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Megamphicyon was named by Kuss (1965) [GroBer bis extrem groBer Amphicyonide mit stark querverlangertem, etwas fUnfeckigem MI. M2 unverhaltnismaBig schmal, an MI von Hemicyon erinnernd. Molaren mit schrager Abkauungsweise, wobei jedoch keine scharfen Schneiden (wie bei den Thaumastocyoniden), sondern unregelmaBig verflieBende Facetten entstehen. [Large to extremely large amphicyonid with a strongly transversely elongated, somewhat pentagonal MI. M2 disproportionately narrow, reminiscent of MI from Hemicyon. Molars with an oblique manner of chewing, which, however, do not produce sharp edges (as in the thaumastocyonids), but rather irregularly flowing facets.]]. It is not extant.
It was assigned to Amphicyoninae by Kuss (1965), Siliceo et al. (2020).
It was assigned to Amphicyoninae by Kuss (1965), Siliceo et al. (2020).
Synonymy list
Year | Name and author |
1965 | Megamphicyon Kuss p. 22 |
2020 | Megamphicyon Siliceo et al. p. 225 |
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If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.
Reference | Diagnosis | |
S. E. Kuss 1965 | GroBer bis extrem groBer Amphicyonide mit stark querverlängertem, etwas fünfeckigem m1. m2 unverhältnismaBig schmal, an m1 von Hemicyon erinnernd. Molaren mit schräger Abkauungsweise, wobei jedoch keine scharfen Schneiden (wie bei den Thaumastocyoniden), sondern unregelmäBig verflieBende Facetten entstehen. | |
G. Siliceo et al. 2020 | Amphicyonid similar to Amphicyon major, but with the following differences: much larger size; the M1 is much more mesiodistally elongated, with very high buccal cusps, and with the mesial and distal margins inflated at the level of the paraconule and metaconule; M2 with lower buccal tubercles, protocone formed of a single ridge, connected to the paraconule; vertical or absent metaconule, generally not connected to the protocone; lower canine shorter and stout; m1 with curved walls and the lingual part of the talonid narrower and elongated; m2 high, with strong protoconid, and metaconid strongly dominating a well-formed talonid, presence of a vestigial paraconid; very long m3 (Ginsburg & Antunes 1968). |
No measurements are available
Source: f = family, subc = subclass, c = class, subp = subphylum | |||||
References: Hendy et al. 2009, Carroll 1988, Ji et al. 2002, Lillegraven 1979, Hunt 1998 |