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Mammalia - Perissodactyla

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1873Tapiromorpha Haeckel
1981Tapiromorpha Thurmond and Jones p. 186
1984Moropomorpha Schoch p. 3
1988Moropomorpha Carroll
1989Moropomorpha Prothero and Schoch p. 532
1996Tapiromorpha Hooker p. 159
1999Tapiromorpha Holbrook p. 346
2001Tapiromorpha Maas et al. p. 408
2005Tapiromorpha Eberle p. 313
2006Tapiromorpha Colbert p. 698
2011Tapiromorpha Holanda et al. p. 113
2011Tapiromorpha Holbrook and Lapergola p. 898
2017Tapiromorpha Bai et al.

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EubilateriaAx 1987
phylumChordataHaeckel 1874
subclassDipnotetrapodomorpha(Nelson 2006)
subclassAmphibiosauriaKuhn 1967
Tapiromorpha(Haeckel 1873)
Tapiromorpha(Haeckel 1873)

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

Unr. Tapiromorpha Haeckel 1873
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Unr. †Ancylopoda Cope 1889
Superfm. †Chalicotherioidea Gill 1872
Fm. †Chalicotheriidae Gill 1872 [chalicothere]
G. †Anisodon Lartet 1851
Tr. †Chalicotherini Kaup 1833
G. †Chalicotherium Kaup 1833
G. †Nestoritherium Kaup 1859
G. †Eomoropus Osborn 1913
Eomoropus amarorum Cope 1881
Invalid names: Eomoropus annectens Peterson 1919 [synonym]
Eomoropus anarsius Gazin 1956
Eomoropus major Zdansky 1930
Eomoropus meridiorientalis Ducrocq et al. 2021
Eomoropus minimus Zdansky 1930
Eomoropus pawnyunti Remy et al. 2005
Eomoropus quadridentatus Zdansky 1930
Invalid names: Eomoropus zhanggouensis Cheng and Ma 1990 [synonym]
Eomoropus ulterior Chow 1962
G. †Limognitherium Filhol 1880
Subfm. †Macrotheriinae Holland and Peterson 1913
G. †Circotherium Holland and Peterson 1913
G. †Moropus Marsh 1877
Moropus betpakdalensis Flerov 1938
Moropus distans Marsh 1877
Moropus elatus Marsh 1877
Invalid names: Moropus cooki Barbour 1908 [synonym], Moropus parvus Barbour 1909 [synonym], Moropus petersoni Holland 1908 [synonym]
Moropus hollandi Peterson 1913
Moropus matthewi Holland and Peterson 1913
Moropus maximus Holland and Peterson 1914
Moropus merriami Holland and Peterson 1913
Moropus oregonensis Leidy 1873
Moropus senex Marsh 1877
G. †Pernatherium Gervais 1876
Pernatherium rugosum Gervais 1876
Subfm. †Schizotheriinae Holland and Peterson 1913
G. †Ancylotheriopus Guérin 1987
G. †Ancylotherium Gaudry 1863
Invalid names: Chemositia Pickford 1979 [synonym], Gansuodon Wu and Chen 1976 [synonym], Hoangkotherium Unknown [synonym]
G. †Borissiakia Butler 1965
G. †Macrotherium Lartet 1837
G. †Metaschizotherium von Koenigswald 1932
G. †Phyllotillon Pilgrim 1910
G. †Tylocephalonyx Coombs 1979
G. †Schizotherium Gervais 1876
Schizotherium avitum Matthew and Granger 1923
Schizotherium chucuae Gabunia 1951
Schizotherium modicum Gaudry 1875
Schizotherium priscum Gervais 1876
Invalid names: Moropodinae Marsh 1877 [empty]
Fm. †Eomoropidae Matthew 1929
G. †Litolophus Radinsky 1964
Litolophus ghazijensis Missiaen and Gingerich 2012
Litolophus gobiensis Colbert 1934
G. †Pappomoropus Tong and Wang 2006
Pappomoropus taishanensis Tong and Wang 2006
G. †Grangeria Zdansky 1930
Grangeria canina Zdansky 1930
Fm. †Lophiodontidae Gill 1872
G. †Atalonodon Dal-Piaz 1929
G. †Lophiaspis Depéret 1910
Lophiaspis baicherei Deperet 1910
Lophiaspis maurettei Depéret 1910
Lophiaspis occitanicus Deperet 1910
G. †Lophiodochoerus Lemoine 1880
Subfm. †Lophiodontinae Cope 1881
G. †Eolophiodon Robinet et al. 2015
G. †Lophiodon Cuvier 1822
G. †Paleomoropus Radinsky 1964
Paleomoropus jepseni Radinsky 1964
G. †Paralophiodon Dedieu 1977
Paralophiodon baroensis Checa Soler 1998
Invalid names: Rhinocerolophiodon Fischer 1977 [synonym]
G. †Protomoropus Hooker and Dashzeveg 2004
Protomoropus gabuniai Hooker and Dashzeveg 2004
Invalid names: Artionychia Osborn and Wortman 1893 [empty], Lophiodontoidea [empty], Perissonychia Osborn and Wortman 1893 [empty]
G. †Cardiolophus Gingerich 1991
Cardiolophus radinskyi Gingerich 1991
Invalid names: Homogalax planeticus Gingerich 1980 [synonym]
Unr. †Ceratomorpha Wood 1937
G. †Breviodon Radinsky 1965
Breviodon lumeiyiensis Huang and Qi 1982
G. †Fouchia Emry 1989
Fouchia elyensis Emry 1989
G. †Karagalax Maas et al. 2001
Karagalax mamikhelensis Maas et al. 2001
G. †Parabreviodon Reshetov 1975
Superfm. Rhinocerotoidea Gray 1821
Fm. †Amynodontidae Scott and Osborn 1883
G. †Amynodon Marsh 1877
Amynodon advenus Marsh 1875
Invalid names: Amynodon erectus Troxell 1921 [synonym], Amynodon intermedius Osborn 1890 [synonym], Orthocynodon antiquus Scott and Osborn 1882 [synonym]
Amynodon altidens Xu and Chiu 1962
Amynodon alxaensis Qi 1975
Amynodon lunanensis Chow 1964
Amynodon reedi Stock 1939
Amynodon watanabei Tokunaga 1926
G. †Amynodontopsis Stock 1933
Amynodontopsis bodei Stock 1933
Amynodontopsis jiyuanensis Wang et al. 2020
G. †Andarakodon Averianov and Potapova 1996
Andarakodon kirghisiensis Belyaeva 1971
G. †Cadurcodon Kretzoi 1942
Invalid names: Paracadurcodon Xu 1966 [synonym], Sianodon Xu 1965 [synonym]
G. †Cadurcotherium Gervais 1873
Invalid names: Cadurcamynodon Kretzoi 1942 [synonym], Hypsamynodon Gromova 1954 [synonym]
G. †Procadurcodon Gromova 1960
G. †Zaisanamynodon Belyaeva 1971
Tr. †Metamynodontini Kretzoi 1942
G. †Megalamynodon Wood 1945
G. †Metamynodon Scott and Osborn 1887
Invalid names: Cadurcopsis Kretzoi 1942 [synonym]
G. †Paramynodon Matthew 1829
G. †Sellamynodon Tissier et al. 2018
G. †Orthocynodon Scott and Osborn 1882
G. †Rostriamynodon Wall and Manning 1986
Rostriamynodon grangeri Wall and Manning 1986
G. †Sharamynodon Kretozi 1942
Sharamynodon kirghisensis Belyaeva 1971
Invalid names: Lushiamynodon Chow and Xu 1965 [synonym]
Invalid names: Amynodontinae Scott and Osborn 1883 [empty], Cadurcotheriinae Kretzoi 1942 [invalid subgroup], Gigantamynodon Gromova 1954 [nomen dubium], Gigantamynodon cessator Gromova 1954 [nomen dubium], Gigantamynodon giganteus Xu 1961 [nomen dubium], Gigantamynodon maguanensis Qi 1992 [nomen dubium], Paramynodontinae Kretzoi 1942 [invalid subgroup], Rostriamynodontinae Wall and Manning 1986 [empty]
G. †Caenolophus Matthew and Granger 1925
Caenolophus magnus Shi 1989
Caenolophus obliquus Matthew and Granger 1925
Caenolophus progressus Matthew and Granger 1925
Caenolophus promissus Matthew and Granger 1925
Invalid names: Euryodon Xu et al. 1979 [synonym], Teilhardia Prothero and Schoch 1989 [synonym], Teilhardina Prothero and Schoch 1989 [synonym]
Fm. †Eggysodontidae Breuning 1923
G. †Allacerops Wood 1932
Allacerops gaudryi Rames 1886
Allacerops minor Belayeva 1954
Allacerops osborniana Schlosser 1902
Allacerops pomeli Roman 1910
Allacerops turgaica Borissiak 1915
G. †Eggysodon Roman 1910
Eggysodon cadibonense Roger 1898
Eggysodon gaudryi Rames 1886
Eggysodon osborni Schlosser 1902
Eggysodon turgaicum Borissiak 1915
Invalid names: Engyodon Stehlin 1930 [synonym]
G. †Proeggysodon Bai and Wang 2012
Proeggysodon qiui Bai and Wang 2012
Invalid names: Eggysodontinae Breuning 1923 [empty]
G. †Ergilia Gromova 1952
Ergilia kazachstanica Gromov 1960
Fm. †Hyrachyidae Osborn 1892
G. †Hyrachyus Leidy 1871
Hyrachyus crista Qi 1987
Hyrachyus eximius Leidy 1871
Invalid names: Hyrachyus hypostylus Wood 1934 [synonym], Hyrachyus imperialis Osborn et al. 1878 [synonym], Hyrachyus princeps Marsh 1872 [synonym], Metahyrachyus troxelli Wood 1934 [synonym]
Hyrachyus lunanensis Huang and Qi 1982
Hyrachyus metalophus Chow and Qi 1982
Hyrachyus minor Huang and Qi 1982
Hyrachyus modestus Leidy 1870
Invalid names: Colonoceras agrestis Marsh 1873 [synonym], Ephyrachyus cristalophus Wood 1934 [synonym], Hyrachyus agrarius Leidy 1871 [synonym], Hyrachyus agrestis Leidy 1871 [synonym], Hyrachyus crassidens Osborn et al. 1878 [synonym], Lophiodon affinis Marsh 1871 [synonym], Lophiodon bairdianus Marsh 1871 [synonym], Metahyrachyus bicornutus Troxell 1922 [synonym]
Hyrachyus nanus Marsh 1871
Hyrachyus paradoxus Osborn 1878
Hyrachyus tongi Huang and Wang 2002
Invalid names: Chasmotherium Rutimeyer [synonym], Colonoceras Marsh 1873 [synonym], Ephyrachyus Wood 1934 [synonym], Metahyrachyus Troxell 1922 [synonym]
G. †Subhyrachyus Gabunia 1999
Invalid names: Hyrachyus douglassi Wood 1934 [nomen dubium]
Fm. †Hyracodontidae Cope 1879
Subfm. †Alloceropinae Wood 1932
G. †Armania Gabunia and Dashzeveg 1988
G. †Tenisia Reshetov et al. 1993
G. †Ardynia Matthew and Granger 1923
Ardynia altidentata Qiu et al. 2004
Ardynia kazachstanensis Beliajeva 1952
Ardynia mongoliensis Belyaeva 1952
Invalid names: Parahyracodon kazachstanensis Belyaeva 1952 [synonym]
Ardynia ordosensis Bai et al. 2018
Ardynia praecox Matthew and Granger 1923
Invalid names: Ardynia plicidentata Gabunia 1964 [nomen dubium]
G. †Epitriplopus Wood 1927
Epitriplopus uintensis Peterson 1919
G. †Hyracodon Leidy 1856
Hyracodon browni Russell 1934
Hyracodon leidyanus Troxell 1921
Invalid names: Hyracodon apertus Sinclair 1922 [synonym]
Hyracodon major Scott and Osborn 1887
Hyracodon medius Peterson 1934
Hyracodon nebraskensis Leidy 1850
Invalid names: Hyracodon arcidens Cope 1873 [synonym], Hyracodon arcidens mimus Troxell 1921 [synonym], Hyracodon doddi Tanner and Martin 1976 [synonym]
Hyracodon petersoni Wood 1926
Invalid names: Hyracodon ischyrolophus Schlaikjer 1935 [synonym], Hyracodon selenidens Troxell 1921 [synonym]
Hyracodon primus Peterson 1934
Hyracodon priscidens Lambe 1905
Invalid names: Mesamynodon Peterson 1931 [synonym]
G. †Ilianodon Chow 1961
Ilianodon lunanensis Chow 1961
G. †Pataecops Radinsky 1966
Pataecops minutissimus Reshetov 1979
Invalid names: Pataecops microdon Reshetov 1979 [synonym]
Pataecops parvus Radinsky 1965
G. †Praeaceratherium Abel 1910
G. †Prohyracodon Koch 1897
Invalid names: Prohyracodon progressa Chow 1961 [synonym]
Prohyracodon obrutschewi Dashzeveg 1996
Prohyracodon parvum Dashzeveg 1991
Invalid names: Meninatherium Abel 1910 [synonym], Prothyracodon Scott and Osborn 1887 [synonym]
G. †Rhodopagus Radinsky 1965
Rhodopagus guoi Paepen et al. 2021
Rhodopagus minimus Matthew and Granger 1925
Invalid names: Rhodopagus pygmaeus Radinsky 1965 [synonym]
G. †Triplopides Radinsky 1967
Triplopides rieli Radinsky 1967
G. †Triplopus Cope 1880
Triplopus cubitalis Cope 1880
Triplopus implicatus Cope 1873
Invalid names: Eotrigonias petersoni Wood 1927 [synonym]
Triplopus mergenensis Dashzeveg 1991
Triplopus obliquidens Scott and Osborn 1887
Invalid names: Prothyracodon intermedium Scott and Osborn 1887 [synonym], Triplopus grangeri Wood 1927 [synonym]
Triplopus woodi Stock 1936
Invalid names: Eotrigonias Wood 1927 [synonym]
G. †Ulania Qi 1990
Ulania wilsoni Qi 1990
G. †Yimengia Wang 1988
Yimengia laiwuensis Qi and Meng 1983
Yimengia yani Wang 1988
Yimengia zdanskyi Lucas and Schoch 1981
Invalid names: Allaceropinae Wood 1932 [empty], Hyracodontinae Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 [empty], Triplopodinae Cope 1881 [empty]
G. †Meschotherium Gabunia 1964
G. †Pakitherium Malkani et al. 2013
Pakitherium shagalai Malkani et al. 2013
Fm. †Paraceratheriidae Osborn 1923
Subfm. †Forstercooperiinae Wood 1963
G. †Forstercooperia Wood 1939
Invalid names: Cooperia Wood 1938 [replaced]
G. †Pappaceras Wood 1963
Invalid names: Hyrachyus grandis Peterson 1919 [nomen dubium]
Subfm. †Paraceratheriinae Osborn 1923
G. †Aralotherium Borissiak 1939
G. †Dzungariotherium Chiu 1973
G. †Juxia Chow and Chiu 1964
Invalid names: Imequincisoria Wang 1976 [synonym]
G. †Paraceratherium Forster Cooper 1911
Invalid names: Baluchitherium Forster Cooper 1913 [synonym], Indricotherium Borissiak 1916 [synonym]
G. †Pristinotherium Biriukov 1953
G. †Turpanotherium Qiu and Wang 2007
G. †Urtinotherium Chow and Chiu 1963
Invalid names: Indricotheriinae Borissiak 1923 [synonym]
Invalid names: Forstercooperia ergiliinensis Gabunia and Dashzeveg 1974 [nomen dubium], Forstercooperia jigniensis Sahni and Khare 1973 [nomen dubium]
G. †Punjabitherium Khan 1971
Fm. Rhinocerotidae Gray 1821 [rhinoceros]
Subfm. †Aceratheriinae Dollo 1885
G. †Acerorhinus Kretzoi 1942
G. †Aphelops Owen 1845
G. †Chilotheridium Hooijer 1971
Tr. †Chilotheriini Qiu et al. 1987
G. †Floridaceras Wood 1964
G. †Galushaceras Prothero 2005
G. †Hoploaceratherium Ginsburg and Heissig 1989
G. †Peraceras Cope 1880
G. †Plesiaceratherium Young 1937
G. †Proaceratherium Ginsburg and Hugueney 1980
G. †Subchilotherium Heissig 1972
Tr. †Aceratheriini Dollo 1885
G. †Aceratherium Kaup 1834
G. †Alicornops Ginsburg and Guerin 1979
G. †Chilotherium Ringström 1924
G. †Persiatherium Pandolfi 2015
G. †Amphicaenopus Wood 1927
Amphicaenopus platycephalus Osborn and Wortman 1894
G. †Atelodus Pomel 1853
Atelodus antiquitatis Blumenbach 1872
Subfm. †Diceratheriinae Dollo 1885
G. †Skinneroceras Prothero 2005
Subtr. †Elasmotheriina Bonaparte 1850
G. †Bugtirhinus Antoine and Welcomme 2000
G. †Caementodon Heissig 1972
G. †Diceratherium Marsh 1875
Invalid names: Epiaphelops Cook 1912 [synonym], Metacaenopus Cook 1908 [synonym]
Tr. †Elasmotheriini Dollo 1885
G. †Hispanotherium Crusafont and Villalta 1947
Invalid names: Begertherium [synonym], Tesselodon Yan 1979 [synonym]
G. †Huaqingtherium Huang and Yan 1983
G. †Iranotherium Ringström 1924
G. †Kenyatherium Aguirre and Guerin 1974
G. †Procoelodonta Matthew 1931
G. †Sinotherium Ringstrom 1924
G. †Gulfoceras Albright 1999
Gulfoceras westfalli Albright 1999
Subfm. †Iranotheriinae Kretzoi 1942
G. †Ninxiatherium Chen 1977
G. †Ougandatherium Guérin and Pickford 2003
G. †Penetrigonias Tanner and Martin 1976
Penetrigonias dakotensis Peterson 1920
Invalid names: Penetrigonias hudsoni Tanner and Martin 1976 [synonym]
Penetrigonias sagittatus Russell 1982
Subfm. Rhinocerotinae Gray 1821
G. †Dromoceratherium Crusafont et al. 1955
G. †Epiaceratherium Borissiak 1915
G. †Guixia You 1977
G. †Mesaceratherium Keissig 1969
G. †Molassitherium Becker et al. 2013
G. †Pleuroceros Roger 1898
G. †Protaceratherium Abel 1910
Invalid names: Dicerorhinini [empty]
G. †Subhyracodon Wood 1927
Subhyracodon kewi Stock 1933
Subhyracodon mitis Cope 1875
Invalid names: Aceratherium copei Osborn 1898 [synonym], Aceratherium pumilum Cope 1885 [synonym], Caenopus pumilus Cope 1886 [synonym]
Invalid names: Aceratherium exiguum Lambe 1908 [synonym], Aceratherium trigonodum Osborn and Wortman 1894 [synonym], Hyracodon quadriplicatus Cope 1873 [synonym], Subhyracodon gidleyi Wood 1927 [synonym], Subhyracodon hesperius Leidy 1865 [synonym], Subhyracodon metalophum Wood 1927 [synonym]
Subhyracodon woodi Schlaikjer 1935
Invalid names: Anchisodon Cope 1879 [synonym], Caenopus Cope 1880 [synonym], Hyracodon planiceps Scott and Osborn 1887 [nomen dubium], Leptaceratherium Osborn 1898 [synonym]
G. †Teletaceras Hanson 1989
Teletaceras borissiaki Beliaeva 1959
Teletaceras radinskyi Hanson 1989
G. †Trigonias Lucas 1900
Trigonias osborni Lucas 1900
Invalid names: Caenopus premitis Gregory and Cook 1928 [synonym], Trigonias cooki Wood 1931 [synonym], Trigonias hypostylus Gregory and Cook 1928 [synonym], Trigonias paucidens Wood 1927 [synonym], Trigonias precopei Gregory and Cook 1928 [synonym], Trigonias preoccidentalis Gregory and Cook 1928 [synonym], Trigonias taylori Gregory and Cook 1928 [synonym], Trigonias tetradactylum Osborn 1923 [synonym]
Trigonias wellsi Wood 1927
Invalid names: Trigonias gregoryi Wood 1927 [synonym]
Invalid names: Procaenopus Figgins 1934 [synonym]
G. †Uintaceras Holbrook and Lucas 1997
Uintaceras radinskyi Holbrook and Lucas 1997
G. †Woodoceras Prothero 2005
Woodoceras brachyops Prothero 2005
G. †Zalabis
Invalid names: Anchisodon tubifer Cope 1879 [nomen dubium], Dicerorhininae Simpson 1945 [empty], Forstercooperia crudus Gabounia 1977 [nomen dubium], Gigantamynodon akespensis Bayshashov 1993 [nomen dubium], Rhinoceros crassus Leidy 1858 [nomen dubium], Rhinoceros oregonensis Marsh 1873 [nomen dubium], Rhinoceros pacificus Leidy 1872 [nomen dubium], Teleoceratinae [empty]
G. †Siamolophus Ducrocq et al. 2006
Siamolophus krabiense Ducrocq et al. 2006
G. †Symphysorrhachis Belyaeva 1954
G. †Toxotherium Wood 1961
Toxotherium hunteri Wood 1961
Invalid names: Schizotheriodes jackwilsoni Schiebout 1977 [synonym], Toxotherium woodi Skinner and Gooris 1966 [synonym]
G. †Veragromovia Gabunia 1961
Invalid names: Huananodon You 1977 [nomen dubium]
G. †Schizotheroides Hough 1955
Schizotheroides parvus Hough 1955
G. †Selenaletes Radinsky 1966
Selenaletes scopaeus Radinsky 1966
Superfm. Tapiroidea Gill 1872
G. †Cambaylophus Kapur and Bajpai 2015
Cambaylophus vastanensis Kapur and Bajpai 2015
Fm. †Deperetellidae Radinsky 1965
G. †Bahinolophus Tsubamoto 2005
Bahinolophus birmanicus Pilgrim 1925
Invalid names: Diplolophodon major Young 1937 [synonym], Diplolophodon qufuensis Shi 1989 [synonym], Diplolophodon similis Zdansky 1930 [synonym]
G. †Deperetella Matthew and Granger 1925
Deperetella cristata Matthew and Granger 1925
Deperetella depereti Zdansky 1930
Deperetella dienensis Chow et al. 1974
Deperetella kungeica Tarasov 1968
Deperetella sichuanensis Xu et al. 1979
Invalid names: Cristidentinus Zdansky 1930 [synonym], Diplolophodon Zdansky 1930 [synonym]
G. †Irdinolophus Dashzeveg and Hooker 1997
Irdinolophus tuiensis Dashzeveg and Hooker 1997
G. †Euryletes
G. †Haagella Heissig 1978
G. †Helaletes Marsh 1872
Helaletes intermedius Osborn et al. 1878
Invalid names: Desmatotherium guyotii Scott 1883 [synonym]
Helaletes medius Qi 1987
Helaletes mongoliensis Osborn 1923
Helaletes nanus Marsh 1871
Invalid names: Helaletes boops Marsh 1872 [synonym]
Fm. †Helaletidae Osborn 1892
G. †Desmatotherium Scott 1883
Invalid names: Chasmotheroides Wood 1934 [synonym]
G. †Jhagirilophus Thewissen et al. 2001
Jhagirilophus chorgalensis Thewissen et al. 2001
G. †Paracolodon Matthew and Granger 1925
Paracolodon curtus Matthew and Granger 1925
Paracolodon fissus Matthew and Granger 1925
Paracolodon inceptus Matthew and Granger 1925
G. †Vastanolophus Smith et al. 2015
Vastanolophus holbrooki Smith et al. 2015
Invalid names: Chasmotheriinae Viret 1858 [empty], Helaletinae Osborn 1892 [empty]
G. †Heptodon Cope 1882
Heptodon calciculus Cope 1880
Invalid names: Lophiodon ventorum Cope 1880 [synonym]
Heptodon minimus Qi 1987
Heptodon niushanensis Chow and Li 1965
Heptodon posticus Cope 1882
Invalid names: Heptodon brownorum Seton 1931 [synonym]
G. †Hesperaletes Colbert 2006
Hesperaletes borineyi Colbert 2006
Hesperaletes walshi Colbert 2006
Fm. Tapiridae Gray 1821 [tapir]
G. †Colodon Marsh 1890
Colodon cingulatus Douglass 1902
Colodon copei Osborn and Wortman 1895
Colodon inceptus Matthew and Granger 1925
Colodon kayi Hough 1955
Colodon occidentalis Leidy 1868
Invalid names: Colodon dakotensis Osborn and Wortman 1895 [synonym], Colodon luxatus Marsh 1890 [synonym], Colodon procuspidatus Osborn and Wortman 1895 [synonym], Mesohippus longipes Osborn and Wortman 1894 [synonym]
Colodon orientalis Borissyak 1918
Colodon stovalli Wilson and Schiebout 1984
Colodon woodi Gazin 1956
Invalid names: Mesotapirus Scott and Osborn 1890 [synonym]
G. †Dilophodon Scott 1883
Dilophodon destitutus Zonneveld and Gunnell 2003
Dilophodon minusculus Scott 1883
G. †Eotapirus Cerdeno and Ginsburg 1988
Eotapirus broennimanni Schaub and Hurzeler 1948
Eotapirus ruber Cerdeno and Ginsburg 1988
G. †Heteraletes Peterson 1931
Heteraletes leotanus Peterson 1932
G. †Miotapirus Schlaikjer 1937
Miotapirus harrisonensis Schlaikjer 1937
G. †Nexuotapirus Albright 1998
Nexuotapirus robustus Sinclair 1901
G. †Palaeotapirus Filhol 1888
Palaeotapirus yagii Matsumoto 1921
G. †Paratapirus Depéret and Douxami 1902
Paratapirus helvetius Meyer 1867
Paratapirus intermedius Filhol 1885
G. †Plesiocolopirus Schoch 1989
Plesiocolopirus grangeri Tokunaga 1933
Plesiocolopirus hancocki Radinsky 1963
G. †Plesiotapirus Qiu et al. 1991
Plesiotapirus yagii Qiu et al. 1991
G. †Protapirus Filhol 1877
Protapirus aginensis Richard 1938
Protapirus bavaricus Oettingen-Spielberg 1952
Protapirus cetinensis Cerdeno and Ginsburg 1988
Protapirus douvillei Filhol 1885
Protapirus gromovae Biryukov 1972
Protapirus obliquidens Wortman and Earle 1893
Protapirus priscus Filhol 1874
Protapirus simplex Wortman and Earle 1893
Invalid names: Protapirus validus Hatcher 1896 [synonym], Tanyops undans Marsh 1894 [synonym]
Invalid names: Tanyops Marsh 1894 [synonym]
G. †Tapiravus Marsh 1877
Tapiravus validus Marsh 1871
Invalid names: Tapiravus rarus Marsh 1877 [nomen dubium]
G. Tapirella Palmer 1903
Invalid names: Elasmognathus Gill 1865 [replaced]
Subfm. Tapirinae Burnett 1830
Invalid names: Miotapirini Schoch 1984 [empty], Tapiravini Schoch 1984 [empty]
G. †Tapiriscus Kretzoi 1951
Tapiriscus pannonicus Kretzoi 1951
G. Tapirus Brisson 1762 [tapir]
Subg. †Tapirus (Helicotapirus) Hulbert 2010
Subg. †Tapirus (Megatapirus) Matthew and Granger 1923
Subg. †Tapirus (Tapiralum) Rusconi 1934
Tapirus antiquus Kaup 1833
Tapirus arvernensis Croizet and Jobert 1828
Tapirus bairdii Gill 1865 [Baird's tapir]
Tapirus balkanicus Spassov and Ginsburg 1999
Tapirus californicus Merriam 1912
Tapirus cristatellus Winge 1906
Tapirus greslebini Rusconi 1934
Tapirus indicus Desmarest 1819 [Malayan tapir]
Tapirus johnsoni Schultz et al. 1975
Tapirus kabomani Cozzuol et al. 2013 [kabomani tapir]
Tapirus merriami Frick 1921
Tapirus mesopotamicus Ferrero and Noriega 2007
Tapirus oliverasi Ubilla 1983 [tapir]
Tapirus pinchaque Roulin 1829 [mountain tapir]
Tapirus polkensis Olsen 1960
Tapirus priscus Kaup 1833
Tapirus rioplatensis Cattoi 1957
Tapirus rondoniensis Holanda et al. 2011
Tapirus sanyuanensis Huang and Fang 1991
Tapirus simpsoni Schultz et al. 1975
Tapirus sinensis Owen 1870
Tapirus tarijensis Ameghino 1902
Tapirus terrestris Linnaeus 1758 [Brazilian tapir]
Tapirus webbi Hulbert 2005 [tapir]
Invalid names: Acrocodia Goldman 1913 [synonym], Cinchacus Gray 1873 [synonym], Pinchacus Hershkovitz 1954 [synonym], Rhinochoerus Wagler 1830 [synonym], Syspotamus Billberg 1827 [synonym], Tapir Blumenbach 1799 [synonym], Tapyra Liais 1872 [synonym]
G. †Teleolophus Matthew and Granger 1925
Teleolophus danjiangensis Tong and Lei 1984
Teleolophus daviesi Dehm and Oettingen-Spielberg 1958
Teleolophus magnus Radinsky 1965
Teleolophus medius Matthew and Granger 1925
Invalid names: Deperetella ferganica Belyaeva 1962 [synonym], Teleolophus beliajevi Biryukov 1974 [synonym]
Teleolophus rectus Qi 1987
Teleolophus shandongensis Chow and Qi 1982
Teleolophus sichuanensis Xu et al. 1979
Teleolophus xui Tong and Lei 1984
Teleolophus zaisanicus Gabunia 1984
Invalid names: Pachylophus Tong and Lei 1984 [synonym]
G. †Thuliadanta Eberle 2005
Thuliadanta mayri Eberle 2005
Invalid names: Heptodontidae Holbrook 1999 [empty]
Invalid names: Deperetellidea Radinsky 1965 [empty], Lophialetidea Matthew and Granger 1925 [empty], Tapiridea Burnett 1830 [empty]
G. †Homogalax Hay 1899
Homogalax aureus Gingerich 1991
Homogalax namadicus Dashzeveg 1979
Homogalax primaevus Wortman 1896
Homogalax protapirinus Wortman 1896
Homogalax wutuensis Chow and Li 1965
Fm. †Isectolophidae Peterson 1919
G. †Chowliia Tong and Wang 2006
Chowliia europea Bronnert et al. 2019
Chowliia laoshanensis Tong and Wang 2006
G. †Gandheralophus Missiaen and Gingerich 2012
Gandheralophus minor Missiaen and Gingerich 2012
Gandheralophus robustus Missiaen and Gingerich 2012
Subfm. †Isectolophinae Peterson 1919
G. †Schizolophodon Peterson 1919
G. †Meridiolophus Bai et al. 2014
Meridiolophus expansus Bai et al. 2014
G. †Sastrilophus Sahni and Khare 1971
Sastrilophus dehmi Sahni and Khare 1971
Invalid names: Homogalaxinae Peterson 1919 [empty], Systemodontinae Osborn and Wortman 1894 [invalid subgroup]
G. †Isectolophus Scott and Osborn 1887
Isectolophus annectens Scott and Osborn 1887
Invalid names: Homogalax uintensis Troxell 1922 [synonym], Isectolophus scotti Peterson 1919 [synonym], Schizolophodon cuspidens Peterson 1919 [synonym]
Isectolophus latidens Osborn et al. 1878
Invalid names: Homogalax bridgerensis Troxell 1922 [synonym], Homogalax reliquius Qi 1987 [synonym], Isectolophus bogdulensis Reshetov 1979 [synonym]
Isectolophus radinskyi Schoch 1983
Invalid names: Parisectolophus Peterson 1919 [synonym]
G. †Kalakotia Ranga Rao 1972
Kalakotia simplicidentata Ranga Rao 1972
Invalid names: Chasmotherium mckennai Sahni and Khare 1973 [synonym], Schlosseria radinskyi Sahni and Khare 1973 [synonym]
Invalid names: Aulaxolophus Ranga Rao 1972 [synonym]
Fm. †Lophialetidae Matthew and Granger 1925
G. †Ampholophus Wang and Tong 1996
Ampholophus luensis Wang and Tong 1996
G. †Eoletes Biryukov 1974
Eoletes gracilis Biryukov 1974
Eoletes tianshanicus Averianov and Godinot 2005
Eoletes tshakpaktasensis Gabunia 1999
Eoletes xianensis Zhang and Qi 1981
G. †Lophialetes Matthew and Granger 1925
Lophialetes expeditus Matthew and Granger 1925
G. †Minchenoletes Wang et al. 2011
Minchenoletes erlianensis Wang et al. 2011
G. †Schlosseria Matthew and Granger 1926
Schlosseria hetaoyuanensis Tong and Lei 1984
Schlosseria magister Matthew and Granger 1926
Invalid names: Lophialetes primus Cheng and Ma 1990 [synonym], Simplaletes sujiensis Qi 1980 [synonym], Simplaletes ulanshirehensis Qi 1980 [synonym]
Invalid names: Simplaletes Qi 1980 [synonym]
G. †Zhongjianoletes Ye 1983
Invalid names: Eoletidae Shoch 1989 [invalid subgroup]
G. †Systemodon Cope 1881
Systemodon tapirinus Cope 1875
Invalid names: Systemodon cristatus Wortman 1896 [synonym]
Invalid names: Breviodontidae [empty], Moropomorpha [synonym], Rhodopagidae [empty]
No diagnoses are available
No measurements are available
Composition: phosphaticsubp
Maximum body mass: 1000 kgg
Minimum body mass: 300 kgf
Environment: terrestrialsubc
Locomotion: actively mobilec
Life habit: ground dwellingsubo
Diet: browsersubo
Reproduction: viviparoussubc
Created: 2005-08-31 15:02:20
Modified: 2005-08-31 17:02:20
Source: g = genus, f = family, subo = suborder, subc = subclass, c = class, subp = subphylum
References: Ji et al. 2002, Hendy et al. 2009, Benton 1996, Colbert and Schoch 1998, Legendre 1988, Lillegraven 1979, Carroll 1988

Age range

Maximum range based only on fossils: base of the Wasatchian to the top of the Holocene or 55.80000 to 0.00000 Ma
Minimum age of oldest fossil (stem group age): 50.3 Ma

Collections (3303 total)

Oldest occurrences

Time interval Ma Country or state Original ID and collection number
Ypresian56.0 - 47.8United Kingdom (England) Coryphodon eocaenicus (38868)
Ypresian56.0 - 47.8Pakistan Tapiroidea indet. (94599)
Ypresian56.0 - 47.8France (Hérault) Lophiaspis sp. (181563)
Ypresian56.0 - 47.8Spain (Lleida) Lophiodon sp. (142031)
Ypresian56.0 - 47.8Pakistan (Balochistan) Gandheralophus minor (87933) Gandheralophus robustus (179962) Lophialetidae indet., Litolophus ghazijensis (112719 179963)
Ypresian56.0 - 47.8France (Aude) Lophiaspis occitanicus (78236) Lophiaspis sp. (182641)
Ypresian56.0 - 47.8France (Oise) Chowliia europea (182643 200298)
Ypresian56.0 - 47.8India (Gujarat) Cambaylophus vastanensis, Vastanolophus holbrooki (55494)
Ypresian56.0 - 47.8Kyrgyzstan (Osh) Deperetella ferganica (174761) Eoletes tianshanicus, Teleolophus medius, Rhodopagus minutissimus, Pataecops microdon, Lushiamynodon kirghisensis (28490)
Ypresian56.0 - 47.8France (Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur) Lophiaspis maurettei (178050)
Ypresian - Lutetian56.0 - 41.3China (Nei Mongol) Schlosseria sp. (207628)
Ypresian - Lutetian56.0 - 41.3Hungary Amynodontidae indet. (52670)
Ypresian - Lutetian56.0 - 41.3France (Occitanie) Hyrachyus stehlini, Lophiodon eygalayense (195457)
Ypresian - Lutetian56.0 - 41.3France (Languedoc-Roussillon Region) Chasmotherium sp., Lophiodon leptorhynchum (31717)
Ypresian - Bartonian56.0 - 38.0France (Aude) Lophiaspis occitanicus, Lophiodon sp., Lophiodon isselense, Paralophiodon isselense (78233)
Arshantan56.0 - 37.71China (Nei Mongol) Pappaceras confluens, Urtinotherium intermedium (72184) Tapiroidea indet. (72204)
Arshantan56.0 - 37.71Kazakhstan Eoletes sp., Subhyrachyus tshakpaktasensis (180343) Homogalax sp., Schlosseria sp., Lophialetes sp., Helaletidae indet., Helaletes sp., Rhodopagus minutissimus, Triplopus sp., Isectolophus latitdens (31009)
Irdinmanhan56.0 - 37.71Kazakhstan Eoletes gracilis, Teleolophus beliajevi, Forstercooperia minuta (53657)
Irdinmanhan56.0 - 37.71China (Nei Mongol) Desmatotherium mongoliense (109067) Urtinotherium intermedium (72183)
Irdinmanhan56.0 - 37.71Mongolia Schlosseria sp., Lophialetes sp., Deperetellidae indet., Teleolophus sp., Rhodopagus sp., Breviodon sp. (182485)