Basic info | Taxonomic history | Classification | Included Taxa |
Morphology | Ecology and taphonomy | External Literature Search | Age range and collections |
Hippidion was named by Owen (1869). It was considered monophyletic by Prado and Alberdi (1996).
It was corrected as Hippidium by Cope (1881), Lydekker (1894); it was considered a nomen dubium by Alberdi and Prado (1992), Alberdi and Prado (1993).
It was assigned to Equinae by Hay (1902), Gidley (1907); to Equidae by Owen (1869), Cope (1881), Lydekker (1894), Scott (1913), Carroll (1988); to Pliohippina by Prado and Alberdi (1996); and to Equini by Prothero and Schoch (1989), Kelly (1995), MacFadden (1998).
It was corrected as Hippidium by Cope (1881), Lydekker (1894); it was considered a nomen dubium by Alberdi and Prado (1992), Alberdi and Prado (1993).
It was assigned to Equinae by Hay (1902), Gidley (1907); to Equidae by Owen (1869), Cope (1881), Lydekker (1894), Scott (1913), Carroll (1988); to Pliohippina by Prado and Alberdi (1996); and to Equini by Prothero and Schoch (1989), Kelly (1995), MacFadden (1998).
H. angulatus, H. devillei (syn. Onohippidium bolivianum, Scelidotherium compressum), H. principale (syn. Onohippidium munizi), H. saldiasi, Hippidium (Plagiohippus), Hippidium bonaerense, Hippidium entrerianum, Hippidium principale (syn. H. compressidens), Onohippidium compressidens, Parahipparion extensus, Parahipparion saldiasi
Synonymy list
Year | Name and author |
1869 | Hippidion Owen |
1881 | Hippidium Cope p. 400 |
1888 | Onohippidion Filhol |
1891 | Onohippidium Moreno |
1894 | Hippidium Lydekker p. 74 |
1894 | Onohippidium Lydekker p. 77 |
1902 | Hippidion Hay p. 618 |
1904 | Parahipparion Ameghino |
1907 | Hippidion Gidley p. 867 |
1913 | Hippidion Scott p. 290 |
1926 | Parahipparion Oliver Schneider p. 149 |
1934 | Onohippidion Rusconi p. 27 |
1979 | Onohippidium MacFadden and Skinner p. 3 |
1988 | Hippidion Carroll |
1988 | Onohippidium Carroll |
1989 | Hippidion Prothero and Schoch p. 532 |
1989 | Onohippidium Prothero and Schoch p. 532 |
1995 | Hippidion Kelly p. 25 |
1995 | Onohippidium Kelly p. 25 |
1996 | Hippidion Prado and Alberdi p. 676 |
1997 | Onohippidium MacFadden |
1998 | Onohippidium Kelly |
1998 | Hippidion MacFadden p. 551 |
1998 | Onohippidium MacFadden p. 552 |
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If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.
G. †Hippidion Owen 1869
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†Hippidion angulatus Ameghino 1889
†Hippidion devillei Gervais 1855
Invalid names: Onohippidium bolivianum Philippi 1893 [synonym]
†Hippidion saldiasi Roth 1899
†Hippidium bonaerense Ameghino 1907
†Hippidium entrerianum Ameghino 1886
Invalid names: Onohippidium Moreno 1891 [synonym], Parahipparion Ameghino 1904 [synonym]
Reference | Diagnosis | |
B. J. MacFadden and M. F. Skinner 1979 (Onohippidium) | Horse with nasal notch that lies as far anterior as P3-P4 and as far posterior as the orbit. Nasal bones not re- tracted and remain elongate splints. Well- developed dorsal lacrimal fossa and no ven- tral malar fossa. Incisors with cement-filled cups (infidibula). Protocone oval to rounded with weak preprotoconal groove and well- developed postprotoconal valley. Lower cheek teeth with either shallow ectoflexids (externomedial valleys) and isthmuses in the permanent premolars or deep ectoflexids in the deciduous premolars and molars. Very simple enamel plications. Monodacty! metapodials. |
part | N | mean | |||||
Upper M1? height | 1 | 53.0 |
Source: subf = subfamily, subc = subclass, c = class, subp = subphylum | |||||
References: Carroll 1988, Lillegraven 1979, Nowak 1991, Ji et al. 2002, MacFadden 1998, Hendy et al. 2009 |
Collections (94 total)
Time interval | Ma | Country or state | Original ID and collection number |
Hemphillian | USA (Texas) | H. sp. (18308) | |
Pliocene | Chile | Hippidium nannum (73842) | |
Blancan | USA (California) | H. sp. (20099 20120) | |
Late/Upper Pliocene | Argentina (Buenos Aires) | H. devillei (199160) H. sp. (199157) Onohippidion sp. (53926) | |
Late/Upper Pliocene | Argentina (Jujuy) | H. devillei (141896) | |
Late/Upper Pliocene - Early/Lower Pleistocene | Venezuela (Monagas) | H. sp. (144977) | |
Early/Lower Pleistocene | Bolivia (Tarija ) | H. bonaerensis, H. principale, Onohippidium devillei (70673) | |
Early/Lower Pleistocene | Argentina (Buenos Aires) | Onohippidium sp., Hippidium chapalmalensis (71304) | |
Early/Lower Pleistocene | Bolivia | Onohippidium devillei (142016) | |
Pleistocene | Bolivia (Oruro) | Onohippidium bolivianum (63761) | |
Pleistocene | Brazil (Rio Grande do Sul) | H. sp. (28513) | |
Pleistocene | Argentina (Buenos Aires) | H. sp. (232454 232456) | |
Pleistocene | Peru (Huanuco) | Parahipparion sp. (145576) | |
Pleistocene | Peru (Cajamarca) | Onohippidion peruanum (145508) | |
Pleistocene | Brazil (Ceara) | H. principale (236300) H. sp. (71301 71302) | |
Pleistocene - Holocene | Brazil (Sao Paulo) | H. sp. (147609) | |
Pleistocene - Holocene | Argentina | H. devillei (216677) | |
Ensenadan | Argentina (Jujuy) | H. devillei (141898) | |
Ensenadan | Argentina (Buenos Aires) | H. sp. (212780 213446) | |
Ensenadan | Argentina | H. sp. (213464) | |
Ensenadan | Bolivia | H. sp. (71322) | |
Ensenadan - Lujanian | Argentina (Corrientes) | H. sp. (71288) | |
Lujanian | Argentina (Buenos Aires) | H. sp. (198875) | |
Lujanian | Argentina (Entre Ríos) | H. principale (203955 203958) | |
Lujanian | Peru (Puno) | H. devillei (145248) | |
Lujanian | Uruguay | H. principale (71325) H. sp. (71274 212684) | |
Lujanian (interglacial) | Uruguay (Salto) | H. principale (140159) | |
Middle Pleistocene | Brazil (Bahia) | H. sp. (71295) | |
Middle Pleistocene | Bolivia (Chuquisaca) | H. sp. (70704) | |
Middle Pleistocene | Argentina (Buenos Aires) | H. principale (63335) | |
Middle Pleistocene - Late/Upper Pleistocene | Uruguay (Montevideo) | H. sp. (120884) | |
Late/Upper Pleistocene (interglacial) | Chile (Magallanes) | H. sp. (141367) | |
Late/Upper Pleistocene | Brazil (Rio Grande do Sul) | H. principale (147598) H. sp. (148417) | |
Late/Upper Pleistocene (glacial) | Brazil (Bahia) | H. principale (136498) | |
Late/Upper Pleistocene | Argentina (Santa Fe) | H. principale (212848) | |
Late/Upper Pleistocene | Chile (Tarapacá) | H. saldiasi (225563) | |
Late/Upper Pleistocene | Argentina (Chubut) | H. sp. (71337 71338 71339) | |
Late/Upper Pleistocene | Uruguay | H. sp. (211646) | |
Late/Upper Pleistocene | Brazil (Piauí) | H. sp. (211632) | |
Late/Upper Pleistocene | Brazil (Alagoas) | H. sp. (230760) | |
Late/Upper Pleistocene (late glacial) | Argentina (Santa Cruz) | Hippidium saldiasi (73844) | |
Late/Upper Pleistocene | Venezuela (Falcon) | H. sp. (71284) | |
Late/Upper Pleistocene | Chile | H. saldiasi (225564 225565 225570 225571) H. sp. (71342 71344 213217 225566 225567) H. sp., Parahipparion saldiasi (71341) | |
Late/Upper Pleistocene | Argentina (Santa Cruz) | H. sp., H. saldiasi (71336) | |
Late/Upper Pleistocene | Argentina (Jujuy) | H. sp. (71271 140809 140909) | |
Late/Upper Pleistocene (glacial) | Brazil (Rio Grande do Sul) | H. sp. (137179 137180) | |
Late/Upper Pleistocene | Argentina (Buenos Aires) | H. principale (189517) H. sp. (71316) | |
Late/Upper Pleistocene | Uruguay (Montevideo) | H. sp. (211645) | |
Late/Upper Pleistocene | Argentina | H. sp. (213470) H. sp., H. principale (213489) | |
Late/Upper Pleistocene | Argentina (Tierra del Fuego ) | H. sp. (213009) | |
Late/Upper Pleistocene | Brazil (Piaui) | H. bonaerensis (71332 71334) H. bonaerensis, H. sp. (71335) | |
Late/Upper Pleistocene | Argentina (Tucuman) | H. sp. (216684) | |
Late/Upper Pleistocene | Chile (Calama) | H. saldiasi (144707) | |
Late/Upper Pleistocene | Peru | Onohippidium devillei (212475) | |
Late/Upper Pleistocene | Chile (Pali Aike) | H. sp. (213010) | |
Late/Upper Pleistocene | Chile (O'Higgins) | H. sp. (71280) | |
Late/Upper Pleistocene | Chile (Última Esperanza) | H. sp. (213007 213008) | |
Late/Upper Pleistocene - Holocene | Argentina (Buenos Aires) | H. sp. (191127) | |
Late/Upper Pleistocene - Holocene | Brazil (Bahia) | H. principale (212472) | |
Late/Upper Pleistocene - Holocene | Chile | H. sp. (71340) | |
Late/Upper Pleistocene - Holocene | Brazil (Rio Grande do Norte) | H. sp. (148309) | |
Holocene | Chile (Ultima Esperanza) | Onohippidium sp. (151088 213111) | |
Holocene | Argentina | H. sp. (71343) |