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Chalicotheriidae (chalicothere)

Mammalia - Perissodactyla - Chalicotheriidae

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1872Chalicotheriidae Gill
1881Chalicotheriidae Cope p. 395
1889Chalicotheriidae Cope p. 153
1891Chalicotheriidae Flower and Lydekker p. 90
1902Chalicotheriidae Hay p. 690
1908Chalicotheriidae Lambe
1913Chalicotheriidae Scott p. 291
1935Chalicotheriidae Colbert p. 10
1955Chalicotheriidae Hough p. 34
1988Chalicotheriidae Carroll
1989Chalicotheriidae Prothero and Schoch p. 533
1999Chalicotheriidae Holbrook p. 346
2004Chalicotheriidae Hooker and Dashzeveg p. 1375
2007Chalicotheriidae Geraads et al. p. 461

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EubilateriaAx 1987
phylumChordataHaeckel 1874
subclassDipnotetrapodomorpha(Nelson 2006)
subclassAmphibiosauriaKuhn 1967
Tapiromorpha(Haeckel 1873)
superfamilyChalicotherioideaGill 1872
familyChalicotheriidaeGill 1872
familyChalicotheriidaeGill 1872

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

Fm. †Chalicotheriidae Gill 1872 [chalicothere]
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G. †Anisodon Lartet 1851
Anisodon grande de Blainville 1849
Anisodon macedonicus de Bonis et al. 1995
Tr. †Chalicotherini Kaup 1833
G. †Oreinotherium Russell 1934
G. †Chalicotherium Kaup 1833
Invalid names: Chalicotherium antiquum Kaup 1833 [synonym]
Chalicotherium grande de Blainville 1849
Chalicotherium pilgrimi Forster cooper 1920
Chalicotherium salinum Forster Cooper 1922
Chalicotherium wetzleri Kowalewsky 1873
G. †Nestoritherium Kaup 1859
Nestoritherium sindiense Lyddeker 1876
G. †Eomoropus Osborn 1913
Eomoropus amarorum Cope 1881
Invalid names: Eomoropus annectens Peterson 1919 [synonym]
Eomoropus anarsius Gazin 1956
Eomoropus major Zdansky 1930
Eomoropus meridiorientalis Ducrocq et al. 2021
Eomoropus minimus Zdansky 1930
Eomoropus pawnyunti Remy et al. 2005
Eomoropus quadridentatus Zdansky 1930
Invalid names: Eomoropus zhanggouensis Cheng and Ma 1990 [synonym]
Eomoropus ulterior Chow 1962
G. †Limognitherium Filhol 1880
Subfm. †Macrotheriinae Holland and Peterson 1913
G. †Circotherium Holland and Peterson 1913
Circotherium sivalense Falconer and Cautley 1847
G. †Moropus Marsh 1877
Moropus betpakdalensis Flerov 1938
Moropus distans Marsh 1877
Moropus elatus Marsh 1877
Invalid names: Moropus cooki Barbour 1908 [synonym], Moropus parvus Barbour 1909 [synonym], Moropus petersoni Holland 1908 [synonym]
Moropus hollandi Peterson 1913
Moropus matthewi Holland and Peterson 1913
Moropus maximus Holland and Peterson 1914
Moropus merriami Holland and Peterson 1913
Moropus oregonensis Leidy 1873
Moropus senex Marsh 1877
G. †Pernatherium Gervais 1876
Pernatherium rugosum Gervais 1876
Subfm. †Schizotheriinae Holland and Peterson 1913
G. †Ancylotheriopus Guérin 1987
Ancylotheriopus tanzaniae Guérin 1987
G. †Ancylotherium Gaudry 1863
Ancylotherium hellenicum Koufos 2012
Ancylotherium pentelicum Gaudry and Lartet 1856
Invalid names: Chemositia Pickford 1979 [synonym], Gansuodon Wu and Chen 1976 [synonym], Hoangkotherium Unknown [synonym]
G. †Borissiakia Butler 1965
G. †Macrotherium Lartet 1837
Macrotherium giganteum Pictet 1844
Macrotherium magnum Lartet 1837
Macrotherium minus Lartet 1837
Macrotherium rhodanicum Deperet 1892
Macrotherium sansaniense Lartet 1837
Macrotherium secundarium Filhol 1890
Macrotherium turgaicum Borissiak 1921
G. †Metaschizotherium von Koenigswald 1932
Metaschizotherium henningi Dietrich 1942
G. †Phyllotillon Pilgrim 1910
Phyllotillon huangheensis Qiu et al. 1998
Phyllotillon naricus Filhol 1879
G. †Tylocephalonyx Coombs 1979
Tylocephalonyx skinneri Coombs 1979
G. †Schizotherium Gervais 1876
Schizotherium avitum Matthew and Granger 1923
Schizotherium chucuae Gabunia 1951
Schizotherium modicum Gaudry 1875
Schizotherium priscum Gervais 1876
Invalid names: Moropodinae Marsh 1877 [empty]
E. H. Colbert 1935Cheek teeth bunoselenodont; last upper premolars with two outer and one inner cusp, last lower premolars with double crescents; upper molars with W-shaped ectoloph, with protoloph connecting protocone and paracone, and metaloph connecting metacone and hypocone; lower molars doubly crescentic with a separate metastylid, and the third lower molar without a talonid except in the primitive genera. Auditory bulla large; orbit open behind; strong postglenoid and paroccipital processes; foramen lacerum anterius and foramen rotundum enclosed in a common vestibule; alisphenoid canal present; mandible with a broad ascendingramus. Cervical vertebrae keeled. Pelvis elongated; femur with or without third trochanter. Distal face of the astragalus articulating with the navicular and cuboid or with the navicular only. Manus either tetradactyl or tridactyl; pes tridactyl; distal ends of metapodials with convex articulating surfaces; terminal phalanges deeply bifid, except (?) in the primitive genera.
No measurements are available
Composition: phosphaticsubp
Environment: terrestrialsubc
Locomotion: actively mobilec
Life habit: ground dwellingsuperf
Diet: browsersuperf
Reproduction: viviparoussubc
Created: 2005-08-31 14:59:14
Modified: 2005-08-31 16:59:14
Source: superf = superfamily, subc = subclass, c = class, subp = subphylum
References: Hendy et al. 2009, Coombs 1998, Carroll 1988, Lillegraven 1979, Ji et al. 2002

Age range: base of the Early/Lower Eocene to the top of the Gelasian or 55.80000 to 1.80600 Ma

Collections (216 total)

Oldest occurrences

Time interval Ma Country or state Original ID and collection number
Sharamurunian56.0 - 37.71China (Henan) Eomoropus quadridentatus, Eomoropus major, Eomoropus minimus (41120)
Early/Lower Eocene55.8 - 48.6China (Hubei) Eomoropus zhanggouensis (175808)
Middle Eocene47.8 - 37.71China (Shandong) Eomoropus quadridentatus, Eomoropus minimus (175281)
Middle Eocene47.8 - 37.71China (Nei Mongol) Chalicotheriidae indet. (28779 28786)
Middle Eocene47.8 - 37.71China (Yunnan) Eomoropus ulterior (180770)
Middle Eocene47.8 - 37.71China (Shanxi) Eomoropus minimus (174907 175227)
Middle Eocene47.8 - 37.71China (Henan) Eomoropus sp. (46193)
Uintan46.2 - 39.7USA (Utah) Eomoropus amarorum (16656) Eomoropus annectens (16646) Grangeria anarsius (16548)
Uintan46.2 - 39.7USA (Wyoming) Eomoropus amarorum (16648) Eomoropus anarsius (16552)
Bartonian - Rupelian41.3 - 28.1Mexico (Oaxaca) Chalicotheriidae indet. (166797)

Youngest occurrences

Time interval Ma Country or state PBDB collection number
Piacenzian3.6 - 2.588Tanzania Ancylotherium hennigi (21790 21796 21802)
Late/Upper Pliocene - Early/Lower Pleistocene3.6 - 0.781China (Hebei) Chalicotheriidae indet., Circotherium sp. (231023)
Late/Upper Pliocene - Early/Lower Pleistocene3.6 - 0.781Myanmar (Magway Division) Nestoritherium sp. (75078)
Late/Upper Pliocene - Middle Pleistocene3.6 - 0.129India (Punjab) Chalicotherium sivalense (203109)
Gelasian2.588 - 1.806Ethiopia Ancylotherium hennigi (21559 21632 21680 21683 22014)
Early/Lower Pleistocene2.588 - 0.781China (Anhui) Nestoritherium sp. (68380)
Early/Lower Pleistocene2.588 - 0.781China (Guanxi) Nestoritherium praesinensis (230994)
Gelasian - Calabrian2.588 - 0.774Ethiopia (Ethiopian Rift) Ancylotherium hennigi (22491 22492 22494)
Early/Lower Pleistocene - Middle Pleistocene2.588 - 0.129China (Sichuan) Chalicotherium sinense (226365)
Pleistocene2.588 - 0.0117China (Yunnan) Nestoritherium sp. (36587)