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Bivalvia - Poromyida - Spheniopsidae

Spheniopsidae was named by Gardner (1928) [m. kosnik taxon no: 5042]. It is extant.

It was assigned to Myacea by Newell (1965) and Vokes (1980); to Myoidea by Coan et al. (2000); to Anomalodesmata by Bieler and Mikkelsen (2006); and to Cuspidarioidea by Bouchet et al. (2010) and Carter et al. (2011).


Synonymy list
YearName and author
1928Spheniopsidae Gardner
1965Spheniopsidae Newell p. 21
1980Spheniopsidae Vokes p. 184
2000Spheniopsidae Coan et al. p. 466
2006Spheniopsidae Bieler and Mikkelsen p. 231
2010Spheniopsidae Bouchet et al.
2011Spheniopsidae Carter et al. p. 18

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EubilateriaAx 1987
subclassAutobranchia(Groblen 1894)
infraclassHeteroconchia(Gray 1854)
CardiomorphiFerussac 1822
CardioniFerussac 1822
CardiidiaFerussac 1822
PoromyataRidewood 1903
orderPoromyida(Ridewood 1903)
superfamilyCuspidarioideaDall 1886
familySpheniopsidaeGardner 1928
familySpheniopsidaeGardner 1928

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

Fm. Spheniopsidae Gardner 1928
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No diagnoses are available
No measurements are available
Composition: aragonitec
Locomotion: facultatively mobilesuperf
Life habit: infaunalsuperf
Diet: carnivoresuperf
Vision: blindc
Created: 2009-09-09 13:42:55
Modified: 2009-09-09 15:42:55
Source: superf = superfamily, c = class
References: Aberhan et al. 2004, Sanchez Roig 1926

Age range

Maximum range based only on fossils: base of the Priabonian to the top of the Zanclean or 38.00000 to 3.60000 Ma
Minimum age of oldest fossil (stem group age): 33.9 Ma

Collections (18 total)

Time interval Ma Country or state Original ID and collection number
Priabonian38.0 - 33.9USA (Mississippi) Spheniopsis mississippiensis (6802)
Rupelian33.9 - 28.1USA (Mississippi) Spheniopsis mississippiensis (5500 5501 5867 5941 6005 74077 74078 74079 74080 74081 74082)
Chattian28.1 - 23.03Denmark (Jylland) Spheniopsis depressa (9170)
Chattian28.1 - 23.03Denmark (Jutland) Spheniopsis depressa (9176)
Burdigalian20.44 - 15.97USA (Florida) Spheniopsis americana (41760 42281 42366)
Zanclean5.333 - 3.6Belgium Spheniopsis jugosa (86802)