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Ostrombatrachos nodos

Amphibia - Temnospondyli

Ostrombatrachos nodos was named by Oreska et al. (2024). Its type specimen is USNM 768869, a maxilla (R maxilla), and it is a 3D body fossil. Its type locality is USNM Loc. 42222, which is in an Aptian/Albian lacustrine claystone in the Cloverly Formation of Wyoming. It is the type species of Ostrombatrachos.

Synonymy list
YearName and author
2024Ostrombatrachos nodos Oreska et al. p. 3 figs. 1-2

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EubilateriaAx 1987
phylumChordataHaeckel 1874
subclassDipnotetrapodomorpha(Nelson 2006)
Batrachia(Macartney 1802)

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

Ostrombatrachos nodos Oreska et al. 2024
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M. P. J. Oreska et al. 2024Differs from all other salientians in the following unique combination of maxillary features: edentulous; lateral surface ornamented with pit-and-ridge ornament consisting of low-relief, moderately broad, and weakly vermiform ridges enclosing shallow, small to large, circular to irregular pits and anteroposteriorly elongate grooves; moderately shallow, broad groove extends a short distance lateroanteriorly across dorsal surface near junction between margo orbitalis and posterior base of processus frontalis and continues as a shallower groove extending anteroventrally down lateral surface of pars facialis, interrupting pit-and-ridge ornament and terminating just above crista dentalis; margo orbitalis short anteroposteriorly and shallowly concave in medial or lateral profile, with rim expanded medially as a prominent, dorsoventrally shallow flange; postorbital region moderately deep and of consistent height along preserved anterior length, with dorsal edge of processus zygomatico-maxillaris nearly horizontal, only slightly higher than margo orbitalis in lateral or medial view, and moderately narrow in dorsal view; bone-to-bone contact with squamosal indicated by roughened surface that wraps lateroposteriorly across medially expanded posterior border of margo orbitalis and extends posteriorly along narrow dorsal margin of processus zygomatico-maxillaris; anteroposteriorly elongate groove in dorsomedial surface of processus zygomatico-maxillaris; lamina horizontalis moderately developed as bony ledge, triangular in cross section anteriorly, mediolateral width ∼90% of dorsoventral depth of lamina horizontalis, and maximum depth ∼20% of minimum suborbital depth of maxilla; processus pterygoideus weakly developed, subrectangular, and not projecting medially beyond medial surface of lamina horizontalis; crista dentalis shallow (height accounts for ∼15% of minimum suborbital depth for maxilla), with posterior limit slightly anterior to posterior margin of processus pterygoideus; and shallow, subcircular pits scattered along medial surface of crista dentalis in preorbital region.
No measurements are available
Composition: phosphaticsubp
Environment: brackish, freshwater, terrestrialuc
Locomotion: actively mobilesubo
Life habit: amphibioussubo
Diet: carnivoresubo
Dispersal: waterc
Created: 2009-07-20 21:44:54
Modified: 2009-07-20 23:44:54
Source: subo = suborder, c = class, subp = subphylum, uc = unranked clade
References: Carroll 1988, Uhen 2004, Hendy et al. 2009

Age range: base of the Aptian to the top of the Albian or 125.00000 to 100.50000 Ma

Collections: one only

Time interval Ma Country or state Original ID and collection number
Aptian - Albian125.0 - 100.5USA (Wyoming) Ostrombatrachos nodos (type locality: 137577)