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Ichthyopterygia was named by Owen (1840). It was considered monophyletic by Motani (1999).

It was reranked as the suborder Ichthyopterygia by Owen (1859); it was synonymized subjectively with Ichthyosauria by Hay (1902), Osborn (1904), Hay (1930); it was synonymized subjectively with Ichthyosauri by Jaekel (1910); it was reranked as the superorder Ichthyopterygia by Nopcsa (1928); it was reranked as the subclass Ichthyopterygia by Haughton and Brink (1954); it was reranked as the unranked clade Ichthyopterygia by Moon (2017), Moon (2019).

It was assigned to Enaliosauria by Owen (1859); to Enaliosauri by Owen (1861); to Monozygocrotapha by Nopcsa (1928); to Reptilia by Owen (1860), Cope (1871), Cope (1875), Günther (1886), Woodward (1898), Swinton (1934), Haughton and Brink (1954); to Archosauria by Carroll (1988); to Diapsida by Motani (1999); and to Ichthyosauriformes by Moon (2017), Moon (2019).

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1840Ichthyopterygia Owen
1847Ichthyoterus Rouiellier
1847Ichthyoterus fischeri Rouiellier
1859Ichthyopterygia Owen p. 149
1860Ichthyopterygia Owen p. 198
1861Ichthyopterygia Owen p. 218
1871Ichthyopterygia Cope p. 235
1875Ichthyopterygia Cope p. 15
1886Ichthyopterygia Günther p. 442
1898Ichthyopterygia Woodward p. 141
1902Ekbainacanthus Yakowlew
1902Ekbainacanthus tschernyschewi Yakowlew
1916Pachygonosaurus von Huene p. 39
1922Macropterygius Huene
1928Ichthyopterygia Nopcsa p. 167
1934Ichthyopterygia Swinton p. 63
1938Perrinosaurus Merriam
1948Macropterygius incognitus Rusconi p. 148
1951Macropterygius von Huene p. 90
1951Pachygonosaurus von Huene p. 90
1954Ichthyopterygia Haughton and Brink p. 3
1967Macropterygius Appleby p. 137
1981Spitsbergenosaurus Mazin
1981Spitsbergenosaurus crassidens Mazin
1988Ichthyopterygia Carroll
1997Pachygonosaurus robustus Maisch and Matzke
1999Ichthyopterygia Motani p. 475
2000Rotundopteryx Maisch and Matzke p. 65
2002Macropterygius Sepkoski
2010Omphalosaurus merriami Maisch p. 160
2017Ichthyopterygia Moon
2019Ichthyopterygia Moon p. 143

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EubilateriaAx 1987
phylumChordataHaeckel 1874
subclassDipnotetrapodomorpha(Nelson 2006)
subclassAmphibiosauriaKuhn 1967
Ichthyopterygia(Owen 1840)
Ichthyopterygia(Owen 1840)

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

Unr. †Ichthyopterygia Owen 1840
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Unr. †Eoichthyosauria Motani 1999
Unr. †Grippidia Wiman 1929
G. †Gulosaurus Cuthbertson et al. 2013
Gulosaurus helmi Cuthbertson et al. 2013
Unr. †Ichthyosauria de Blainville 1835 [ichthyosaur]
Unr. †Baracromia Fischer et al. 2013
G. †Chacaicosaurus Fernandez 1994
Chacaicosaurus cayi Fernandez 1994
Fm. †Ophthalmosauridae Andrews 1910
G. †Apatodonosaurus Mehl 1928
G. †Argovisaurus Miedema et al. 2024
G. †Arthropterygius Maxwell 2010
G. †Baptanodon Seeley 1874
Invalid names: Sauranodon Marsh 1879 [replaced]
G. †Catutosaurus Fernández et al. 2021
G. †Gengasaurus Paparella et al. 2017
G. †Keilhauia Delsett et al. 2017
G. †Muiscasaurus Maxwell et al. 2015
G. †Nannopterygius Huene 1923
Subfm. †Ophthalmosaurinae Baur 1887
Subfm. †Platypterygiinae Arkhangelsky 2001
Invalid names: Baptanodontidae Marsh 1879 [synonym], Brachypterygiidae Cortes et al. 2021 [empty], Ichthyosaurus doughtyi Seeley 1869 [nomen dubium], Platypterygiidae Bardet 1995 [empty]
G. †Cetarthrosaurus Seeley 1873
Cetarthrosaurus walkeri Seeley 1869
G. †Ghuizhouichthyosaurus Cao and Luo 2000
Fm. †Grippiidae Wiman 1929
G. †Chaohusaurus Young and Dong 1972
Chaohusaurus brevifemoralis Huang et al. 2019
Chaohusaurus geishanensis Young and Dong 1972
Invalid names: Chensaurus faciles Chen 1985 [objective synonym]
Chaohusaurus zhangjiawanensis Chen et al. 2013
Invalid names: Anhuisaurus Chen 1985 [synonym], Anhuisaurus Chen 1985 [synonym], Chaohusaurus brevifemoralis Huang et al. 2019 [valid], Chaohusaurus chaoxianensis Chen 1985 [valid], Chaohusaurus geishanensis Young and Dong 1972 [valid], Chaohusaurus zhangjiawanensis Chen et al. 2013 [valid], Chensaurus Mazin Suteethora et al. 1991 [synonym], Chensaurus Mazin Suteethora et al. 1991 [synonym]
G. †Grippia Wiman 1929
Grippia longirostris Wiman 1929
G. †Guanlingichthyosaurus Yin et al. 2000
Unr. †Hueneosauria Maisch and Matzke 2000
Subor. †Longipinnati Huene 1948
Fm. †Cymbospondylidae von Huene 1948
Fm. †Toretocnemidae Maisch and Matzke 2000
Unr. †Merriamosauria Motani 1999
Fm. †Besanosauridae McGowan and Motani 2003
Fm. †Californosauridae Von Huene 1948
Fm. †Guanlingsauridae Yin et al. 2000
Fm. †Merriamosauridae Maisch and Matzke 2003
Fm. †Shastasauridae Merriam 1902
Fm. †Shonisauridae Camp 1980
G. †Thalattoarchon Fröbisch et al. 2013
Invalid names: Euichthyosauria Motani 1999 [empty], Shastasauria Motani 1999 [empty]
Fm. †Mixosauridae Baur 1887
G. †Barracudasauroides Maisch 2010
G. †Barracudasaurus Jiang et al. 2005
G. †Mixosaurus Baur 1887
Invalid names: Sangiorgiosaurus Brinkmann 1998 [synonym]
G. †Phalarodon Merriam 1910
Subfm. †Phalarodontinae Maisch and Matzke 2001
Invalid names: Ancanamuninae Rusconi 1942 [empty], Mixosaurinae Baur 1887 [empty]
Invalid names: Merriamosauriformes McGowan and Motani 2003 [empty]
G. †Isfjordosaurus Motani 1999
Isfjordosaurus minor Motani 1999
Superfm. †Latipinnatoidea Huene 1923
Invalid names: Eurypterygiidae Jaekel 1904 [empty]
Subor. †Mixosauria Motani 1999
Fm. †Wimaniidae Maisch 2010
G. †Wimanius Maisch and Matzke 1998
G. †Nanchangasaurus Wang 1959
Fm. †Omphalosauridae Merriam 1906
G. †Chaohusaurus Young and Dong 1972
Chaohusaurus brevifemoralis Huang et al. 2019
Chaohusaurus geishanensis Young and Dong 1972
Invalid names: Chensaurus faciles Chen 1985 [objective synonym]
Chaohusaurus zhangjiawanensis Chen et al. 2013
Invalid names: Anhuisaurus Chen 1985 [synonym], Anhuisaurus Chen 1985 [synonym], Chaohusaurus brevifemoralis Huang et al. 2019 [valid], Chaohusaurus chaoxianensis Chen 1985 [valid], Chaohusaurus geishanensis Young and Dong 1972 [valid], Chaohusaurus zhangjiawanensis Chen et al. 2013 [valid], Chensaurus Mazin Suteethora et al. 1991 [synonym], Chensaurus Mazin Suteethora et al. 1991 [synonym]
G. †Omphalosaurus Merriam 1906
Omphalosaurus nettarhynchus Mazin and Bucher 1987
Omphalosaurus nevadanus Merriam 1906
Omphalosaurus wolfi Tichy 1995
G. †Tholodus Von Meyer 1851
Tholodus schmidi Von Meyer 1851
G. †Xinminosaurus Jiang et al. 2008
Xinminosaurus catactes Jiang et al. 2008
Fm. †Parvinatatoridae McGowan and Motani 2003
G. †Parvinatator Nicholls and Brinkman 1995
Parvinatator wapitiensis Nicholls and Brinkman 1995
Unr. †Parvipelvia Motani 1999
G. †Hudsonelpidia McGowan 1995
G. †Macgowania Motani 1999
Macgowania janiceps McGowan 1996
Unr. †Neoichthyosauria Sander 2000
G. †Dearcmhara Brusatte et al. 2015
G. †Eurhinosaurus Abel 1909
G. †Excalibosaurus McGowan 1986
G. †Hauffiopteryx Maisch 2008
G. †Leptonectes McGowan 1996
Invalid names: Leptopterygius Huene 1929 [synonym]
Fm. †Leptonectidae Maisch 1998
Invalid names: Eurhinosauria Motani 1999 [objective synonym]
G. †Temnodontosaurus Lydekker 1889
Invalid names: Suevoleviathanidae Maisch 2001 [empty], Temnodontosauridae McGowan 1974 [empty]
G. †Suevoleviathan Maisch 1998
Suevoleviathan disinteger von Huene 1926
Suevoleviathan integer Bronn 1844
Invalid names: Hudsonelpidiidae McGowan and Motani 2003 [empty], Leptonectoidea McGowan and Motani 2003 [empty], Macgowaniidae McGowan and Motani 2003 [empty], Temnodontosauroidea McGowan and Motani 2003 [empty]
Fm. †Proteosauridae Hay 1902
G. †Proteosaurus Home 1819
Proteosaurus platyodon Conybeare 1822
Invalid names: Ichthyosaurus chiroligostinus Hawkins 1834 [synonym], Ichthyosaurus lonchiodon Owen 1840 [synonym]
Fm. †Quasianosteosauridae Maisch and Matzke 2003
G. †Quasianosteosaurus Maisch and Matzke 2003
Quasianosteosaurus vikinghoegdai Maisch and Matzke 2003
Superfm. †Shastosauroidea Tatarinov 1964
Invalid names: Undorosauridae Efimov 1999 [empty]
Fm. †Thaisauridae Maisch 2010
G. †Thaisaurus Mazin et al. 1991
Thaisaurus chonglakmanii Mazin et al. 1991
Unr. †Thunnosauria Motani 1999
Fm. †Ichthyosauridae Bonaparte 1841
G. †Ichthyosaurus Koenig 1818
Invalid names: Eurypterygius Jaekel 1904 [synonym], Gryphus Wagler 1830 [synonym]
G. †Protoichthyosaurus Appleby 1979
G. †Malawania Fischer et al. 2013
Malawania anachronus Fischer et al. 2013
G. †Stenopterygius Jaekel 1904
Stenopterygius aaleniensis Maxwell et al. 2012
Stenopterygius cayi Fernandez 1994
Stenopterygius cuneiceps McGowan 1979
Stenopterygius longipes von Wurstemberger 1876
Stenopterygius megacephalus von Huene 1922
Stenopterygius megalorhinus von Huene 1922
Stenopterygius quadriscissus Quenstedt 1858
Stenopterygius triscissus Quenstedt 1856
Stenopterygius uniter von Wurstemberger 1876
Invalid names: Stenopterygius banzensis Heune 1922 [nomen dubium], Stenopterygius hauffianus von Huene 1922 [nomen dubium], Stenopterygius promegacelaphus Maisch 2008 [nomen dubium]
Invalid names: Stenopterygiidae Kühn 1934 [empty]
Fm. †Utatsusauridae McGowan and Motani 2003
G. †Utatsusaurus Shikama and Kamei 1978
Utatsusaurus hataii Shikama and Kamei 1978
Invalid names: Ichthyosauroidea Fitzinger 1826 [empty], Ichthyosaurus australis Hector 1878 [nomen dubium], Ichthyosaurus polyptychodon Koken 1883 [nomen dubium], Ichthyosaurus strombecki Meyer 1862 [nomen dubium], Longipinnatoidea Huene 1923 [empty], Pessosaurus Wiman 1910 [nomen dubium], Rachitrema Sauvage 1883 [nomen dubium], Sphaerodontes Torre and Cuervo 1939 [nomen dubium], Stenopterygius grandis Cabrera 1939 [nomen dubium]
Or. †Heteropinnatoidea Appleby 1979
Invalid names: Leptopterygiidae Kuhn 1934 [empty], Protoichthyosauridae Appleby 1979 [empty]
Invalid names: Ekbainacanthus Yakowlew 1902 [nomen dubium], Euichthyopterygia Motani 1999 [empty], Grippidia Wiman 1933 [empty], Grippoidea Ji et al. 2016 [empty], Ichthyoterus Rouiellier 1847 [nomen dubium], Latipinnatoidea Huene 1948 [empty], Macropterygius Huene 1922 [nomen dubium], Mixosauroidea Appleby 1979 [empty], Omphalosaurus merriami Maisch 2010 [nomen dubium], Pachygonosaurus von Huene 1916 [nomen dubium], Perrinosaurus Merriam 1938 [nomen dubium], Rotundopteryx Maisch and Matzke 2000 [nomen dubium], Spitsbergenosaurus Mazin 1981 [nomen dubium]
R. Owen 1860The bones of the head still include the supplementary "post-orbitals" and "supra-temporals," but there are small temporal and other vacuities between the cranial bones : a "foramen parietale," a single convex occipital condyle, and one vomer which is edentulous. Two antorbital nostrils. Vertebral centra, ossified, biconcave. Pleurapophyses of the trunk long and bent, the anterior ones with bifurcate heads. Teeth with converging folds of cement at their base ; implanted in a common alveolar groove, and confined to the maxillary, premaxillary, and premandibular bones. Premaxillaries much exceeding the maxillaries in size. Orbit very large ; a circle of sclerotic plates. Limbs natatory ; with more than five multi-articulate digits ; no sacrum. With the retention of characters which indicate, as in the preceding orders, an affinity to the higher Ganoid fishes, the present exclusively marine Reptilia more directly exemplify the ichthyic type in the proportions of the premaxillary and maxillary bones, in the shortness and great number of the biconcave vertebrae, in the length of the pleurapophyses of the vertebras near the head, in the large proportional size of the eyeball and its well-ossified sclerotic coat, and especially in the structure of the pectoral and ventral fins.
R. Owen 1861The bones of the head still include the supplementary "postorbitals" and "supra-temporals," and there is a "foramen parietale;" but there are small temporal and other vacuities between the cranial bones, a single convex occipital condyle, and one vomer which is edentulous.
No measurements are available
Composition: hydroxyapatiteo
Environment: marineo
Locomotion: actively mobileo
Life habit: nektonico
Diet: carnivoreo
Reproduction: viviparouso
Created: 2009-07-28 04:11:58
Modified: 2017-04-17 10:38:51
Source: o = order
Reference: Kiessling 2004

Age range: base of the Olenekian to the top of the Cenomanian or 251.20000 to 93.90000 Ma

Collections (537 total)

Oldest occurrences

Time interval Ma Country or state Original ID and collection number
Early/Lower Triassic252.17 - 247.2Norway (Svalbard) Omphalosaurus merriami (140928)
Griesbachian - Smithian251.902 - 247.2Canada (British Columbia) Utatsusaurus sp. (196982)
Triassic251.902 - 201.4USA (California) Leptocheirus zitteli (149577) Shastasaurus alexandrae, Shastasaurus osmonti (153314)
Triassic251.902 - 201.4USA (Nevada) Cymbospondylus petrinus, Chonespondylus grandis (101860)
Triassic251.902 - 201.4Germany (Aargau) Mixosaurus helveticus (214578)
Triassic251.902 - 201.4Germany (Bavaria) Mixosaurus intermedius (214577)
Smithian251.3 - 247.2Canada (British Columbia) Grippia longirostris (105082) Pessosaurus sp., Phalarodon fraasi, Mixosaurus nordenskioeldii (85452) Phalarodon nordenskioeldii (152277) Phalarodon nordenskioeldii, Grippia longirostris (105083) Utatsusaurus sp. (127262)
Smithian251.3 - 247.2Russian Federation Ichthyopterygia indet. (95314)
Smithian - Spathian251.3 - 247.2USA (Idaho) Cymbospondylus sp. (90338)
Spathian251.3 - 247.2Thailand (Khuan Khanun) Thaisaurus chonglakmanii (196801)

Youngest occurrences

Time interval Ma Country or state PBDB collection number
Early/Lower Cenomanian99.6 - 93.5USA (Texas) Ichthyosauria indet. (106276) Platypterygius sp. (120507)
Early/Lower Cenomanian99.6 - 93.5United Kingdom (England) Ichthyosaurus campylodon (49496)
Early/Lower Cenomanian99.6 - 93.5New Zealand (South Island) Platypterygius sp. (237774)
Early/Lower Cenomanian99.6 - 93.5Russian Federation (Saratov) Ichthyosauria indet. (92403)
Middle Cenomanian99.6 - 93.5Russian Federation (Volgograd) Ichthyosauria indet. (92399)
Middle Cenomanian99.6 - 93.5India Platypterygius sp. (214382)
Middle Cenomanian99.6 - 93.5Russian Federation (Saratov) Platypterygius bannovkensis, Ichthyosauria indet. (138038)
Middle Cenomanian99.6 - 93.5USA (Wyoming) Myopterygius petersoni (105791)
Middle Cenomanian - Late/Upper Cenomanian99.6 - 93.5Germany (Bavaria) Platypterygius sp. (214381)
Middle Cenomanian - Late/Upper Cenomanian99.6 - 93.5Australia (Western Australia) Brachypterygiidae indet. (215559)