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Anthozoa - Scleractinia - Rhizangiidae

Septastrea was named by d'Orbigny (1849) [Sepkoski's age data: T Mi-u-u T Plio Sepkoski's reference number: 1110].

It was assigned to Orbicellidae by Vaughan (1904); to Rhizangiidae by Wells (1956); and to Scleractinia by Sepkoski (2002).

Species lacking formal opinion data

  • Glyphastraea was named by Duncan (1887). It is not extant.

    It was synonymized subjectively with Septastrea by Wells (1956).
  • Hexastraea was named by Sismonda (1871).

    It was synonymized subjectively with Septastrea by Wells (1956).
Synonymy list
YearName and author
1849Septastrea d'Orbigny
1871Hexastraea Sismonda
1887Glyphastraea Duncan
1904Septastrea Vaughan p. 444
1956Septastrea Wells p. F410
2002Septastrea Sepkoski

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phylumCnidariaHatschek 1888
classAnthozoaEhrenberg 1834
orderScleractiniaBourne 1900
suborderFaviinaVaughan and Wells 1943
superfamilyFaviicaeGregory 1900
familyRhizangiidaed'Orbigny 1851
genusSeptastread'Orbigny 1849

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

G. †Septastrea d'Orbigny 1849
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Septastrea altispina Cairns 1995
Septastrea crassa Holmes 1860
Septastrea kerioides Vaughan and Popenoe 1935
Septastrea marylandica Conrad 1841
Septastrea matsoni Vaughan 1919
Invalid names: Glyphastraea Duncan 1887 [synonym], Hexastraea Sismonda 1871 [synonym]
No diagnoses are available
No measurements are available
Composition: aragonitesubo
Grouping: colonialf
Clonal: yesf
Environment: marinef
Locomotion: stationaryf
Attached: yesf
Life habit: intermediate-level epifaunalo
Diet: suspension feederf
Vision: blindc
Reproduction: alternatingo
Asexual: yeso
Dispersal: watero
Dispersal 2: planktonico
Created: 2008-02-06 03:08:01
Modified: 2008-02-06 05:08:01
Source: f = family, subo = suborder, o = order, c = class
References: Kiessling 2004, Kiessling 2008, Wells 1956

Age range: base of the Danian to the top of the Late/Upper Pleistocene or 66.00000 to 0.01170 Ma

Collections (44 total)

Time interval Ma Country or state Original ID and collection number
Danian66.0 - 61.6USA (Texas) S. kerioides (98822 122608)
Early/Lower Eocene55.8 - 48.6Slovenia Glyphastraea sp. (75473)
Oligocene33.9 - 23.03Italy Glyphastraea laxelamellata (86952)
Rupelian - Chattian33.9 - 23.03Turkey (Denizli) Glyphastraea laxelamellata, Glyphastraea sp. (85566)
Late/Upper Oligocene28.4 - 23.03Jamaica Hexastraea sp. A (69725)
Chattian28.1 - 23.03Italy Hexastraea sp. (27544 27545 27546 36242 36253)
Aquitanian23.03 - 20.44France Glyphastraea bejaensis (163837)
Aquitanian - Burdigalian23.03 - 15.97France Hexastraea fromenteli (70222)
Early/Lower Miocene23.03 - 15.97USA (New Jersey) Astrangia marylandica (59722)
Early/Lower Miocene23.03 - 15.97Somalia S. papyracea (79096)
Burdigalian20.44 - 15.97France Hexastraea fromenteli (163838)
Burdigalian20.44 - 15.97Italy Hexastraea fromenteli (70450)
Langhian15.97 - 13.82France S. bejaensis (70312)
Middle Miocene15.97 - 11.608India S. forebesi (146871)
Serravallian - Langhian13.82 - 13.82France Glyphastraea sp. (163845)
Early/Lower Pliocene5.333 - 3.6USA (Florida) S. crassa (79962) S. marylandica, S. crassa (35026)
Early/Lower Pliocene5.333 - 3.6Colombia S. matsoni (124677)
Zanclean5.333 - 3.6USA (South Carolina) S. marylandica (60940)
Pliocene5.333 - 2.588USA (Florida) S. crassa (146873) S. marylandica (146874)
Late/Upper Pliocene3.6 - 2.588USA (Florida) S. crassa (176822) S. marylandica (85448 123549) S. matsoni (79958)
Piacenzian3.6 - 2.588Panama (Bocas del Toro) S. altispina (61339 61344 91901)
Late/Upper Pliocene - Early/Lower Pleistocene3.6 - 0.781USA (Florida) S. marylandica, S. crassa (85449)
Gelasian2.588 - 1.806USA (North Carolina) S. crassa (71138)
Early/Lower Pleistocene2.588 - 0.781USA (North Carolina) S. sp. (60986 60987 60989)
Early/Lower Pleistocene2.588 - 0.781USA (Florida) S. sp. (79748)
Early/Lower Pleistocene2.588 - 0.781USA (South Carolina) S. crassa (60921 60944)
Late/Upper Pleistocene0.129 - 0.0117USA (South Carolina) S. crassa (60927 60928 60930)