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Santuccimeryx elissae
Leptomeryx elissae was named by Korth and Diamond (2002). Its type specimen is UNSM 119638, a mandible (mandible with left p3-m3 ), and it is a 3D body fossil. Its type locality is UNSM Sx-8 (Orella C), which is in an Orellan terrestrial horizon in the Brule Formation of Nebraska. It is the type species of Santuccimeryx.
It was recombined as Santuccimeryx elissae by Shreero et al. (2023).
It was recombined as Santuccimeryx elissae by Shreero et al. (2023).
Synonymy list
Year | Name and author |
2002 | Leptomeryx elissae Korth and Diamond p. 114 figs. 4, 5 |
2023 | Santuccimeryx elissae Shreero et al. |
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†Santuccimeryx elissae Korth and Diamond 2002
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Reference | Diagnosis | |
W. W. Korth and M. E. Diamond 2002 | Smaller than L. evansi; enamel of cheek teeth smooth (less cren- ulated than in L. evansi); S/E-type of entoconulid on M3 ; Palaeomeryx-fold lack- ing on lower cheek teeth. | |
M. Shreero et al. 2023 | Cranium: Santuccimeryx is brachycephalic, exhibiting
a short cranium and relatively large orbits. In BADL 64015, the orbit length is 61.2% of the cranium length measured from the postorbital process of the fron tal. In Santuccimeryx, the postorbital bar is formed primarily by the jugal. The postorbital constriction is shallow and poorly developed. The distance between frontal-parietal contact and sagittal crest is double the length of the sagittal crest. T he sagittal crest has weak insertions for nuchal ligaments. The angle between the temporal crests is 64°, and they converge with the anterior sagittal crest dorsal to the external auditory meatus. The sagittal crest does not overhang the occipital region. The basioccipital is posteriorly expanded and trapezoidal, and the audi tory bullae are sculptured, defined, and possess an anterior spur. Dentition: S. elissae has smooth tooth enamel. P2 and P3 have distinct pre protocrista and lack a cusp-like protocone. The margin of the P3 postprotocrista is posterolabially expanded, and the P3 posterostyle is reduced. BADL 64015 possesses upper deciduous P4s, but lower deciduous teeth are lost, and all up per and lower molars are fully erupted, indicating an adult specimen. The dP4 is strongly molariform, nearly as robust as M1, and possesses a lingual cingulum and buccal pillar. The styles of all upper molars are reduced or nearly absent and antero-posteriorly shortened. T he lower premolars are complex. The p3 possesses a protoconid with posterior ridges to the entoconid and hypoconid, and p4 has a well-developed paraconid, metaconid, protoconid, entoconid, and hypoconid. The dp4 in referred S. elissae specimen BADL 64245 is molariform with three characteristic lobes, as in all artiodactyls. On the lower molars, S. elissae has smooth enamel, anterior cingula on the protoconids, and lacks Palaeomeryx-folds. The posterior ridge on m3 is lost and the entoconulid is a pillar-like cuspid (L. speciosus–L. evansi morphology). |
No measurements are available
Source: f = family, o = order, subc = subclass, c = class, subp = subphylum | |||||
References: Hendy et al. 2009, Nowak 1999, Carroll 1988, Lillegraven 1979, Webb 1998 |