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Reptilia - Baenidae

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1870Baena Leidy
1873Baena Leidy p. 341
1884Baena Cope
1902Baena Hay p. 437
1906Baena Lambe p. 232
1908Baena Hay pp. 59-60
1915Baena Gilmore p. 107
1916Baena Gilmore p. 293
1919Baena Gilmore p. 116
1930Baena Hay p. 71
1964Baena Estes p. 96
1972Baena Gaffney pp. 248, 274-276
1988Baena Carroll
1992Baena Hutchison
2001Baena Holroyd et al.
2007Baena Joyce
2009Baena Anquetin et al.
2010Baena Lyson and Joyce
2011Baena Lyson and Joyce p. 792
2015Baena Joyce and Lyson
2016Baena Lyson et al.

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EubilateriaAx 1987
phylumChordataHaeckel 1874
subclassDipnotetrapodomorpha(Nelson 2006)
subclassAmphibiosauriaKuhn 1967
Testudinata(Oppel 1811)
familyBaenidaeCope 1882
Eubaeninae(Williams 1950)

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

G. †Baena Leidy 1870
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Baena affinis Leidy 1871
Invalid names: Baena inflata Gilmore 1915 [synonym], Baena riparia Hay 1908 [synonym]
Baena arenosa Leidy 1870
Invalid names: Baena clara Hay 1908 [synonym], Baena emiliae Hay 1908 [synonym], Baena sima Hay 1908 [synonym]
Baena escavada Hay 1908
Baena hayi Gilmore 1916
O. P. Hay 1908Shell firmly joined to the carapace by sutural union with the lateral peripherals and by broad and high axillary and inguinal buttresses. Hinder border of the carapace scallopt, and with an extensive excavation over the tail. Nuchal bone in contact with the first neural; no preneural; no supramarginal scutes; anterior lobe of plastron not extended in front of the carapace. Mesoplastra large, with the outer ends expanded. Posterior plastral lobe slightly emarginated. Intergulars, gulars, and inframarginals present. Skull broad, with the temporal region extensively rooft, the squamosals in contact with the parietals. Jugal forming a part of the rim of the orbit. Triturating surface of the maxilla furnisht with a prominent longitudinal ridge. Choanae opening on a line joining the fronts of the orbits.
E. S. Gaffney 1972Baenines with slight temporal emargination; diameter of orbit and FORAMEN MAGNUM small relative to Chisternon: lateral maxillary constriction in some specimens; nasals fused to frontals, anterior margin of nasals with concavity facing anteriorly; posterior margin of skull roof without transverse ridge; basisphenoid small compared to Chisternon; preneural absent; first vertebral may be rectangular with no supracostal scutes or it may be triangular with supracostal scutes.
No measurements are available
Composition: phosphaticsubp
Entire body: yesg
Adult length: 100 to < 1000g
Environment: freshwaterg
Locomotion: actively mobilec
Life habit: aquaticg
Diet: carnivoreg
Comments: length about 460 mm estimated from text figureg
Created: 2006-04-19 15:11:27
Modified: 2006-04-19 17:11:27
Source: g = genus, c = class, subp = subphylum
References: Holroyd et al. 2001, Hendy et al. 2009, Carroll 1988

Age range: base of the Judithian to the top of the Lutetian or 83.50000 to 41.30000 Ma

Collections (50 total)

Time interval Ma Country or state Original ID and collection number
Early/Lower Campanian83.5 - 70.6USA (North Carolina) B. sp. (106277)
Judithian83.5 - 70.6USA (Texas) B. sp. (14489)
Late/Upper Campanian83.5 - 70.6USA (New Mexico) B. sp. (196540)
Middle Campanian83.5 - 70.6USA (Utah) B. sp. (167520)
Lancian70.6 - 66.0USA (Wyoming) B. sp. (14519 14579)
Late/Upper Maastrichtian70.6 - 66.0Canada (Saskatchewan) B. sp. 1, B. sp. 2 (45675)
Late/Upper Maastrichtian70.6 - 66.0USA (Wyoming) B. hayi (122902)
Torrejonian63.8 - 60.9USA (New Mexico) B. escavada (14834)
Ypresian - Lutetian56.0 - 41.3USA (Wyoming) B. arenosa (193357)
Wasatchian55.8 - 50.3USA (Wyoming) B. arenosa (15661) B. sp. (15793 59890)
Wasatchian55.8 - 50.3USA (New Mexico) B. arenosa (176881)
Bridgerian50.3 - 46.2USA (Wyoming) B. arenosa (16229 16253 16262 16265 16647 27269 70257 131861) B. arenosa, B. affinis (16201) B. arenosa, B. sima, B. riparia (16228) B. sima (16255)
Bridgerian - Early/Lower Uintan50.3 - 39.7USA (Wyoming) B. arenosa (128443)
Middle Eocene47.8 - 37.71USA (Wyoming) B. arenosa (81455)
Early/Lower Uintan46.2 - 39.7USA (Utah) B. arenosa (16572 109207 186888)
Late/Upper Uintan46.2 - 39.7Canada (Saskatchewan) B. sp. (16626)
Uintan46.2 - 39.7USA (Utah) B. arenosa (185685 186889 186890 186891 186892 186893 186894 186895 186896 186897 222799 222805) B. emiliae (16589 185687 185688 185689 185691) B. emiliae, B. inflata (16646) B. inflata (185690)