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Otariidae (eared seal)

Mammalia - Carnivora - Otariidae

Otariina was named by Gray (1825). It is extant.

It was synonymized subjectively with Panotariidae by Velez-Juarbe (2017); it was reranked as the family Otariidae by Gill (1866), Scott (1873), Allen (1880), Flower (1883), Lydekker (1885), Cope (1889), Flower and Lydekker (1891), Trouessart (1898), Hay (1902), Trouessart (1904), Jaekel (1911), Turner (1912), Kellogg (1922), Zittel (1925), Weber (1928), Hay (1930), Scheffer and Rice (1963), Mitchell (1966), Burns and Fay (1970), Barnes (1972), Mitchell and Tedford (1973), Tedford (1976), Repenning and Tedford (1977), Barnes (1979), Kurten and Anderson (1980), Berta and Deméré (1986), Barnes (1987), Barnes (1988), Carroll (1988), Barnes (1989), Berta et al. (1989), Riedman (1990), Vidal (1991), Berta (1991), Nowak (1991), Kohno (1992), Barnes (1992), Berta (1994), Horikawa (1995), Barnes and Hirota (1995), Kohno et al. (1995), McKenna and Bell (1997), Kimura (1997), Rice (1998), Bergqvist et al. (1999), Rice (2002), Berta (2002), Deméré et al. (2003), Wilson and Reeder (2005), Koretsky and Barnes (2006), Barnes et al. (2006), Berta et al. (2006), Barnes (2008), Berta (2009), Rice (2009), Fulton and Strobeck (2010), Valenzuela-Toro et al. (2013), Berta (2017), Berta (2018), Kienle and Berta (2019), Tsuzuku and Kohno (2020).

It was assigned to Phocidae by Gray (1825), Bonaparte (1850), Gray (1871); to Pinnipedia by Scott (1873); to Phocidi by Jaekel (1911); to Canoidea by Mitchell and Tedford (1973); to Ursida by Barnes (1987), Barnes (1988), Barnes (1989), Barnes (1992); to Carnivora by Barnes (1972), Barnes (1979), Berta and Deméré (1986), Kohno (1992), Barnes and Hirota (1995), Kohno et al. (1995), Kimura (1997), Bergqvist et al. (1999); to Pinnipedia by Allen (1880), Flower (1883), Lydekker (1885), Cope (1889), Flower and Lydekker (1891), Trouessart (1898), Hay (1902), Trouessart (1904), Turner (1912), Zittel (1925), Weber (1928), Hay (1930), Kurten and Anderson (1980), Berta et al. (1989), Vidal (1991), Berta (1991), Nowak (1991), Berta (1994), Rice (1998), Deméré et al. (2003); to Caniformia by Wilson and Reeder (2005); to Phocoidea by McKenna and Bell (1997), Rice (2002), Rice (2009); to Otarioidea by Scheffer and Rice (1963), Mitchell (1966), Burns and Fay (1970), Tedford (1976), Repenning and Tedford (1977), Carroll (1988), Riedman (1990), Horikawa (1995), Koretsky and Barnes (2006), Barnes et al. (2006), Barnes (2008), Fulton and Strobeck (2010); to Pinnipedimorpha by Kienle and Berta (2019); and to Pinnipedia by Gill (1866), Kellogg (1922), Berta (2002), Berta et al. (2006), Berta (2009), Valenzuela-Toro et al. (2013), Berta (2017), Berta (2018), Tsuzuku and Kohno (2020).

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1825Otariina Gray p. 340
1850Otariina Bonaparte p. 1
1866Otariidae Gill p. 7
1871Callorhinina Gray p. 4
1871Otariina Gray p. 4
1871Callorhinina Gray p. 11
1872Otaria oudriana Delfortrie
1873Otariidae Scott p. 7
1880Otariidae Allen p. 187
1883Otariidae Flower p. 185
1885Otariidae Lydekker p. 196
1889Otariidae Cope p. 876
1891Otariidae Flower and Lydekker p. 91
1898Otariidae Trouessart p. 369
1898Mesotaria oudriana Trouessart p. 378
1902Otariidae Hay p. 783
1904Otariidae Trouessart p. 279
1904Mesotaria oudriana Trouessart p. 282
1909Otaria ondriana True p. 147
1911Otariidae Jaekel p. 229
1912Otariidae Turner p. 168
1922Otariidae Kellogg p. 106
1925Otariidae Zittel p. 78
1928Otariidae Weber p. 349
1930Otariidae Hay p. 557
1947Mesotaria oudriana Friant p. 5
1963Otariidae Scheffer and Rice p. 2
1966Otariidae Mitchell p. 4
1970Otariidae Burns and Fay p. 379
1972Otariidae Barnes p. 5
1973Otariidae Mitchell and Tedford p. 218
1976Otariidae Tedford p. 372
1977Otariidae Repenning and Tedford p. 9
1978Callorhinae Muizon p. 183
1979Otariidae Barnes p. 8
1980Otariidae Kurten and Anderson p. 202
1986Otariidae Berta and Deméré p. 122
1987Otariidae Barnes p. 3
1988Otariidae Barnes p. 2
1988Otariidae Carroll
1989Otariidae Barnes p. 3
1989Otariidae Berta et al. p. 61 figs. Fig. 3
1990Otariidae Riedman p. 58 figs. Table 2
1991Otariidae Berta p. 29 figs. Fig. 22
1991Otariidae Nowak
1991Otariidae Vidal p. 6
1992Otariidae Barnes p. 3
1992Otariidae Kohno p. 16
1994Otariidae Berta p. 25 figs. Fig. 21
1995Otariidae Barnes and Hirota p. 330
1995Otariidae Horikawa p. 322 figs. Table 4
1995Otariidae Kohno et al. p. 287
1997Otariidae Kimura p. 3
1997Otariidae McKenna and Bell p. 252
1998Otariidae Rice
1999Otariidae Bergqvist et al. p. 31
2002Otariidae Berta p. 923
2002Otariidae Rice p. 231 figs. Table 1
2003Otariidae Deméré et al. p. 49 figs. Fig. 3.3
2005Otariidae Wilson and Reeder
2006Otariidae Barnes et al. p. 59
2006Otariidae Berta et al. p. 495
2006Otariidae Koretsky and Barnes p. 144
2008Otariidae Barnes p. 526
2009Otariidae Berta p. 863
2009Otariidae Rice p. 235 figs. Table 1
2010Otariidae Fulton and Strobeck p. 817 figs. Figure 1
2013Otariidae Valenzuela-Toro et al. p. 218
2017Otariidae Berta p. 155
2018Otariidae Berta p. 713 figs. Fig. 2
2019Otariidae Kienle and Berta
2020Otariidae Tsuzuku and Kohno p. 5

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EubilateriaAx 1987
phylumChordataHaeckel 1874
subclassDipnotetrapodomorpha(Nelson 2006)
subclassAmphibiosauriaKuhn 1967
CarnivoramorphaWyss and Flynn 1993
CarnivoraformesFlynn et al.
suborderCaniformiaKretzoi 1943
infraorderCanoidea(Simpson 1931)
superfamilyArctoideaFlower 1869
PanpinnipediaWolsan et al. 2020

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

Fm. Otariidae Gray 1825 [eared seal]
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G. Arctocephalus Cuvier 1826 [fur seal]
Subg. Arctocephalus (Callotaria) Palmer 1892
Arctocephalus australis Zimmerman 1783 [South American fur seal]
Invalid names: Arctophoca tropicalis Gray 1872 [synonym]
Arctocephalus doriferus Wood Jones 1925
Invalid names: Arctocephalus nigriscens Gray 1859 [synonym]
Arctocephalus fischeri Gervais and Ameghino 1880
Arctocephalus forsteri Wood Jones 1922
Arctocephalus pusillus Schreber 1778 [brown fur seal]
Invalid names: Arctocephalus antarcticus Thunberg 1811 [synonym]
Arctocephalus tasmanica Scott and Lord 1926
Arctocephalus townsendi Merriam 1897 [Guadalupe fur seal]
Invalid names: Arctophoca Peters 1866 [synonym], Halarctos Gill 1866 [synonym]
G. Callorhinus Gray 1859 [fur seal]
Callorhinus gilmorei Berta and Deméré 1986
Callorhinus ursinus Linnaeus 1758 [northern fur seal]
Invalid names: Arctocephalus californianus Gray 1866 [synonym]
Invalid names: Callorhynchus Greve 1896 [synonym]
G. †Eotaria Boessenecker and Churchill 2015
Eotaria citrica Velez-Juarbe 2017
Eotaria crypta Boessenecker and Churchill 2015
G. Eumetopias Gill 1866 [Steller sea lion]
Subg. Eumetopias (Eumetopias) Trouessart 1898
Eumetopias jubatus Schreber 1776 [Steller sea lion]
Eumetopias kishidai Shikama 1953
Eumetopias oijyaensis Horikawa 1981
Eumetopias stelleri Fischer 1829
G. †Hydrarctos Muizon 1978
Hydrarctos lomasiensis Muizon 1978
G. Neophoca Gray 1866 [Australian sea lion]
Neophoca cinerea Peron 1816 [Australian sea lion]
Invalid names: Arctocephalus lobatus Gray 1828 [synonym], Arctocephalus williamsi McCoy 1877 [synonym], Otaria albicollis Péron 1816 [synonym], Otaria australis Quoy and Gaimard 1830 [synonym]
Neophoca palatina King 1983
G. †Oriensarctos Mitchell 1968
Oriensarctos watasei Matsumoto 1925
G. Otaria Peron 1816 [sea lion]
Otaria byronia Blainville 1820
Invalid names: Otaria flavescens Shaw 1800 [synonym]
Otaria fischeri Gervais and Ameghino 1880
Invalid names: Otoes Fischer 1817 [synonym], Phoca flavescens Shaw 1800 [nomen nudum], Platyrhynchus Cuvier 1827 [synonym], Pontoleo Gloger 1841 [synonym]
Subfm. Otariinae Gray 1825
Invalid names: Otariini Mitchell 1968 [empty]
G. Phocarctos Gray 1844 [New Zealand sea lion]
Phocarctos hookeri Gray 1844 [New Zealand sea lion]
Invalid names: Arctocephalus caninus Berry 1928 [synonym]
G. †Pithanotaria Kellogg 1925
Pithanotaria starri Kellogg 1925
G. †Proterozetes Barnes et al. 2006
Proterozetes ulysses Barnes et al. 2006
G. †Thalassoleon Repenning and Tedford 1977
Thalassoleon inouei Kohno 1992
Thalassoleon macnallyae Repenning and Tedford 1977
Thalassoleon mexicanus Repenning and Tedford 1977
G. Zalophus Gill 1866 [California sea lion]
Zalophus californianus Lesson 1828 [California sea lion]
Invalid names: Arctocephalus gilliespii Macbain 1858 [synonym], Arctocephalus monteriensis Gray 1866 [synonym]
Zalophus japonicus Peters 1866
Zalophus wollebaeki Silversten 1954 [Galapagos sea lion]
Invalid names: Zalophus kimitsensis Matsumoto 1939 [nomen dubium]
Invalid names: Arctocephalinae Scheffer and Rice 1963 [empty], Callorhinae Muizon 1978 [invalid subgroup], Callorhinina Gray 1871 [invalid subgroup], Eumetopiina Gray 1871 [empty], Otaria oudriana Delfortrie 1872 [nomen dubium], Zalophina Gray 1871 [empty]
N. Tsuzuku and N. Kohno 2020[Crown Otariidae (C. ursinus, northern sea lion clade, and southern otariid clade)] single rooted P3, P4, p2, and p4. Pronator teres insertion positioned on the proximal 40% of the radius. Secondary shelf of the sustentaculum of the calcaneum developed as a wider shelf (modified from Churchill, Boessenecker & Clementz, 2014).
No measurements are available
Composition: hydroxyapatiteuc
Ontogeny: modification of partsuc
Environment: marineuc
Locomotion: actively mobilec
Life habit: amphibiousuc
Diet: piscivoret
Reproduction: viviparousuc
Created: 2005-06-08 10:11:09
Modified: 2005-06-08 12:11:09
Source: t = tribe, c = class, uc = unranked clade
References: Nowak 1991, Hendy et al. 2009, Carreño and Cronin 1993, Gingerich 2003

Age range

Maximum range based only on fossils: base of the Chattian to the top of the Holocene or 28.10000 to 0.00000 Ma
Minimum age of oldest fossil (stem group age): 23.03 Ma

Collections (284 total)

Oldest occurrences

Time interval Ma Country or state Original ID and collection number
Chattian28.1 - 23.03USA (California) Otariidae indet. (58148)
Miocene - Pliocene23.03 - 2.588Chile Otaria jubata (221010)
Neogene23.03 - 2.58USA (California) Otariidae indet. (117453)
Burdigalian20.44 - 15.97France Otaria oudriana (52061)
Burdigalian - Langhian20.44 - 13.82USA (California) Eotaria crypta (138432)
Langhian15.97 - 13.82USA (California) Otariidae indet. (13192) Otariidae indet., Eotaria citrica (19595)
Langhian - Serravallian15.97 - 11.62USA (California) Pithanotaria sp. (46069 121152)
Middle Miocene15.97 - 11.608Japan (Shimane) Zalophus sp. (52020)
Middle Miocene15.97 - 11.608Japan (Gifu) Otariidae indet. (55920)
Middle Miocene15.97 - 11.608USA (California) Phocidae indet. (152094)
Serravallian13.82 - 11.62Japan (Ibaraki) Otariidae indet. (220459)
Tortonian11.62 - 7.246USA (California) Otariidae indet., Pithanotaria starri (13300 45489 46070) Otariinae indet. (50069) Pithanotaria sp. (52184) Pithanotaria starri (52213 59157 106202 152110 225298 225299 225307 225310)
Tortonian11.62 - 7.246Argentina (Entre Rios) Otaria fischeri (13626)
Tortonian11.62 - 7.246Japan (Fukushima) Otariidae indet. (65229)
Tortonian - Messinian11.62 - 5.333Peru Otariidae indet., Hydrarctos lomasiensis (46083)
Late/Upper Miocene - Early/Lower Pliocene11.608 - 3.6Japan (Hokkaido) Otariidae indet. (102986)
Late/Upper Miocene - Late/Upper Pliocene11.608 - 2.588Belgium (Antwerpen) Otariidae indet. (47465)
Hemphillian10.3 - 4.9USA (California) Otariinae indet. (52220)
Messinian7.246 - 5.333Mexico (Baja California) Thalassoleon mexicanus (45458)
Messinian7.246 - 5.333USA (California) Arctocephalinae indet. (52223) Otariidae indet. (104808) Otariidae indet., Pithanotaria starri (59148) Thalassoleon macnallyae (59162 152070 152071) Thalassoleon mexicanus (76007)