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Hipparion gratum tehonense
Neohipparion gratum tehonense was named by Merriam (1916) [named as "Neohipparion gratum tehonense" by Merriam 1916c; raised to species level]. Its type specimen is UCMP 21780, a tooth (A right superior molar; m1?), and it is a 3D body fossil.
It was recombined as Hipparion gratum tehonense by Osborn (1918); it was recombined as Nannippus tehonensis by Stirton (1940); it was considered a nomen dubium by Macdonald (1992); it was recombined as Hipparion tehonense by Teilhard de Chardin and Stirton (1934), MacFadden (1980), Edwards (1982), MacFadden (1984), Kelly (1995), Dalquest et al. (1996), MacFadden (1998), May (2019).
It was recombined as Hipparion gratum tehonense by Osborn (1918); it was recombined as Nannippus tehonensis by Stirton (1940); it was considered a nomen dubium by Macdonald (1992); it was recombined as Hipparion tehonense by Teilhard de Chardin and Stirton (1934), MacFadden (1980), Edwards (1982), MacFadden (1984), Kelly (1995), Dalquest et al. (1996), MacFadden (1998), May (2019).
Sister species lacking formal opinion data
Synonymy list
Year | Name and author |
1916 | Neohipparion gratum tehonense Merriam p. 118 figs. 1la, 1b, 1c |
1918 | Hipparion gratum tehonense Osborn p. 189 figs. Text Fig. 152 |
1934 | Hipparion tehonense Teilhard de Chardin and Stirton p. 283 |
1940 | Nannippus tehonensis Stirton p. 186 |
1980 | Hipparion tehonense MacFadden |
1982 | Hipparion tehonense Edwards |
1984 | Hipparion tehonense MacFadden p. 65 figs. Figures 8, 10-14, 25-27, 32-39, 146, 150; Tables 2-7, 12, 13 |
1995 | Hipparion tehonense Kelly p. 25 |
1996 | Hipparion tehonense Dalquest et al. |
1998 | Hipparion tehonense MacFadden p. 548 |
2019 | Hipparion tehonense May |
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If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.
†Hipparion gratum tehonense Merriam 1916
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Reference | Diagnosis | |
H. F. Osborn 1918 | (Merriam, 1916, p. 118) "This species corresponds approximately in size and form to Neohipparion gratum of the Great Plains region. It is doubtfully distinguished from the typical form of that species by the tendency to
show a more nearly circular cross-section of the protocone and by somewhat dubious characters in width of crown and nature of the enamel folds bordering the fossettes." "The character of the protocone of the Chanac form (figs. 1a to 1c) suggests Hipparion plicatile of the Alachua clays of Florida, but the crowns in that species seem larger and relatively wider than in the Chanac species. H. ingenuum also of the Alachua clays is not widely removed from the Chanac species, but the protocone is smaller. The Chanac species differs from N eohipparion montezumre in its more nearly circular section of protocone and possibly in a tendency to rela- tively greater transverse diameter of the fossettes." "The characters of the Chanac species represented by specimen 21780 [the type] are in general like those of Hipparion mohavense of the Ricardo Pliocene, but they are shown in a form with smaller dimensions, and approaching the combina- tion of characters of N. gratum. The species is evidently very near the Great Plains form of N. gratum, and it is not impos- sible that larger collections will exhibit a range of characters making even subspecific separation inadvisable." | |
B. J. MacFadden 1984 | Generic characters same as for other species of the genus Hipparion sensu stricto, in particular, the DPOF is well developed posteriorly, but anteriorly becomes poorly defined. Wide PRB. Deep nasal notch that lies dorsal to P2. Larger and more hypsodont than H. shirleyi. Smaller and less hypsodont than H.forcei. Mean TRL 123.38mm. Unworn or little-worn MlMSTHT ca. 40 - 45mm. Protocone oval with rounded borders. Differs from merychippines and H. shirleyi in lack of a persistent, distinct anterior spur on protocone. Protocone less elongate than usually developed in Neohipparion. |
No measurements are available
Source: g = genus, subf = subfamily, subc = subclass, c = class, subp = subphylum | |||||
References: Carroll 1988, Lillegraven 1979, MacFadden and Cerling 1996, Hendy et al. 2009, Ji et al. 2002, MacFadden 1998 |
No collection or age range data are available