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Neohipparion affine

Mammalia - Perissodactyla - Equidae

Hipparion affine was named by Leidy (1869). Its type specimen is USNM 584, a set of teeth (Five uppermolars of one individual; left m1, m2, p4, and right p4, p3), and it is a 3D body fossil. Its type locality is Porcupine Butte, which is in a Clarendonian terrestrial horizon in the Ash Hollow Formation of South Dakota.

It was recombined as Hippotherium affine by Cope (1889), Cope (1893), Gidley (1903); it was synonymized subjectively with Neohipparion occidentale by McGrew (1938), Gregory (1942), Webb (1969); it was considered a nomen dubium by Macdonald (1992); it was recombined as Neohipparion affine by Gidley (1907), Stirton (1940), MacFadden (1984), Hulbert (1987), MacFadden (1998), May (2019).

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1854Hippodon speciosus Leidy p. 90
1856Hipparion (Hippodon) speciosum Leidy p. 311
1857Hipparion speciosum Leidy p. 89
1869Hipparion speciosum Leidy
1869Hipparion affine Leidy p. 286 figs. Pl. xviii, figS. 20-23
1873Hipparion speciosum Leidy p. 247
1874Hipparion speciosum Marsh
1875Hippotherium speciosum Cope
1883Hippotherium speciosum Wortman
1887Hippotherium speciosum Cope
1889Hippotherium affine Cope
1889Hippotherium speciosum Cope p. 436
1889Hipparion speciosum Matthew
1893Hippotherium affine Cope p. 36
1896Hipparion speciosum Roger
1898Hipparion speciosum Trouessart
1902Hipparion affine Hay p. 619
1902Hipparion speciosum Hay p. 621
1903Hippotherium affine Gidley
1903Neohipparion whitneyi Gidley p. 467 fig. none
1904Hipparion whitneyi Osborn
1905Neohipparion whitneyi Osborn
1905Neohipparion whitneyi Trouessart
1906Hipparion dolichops Gidley
1906Neohipparion whitneyi Gidley
1906Hipparion dolichops Gidley p. 148 figs. 14 - 17
1907Neohipparion dolichops Gidley
1907Neohipparion affine Gidley p. 887
1907Neohipparion whitneyi Gidley p. 924
1909Neohipparion speciosum Matthew
1909Neohipparion whitneyi Matthew
1913Hipparion whitneyi Matthew
1914Neohipparion speciosum Hay
1915Hipparion speciosum Cope and Matthew
1915Merychippus speciosum Cope and Matthew
1917Hipparion whitneyi Matthew
1918Hipparion affine Osborn p. 178 figs. Text Fig. 141
1918Hipparion whitneyi Osborn p. 181 figs. Plates 31.1,2, 32.1, 39.1,4, 51.3,6, Text Figs. 51, 144
1918Hipparion dolichops Osborn p. 182 figs. Text Fig. 145
1924Neohipparion whitneyi Matthew
1930Hipparion dolichops Hay
1930Hipparion whitneyi Hay
1930Hipparion whitneyi Matthew and Stirton
1940Neohipparion affine Stirton p. 183
1940Neohipparion dolichops Stirton p. 183
1940Neohipparion whitneyi Stirton p. 183
1942Neohipparion whitneyi Gregory
1955Hippodon speciosus Quinn p. 13
1984Neohipparion affine MacFadden p. 90 figs. 8, 15, 47-50, 63-69, 147, 150
1987Neohipparion affine Hulbert, Jr. p. 812 figs. 1.1, 1.2
1998Neohipparion affine MacFadden p. 548
2019Neohipparion affine May

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EubilateriaAx 1987
phylumChordataHaeckel 1874
subclassDipnotetrapodomorpha(Nelson 2006)
subclassAmphibiosauriaKuhn 1967

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

Neohipparion affine Leidy 1869
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Invalid names: Hippotherium speciosum Leidy 1854 [synonym], Neohipparion dolichops Gidley 1906 [synonym], Neohipparion whitneyi Gidley 1903 [synonym]
J. W. Gidley 1903 (Neohipparion whitneyi)Specificcharacters.-SizeaboutequaltoNeohipparionoccidentale,but enamelfoldingsmuch more simple,evenmore simplethaninN. afine. N.whitneyifurtherdiffersfromN. afineinthemuch strongerdevelop- mentofthestylesoftheectoloph. Protoconerelativelylargeand verymuchelongatedincross-sectionanteroposteriorly. Outerwall of the protocone flat and slightly folded inward, as is usual in Equus caballus. Metapodialsverylongandslender. Lateraldigitsgreatly reduced, their terminal phalanges not extending to the distal end of the first phalanx of the median digit.
H. F. Osborn 1918 (Leidy, 1869) (1) An animal of larger size than the type of Hippodnn speciosum, about the size and proportions of Hipparinnoccidentale or the existing Equua aainua. (2) Molars differing from those of H. occidentale in the simple enamel plications, which are not more folded than in the horse.. (Leidy, p. 286) Type a younger individual than the type of H. occidentale, the molars comparatively little worn; m2 not sufficiently worn to exhibit the inner enamel plications. Internal enamel column [protocone] proportionately wider than in Hippodnn specioaum and absolutely wider than in Hipparion occidentale. (Matthew; 1913) (1) Protocone wide and flattened, oval from summit to base; (2) fossette borders with a few large plications, in little worn stage simple, with folds inconspicuous in half worn stage; (3) pli caballin persists in half worn teeth.
H. F. Osborn 1918 (Hipparion dolichops)(Gidley, 1906, 1907) (1) About equal in size to Hipparion affine Leidy; (2) differing from H. affine in
(a) the more open fossettes of the upper teeth, (b) the greater complexity of the enamel foldings, (c) the proportionately smaller and more rounded protocones; (3) differing from H. oeeidentale Leidy in (a) its smaller size, and (b) in the different proportions of the premolars, which are relatively broader transversely; (4) differing from H. whitneyi Gidley in (a) its smaller size, (b) in the greater number of folds in the enamel walls of the metaloph in the upper teeth, (c) the more open fossettes, (d) the more rounded form of the protocones, (e) in the extreme forward position of the infraorbital foramen, which is placed directly above the space between p2 and p3, while (f) the masseter ridge extends but little farther forward than in H, whitneyi. (5) The jaw is much longer and more slender than in H. whitneyi or in other known Miocene species of horse; (6) the preorbital portion of the skull also is proportionately longer than the average of a dozen specimens of
Equus eahallus examined by the author.
H. F. Osborn 1918 (Hipparion whitneyi) (Gidley, 1907, p. 924) (1) Size about equal to Hipparion occidentale, but enamel foldings much
more simple, even more simple than in H. affine; (2) H. whitneyi further differs from H. affine in the much stronger development of the styles of the ectoloph; (3) protocone relatively large and very much elongated in cross section antero- posteriorly; (4) inner, or lingual, wall of the protocone flat and slightly depressed, as is usual in Equus caballus. (5) Metapodials very long and slender; (6) lateral digits greatly reduced, their terminal phalanges not extending to the distal end of the first phalanx of the median digit.
J. H. Quinn 1955 (Hippodon speciosus)Molar truncate - wedge shaped with base of crown transversely wide and summit of crown transverselynarrow; external face slightly concave; parastylid weak and sloping diagonally across anterior face of tooth; metaconid and metastylid separated by a persistent valley; flexids shallow; entoconid flat- tened internally; protoconid and hypo- conid triangular; median valley extended between the flexids; no pli caballinid; hy- poconulid prominent and wide trans- versely; tooth subhypsodont.
B. J. MacFadden 1984Same as for generic diagnosis with the following specific characters: DPOF poorly developed and fades onto the surrounding cheek region. Posteriorly, DPOF relatively shallow, not pocketed, and not rimmed. Posterior extent of this fossa developed on the nasal and maxillary bones or on the lacrimal bone. Mean TRL 142.47 mm. Cheek tooth dentition moderately hypsodont. Unworn or little-worn MlMSTHT ca. 42-50mm. Protocone elongate. Ectoflexids relatively deep. Neohipparion affine differs from other hipparions (and all other horse genera) in the diagnostic generic characters (se eabove). In particular, N.affine differs from the merychippine outgroup and N. coloradense in its greatersize,increasedhypsodonty,andnu-
merousdentalcharacters,suchasfullyiso- lated and elongated protocones and expan- sionofconidsand stylids.N. afinedifers from N. trampasense in its larger size and more primitive dental pattern; from N. lep- tode in a more primitive dental pattern; N. eurystyle in lower crown height, larger size, and more primitive dental pattern; and from N.gidleyi in lower crown height, smaller size, and more primitive dental pattern.
R. C. Hulbert 1987Larger than N. tram- pasense or N. eurystyle; UTRL and ltrl about 135-1 50 mm. Unworn M 12 MSCH about 56 mm. Relatively simple fossettes; pli caballin single; pli caballinid prominent on slightly worn p2-p4 only. DPOF poorly developed (but strong relative to other species of Neohipparion), shallow, posteriorly developed on large lacrimal bone.
No measurements are available
Composition: phosphaticsubp
Environment: terrestrialsubc
Locomotion: actively mobilec
Life habit: ground dwellingsubf
Diet: grazerg
Reproduction: viviparoussubc
Created: 2009-01-04 10:29:14
Modified: 2009-01-04 12:54:35
Source: g = genus, subf = subfamily, subc = subclass, c = class, subp = subphylum
References: Hendy et al. 2009, Ji et al. 2002, MacFadden 1998, Lillegraven 1979, Carroll 1988, MacFadden and Cerling 1996

Age range: base of the Late/Upper Miocene to the top of the Clarendonian or 11.60800 to 9.40000 Ma

Collections (20 total)

Time interval Ma Country or state Original ID and collection number
Miocene23.03 - 5.333USA (South Dakota) Neohipparion whitneyi (18038 18113 18114)
Clarendonian12.5 - 9.4USA (Nebraska) Neohipparion affine (18095 18143 18171 18221 18227 18324 18336 188779)
Clarendonian12.5 - 9.4USA (Texas) Neohipparion affine (18179 18244 18611) Neohipparion sp. (18610)
Clarendonian12.5 - 9.4USA (Kansas) Neohipparion affine (18449)
Clarendonian12.5 - 9.4USA (South Dakota) Neohipparion affine (type locality: 18325)
Clarendonian - Hemphillian12.5 - 4.9USA (South Dakota) Neohipparion dolichops, Neohipparion whitneyi (18087)
Clarendonian - Hemphillian12.5 - 4.9USA (Nebraska) Neohipparion affine (18256)
Late/Upper Miocene11.608 - 5.333Guatemala Neohipparion affine (18716)