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Globothalamea - Loftusiida - Acervulinidae

G. browardensis (type species)

Synonymy list
YearName and author
2022Globogypsinoides Robinson and Cunningham

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kingdomChromistaCavalier-Smith 1981
phylumForaminifera(Eichwald 1830)
orderLoftusiidaKaminski and Mikhalevich 2000
superfamilyLoftusoideaBrady 1884
familyAcervulinidaeSchultze 1854

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

G. †Globogypsinoides Robinson and Cunningham 2022
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Globogypsinoides browardensis Robinson and Cunningham 2022
E. Robinson and K. J. Cunningham 2022A small globular acervulinid with a central proloculus followed by a short nepionic coil of arcuate chambers, succeeded in the adult stage by one or more series of streptospirally ar- ranged orbitoidiform chambers.
Although the overall architecture bears a close resemblance to the genus Orduella SIREL, 1999, we do not include Globogypsinoides n.gen. in that genus, nor in the family Orduellidae SIREL, be- cause the nepionic chambers are distinctly arcu- ate, not subrectangular, at least in the megalo- spheric generation. For this reason and until more material becomes available for examination, we retain Globogypsinoides in the Acervulinidae. The genus differs from the globular genus Sphaero- gypsina GALLOWAY, 1933, in possessing a multiple spiral development of orbitoid-like chambers whereas the chambers in Sphaerogypsina develop in a radial pattern. The new genus differs from Protogypsina MATSUMARU & SARMA, 2010, in the test shape, which is consistently globular, and in the size and arrangement of the nepionic coiling.
No measurements are available
Composition: high Mg calcitef
Locomotion: stationaryo
Life habit: semi-infaunalo
Diet: omnivoreo
Created: 2012-10-30 00:15:50
Modified: 2012-10-29 08:16:32
Source: f = family, o = order
References: Kiessling 2008, Kiessling 2004
No collection or age range data are available