Basic info | Taxonomic history | Classification | Included Taxa |
Morphology | Ecology and taphonomy | External Literature Search | Age range and collections |
Metalopex was named by Tedford and Wang (2008).
It was assigned to Vulpini by Wang et al. (2008), Tedford and Wang (2008), Tedford et al. (2009).
It was assigned to Vulpini by Wang et al. (2008), Tedford and Wang (2008), Tedford et al. (2009).
Synonymy list
Year | Name and author |
2008 | Metalopex Tedford and Wang p. 273 figs. 1A–I; Tables 1 and 2 |
2008 | Metalopex Wang et al. |
2009 | Metalopex Tedford et al. p. 58 |
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If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.
G. †Metalopex Tedford and Wang 2008
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†Metalopex bakeri Tedford et al. 2009
†Metalopex macconnelli Tedford et al. 2009
†Metalopex merriami Tedford and Wang 2008
Reference | Diagnosis | |
R. H. Tedford and X. Wang 2008 | Derived features that distinguish Metalopex from Vulpes are: mastoid process large; M1 and M2 more quadrate in shape, anteroposteriorly long relative to width; M2 without postprotocrista; p2 isolated from longer diastemata than other premolars; m2 large relative to m1, more posteriorly extended ante- rolabial cingulum, and talonid longer relative to trigonid; m3 uniquely elongate, trigonid longer than talonid, that is, relatively large paraconid shelf and protoconid and metaconid situated more posteriorly.
Primitive characters retained by Metalopex include: marked depression on frontals adjacent to postorbital process, which denotes an absence of frontal sinus; basioccipital wide, bulla small, strong medial and lateral cusplets on I2 and medial cusplet on I3; M2 metaconule present despite reduction and loss of connecting post- protocrista; m1 talonid lacks transverse crest between entoconid and hypoconid, and also lacks hypoconulid; and m2 with paraconid or para- cristid. | |
R. H. Tedford et al. 2009 | Derived features that distin- guish Metalopex from Vulpes are: mastoid process large; M1 and M2 more quadrate in shape, anteroposteriorly long relative to width; M2 lacks postprotocristid; p2 isolated by longer diastemata; m1 and m2 have proto- stylids; m2 large relative to m1, more posteri- orly extended anterolabial cingulum, and talonid longer relative to trigonid; m3 uniquely elongate, trigonid longer than talonid, that is, relatively large paraconid shelf, protoconid, and metaconid situated more posteriorly.
Primitive characters retained by Metalopex include: marked depression on frontals adja- cent to postorbital process; basioccipital wide; bulla small; strong medial and lateral cusplets on I2 and medial cusplet on I3; M2 metaconule present despite reduction and loss of connecting postprotocrista; m1 talon- id lacks transverse crest between entoconid and hypoconid and also lacks hypoconulid; and m2 with paraconid or strong paracristid. |
No measurements are available
Source: f = family, subc = subclass, c = class, subp = subphylum | |||||
References: Nowak 1991, Hendy et al. 2009, Ji et al. 2002, Carroll 1988, Lillegraven 1979 |
Age range: base of the Hemingfordian to the top of the Clarendonian or 20.43000 to 9.40000 Ma
Collections (11 total)
Time interval | Ma | Country or state | Original ID and collection number |
Hemingfordian - Barstovian | USA (Oregon) | M. merriami (18864) | |
Clarendonian | USA (Arizona) | M. macconnelli (19429 19436) Vulpes sp. (19603) | |
Clarendonian | USA (California) | M. merriami (19393) | |
Late/Upper Clarendonian | USA (California) | M. macconnelli (188943) | |
Hemphillian | USA (Idaho) | M. merriami, Vulpes sp. (19085) | |
Hemphillian | USA (Nevada) | M. merriami (19095) | |
Hemphillian | USA (Texas) | M. bakeri (18072) | |
Hemphillian | USA (California) | M. macconnelli (188945) | |
Hemphillian | USA (Nebraska) | M. merriami (18431) |