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Echinoidea - Arbacioida - Arbaciidae

Codiopsis is a genus. It is not extant.

It was assigned to Arbaciidae by Fell and Pawson (1966), Geys (1981) and Smith (1995); and to Phymosomatoida by Sepkoski (2002).

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1966Codiopsis Fell and Pawson p. U411
1981Codiopsis Geys p. 258
1995Codiopsis Smith p. 152
2002Codiopsis Sepkoski

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EubilateriaAx 1987
subclassEuechinoideaBronn 1860

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

G. †Codiopsis
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Codiopsis bruni Lambert 1914
Invalid names: Codiopsis pierrensis Smiser 1935 [synonym]
Codiopsis ciae Lambert 1908
Codiopsis doma Desmarest 1825
Codiopsis lehmannae Smith 1995
Codiopsis stephensoni Cooke 1953
No diagnoses are available
No measurements are available
Composition: high Mg calcitec
Ontogeny: accretion, addition of partsp
Environment: marinep
Locomotion: actively mobilef
Life habit: epifaunalf
Diet: grazerf
Vision: limitedc
Dispersal: waterp
Dispersal 2: planktonicp
Created: 2009-09-10 13:28:35
Modified: 2009-09-10 15:29:25
Source: f = family, c = class, p = phylum
References: Aberhan 1992, Smith 2009, Kiessling 2004

Age range: base of the Valanginian to the top of the Late/Upper Maastrichtian or 139.80000 to 66.00000 Ma

Collections (37 total)

Time interval Ma Country or state Original ID and collection number
Cretaceous145.0 - 66.0Cuba C. ciae (91137)
Valanginian139.8 - 132.9France C. lorini (2222)
Hauterivian132.9 - 129.4Turkmenistan C. lorini (2260)
Hauterivian132.9 - 129.4Morocco (Western High Atlas) C. lorini, C. meslei (2065)
Hauterivian132.9 - 129.4Portugal C. lorini (65749 65853 65854)
Aptian125.0 - 113.0Switzerland C. jaccardi (2189 2226 2228)
Late/Upper Albian - Cenomanian105.3 - 93.9Egypt C. sp. (150677)
Early/Lower Cenomanian - Late/Upper Albian99.6 - 99.6Spain C. doma (3832)
Early/Lower Cenomanian99.6 - 93.5France C. doma (59810 59812 59814)
Early/Lower Cenomanian99.6 - 93.5Egypt C. sp. (140114)
Middle Cenomanian99.6 - 93.5France C. doma (59803 59804 59805)
Middle Cenomanian99.6 - 93.5Serbia and Montenegro C. doma (164671)
Turonian93.9 - 89.8France (Landes) C. arnaudi (213761)
Santonian86.3 - 83.6Spain (Cataluna) C. douvillei (88327)
Santonian86.3 - 83.6Spain C. senessei (66983)
Late/Upper Campanian - Maastrichtian83.5 - 66.0United Arab Emirates C. sp. (67456)
Maastrichtian72.1 - 66.0Oman C. sp. (151617)
Early/Lower Maastrichtian70.6 - 66.0Spain (Cataluña) C. sp. (67004)
Late/Upper Maastrichtian70.6 - 66.0Belgium (Liege) C. disculus (32157)
Late/Upper Maastrichtian70.6 - 66.0Belgium C. bruni (196820)
Late/Upper Maastrichtian70.6 - 66.0USA (Texas) C. stephensoni (78102)
Late/Upper Maastrichtian70.6 - 66.0Netherlands (Limburg) C. bruni (3908) C. disculus (32167)
Late/Upper Maastrichtian70.6 - 66.0Netherlands C. bruni (196822 196823 196832 196833) C. pierrensis (196775)
Late/Upper Maastrichtian - Danian70.6 - 61.6Netherlands C. disculus (32160)