Basic info | Taxonomic history | Classification | Included Taxa |
Morphology | Ecology and taphonomy | External Literature Search | Age range and collections |
Elopocephalai is an unranked clade. It is extant.
It was assigned to Teleostei by Betancur et al. (2013).
It was assigned to Teleostei by Betancur et al. (2013).
Synonymy list
Year | Name and author |
2013 | Elopocephalai Betancur et al. |
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If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.
Unr. Elopocephalai
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Unr. Elopocephala
Unr. Elopomorpha Greenwood et al. 1966
Or. Albuliformes Greenwood et al. 1966 [bonefish]
Fm. Albulidae Bleeker 1859
G. †Albulidarum Frizzell 1965
Subfm. Albulinae Bleeker 1859
G. †Ancylostylos Gorjanović-Kramberger 1895
G. †Coriops Estes 1969
G. †Cretalbula Nessov 1985
G. †Deltaichthys Fielitz and Bardack 1992
G. †Farinichthys Gallo and De Figueiredo 2003
G. †Greenwoodella Taverne and Ross 1973
G. †Italoalbula Taverne and Capasso 2018
G. †Lebonichthys Forey 1973
G. †Metalbula Frizzell 1965
G. †Prochanos Bassani 1879
Subfm. Pterothrissinae Gill 1893
G. Pterothrissus Hilgendorf 1877
G. †Syntegmodus Loomis 1900
Invalid names: Pterothrissidae Gill 1893 [synonym]
G. †Genartina Frizzell and Dante 1965
†Genartina hampshirensis Schubert 1916
†Genartina hauniensis Schwarzhans 2003
†Genartina texana Frizzell and Dante 1965
Invalid names: Notacanthoidei [empty]
Or. Anguilliformes Greenwood et al. 1966 [eel]
G. †Brannerion Jordan 1920
G. †Casierius Estes 1969
Fm. Congridae Kaup 1856 [conger eel]
G. Ariosoma Swainson 1838
Subfm. Ariosominae
G. †Astroconger Jordan and Hubbs 1925
G. Bassanago Whitley 1948
G. †Bathycongrus Ogilby 1898
G. Blachea Karrer and Smith 1980
G. †Bolcyrus Blot 1978
G. Conger Schaeffer 1760
G. †Congridarum Kaup 1856
G. Gnathophis Kaup 1860
G. †Gorgasia Meek and Hildebrand 1923 [garden eel]
G. †Heteroconger Bleeker 1868 [garden eel]
Subfm. Heterocongrinae
G. †Maxwelliella Schwarzhans 1980
G. Mystriophis Kaup 1856
G. †Notoconger Schwarzhans 2019
G. Paraconger Kanazawa 1961
G. †Paracongroides Blot 1978
G. †Promyllantor Alcock 1890
G. Pseudophichthys Roule 1915
G. Pseudoxenomystax Breder 1927
G. Rhechias Jordan 1922
G. Rhynchoconger Jordan and Hobbs 1925
Invalid names: Hildebrandia Jordan and Evermann 1927 [synonym]
G. Scalanago Whiteley 1935
G. †Tonganago Schwarzhans et al. 2017
G. Uroconger Kaup 1856
G. †Voltaconger Blot 1978
G. †Xenomystax Gilbert 1891
Invalid names: Bathymyrinae [empty], Congrinae [empty]
Subor. Congroidei Regan 1909
Fm. †Encheliidae Hay 1903
Fm. Nettastomatidae Jordan and Davis 1891
Invalid names: Cyemidae [empty], Dysommidae [empty], Neenchelyidae [empty], Nettastomidae [empty], Sauromuraenesocidae [empty], Xenocongridae [empty]
G. †Eodiaphyodus
G. †Eomuraena Casier 1967
G. Eomyrophis Whitley 1950
Fm. Heterenchelyidae
G. Heterenchelys Regan 1912
G. Panturichthys Pellegrin 1913
G. Pythonichthys Poey 1868
G. Hoplunnis Kaup 1860
G. Japonoconger Asano 1958
G. Lemkea Kotthaus 1968
G. Leptocephalus Gronow 1763
†Leptocephalus gracilis Agassiz 1835
†Leptocephalus medius Agassiz 1835
Leptocephalus monganius Phillipps 1932
G. †Micromyrus Casier 1967
G. †Muraenanguilla Schwarzhans 2019
†Muraenanguilla balegemensis Schwarzhans 2019
†Muraenanguilla lacinata Schwarzhans 2019
Fm. Muraenidae
G. Anarchias Bloch 1795
G. †Congeris
G. Echidna Forster 1788
G. †Eomyrus Eastman 1905
G. Gymnothorax Bloch 1795
G. Muraena Linnaeus 1758
G. †Otolithus Koken 1884
Invalid names: Heteromyridae [synonym], Muraeninae [empty], Uropterygiinae [empty]
G. Myroconger Guenther 1879
Fm. Ophichthidae
G. Echelus Rafinesque 1810
G. †Goslinophis Blot 1981
Subfm. Ophichthinae
G. †Ophichthus Ahl 1789
Invalid names: Myrophinae [empty]
G. †Palaeomyrus Casier 1967
G. †Parechelus Casier 1967
G. †Proserrivomer Arambourg 1967
G. †Rhynchocymba Jordan and Hubbs
Subor. Saccopharyngoidei Nelson et al. 2016
Invalid names: Cyematidae [empty], Monognathidae [empty]
Subor. Synaphobranchoidei
G. †Urenchelys Woodward 1900
†Urenchelys abditus Wiley and Stewart 1981
†Urenchelys anglicus Woodward 1900
†Urenchelys avus Woodward 1901
Invalid names: Anguilloidei [empty], Apodes Latreille 1804 [synonym], Eurypharyngidae [empty], Saccopharyngidae [empty], Urenchelyidae Hay 1903 [empty]
Or. Elopiformes Sauvage 1875
Subor. Albuloidei
Fm. †Eurokidae Bartholomai 2010
Fm. †Osmeroididae Forey 1973
Invalid names: Albuloidea Hay [empty], Thryptodontidae [empty]
G. †Antofagastaichthys Arratia 1986
G. †Carsothrissops D'Erasmo 1946
G. †Coryphaenopsis Fric and Bayer 1902
G. †Dactylopogon von der Marck 1868
†Dactylopogon grandis von der Marck 1868
†Dactylopogon parvulus Gorjanović-Kramberger 1895
G. †Davichthys Forey 1973
†Davichthys dubius Davis 1887
†Davichthys gardneri Forey 1973
†Davichthys lacostei Arambourg 1954
G. †Eichstaettia Arratia 1987
Fm. Elopidae Bonaparte 1846
G. †Ctenodentelops Forey et al. 2003
G. †Ectasis Jordan and Gilbert 1919
G. Elops Linnaeus 1766
G. †Elopsomolos Arratia 2000
G. †Esocelops Woodward 1901
G. †Hemielopopsis Bassani 1879
G. †Ichthyemidion Poyato-Ariza 1995
G. †Lastroichthys Schaeffer 1947
G. †Notelops Woodward 1901
G. †Palelops Applegate 1970
G. †Paraelops Silva Santos 1971
G. †Paratarpon Bardack 1970
G. †Parelops Bayer 1905
G. †Protelops Laube 1885
G. †Rhacolepis Agassiz 1843
G. †Thrissopteroides von der Marck 1873
Subor. Elopoidei
Superfm. Elopoidea
Invalid names: Pachyrhizodontoidea Applegate 1970 [empty], Plethodoidea Applegate 1970 [empty]
G. †Lyrolepis Romanowski 1886
Fm. Megalopidae Jordan 1923
G. †Elopoides Wenz 1965
G. Megalops Lacépède 1803
G. †Promegalops Casier 1966
G. †Protarpon Forey 1973
Invalid names: Sedenhorstiidae Goody 1969 [synonym]
G. †Ostariostoma Schaeffer 1949
Fm. †Phyllodontidae Sauvage 1875
G. †Egertonia Cocchi 1866
G. †Paralbula Blake 1940
Subfm. †Paralbulinae Estes 1969
G. †Phyllodus Agassiz 1839
Invalid names: Phyllodontinae Darteville and Casier 1949 [empty]
Or. Megalopiformes [tarpon]
G. †Broweria de Beaufort 1926
†Brouweria robusta de Beaufort 1926
†Brouweria striata de Beaufort 1926
Or. Notacanthiformes
Fm. Halosauridae
G. Aldrovandia Goode and Bean 1896
G. †Enchelurus von der Marck 1863
Subfm. †Halosaurinae
G. †Laytonia David 1943
Invalid names: Laytoniinae David 1943 [empty]
Invalid names: Saccopharygiformes [empty], Saccopharyngiformes [empty]
No diagnoses are available
No measurements are available
Source: c = class, subp = subphylum | |||||
Reference: Carroll 1988 |
Age range
Maximum range based only on fossils: base of the Tithonian to the top of the Holocene or 152.10000 to 0.00000 Ma
Minimum age of oldest fossil (stem group age): 150.8 Ma
Minimum age of oldest fossil (stem group age): 150.8 Ma
Collections (590 total)
Oldest occurrences | |||
Time interval | Ma | Country or state | Original ID and collection number |
Late/Upper Kimmeridgian | Germany (Baden-Württemberg) | Anaethalion angustus, Anaethalion cirinensis (154138) | |
Late/Upper Kimmeridgian | Germany (Bavaria) | Anaethalion sp. (150583) | |
Late/Upper Kimmeridgian | Germany (Eastern Bavaria) | Anaethalion cirinensis (187436) | |
Late/Upper Kimmeridgian | Germany (Bayern) | Anaethalion zapporum, Elopsomolos sp. (59175) | |
Tithonian | France (Var) | Naiathaelon okkidion (124450) | |
Early/Lower Tithonian | France (Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur) | Elopidae indet., Elopomorpha indet., Naiathaelon okkidion (35262) | |
Late/Upper Valanginian | United Kingdom (England) | Albuliformes indet. (96621) | |
Early/Lower Hauterivian | United Kingdom (England) | Elops neocomiensis (66421) | |
Early/Lower Hauterivian | France (Lyon) | Baugeichthys caeruleus (133597) | |
Early/Lower Barremian | Spain | Ichthyemidion vivaldi (123437) | |
Late/Upper Barremian | Spain (Cuenca) | Elopoidei indet. (61889) | |
Barremian - Early/Lower Aptian | Belgium (Sauerland) | Anaethalion robustus (22645) | |
Aptian | Venezuela (Zulia) | Elopocephala indet. (89071) | |
Late/Upper Aptian | Brazil (Ceara) | Paraelops cearensis (142447) | |
Late/Upper Aptian | Brazil (Pernambuco) | Brannerion sp., Rhacolepis buccalis (193052) Brannerion sp., Rhacolepis buccalis, Paraelops cearenses (193051) Notelops brama, Brannerion sp., Rhacolepis buccalis (193049) Notelops brama, Brannerion sp., Rhacolepis buccalis, Paraelops cearenses (193050) Notelops brama, Rhacolepis buccalis (193054) Rhacolepis buccalis (193053) | |
Late/Upper Aptian - Early/Lower Albian | Brazil (Pernacumbo) | Notelops brama, Paraelops cearenses, Racholepis sp. (165422) | |
Early/Lower Aptian | Germany | Greenwoodella tockensis (221372) | |
Early/Lower Aptian | Russian Federation (Nerchinsk) | Pholidophorus macrorhynchus (142140) | |
Albian | USA (Texas) | Casierius heckeli (99144) | |
Albian | United Kingdom (England) | Osmeroides lewesiensis (86975) |