Basic info | Taxonomic history | Classification | Included Taxa |
Morphology | Ecology and taphonomy | External Literature Search | Age range and collections |
Sivacobus was named by Pilgrim (1939). It is not extant.
It was assigned to Bovidae by Carroll (1988); and to Reduncini by Vrba et al. (2015), Calamari (2021).
It was assigned to Bovidae by Carroll (1988); and to Reduncini by Vrba et al. (2015), Calamari (2021).
Synonymy list
Year | Name and author |
1939 | Gangicobus Pilgrim |
1939 | Hydaspicobus Pilgrim |
1939 | Indoredunca Pilgrim |
1939 | Sivacobus Pilgrim |
1939 | Vishnucobus Pilgrim |
1939 | Sivadenota Pligrim |
1988 | Gangicobus Carroll |
1988 | Hydaspicobus Carroll |
1988 | Indoredunca Carroll |
1988 | Sivacobus Carroll |
1988 | Sivadenota Carroll |
1988 | Vishnucobus Carroll |
2015 | Sivacobus Vrba et al. p. 3 |
2021 | Sivacobus Calamari |
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If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.
G. †Sivacobus Pilgrim 1939
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†Sivacobus palaeindicus Lydekker 1885
†Sivacobus sankaliai Vrba et al. 2015
Invalid names: Gangicobus Pilgrim 1939 [synonym], Hydaspicobus Pilgrim 1939 [synonym], Indoredunca Pilgrim 1939 [synonym], Sivadenota Pligrim 1939 [synonym], Vishnucobus Pilgrim 1939 [synonym]
Reference | Diagnosis | |
E. S. Vrba et al. 2015 | Medium-sized reduncines; horncores uncompressed, with basal-most orientation varying from straight to slightly lateral in anterior view and with the front edge of the horncore varying from slightly concave to convex in side view (no distal horncores are known), horncore surface sculptured by numerous prominent longitudinal ridges and furrows, with a pos- terior basal angle to the dorsal braincase higher (i.e., horns more upright) than common in Redunca and lower than typical in simi- lar-sized living kobs, Kobus kob and K. vardonii, insertions close together, with lower rate of diminution in girth upwards over the base than in shorter-horned Redunca and more closely resem- bling longer-horned Kobus species; braincase long, and narrower than in Redunca, except in the largest males in which there may be posterior broadening; stronger development of dorsal cranial crests and ridges along sutures than in any living Reduncini: tem- poral ridges in mature males raised and flaring outward anteri- orly, with anterior hollows formed medially to the ridges, the same also seen as a tendency of lesser extent on female skulls (synapomorphy of Sivacobus); strong swelling of the metopic suture, at least up to the level of the supraorbital foramina, and forming an especial prominence near bregma; a local raising of the parietal just posterior to bregma; occipital surface facing mostly posteriorly with a strong median spine and flanking hol- lows, with a less rounded dorsal profile than present in Redunca; supraorbital foramina from close to moderately far apart, in pits of moderate to large size and depth flanked laterally by the ridges of the higher frontal surface, but not situated in a depressed and ventrally flat frontal area because the swollen ridge of the metopic suture separates them; basioccipital long, with morphology tending to be less advanced than in living Kobus: longitudinal ridges between the anterior and posterior tuberosities from little to moderately developed and, in the mod- erate case, with less prominence medially between tuberosities than in living Kobus. |
No measurements are available
Source: f = family, o = order, c = class, subp = subphylum | |||||
References: Carroll 1988, Hendy et al. 2009, Nowak 1999, Nowak 1991 |
Age range: base of the Middle Pleistocene to the top of the Late/Upper Pleistocene or 0.77400 to 0.01170 Ma
Collections: one only
Time interval | Ma | Country or state | Original ID and collection number |
Middle Pleistocene - Late/Upper Pleistocene | India (Gujarat) | S. sankaliai (173345) |