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Lacertilia (lizard)


Lacertilia was named by Owen (1842). It is extant. It was considered monophyletic by Prothero and Estes (1980).

It was corrected as Lacertia by Owen (1854); it was reranked as the suborder Lacertae by Gadow (1898); it was synonymized subjectively with Sauria by Hay (1902), Kuhn (1966), Dundee (1989); it was corrected as Lacerti by Jaekel (1910); it was reranked as the order Lacerti by Jaekel (1911); it was synonymized subjectively with Sauria by Perrier (1928), Sulimski (1975), Lingham-Soliar (1994); it was reranked as the unranked clade Lacertilia by Sullivan (1986), Nicholls and Meckert (2002), Augé and Rage (2006); it was reranked as the suborder Lacertilia by Zittel (1890), Woodward (1898), Osborn (1903), Lambe (1908), Swinton (1934), Roxo (1937), Kuhn (1946), Huene (1954), Miller (1967), Seiffert (1975), Carroll and Galton (1977), Prothero and Estes (1980), Thurmond and Jones (1981), Carroll (1982), Estes (1983), Stritzke (1983), Carroll (1988), Gao and Fox (1991), Gao and Fox (1996), Frank and Ramus (1996), Gao and Hou (1996), Peng et al. (2001), Venczel and Stiuca (2008), Böhme (2010).

It was assigned to Sauria by Owen (1859); to Lepidosauria by Zittel (1890); to Autosauri by Gadow (1898); to Squamata by Osborn (1903), Osborn (1904); to Lyognatha by Jaekel (1910); to Lyognathi by Jaekel (1911); to Squamata by Miller (1967); to Sauria by Estes (1983); to Sauria by Sullivan (1986); to Squamata by Nicholls and Meckert (2002); to Reptilia by Owen (1854), Owen (1860), Owen (1861), Cope (1871), Leidy (1873), Cope (1875), Günther (1886), Augé and Rage (2006); and to Squamata by Woodward (1898), Osborn (1903), Lambe (1908), Swinton (1934), Roxo (1937), Kuhn (1946), Huene (1954), Seiffert (1975), Carroll and Galton (1977), Prothero and Estes (1980), Thurmond and Jones (1981), Carroll (1982), Stritzke (1983), Carroll (1988), Gao and Fox (1991), Gao and Fox (1996), Frank and Ramus (1996), Gao and Hou (1996), Peng et al. (2001), Venczel and Stiuca (2008), Böhme (2010).

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1842Lacertilia Owen
1854Lacertia Owen p. 80
1859Lacertilia Owen p. 152
1860Lacertilia Owen p. 278
1861Lacertilia Owen p. 306
1871Lacertilia Cope p. 236
1872Iguanavus Marsh p. 309
1873Diacium Cope p. 17
1873Cremastosaurus Cope p. 18
1873Cremastosaurus carinicollis Cope p. 18
1873Lacertilia Leidy p. 344
1875Lacertilia Cope p. 17
1884Platyrhachis rhambastes Cope p. 779
1886Lacertilia Günther p. 444
1890Lacertilia Zittel p. 450
1892Iguanavus Marsh
1898Lacertae Gadow p. 25
1898Lacertilia Woodward p. 141
1902Iguanavus Hay p. 474
1902Cremastosaurus Hay p. 477
1902Cremastosaurus carinicollis Hay p. 477
1902Diacium Hay p. 477
1902Platyrhachis rhambastes Hay p. 477
1903Lacertilia Osborn p. 276
1904Lacertilia Osborn p. 114
1908Lacertilia Lambe
1910Lacerti Jaekel p. 336
1911Lacerti Jaekel p. 154
1928Iguanavus Gilmore p. 16
1928Cremastosaurus Gilmore p. 151
1928Cremastosaurus rhambastes Gilmore p. 152
1930Iguanavus Hay p. 246
1930Cremastosaurus Hay p. 255
1930Cremastosaurus carinicollis Hay p. 255
1930Cremastosaurus rhambastes Hay p. 255
1930Diacium Hay p. 256
1934Lacertilia Swinton p. 17
1937Lacertilia Roxo p. 43
1946Lacertilia Kuhn p. 60
1953Cremastosaurus Galbreath p. 39
1953Diacium Galbreath p. 39
1954Lacertilia Huene p. 62
1967Lacertilia Miller p. 227
1975Lacertilia Seiffert p. 9
1977Lacertilia Carroll and Galton
1980Lacertilia Prothero and Estes
1981Lacertilia Thurmond and Jones p. 148
1982Lacertilia Carroll p. 183
1983Lacertilia Estes
1983Lacertilia Stritzke
1986Lacertilia Sullivan p. 109
1988Iguanavus Carroll
1988Lacertilia Carroll
1991Lacertilia Gao and Fox
1996Lacertilia Frank and Ramus
1996Lacertilia Gao and Fox
1996Lacertilia Gao and Hou p. 580
2001Lacertilia Peng et al. p. 26
2002Lacertilia Nicholls and Meckert p. 1593
2006Lacertilia Augé and Rage p. 239
2008Lacertilia Venczel and Stiuca p. 750
2010Lacertilia Böhme p. 19

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EubilateriaAx 1987
phylumChordataHaeckel 1874
subclassDipnotetrapodomorpha(Nelson 2006)
subclassAmphibiosauriaKuhn 1967
suborderLacertilia(Owen 1842)
suborderLacertilia(Owen 1842)

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

Subor. Lacertilia Owen 1842 [lizard]
show all | hide all
G. †Araeosaurus Seeley 1881
Araeosaurus gracilis Seeley 1881
G. †Costasaurus Estes 1983
Costasaurus rusconi Costa 1851
Invalid names: Polysemia apennina Costa 1864 [objective synonym]
G. †Dicarlesia Huene 1932
Dicarlesia incognita Huene 1931
Invalid names: Carlesia Huene 1931 [replaced]
G. †Durotrigia Hoffstetter 1967
Durotrigia triconidens Hoffstetter 1967
G. †Francosaurophis Kuhn 1959
Invalid names: Saurophis Brunner 1957 [replaced]
Superfm. Kionocrania Stannius 1856
G. Euprepis Wagler 1830
Subg. Euprepis (Euprepis) Wagler 1830
G. †Oxia Nessov 1985
Oxia karakalpakensis Nessov 1985
G. †Paraprionosaurus Gilmore 1938
Tr. †Repentia
G. †Raphiosaurus Owen 1842
Raphiosaurus lucius Dixon 1850
G. †Sauromorus Pomel 1953
G. †Tarratosaurus Broschinksi and Sigogneau-Russell 1996
Tarratosaurus anoualensis Broschinksi and Sigogneau-Russell 1996
G. †Teilhardosaurus Shikama 1947
G. Tupinambis Daudin 1802 [tegu]
Tupinambis brevirostris Rovereto 1914
Tupinambis multidentatus Rovereto 1914
Tupinambis prerufescens Rovereto 1914
Tupinambis preteguixin Rovereto 1914
Tupinambis rufescens Gunther 1871 [Red tegu]
Tupinambis teguixin Linnaeus 1758
Invalid names: Diasemosaurus Ameghino 1898 [synonym], Diasemosaurus occidentalis Ameghino 1893 [nomen dubium], Dibolosodon Ameghino 1898 [synonym], Dibolosodon typicus Ameghino 1893 [nomen dubium]
Invalid names: Changjiangidae Hou 1976 [empty], Cremastosaurus Cope 1873 [nomen dubium], Cremastosaurus rhambastes Cope 1884 [nomen dubium], Diacium Cope 1873 [nomen dubium], Iguanavus Marsh 1872 [nomen dubium], Natantia Owen 1851 [empty], Ophiosauri Cope 1864 [empty], Rhiptoglossa Wiegmann 1834 [empty]
R. Owen 1859Vertebrae procoelian, with a single transverse process on each side, and with single-headed ribs; sacral vertebrae not exceeding two.
R. Owen 1860Vertebrae procoelian, with a single transverse process on each side, and with single-headed ribs ; sacral vertebrae not exceeding two : two external nostrils ; a foramen parietale in most,
R. Owen 1861Vertebrae proccelian, with a single transverse process on each side, and with single-headed ribs; sacral vertebrae not exceeding two; two external nostrils; a foramen parietale in most.
No measurements are available
Composition: phosphaticsubp
Environment: terrestrialuc
Locomotion: actively mobilec
Created: 2017-04-17 15:15:35
Modified: 2017-04-17 15:15:35
Source: c = class, subp = subphylum, uc = unranked clade
References: Carroll 1988, Hendy et al. 2009

Age range

Maximum range based only on fossils: base of the Norian to the top of the Holocene or 228.00000 to 0.00000 Ma
Minimum age of oldest fossil (stem group age): 190.8 Ma

Collections (293 total)

Oldest occurrences

Time interval Ma Country or state Original ID and collection number
Norian - Sinemurian228.0 - 190.8South Africa (Eastern Cape) Lacertilia indet. (75181)
Late/Upper Bajocian171.6 - 167.7Russian Federation (Karachay-Cherkessia) Durotrigia daveyi (198639 198643 198644 198646 198673 198680 198695)
Callovian166.1 - 163.5Kyrgyzstan (Jalal-Abad) Lacertilia indet. (37596 37597)
Early/Lower Callovian164.7 - 161.2China (Nei Mongol) Lacertilia long-limbed form, Lacertilia indet. (27891)
Oxfordian - Kimmeridgian163.5 - 152.1USA (Colorado) Lacertilia indet. (225134)
Late/Upper Oxfordian161.2 - 155.7France (Basse-Normandie) Durotrigia triconidens (74916)
Middle Oxfordian - Late/Upper Oxfordian161.2 - 155.7France (Franche-Comté) Lacertilia indet. (85257)
Kimmeridgian - Tithonian157.3 - 145.0Chile (Metropolitana) Lacertilia indet. (219710)
Kimmeridgian - Tithonian157.3 - 145.0USA (Wyoming) Lacertilia indet. (39430)
Kimmeridgian - Tithonian157.3 - 145.0USA (Colorado) Lacertilia indet. (231533)
Tithonian152.1 - 145.0USA (Colorado) Lacertilia indet. (53040 58811) Sauria indet. (48161)
Tithonian152.1 - 145.0USA (Utah) Lacertilia indet. (22711 57913)
Early/Lower Tithonian150.8 - 145.0USA (Wyoming) Lacertilia indet. (56654)
Middle Tithonian150.8 - 145.0USA (Utah) Lacertilia indet. (52110)
Late/Upper Tithonian - Early/Lower Berriasian150.8 - 140.2Morocco (Oriental) Lacertilia indet., Tarratosaurus anoualensis (45726)
Late/Upper Tithonian - Early/Lower Berriasian150.8 - 140.2Morocco (Figuig) Tarratosaurus anoualensis (204936)
Early/Lower Berriasian - Middle Berriasian145.0 - 140.2United Kingdom (England) Durotrigia sp. (28401)
Middle Berriasian145.0 - 140.2United Kingdom (England) Durotrigia triconidens (72142)
Berriasian - Valanginian145.0 - 132.9Brazil (Paraíba) Lacertilia indet. (58792)
Berriasian - Barremian145.0 - 125.0Russian Federation (Sakha) Lacertilia indet. (32313)