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Strophomenata - Orthotetida - Triplesiidae

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1956Onychoplecia Cooper
1964Onychoplecia Rõõmusoks
2000Onychoplecia Williams et al. p. 685
2002Onychoplecia Sepkoski

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EubilateriaAx 1987
PanbrachiopodaCarlson and Cohen 2020
phylumBrachiopodaCuvier 1805
subphylumRhynchonelliformeaWilliams et al. 1996
classStrophomenataWilliams et al 1996
orderOrthotetidaWaagen 1884
suborderTriplesiidinaMoore 1952
superfamilyTriplesioideaSchuchert 1913
familyTriplesiidaeSchuchert 1913
genusOnychopleciaCooper 1956

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

G. †Onychoplecia Cooper 1956
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Onychoplecia gracilis Raymond 1902
Onychoplecia kindlei Cooper 1956
Onychoplecia longirostris Billings 1859
Onychoplecia matutina Cooper 1956
Onychoplecia obesa Cooper 1956
Onychoplecia schmidti Rõõmusoks 1964
Onychoplecia tenuis Cooper 1956
No diagnoses are available
No measurements are available
Composition: low Mg calcitep
Environment: marineuc
Locomotion: stationaryp
Attached: yesp
Life habit: low-level epifaunalp
Diet: suspension feederp
Vision: blindc
Created: 2010-02-15 05:25:57
Modified: 2010-02-15 07:25:57
Source: c = class, p = phylum, uc = unranked clade
References: Nesnidal et al. 2013, Aberhan et al. 2004

Age range: base of the to the top of the Rakvere or 470.30000 to 450.50000 Ma

Collections (59 total)

Time interval Ma Country or state Original ID and collection number
Rangerian470.0 - 470.3USA (Nevada) O. sp. (80059)
Chazyan470.0 - 457.3Canada (Northwest Territories) O. sp. (315)
Chazyan470.0 - 457.3Canada (Quebec) O. sp. (307 311)
Chazyan470.0 - 457.3Canada (Newfoundland and Labrador) O. kindlei (104861)
Chazyan470.0 - 457.3USA (Vermont) O. gracilis (186174)
Chazyan470.0 - 457.3USA (New York) Camerella longirostris (42808 56184 56185 56212 56214 171705 171707 171711 171798 172171 172187 172221 172227 172233 172236 172238 172246 172294 172296 172302 172303 172304 172307 172309 172310 172313 172318 172321 172323 172326 172328 172330 172331 172332 172342 172346 172348) O. gracilis (164475)
Chazyan470.0 - 457.3USA (Tennessee) O. brevirostris (204097) O. longirostris (222075) O. sp. (308)
Whiterockian470.0 - 457.3USA (Pennsylvannia) O. obesa (186179)
Whiterockian470.0 - 457.3USA (Arkansas) O. matutina (186177 186178)
Whiterockian470.0 - 457.3USA (Nevada) O. sp. (80058)
Whiterockian470.0 - 457.3USA (Maryland) O. obesa (186180)
Turinian457.3 - 453.8USA (Oklahoma) O. tenuis (186181)
Blackriveran457.3 - 449.6USA (Oklahoma) O. tenuis (23893 23895)
Oandu453.0 - 451.8Estonia (Lääne-Viru) O. sp. (197531 197532 197552)
Rakvere451.8 - 450.5Estonia (Lääne-Virumaa) O. schmidti (169029)