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Patellogastropoda (limpet)


Patellogastropoda was named by Lindberg (1986). It is extant.

It was synonymized subjectively with Docoglossa by Jeffery (2003); it was reranked as the superorder Patellogastropoda by Bouchet et al. (2005); it was reranked as the subclass Patellogastropoda by Bouchet et al. (2017).

It was assigned to Eogastropoda by Beesley (1998), Lozouet et al. (2001), Ferrari (2014); and to Gastropoda by Sepkoski (2002), Bouchet et al. (2005), Bouchet et al. (2017).

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1986Patellogastropoda Lindberg
1998Patellogastropoda Beesley p. 639
2001Patellogastropoda Lozouet et al. p. 15
2002Patellogastropoda Sepkoski
2005Patellogastropoda Bouchet et al. p. 242
2014Patellogastropoda Ferrari p. 566
2017Patellogastropoda Bouchet et al. p. 334

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EubilateriaAx 1987
subclassPatellogastropoda(Lindberg 1986)
subclassPatellogastropoda(Lindberg 1986)

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

Subcl. Patellogastropoda Lindberg 1986 [limpet]
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G. Actinoleuca Oliver 1926
G. Ansates Sowerby 1839
G. Atalacmea Iredale 1915
G. †Conoidacmea Habe 1944
G. Parvacmea Iredale 1915
G. Patellastra Monterosato 1884
Or. †Patellida Ihering 1876
Superfm. †Eoacmaeoidea Nakano and Ozawa 2007
Invalid names: Eoacmaeidae Nakano and Ozawa 2007 [empty]
Superfm. Lottioidea Gray 1840 [limpet]
Fm. Acmaeidae Forbes 1850
G. Asteracmea Oliver 1926
Asteracmea acuminata Grateloup 1828
G. †Bathyacmaea Okutani et al. 1992
G. Chiazacmea Oliver 1926
G. †Conorhytis Cossmann 1907
Conorhytis squammula Eudes-Deslongchamps 1863
Invalid names: Conorhytis raduloides Cossmann 1899 [objective synonym]
G. †Deslongchampsia Morris and Lycett 1851
G. †Hamptoniella Wenz 1938
G. †Naccula Iredale 1924
Subfm. Patelloidinae Chapman and Gabriel 1923
G. †Marbodeia Chelot 1887
G. †Niveotectura Habe 1944
G. †Proscutum Fischer 1885
G. †Pseudorhytidopilus Cox 1960
Subfm. Rhodopetalinae Lindberg 1981
G. Rhodopetala Dall 1921
G. †Scurriopsis Gemellaro 1879
Subg. †Scurriopsis (Dietrichiella) Wenz 1938
Subg. †Scurriopsis (Hennocquia) Wenz 1938
Subg. †Scurriopsis (Scurriopsis) Gemellaro 1879
Scurriopsis aureliana Cossmann 1899
Scurriopsis dunkeri d'Orbigny 1847
Scurriopsis tenuistriata Assmann 1924
G. †Serradonta Okutani et al. 1992
G. Tectura Gray 1847
Subg. Tectura (Testudinalia) Moskalev 1966
Tectura antillarum Sowerby 1834
Tectura parva Da Costa 1778
Invalid names: Acmaeinae Forbes 1850 [empty]
Fm. Lepetidae Gray 1850
G. Iothia Forbes 1849
Subfm. Lepetinae Gray 1850
G. Lepeta Gray 1842
Subfm. Propilidiinae Thiele 1891
G. Propilidium Forbes and Hanley 1849
Fm. Lottiidae Gray 1840
G. Acmaea Eschscholtz 1830 [limpet]
Subg. Acmaea (Acmaea) Eschscholtz 1830
Acmaea campanaeformis Klipstein 1843
Acmaea cassis Rathke 1833
Acmaea dickersoni Van Winkle 1918
Acmaea funiculata Carpenter 1864
Acmaea galea Sohl 1960
Acmaea geometrica Merriam 1897
Acmaea hannibali Clark and Arnold 1923
Acmaea lineata Klipstein 1843
Acmaea martinezensis Dickerson 1914
Acmaea mitra Eschscholtz 1833
Acmaea oakvillensis Van Winkle 1918
Acmaea ocitatia Hanna 1924
Invalid names: Patella subquadrata Dickerson 1917 [replaced]
Acmaea poulseni Ravn 1939
Acmaea ruckmani Dickerson 1916
Acmaea rudis Gabb 1869
Acmaea simplex Dickerson 1917
Acmaea soceni Jekelius 1944
Acmaea subangulata Nagao 1928
Acmaea submesidia Stilwell et al. 2004
Acmaea victoriana Clark and Arnold 1923
G. Erginus Jeffreys 1877
Erginus rubellus Fabricius 1780
Erginus vaderensis Lindberg 1979
G. Lottia Gray 1833
Lottia acra Woodring 1928
Lottia actina Woodring 1928
Lottia asmi Middendorff 1847
Lottia depicta Hinds 1842
Invalid names: Acmaea lepisma Berry 1940 [synonym]
Lottia digitalis Eschscholtz 1833
Lottia edmitchelli Lipps 1966
Invalid names: Acmaea mitchelli Lipps 1963 [replaced]
Lottia gigantea Sowerby 1834
Lottia insessa Hinds 1842
Lottia instabilis Gould 1846
Invalid names: Acmaea ochracea Dall 1871 [synonym]
Lottia limatula Carpenter 1864
Lottia orbignyi Dall 1909
Lottia paleacea Gould 1853
Lottia pelta Eschscholtz 1833
Lottia persona Eschesholtz 1833
Lottia scabra Gould 1846
Invalid names: Acmaea (Collisella) spectrum Reeve 1855 [synonym]
Lottia scutum Eschscholtz 1833
Invalid names: Collisella patina Rathke 1833 [synonym]
Lottia strigatella Carpenter 1864
Lottia subrugosa dOrbigny 1846
Invalid names: Collisella Dall 1871 [synonym], Collisellacmaea Christiaens 1975 [synonym], Lecania Carpenter 1866 [synonym], Tecturella Carpenter 1860 [synonym], Tecturina Carpenter 1861 [synonym]
Subfm. Lottiinae Gray 1840
Tr. Scurriini Lindberg 1988
Invalid names: Lottiini Gray 1847 [empty]
G. Notoacmea Iredale 1915
Notoacmea petterdi Tenison-Woods 1876
G. Patelloida Quoy 1834
Patelloida alticostata Angas 1865
Patelloida ceciliana d'Orbigny 1841
Patelloida cryptalirata Macpherson 1955
Patelloida gradatus Lindberg and Marincovich 1988
Patelloida inginis Menke 1843
Patelloida mimula Iredale 1924
Patelloida pustulata Helbling 1779
Invalid names: Acmaea punctulata Gmelin 1791 [replaced]
Patelloida pyramidalis Rovereto 1897
Patelloida saccharina Linnaeus 1758
Patelloida tejonensis Gabb 1869
Patelloida triquetrus Lindberg and Squires 1990
Patelloida vokesi Hickman 1980
Invalid names: Tecturinae Gray 1847 [empty]
Fm. Nacellidae Thiele 1929
G. Cellana Adams 1869
Cellana ampla Lindberg and Hickman 1986
Cellana capensis Gmelin 1791
Cellana conciliata Iredale 1940
Cellana exarata Nuttall 1839
Cellana melanostoma Pilsbry 1891
Cellana sagittata Ladd 1945
Cellana solida Blainville 1825
Cellana tramoserica Holten 1802
G. Nacella Schumacher 1817
Subg. Nacella (Nacella) Schumacher 1817
Subg. Nacella (Patinigera) Dall 1905
Nacella baylei Cossmann 1882
Nacella mytilina Helbling 1779
Invalid names: Nacella mytiloides Schumacher 1817 [synonym]
Fm. Neolepetopsidae McLean 1990
G. Neolepetopsis McLean 1990
G. Paralepetopsis McLean 1990
Fm. Pectinodontidae Pilsbry 1891
G. Pectinodonta Dall 1892
Pectinodonta palaeoxylodia Lindberg and Hedegaard 1996
Invalid names: Lepetopsidae McLean 1990 [empty]
Superfm. Patelloidea Rafinesque 1815
Fm. Patellidae Rafinesque 1815
Subfm. Patellinae Rafinesque 1815
G. †Berlieria de Loriol 1903
G. Cymbula Adams and Adams 1854
G. Helcion Montfort 1810
Helcion granulatus Stanton 1895
G. Patella Linnaeus 1758
Subg. †Patella (Cymbula) Adams and Adams 1854
Subg. Patella (Patella) Linnaeus 1758
Patella caerulea Linnaeus 1758
Patella candei d'Orbigny 1840
Patella capulina Braun 1841
Patella conoidea Lepsius 1878
Patella costaria Deshayes 1824
Patella costata Lepsius 1878
Patella costulata Münster 1841
Patella crasseradiata Kittl 1894
Patella crateriformis Kittl 1894
Patella deformis Martin 1882
Patella duclosii Deshayes 1824
Patella dulcis Lamarck 1802
Patella flexuosa Quoy 1834
Patella glabra Deshayes 1824
Patella granatina Linnaeus 1758
Patella granularis Linnaeus 1758
Patella granulata Münster 1841
Invalid names: Patella nuda Klipstein 1843 [synonym]
Patella gremblichi Wohrmann 1893
Patella hebertiana dOrbigny 1850
Patella hendeyi Kensley and Pether 1986
Patella hochstetteri Martin 1879
Patella hoffmani Kensley and Pether 1986
Patella hollebeni von Schauroth 1854
Patella intermedia Murray 1857
Invalid names: Patella mabillei Locard 1892 [synonym]
Patella jingguensis Pan 1977
Patella laticostata Blainville 1825
Patella limatula Carpenter 1864
Patella longicosta Lamarck 1819
Patella mateoensis Arnold 1908
Patella nelsonensis Trechmann 1917
Patella nigra da Costa 1771
Invalid names: Patella safiana Lamarck 1819 [synonym]
Patella oculus Born 1778
Patella pennata Lamarck 1802
Patella peronii Blainville 1825
Patella reussi Martin 1879
Patella rimosa Böhm 1895
Patella scutatella Lamarck 1802
Patella sheehani Smith 1927
Patella sparsicostata Böhm 1895
Patella striatula Deshayes 1824
Patella stuarti Smith 1927
Patella subglabra Ravn 1939
Patella timorensis Krumbeck 1924
Patella traskii Gabb 1864
Patella vulgata Linnaeus 1758
G. Scutellastra Adams and Adams 1854
Scutellastra arayae Nielsen and Landau 2014
Scutellastra barbara Linnaeus 1758
Scutellastra mexicana Broderip and Sowerby 1829
Scutellastra venezuelana Nielson and Landau 2014
Invalid names: Ancistromesus Dall 1871 [synonym], Olana Adams and Adams 1854 [synonym], Patella (Patellanax) Iredale 1924 [synonym], Patellidea Thiele 1834 [synonym]
Invalid names: Nacelloidea Thiele 1929 [empty], Neolepetopsoidea McLean 1990 [empty]
No diagnoses are available
No measurements are available
Composition: aragonitec
Locomotion: facultatively mobileo
Attached: yeso
Life habit: epifaunalo
Diet: grazero
Vision: limitedc
Created: 2009-09-24 14:35:57
Modified: 2009-09-24 16:35:57
Source: o = order, c = class
References: Hendy et al. 2009, Kiessling 2004

Age range

Maximum range based only on fossils: base of the Artinskian to the top of the Holocene or 290.10000 to 0.00000 Ma
Minimum age of oldest fossil (stem group age): 279.3 Ma

Collections (531 total)

Oldest occurrences

Time interval Ma Country or state Original ID and collection number
Artinskian290.1 - 279.3USA (Texas) Patella sp. (119870)
Capitanian264.28 - 259.51Japan Patella sp. (109667)
Wuchiapingian259.9 - 254.17Germany Patella hollebeni (161279)
Spathian251.3 - 247.2China (Qinghai) Scurriopsis coromiformis (122299)
Anisian247.2 - 242.0China (Sichuan) Scurriopsis tenuistriata (137823)
Anisian247.2 - 242.0Bosnia and Herzegovina Patella sp. (206720)
Pelsonian - Illyrian247.2 - 242.0China (Guizhou) Scurriopsis sp. (31621)
Anisian - Ladinian247.2 - 237.0Italy (Udine) Scurria sp. (201597)
Ladinian242.0 - 237.0Italy Patella rimosa (138256) Patella sparsicostata, Scurria pelta (138255)
Ladinian242.0 - 237.0New Zealand Patella sp. (134797)
Ladinian242.0 - 237.0Indonesia (Timor) Patella sp. (205180)
Ladinian - Carnian242.0 - 228.0New Zealand Patella nelsonensis (201925) Patella sp. (201926)
Carnian237.0 - 228.0Italy (South Tyrol) Patella gremblichi (205157)
Carnian237.0 - 228.0Italy Patella sp. (164191)
Carnian237.0 - 228.0China (Yunnan) Patella gremblichi (165399) Patella jingguensis (165315)
Carnian237.0 - 228.0USA (Alaska) Patella sp. (112343)
Carnian - Norian237.0 - 208.5Indonesia (Timor) Patella timorensis (205174 205303)
Late/Upper Triassic237.0 - 201.4USA (Alaska) Scurria sp. (112287 112288)
Julian235.0 - 232.0Italy Patella costulata, Patella granulata (144631) Patella costulata, Patella granulata, Patella capulina (137429) Scurria sp. (69664 202422)
Tuvalian232.0 - 221.5USA (California) Patella sheehani (33327) Patella stuarti (142611)