Armandisaurus explorator was named by
Norell and de Queiroz (1991) [Although Armandisaurus explorator differs from all other iguanines, monophyly of this taxon is dubious. It possesses three characters that are interpretable as diagnostic apomorphies: a small but distinct ventral process of the squamosal, the absence of pterygoid teeth, and a reduced number of premaxillary teeth (fewer than 7); however, the synapomorphic status of these characters is ambiguous. The first may be a retained ancestral condition, and a distinct ventral process is also present in Amblyrhynchus and Iguana. The second character is variable in Dipsosaurus and pterygoid teeth are also absent in most Conolophus. The third character, number of premaxillary teeth, is based on population modes and thus must be scored tentatively in a single specimen; a reduced number of premaxillary teeth also occurs in Sauromalus and Ctenosaura defensor. Armandisaurus differs from Dipsosaurus and all other iguanines except Brachylophus in having a broad interpterygoid vacuity. It differs from Brachylophus and all other iguanines except Dipsosaurus in lacking a lateral process of the palatine posterior to the infraorbital foramen.]. It is not extant. Its type specimen is AMNH-FAM 8799, a partial skeleton. Its type locality is
White Operation Quarry, which is in a Barstovian terrestrial horizon in the Tesuque Formation of New Mexico.