futilis Cooper and Grant 1974
†Goniarina magniextensa Cooper and Grant 1974
†Goniarina permiana Stehli 1954
†Goniarina pyelodes Cooper and Grant 1969
†Goniarina striata Cooper and Grant 1974
†Goniarina subulata Grant 1995
G. †Schuchertella Girty 1904
†Schuchertella bassa Grant 1995
†Schuchertella beyrichi Rothpletz 1892
†Schuchertella bowdenensis Carter and Kammer 1990
†Schuchertella cooperi Grant 1976
†Schuchertella costatula Hall and Clarke 1892
†Schuchertella fernglenensis Weller 1914
†Schuchertella fushuiensis Chen and Liao 2007
†Schuchertella gelaohoensis Yang 1964
†Schuchertella guizhouensis Yang 1964
†Schuchertella haraganensis Amsden 1958
†Schuchertella humboldtensis Carter 1972
†Schuchertella lens White 1862
†Schuchertella luliangensis Jin and Fang 1985
†Schuchertella magna Tolmaschew 1924
†Schuchertella missouriensis Shumard 1855
†Schuchertella nevadaensis Merriam 1940
†Schuchertella percha Stainbrook 1947
†Schuchertella probabilis Hayasaka 1922
†Schuchertella propinqua Meek and Worthen 1868
†Schuchertella quryatensis Yanagida and Pillevuit 1994
†Schuchertella radialis Phillips 1836
†Schuchertella resupinata Cooper and Dutro 1982
†Schuchertella rubra Weller 1909
†Schuchertella semiplana Waagen 1884
Invalid names: Streptorhynchus (Schuchertella) purdoni Reed 1944 [synonym]
†Schuchertella shenshuensis Lee and Gu 1980
†Schuchertella subvexa Cooper and Grant 1974
†Schuchertella tapina Grant 1993
†Streptorhynchus (Schuchertella) asperulus Reed 1944
†Streptorhynchus (Schuchertella) praeceps Reed 1944
†Schuchertellopsis durbutensis Maillieux 1939
G. †Serratocrista Brunton 1968
†Serratocrista cylindricosta McIntosh 1974
†Serratocrista dalriensis McIntosh 1974
†Serratocrista fistulosa Brunton 1968
Subfm. †Streptorhynchinae Stehli 1954
G. †Arcitreta Whitfield
G. †Arctitreta Whitfield 1908
†Arctitreta bapensis Waterhouse and Ranga Rao 1989
†Arctitreta bioni Reed 1932
†Arctitreta costellata Clarke 1990
†Arctitreta crassimurus Thomas 1958
†Arctitreta intercalata Waterhouse and Chen 2007
†Arctitreta kempei Andersson 1914
†Arctitreta macrocardinalis Toula 1875
†Arctitreta pearyi Whitfield 1908
†Arctitreta peelensis Shi and Waterhouse 1996
†Arctitreta pelicanensis Fletcher et al. 1952
†Arctitreta percostata Waterhouse 1982
†Arctitreta plicatilis Hosking 1932
†Arctitreta triangularis Wiman 1914
Invalid names: Grumantia Ustritsky 1963 [synonym]
G. †Bothrostegium Cooper and Grant 1974
†Bothrostegium compactum Cooper and Grant 1974
†Bothrostegium derbyoideum Cooper and Grant 1974
†Bothrostegium pusillum Cooper and Grant 1974
G. †Chelononia Cooper and Grant 1974
†Chelononia neali Cooper and Grant 1974
†Chelononia straminea Cooper and Grant 1974
Invalid names: Streptorhynchus pyramidale King 1931 [replaced]
G. †Drahanorhynchus
G. †Kiangsiella Chao 1927
†Kiangsiella compressa Reed 1944
†Kiangsiella condoni Thomas 1958
†Kiangsiella deltoidens Waagen 1884
†Kiangsiella distorta Waagen 1884
†Kiangsiella halliana Derby 1874
†Kiangsiella longinucha Liang 1982
†Kiangsiella pectiniformis Davidson 1862
†Kiangsiella pinguis Chronic 1949
†Kiangsiella tieliensis Lee and Gu 1980
†Kiangsiella tingi Grabau 1924
G. †Notostrophia Waterhouse 1973
†Notostrophia alta Waterhouse 1986
†Notostrophia bifurcata Waterhouse 1986
†Notostrophia homeri Waterhouse 1973
†Notostrophia zealandicus Waterhouse 1982
G. †Streptorhynchus King 1850
†Streptorhynchus broilii Grabau 1931
†Streptorhynchus capuloides Waagen 1884
†Streptorhynchus conicus Lee and Gu 1976
†Streptorhynchus costatus Thomas 1958
†Streptorhynchus craticulatus Reed 1944
†Streptorhynchus cyrano Chronic 1949
†Streptorhynchus hoskingae Thomas 1958
†Streptorhynchus huangi Waterhouse 1981
Invalid names: Streptorhynchus minutus Huang 1933 [replaced]
†Streptorhynchus inaequiornatus Leanza 1945
†Streptorhynchus jilinensis Lee and Gu 1980
†Streptorhynchus johnstonei Thomas 1958
†Streptorhynchus kayseri Schellwien 1900
†Streptorhynchus khwaense Grant 1976
†Streptorhynchus lenticularis Waagen 1884
†Streptorhynchus liuricus Ustritsky 1960
†Streptorhynchus longlinensis Li 1986
†Streptorhynchus longyangensis Wang 1982
†Streptorhynchus luluigui Hosking 1932
†Streptorhynchus memor Reed 1931
†Streptorhynchus minor Walcott 1884
†Streptorhynchus minutum Cumings 1901
†Streptorhynchus mistus Reed 1944
†Streptorhynchus operculatus Waagen 1884
†Streptorhynchus ovata Chen and Liao 2007
†Streptorhynchus pajkhoicus Ustritsky 1960
†Streptorhynchus pelargonatus von Schlotheim 1816
Invalid names: Spirifer minutus Sowerby 1829 [synonym]
†Streptorhynchus pendulus Liao 1987
†Streptorhynchus perfidiabadensis Etheridge Jr. 1907
†Streptorhynchus plata Waterhouse 1978
†Streptorhynchus reliquus Gauri 1965
†Streptorhynchus ruginosum Hall and Clarke 1892
†Streptorhynchus shanensis Diener 1911
†Streptorhynchus shumardianus Swallow 1858
†Streptorhynchus sibiricus Zavodowsky 1968
†Streptorhynchus sinuatum Merla 1928
†Streptorhynchus stoschensis Dunbar 1955
†Streptorhynchus sulculatum Grant 1976
†Streptorhynchus tenuicostatum Weller 1914
†Streptorhynchus tenuiplicatus Liao 1987
†Streptorhynchus tibetanus Zhang 1976
†Streptorhynchus tuquanensis Lee and Gu 1980
†Streptorhynchus turbineus Waterhouse 1981
†Streptorhynchus ulrichi Hall and Clarke 1892
†Streptorhynchus variabilis Thomas 1958
G. †Tropidelasma Cooper and Grant 1969
†Tropidelasma anthicum Cooper and Grant 1974
†Tropidelasma corniculum Cooper and Grant 1974
†Tropidelasma costellatum Cooper and Grant 1974
†Tropidelasma culmenatum Cooper and Grant 1969
†Tropidelasma curtum Cooper and Grant 1974
†Tropidelasma daijiagouensis He and Zhu 1985
†Tropidelasma elongata Chen and Liao 2007
†Tropidelasma furcillatum Cooper and Grant 1974
†Tropidelasma gregarium Girty 1909
†Tropidelasma perattenuatum Girty 1909
†Tropidelasma ptomatis Grant 1995
†Tropidelasma pygmaeum Girty 1909
†Tropidelasma rhamphodes Cooper and Grant 1974
†Tropidelasma robertsi Cooper and Grant 1974
†Tropidelasma strobilum Cooper and Grant 1974
†Tropidelasma triangularis Shen and Shi 2007
†Tropidelasma undulatum King 1931
†Tropidelasma yamasugensis Tazawa 2010
†Tropidelasma zhongliangshanensis He and Zhu 1985
Invalid names: Erismatina Waterhouse 1983 [synonym], Parageyerella He and Zhu 1985 [synonym]
Subor. †Triplesiidina Moore 1952
Superfm. †Triplesioidea Schuchert 1913
Fm. †Triplesiidae Schuchert 1913
G. †Amphiplecia Wright and Jaanusson 1993
†Amphiplecia bondarevi Cocks and Modzalevskaya 1997
†Amphiplecia depressa Wright and Jaanusson 1993
†Amphiplecia tardicostata Wright and Jaanusson 1993
G. †Bicuspina Havlicek 1950
†Bicuspina multicostellata Havlicek 1951
†Bicuspina subquadrata Williams 1974
G. †Brachymimulus
G. †Cliftonia Foerste 1909
Subg. †Cliftonia (Cliftonia) Foerste 1909
†Cliftonia lamellosa Williams 1951
†Cliftonia obovata Chang 1981
†Cliftonia oxoplecioides Wright 1963
†Cliftonia psittacina Wahlenberg 1821
†Cliftonia striata Foerste 1909
†Cliftonia tubulistriata Savage 1913
G. †Craigella
†Craigella grayiae Davidson 1870
Invalid names: Epacroplecia Williams 1962 [synonym], Nucleorhynchia [synonym]
G. †Grammoplecia Wright and Jaanusson 1993
†Grammoplecia subcraegensis Rukavishnikova 1956
†Grammoplecia triplesioides Wright and Jaanusson 1993
†Grammoplecia wrighti Popov et al. 2002
G. †Ogmoplecia Wright and Jaanusson 1993
†Ogmoplecia nesca Popov and Cocks 2006
†Ogmoplecia plicata Wiman 1907
G. †Onychoplecia Cooper 1956
†Onychoplecia brevirostris Cooper 1956
†Onychoplecia gracilis Raymond 1902
†Onychoplecia kindlei Cooper 1956
†Onychoplecia longirostris Billings 1859
†Onychoplecia matutina Cooper 1956
†Onychoplecia obesa Cooper 1956
†Onychoplecia schmidti Rõõmusoks 1964
†Onychoplecia tenuis Cooper 1956
G. †Onychotreta Ulrich and Cooper 1936
†Onychotreta mesleri Ulrich and Cooper 1936
Invalid names: Eilotreta [synonym], Lissotreta [synonym]
G. †Oxoplecia Wilson 1913
†Oxoplecia abnormis Cooper 1956
†Oxoplecia andersoni Reed 1917
†Oxoplecia calhouni Wilson 1913
†Oxoplecia cooperi Wright 1964
†Oxoplecia costellata Cooper 1956
†Oxoplecia holstonensis Willard 1928
†Oxoplecia monitorensis Cooper 1956
†Oxoplecia multicostellata Cooper 1956
†Oxoplecia plicata Wiman 1907
†Oxoplecia subborealis Davidson 1883
†Oxoplecia ujukensis Andreeva 1982
G. †Streptis Davidson 1881
†Streptis altosinuata Holtedahl 1916
†Streptis grayii Davidson 1848
†Streptis monilifera M'Coy 1846
†Streptis undifera Ulrich and Cooper 1936
G. †Triplesia Hall 1859
†Triplesia calcifera Billings 1861
†Triplesia carinata Cooper 1956
†Triplesia craigensis Reed 1917
†Triplesia edgelliana Davidson 1869
†Triplesia eospiriferoides Havlicek and Storch 1990
†Triplesia extans Emmons 1842
†Triplesia girvanensis Cocks 2008
†Triplesia hintsae Cocks 2014
†Triplesia iberica Villas 1985
†Triplesia insularis Eichwald 1843
†Triplesia maennili Rubel 1963
†Triplesia monilifera M'Coy 1846
†Triplesia sortanensis Nikitin and Popov 1996
†Triplesia subcarinata Cooper 1956
†Triplesia woodlandensis Reed 1917
†Triplesia yichangensis Zeng 1977
†Triplesia zhejiangensis Liang 1983
No diagnoses are available
No measurements are available
Source: c = class, p = phylum, uc = unranked clade | |||||
References: Aberhan et al. 2004, Nesnidal et al. 2013 |
Age range: base of the Ordovician to the top of the Griesbachian or 485.40000 to 250.50000 Ma
Collections (5524 total)
Oldest occurrences | |||
Time interval | Ma | Country or state | Original ID and collection number |
Ordovician | USA (New York) | Triplesia sp. (332) | |
Rangerian | USA (Nevada) | Onychoplecia sp. (80059) | |
Chazyan | Canada (Northwest Territories) | Onychoplecia sp. (315) Triplesia sp. (314) | |
Chazyan | USA (Vermont) | Onychoplecia gracilis (186174) | |
Chazyan | USA (Alabama) | Triplesia carinata (162364) | |
Chazyan | Canada (Newfoundland and Labrador) | Onychoplecia kindlei (104861) | |
Chazyan | USA (Tennessee) | Onychoplecia brevirostris (204097) Onychoplecia longirostris (222075) Onychoplecia sp. (308) Oxoplecia holstonensis (186185 186186 219793) | |
Chazyan | USA (Virginia) | Oxoplecia costellata (186183) | |
Chazyan | USA (New York) | Camerella longirostris (42808 56184 56185 56212 56214 171705 171707 171711 171798 172171 172187 172221 172227 172233 172236 172238 172246 172294 172296 172302 172303 172304 172307 172309 172310 172313 172318 172321 172323 172326 172328 172330 172331 172332 172342 172346 172348) Onychoplecia gracilis (164475) | |
Chazyan | Canada (Quebec) | Onychoplecia sp. (307 311) | |
Youngest occurrences |
Time interval | Ma | Country or state | PBDB collection number |
Changhsingian | China (Sichuan) | Derbyia disalata (156811) Derbyia mucronata, Derbyia acutangula, Orthothetina ruber, Orthothetina regularis, Orthothetina frechi (95285) Meekella langdaiensis (138367) Meekella sichuanensis, Meekella perigeyerelloides, Meekella zhejiangensis (117502) Meekella sp., Perigeyerella costellata (156815) Orthothetina ruber (95296 103455) Orthothetina ruber, Orthothetina frechi (95291 95300 95304) Orthothetina ruber, Orthothetina regularis (89354 95298 95302) Orthothetina ruber, Schuchertella frechi (89356) Orthothetina sp. (95286 95287 95288 95289 95290 95301 156812) Orthothetina sp., Streptorhynchus pelargonatus (95599) Parageyerella sp., Parageyerella daijiagouensis (95646) Paraorthotetina provecta, Orthothetina ruber, Meekella kueichowensis, Meekella dorsisulcata, Orthothetina frechi (95283) Perigeyerella sp. (156814) | |
Changhsingian | Tajikistan | Geyerella alpina (109471 109475 109477) | |
Changhsingian | Azerbaijan | Orthothetina sp. (116753) | |
Changhsingian | USA (Texas) | Derbyia sulcata (50001 50002 50003 50004 50005 50006 50007 50010 50011 50013 50014 50015 50016 50019 50020) | |
Changhsingian | Japan | Derbyia grandis, Derbyia altestriata (73812) Derbyia sp. (117837 149802) Derbyia sp., Geyerella sp., Tropidelasma sp., Geyerella ofunatoensis (107624) Meekella sp. (157797) Schellwienella ruber (114491) | |
Changhsingian | Nepal | Arctitreta intercalata (62443 62444 62445 62447 120387) Arctitreta plata (43178 43179 43187 43190 43219 43220 120490) Orthotetes bisulcatus (43254 43261 120443) Streptorhynchidae indet. (120508) Streptorhynchinae indet. (43245) Streptorhynchus sp. (120411) | |
Changhsingian - Griesbachian | India (Kashmir) | Derbyia sp. (50044) Derbyia sp., Schellwienella sp. (48913) | |
Griesbachian | India (Kashmir) | Derbyia sp. (214661) | |
Griesbachian | China (Zhejiang) | Derbyia sp. (43788) | |
Griesbachian | China (Guizhou) | Perigeyerella sp. (151148) |