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Mammalia - Cetacea

Synonymy list
YearName and author
2023Stegoceti Boessenecker and Geisler p. 152

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EubilateriaAx 1987
phylumChordataHaeckel 1874
subclassDipnotetrapodomorpha(Nelson 2006)
subclassAmphibiosauriaKuhn 1967

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

Unr. Stegoceti Boessenecker and Geisler 2023
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Fm. †Agorophiidae Abel 1914
G. †Agorophius Cope 1895
Agorophius pygmaeus Muller 1849
Invalid names: Phocodon holmesii Agassiz 1850 [objective synonym]
G. †Ankylorhiza Boessenecker et al. 2020
Ankylorhiza tiedemani Allen 1887
Invalid names: Microzeuglodontidae Abel 1914 [invalid subgroup]
Fm. Platanistidae Gray 1846
G. †Araeodelphis Kellogg 1957
Araeodelphis natator Kellogg 1957
G. †Dilophodelphis Boersma et al. 2017
Dilophodelphis fordycei Boersma et al. 2017
G. †Grimadelphis Godfrey and Lambert 2023
Grimadelphis spectorum Godfrey and Lambert 2023
G. †Pachyacanthus Brandt 1871
Pachyacanthus suessii Brandt 1871
Invalid names: Cetotherium ambiguum Brandt 1872 [synonym], Pachyacanthus andrussovi Dombrovsky 1925 [synonym], Pachyacanthus bajarunasi Dombrovsky 1925 [synonym], Pachyacanthus letochae Brandt 1873 [synonym], Pachyacanthus trachyspondylus Brandt 1871 [synonym]
G. †Pebanista Benites-Palomino et al. 2024
Pebanista yacuruna Benites-Palomino et al. 2024
G. Platanista Wagler 1830
Platanista gangetica Leebeck 1801
Invalid names: Delphinorhynchus gangeticus Lesson 1827 [synonym], Delphinus shawensis Blainville 1817 [synonym], Platanista indi Blyth 1859 [synonym], Susu platanista Lesson 1828 [synonym]
Platanista minor Owen 1853
Invalid names: Susu Lesson 1828 [synonym]
Subfm. †Pomatodelphininae Barnes 2002
G. †Prepomatodelphis Barnes 2002
G. †Pomatodelphis Allen 1921
Pomatodelphis bobengi Case 1934
Invalid names: Schizodelphis depressus Allen 1921 [synonym]
Pomatodelphis santamaria Godfrey and Lambert 2023
Invalid names: Champsodelphis renovi Laurillard 1844 [synonym], Schizodelphis depereti Paquier 1894 [synonym]
G. †Zarhachis Cope 1868
Zarhachis flagellator Cope 1868
Zarhachis tysonii Cope 1869
Zarhachis velox Cope 1869
Invalid names: Argyrocetinae Trouessart 1898 [empty], Platanistinae Flower 1867 [empty], Susuidae Hershkovitz 1966 [synonym], Tachyrgrhynchus Odreman-Rivas 1997 [nomen nudum]
Fm. †Squaloziphiidae Muizon 1990
G. †Crisocetus Gaetán et al. 2023
Crisocetus lydekkeri Gaetán et al. 2023
G. †Squaloziphius Muizon 1990
Squaloziphius emlongi Muizon 1990
G. †Yaquinacetus Lambert et al. 2019
Yaquinacetus meadi Lambert et al. 2019
Fm. Ziphiidae Gray 1850 [beaked whale]
G. †Anoplonassa Cope 1869
Anoplonassa forcipata Cope 1869
G. †Belemnoziphius Huxley 1864
Belemnoziphius prorops Leidy 1876
Subfm. Berardiinae Moore 1968
G. †Archaeoziphius Lambert and Louwye 2006
Archaeoziphius microglenoideus Lambert and Louwye 2006
G. Berardius Duvernoy 1851
Berardius arnuxii Duvernoy 1851 [Arnoux's beaked whale]
Berardius bairdii Stejneger 1883
Berardius kobayashii Kawatani and Kohno 2021
Berardius minimus Yamada et al. 2019 [kurotsuchikujira]
G. †Microberardius Bianucci et al. 2007
Microberardius africanus Bianucci et al. 2007
G. †Caviziphius Bianucci and Post 2005
Caviziphius altirostris Bianucci and Post 2005
G. †Chavinziphius Bianucci et al. 2016
Chavinziphius maxillocristatus Bianucci et al. 2016
G. †Mamaziphius Bianucci et al. 2024
Mamaziphius reyesi Bianucci et al. 2024
Unr. †Messapicetiformes Bianucci et al. 2024
G. †Aporotus Du Bus 1868
Aporotus dicyrtus Du Bus 1868
Aporotus recurvirostris Du Bus 1868
Invalid names: Aporotus affinis Du Bus 1868 [synonym]
G. †Beneziphius Lambert 2005
Beneziphius brevirostris Lambert 2005
Beneziphius cetariensis Miján et al. 2017
G. †Chimuziphius Bianucci et al. 2016
Chimuziphius coloradensis Bianucci et al. 2016
G. †Choneziphius Duvernoy 1851
Choneziphius chonops Leidy 1876
Choneziphius leidyi Bianucci et al. 2013
Choneziphius liops Leidy 1876
Choneziphius macrops Leidy 1876
Invalid names: Choneziphius packardi Lankester 1870 [synonym], Ziphius cuvieri Owen 1870 [synonym], Ziphius planus Owen 1870 [synonym]
Choneziphius trachops Leidy 1876
Invalid names: Proroziphius Leidy 1876 [synonym]
G. †Dagonodum Ramassamy 2016
Dagonodum mojnum Ramassamy 2016
G. †Globicetus Bianucci et al. 2013
Globicetus hiberus Bianucci et al. 2013
G. †Imocetus Bianucci et al. 2013
Imocetus piscatus Bianucci et al. 2013
G. †Messapicetus Bianucci et al. 1992
Messapicetus gregarius Bianucci et al. 2010
Messapicetus longirostris Bianucci et al. 1992
G. †Ninoziphius Muizon 1983
Ninoziphius platyrostris Muizon 1983
G. †Notoziphius Buono and Cozzuol 2013
Notoziphius bruneti Buono and Cozzuol 2013
G. †Tusciziphius Bianucci 1997
Tusciziphius atlanticus Bianucci et al. 2013
Tusciziphius crispus Bianucci 1997
G. †Ziphirostrum Du Bus 1868
Ziphirostrum marginatum Du Bus 1868
Invalid names: Mioziphius belgicus Abel 1905 [synonym], Ziphirostrum gracile Du Bus 1868 [synonym], Ziphirostrum laevigatum Du Bus 1868 [synonym]
Ziphirostrum recurvus Du Bus 1868
Ziphirostrum turninense Du Bus 1868
Invalid names: Mioziphius Abel 1905 [synonym]
G. †Nazcacetus Lambert et al. 2009
Nazcacetus urbinai Lambert et al. 2009
G. †Nenga Bianucci et al. 2007
Nenga meganasalis Bianucci et al. 2007
G. Tasmacetus Oliver 1937
Tasmacetus shepherdi Oliver 1937 [Shepherd's beaked whale]
Unr. †Vomeroziphii Bianucci et al. 2024
Subfm. Hyperoodontinae Muizon 1990
G. †Africanacetus Bianucci et al. 2007
Africanacetus ceratopsis Bianucci et al. 2007
Africanacetus gracilis Ichishima et al. 2017
G. Hyperoodon Lacépède 1804
Subg. Hyperoodon (Frasercetus) Moore 1968
Hyperoodon ampullatus Forster 1770 [northern bottlenose whale]
Invalid names: Delphinus diodon Lacépède 1804 [synonym], Delphinus hunteri Gray 1846 [synonym], Hyperoodon borealis Nilsson 1820 [synonym], Hyperoodon butskopf Lacépède 1804 [synonym], Hyperoodon latifrons Gray 1846 [synonym], Hyperoodon rostratum Wesamel 1840 [synonym]
Hyperoodon planifrons Flower 1882 [southern bottlenose whale]
Invalid names: Delphinus hyperoodon Desmarest 1822 [synonym], Hyperoodon burmeisteri Moreno 1888 [synonym]
Invalid names: Anodon Wagler 1830 [synonym], Cetodiodon Jacob 1825 [synonym], Chaenodelphinus Eschricht 1843 [synonym], Heterodon Blainville 1817 [synonym], Lagenocetus Gray 1863 [synonym], Uranodon Illiger 1811 [synonym]
G. †Ihlengesi Bianucci et al. 2007
Ihlengesi changoensis Bianucci et al. 2023
Ihlengesi saldanhae Bianucci et al. 2007
G. Indopacetus Moore 1968 [tropical bottlenose whale]
Indopacetus pacificus Longman 1926 [tropical bottlenose whale]
G. †Khoikhoicetus Bianucci et al. 2007
Khoikhoicetus agulhasis Bianucci et al. 2007
Khoikhoicetus kergueleni Lambert et al. 2018
G. Mesoplodon Gervais 1850
Mesoplodon bidens Sowerby 1804
Invalid names: Aodon dalei Lesson 1828 [synonym], Delphinus micropterus Cuvier 1829 [synonym], Delphinus sowerbensis de Blainville 1817 [synonym], Heterodon dalei Lesson 1827 [synonym], Mesoplodon sowerbiensis Blainville 1817 [synonym], Mesoplodon sowerbyi Desmarest 1822 [synonym]
Mesoplodon blasiusi Brandt 1873
Mesoplodon bowdoini Andrews 1908
Mesoplodon densirostris Blainville 1817
Invalid names: Ziphius seychellensis Gray 1846 [synonym]
Mesoplodon eueu Carroll et al. 2021
Mesoplodon europaeus Gervais 1852
Invalid names: Dioplodon gervaisi Deslongchamps 1866 [synonym], Mesoplodon gervaisi Deslongchamps 1866 [synonym]
Mesoplodon ginkgodens Nishiwaki and Kamiya 1958
Invalid names: Mesoplodon densirostris Ogawa 1938 [synonym]
Mesoplodon grayi Haast 1876
Invalid names: Berardius hectori Hector 1874 [synonym], Mesoplodon australis Flower 1878 [synonym], Mesoplodon haasti Flower 1878 [synonym]
Invalid names: Mesoplodon knoxi Hector 1873 [synonym]
Mesoplodon hotaula Deraniyagala 1963
Mesoplodon layardii Gray 1865 [strap-toothed whale]
Invalid names: Mesoplodon floweri Lydekker 1887 [synonym], Mesoplodon guntheri Krefft 1871 [synonym], Mesoplodon longirostris Gray 1873 [synonym], Mesoplodon thomsoni Ogilby 1896 [synonym]
Mesoplodon mirus True 1913 [True's beaked whale]
Mesoplodon perrini Dalebout et al. 2002
Mesoplodon peruvianus Reyes et al. 1991
Mesoplodon posti Lambert and Louwye 2016
Mesoplodon slangkopi Bianucci et al. 2007
Invalid names: Mesoplodon bahamondi Reyes et al. 1996 [synonym]
Invalid names: Aodon Lesson 1828 [synonym], Callidon Gray 1871 [synonym], Dioplodon Gervais 1850 [synonym], Diplodon Gray 1866 [synonym], Dolichodon Gray 1866 [synonym], Mesiodon Gray 1866 [synonym], Mesodiodon Duvernoy 1851 [synonym], Mesoplodon bononiensis Capellini 1885 [nomen dubium], Mesoplodon danconae Lawley 1876 [nomen dubium], Mesoplodon lawleyi Capellini 1885 [nomen dubium], Mesoplodon medilineatus Owen 1870 [nomen dubium], Mesoplodon meneghinii Lawley 1876 [nomen dubium], Micropteron Eschricht 1849 [synonym], Micropterus Wagner 1846 [synonym], Neoziphius Gray 1871 [synonym], Nodus Wagler 1830 [synonym], Oulodon van Haast 1876 [synonym], Paikea Oliver 1922 [synonym], Ziphius gibbus Owen 1870 [nomen dubium], Ziphius tenuirostris Owen 1870 [nomen dubium]
G. †Pterocetus Bianucci et al. 2007
Pterocetus benguelae Bianucci et al. 2007
G. †Xhosacetus Bianucci et al. 2007
Xhosacetus hendeysi Bianucci et al. 2007
Subfm. Ziphiinae Gray 1850 [beaked whale]
G. †Cetorhynchus Gervais 1861
Cetorhynchus atavus Abel 1905
Cetorhynchus christoli Gervais 1861
G. †Izikoziphius Bianucci et al. 2007
Izikoziphius angustus Bianucci et al. 2007
Izikoziphius rossi Bianucci et al. 2007
G. Ziphius Cuvier 1824
Ziphius cavirostris Cuvier 1824 [Cuvier's beaked whale]
Invalid names: Delphinorhynchus australis Burmeister 1865 [synonym], Delphinus desmarestii Risso 1826 [synonym], Epiodon chathamensis Hector 1873 [synonym], Epiodon cryptodon Gray 1868 [synonym], Hyperoodon capensis Gray 1865 [synonym], Hyperoodon doumetii Gray 1846 [synonym], Hyperoodon gervaisii Duvernoy 1851 [synonym], Hyperoodon semijunctus Cope 1865 [synonym], Petrorhynchus mediterraneus Gray 1871 [synonym], Ziphiorrhynchus cryptodon Burmeister 1866 [synonym], Ziphius australis Trouessart 1904 [synonym], Ziphius grebnitzkii Stejneger 1883 [synonym], Ziphius indicus Van Beneden 1863 [synonym]
Ziphius compressus Owen 1870
Invalid names: Aliama Gray 1864 [synonym], Diodon Lesson [synonym], Hypodon Haldemann 1841 [synonym], Petrorhynchus Gray 1865 [synonym], Ziphiorrhynchus Burmeister 1866 [synonym]
Invalid names: Berardini Muizon 1990 [empty]
Subtr. Ziphiina Gray 1850
Invalid names: Hyperoodontes Winge 1921 [empty]
Invalid names: Anarnacinae Gill 1872 [empty], Argyrodelphini Winge 1921 [empty], Choneziphiidae Cope 1895 [invalid subgroup], Dioplodon senensis Capellini 1885 [nomen dubium], Eboroziphius Leidy 1876 [nomen dubium], Hyperoodontidae Gray 1846 [synonym], Mesoplodon longirostris Cuvier 1824 [nomen dubium], Mesoplodon tumidirostris Miyazaki and Hasegawa 1992 [nomen dubium], Pelycorhamphus Cope 1895 [nomen dubium], Rhinostodes Du Bus 1868 [nomen dubium], Rhinostodes lovisatoi Vigliarolo 1894 [nomen dubium], Synostodon Vanden Broeck 1874 [invalid subgroup], Ziphiopsis Du Bus 1868 [nomen dubium]
R. W. Boessenecker and J. H. Geisler 2023Odontocetes included within the Stegoceti are diagnosed by several synapomorphic features of the premaxilla, intertemporal region, and periotic including premaxilla terminating within the posterior half of the orbit (character 107, state 4) or fur- ther posterior; inflection of premaxilla positioned within posterior half of orbit (character 142, state 4) or further posterior; parietals reduced to lateral triangular exposures (character 176, state 1); dorsally expanded or greatly expanded intertemporal constriction (character 178, state 2 or 3); tympanosquamosal fossa present and triangular (character 224, state 2); blunt apex of anterior process of periotic (character 247, state 1); anterior process of periotic circular in cross-section (character 254, state 2); aperture of cochlear aqueduct of periotic similar in size to aperture for vestibular aqueduct (character 274, state 1); superior process of periotic reduced to a low crest at posterodorsal angle (character 280, state 3); suprameatal fossa of periotic reduced to shallow but clearly defined longitudinal sulcus (character 378, state 2).
No measurements are available
Composition: hydroxyapatitesubo
Form: roller-shapedo
Ontogeny: modification of partso
Environment: marine, freshwatersubo
Locomotion: actively mobileo
Life habit: aquatico
Depth habitat: surfaceo
Diet: carnivoresubo
Reproduction: viviparoussubo
Created: 2005-03-06 14:21:39
Modified: 2005-09-22 15:42:08
Source: subo = suborder, o = order
Reference: Uhen 2004

Age range

Maximum range based only on fossils: base of the Rupelian to the top of the Holocene or 33.90000 to 0.00000 Ma
Minimum age of oldest fossil (stem group age): 28.1 Ma

Collections (368 total)

Oldest occurrences

Time interval Ma Country or state Original ID and collection number
Rupelian33.9 - 28.1USA (South Carolina) Agorophius pygmaeus (91482) Agorophius sp. (135687) Ankylorhiza sp. (188994) Saurocetus gibbesii (45500) Squalodon tiedemani (55520) Zeuglodon sp. (45761)
Chattian28.1 - 23.03USA (South Carolina) Agorophius pygmaeus (156031) Agorophius sp. (196878) Agorophius sp., Agorophiidae indet. (211540) Ankylorhiza tiedemani (97550)
Chattian - Burdigalian28.1 - 15.97USA (Oregon) Yaquinacetus meadi (200274)
Aquitanian23.03 - 20.44USA (Washington) Squaloziphius emlongi (45481)
Early/Lower Miocene23.03 - 15.97USA (Oregon) Platanistinae indet. (70502)
Early/Lower Miocene23.03 - 15.97Italy Ziphiidae indet. (128413)
Aquitanian - Langhian23.03 - 13.82USA (North Carolina) Anoplonassa sp., Ziphiidae indet., Ninoziphius platyrostris, Araeodelphis natator, Squalodon tiedemani, Squalodon whitmorei (48887)
Miocene23.03 - 5.333Spain (Glacia) Hyperoodon sp., Tusciziphius atlanticus (80694)
Miocene23.03 - 5.333Austria Pachyacanthus sp. (63085)
Miocene23.03 - 5.333USA (South Carolina) Proroziphius macrops (18506)
Miocene23.03 - 5.333Austria (Burgenland) Pachyacanthus suessi (85507)
Miocene23.03 - 5.333France Mesoplodon christolii (85152)
Miocene - Pliocene23.03 - 2.588Netherlands Choneziphius planirostris (53929)
Neogene23.03 - 2.58USA (California) Ziphiidae indet. (99614)
Neogene23.03 - 2.58USA (Virginia) Mesoplodon longirostris (81599)
Neogene23.03 - 2.58Australia (South Australia) Mesoplodon sp. (99623)
Neogene23.03 - 2.58Indian Ocean Africanacetus sp. (149814)
Neogene23.03 - 2.58Madagascar Mesoplodon sp. (55451)
Neogene23.03 - 2.58Japan Mesoplodon tumidirostris (175464)
Neogene23.03 - 2.58South Pacific Mesoplodon sp. (77519 99582 99584 99586 99587) Ziphiidae indet. (99615)