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Lingulata - Acrotretida - Acrotretidae

Quadrisonia was named by Rowell and Henderson (1978).

It was assigned to Acrotretinae by Puura and Holmer (1993); to Acrotretida by Sepkoski (2002); and to Acrotretidae by Williams et al. (2000), Popov et al. (2002).

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1978Quadrisonia Rowell and Henderson
1993Quadrisonia Puura and Holmer
2000Quadrisonia Williams et al. p. 118
2002Quadrisonia Popov et al. pp. 222, 225
2002Quadrisonia Sepkoski

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EubilateriaAx 1987
PanbrachiopodaCarlson and Cohen 2020
phylumBrachiopodaCuvier 1805
subphylumLinguliformeaWilliams et al. 1996
classLingulataGorjansky and Popov 1985
orderAcrotretidaKuhn 1949
familyAcrotretidaeSchuchert 1893
genusQuadrisoniaRowell and Henderson 1978

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

G. †Quadrisonia Rowell and Henderson 1978
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Quadrisonia declivis Koneva and Popov 1988
Quadrisonia lavadamensis Popov et al. 2002
Quadrisonia minor Rowell and Henderson 1978
Quadrisonia suspensa Koneva and Popov 1988
No diagnoses are available
No measurements are available
Composition: phosphatico
Environment: marineuc
Locomotion: stationaryo
Attached: yeso
Life habit: epifaunalo
Diet: suspension feedero
Vision: blindc
Created: 2004-02-28 14:28:24
Modified: 2009-10-11 14:01:21
Source: o = order, c = class, uc = unranked clade
References: Nesnidal et al. 2013, Aberhan et al. 2004

Age range: base of the Paibian to the top of the Varangu or 497.00000 to 484.50000 Ma

Collections (46 total)

Time interval Ma Country or state Original ID and collection number
Mindyallan - Idamean499.0 - 494.0Australia (Victoria) Q. sp. (64043 64047)
Paibian - Steptoean497.0 - 493.5Mexico Q. sp. (236897)
Sakian497.0 - 492.8Kazakhstan Q. minor (118328 118329 118333 118334 118336 118340 118342 118344 118348 118349 118350 118368 122767 122770)
Furongian497.0 - 485.4New Zealand (Maruia) Q. sp. nov. A (204050)
Furongian497.0 - 485.4Kazakhstan Q. declivis (122800 122801 122804) Q. suspensa (122807 122808)
Millardan497.0 - 485.4USA (Utah) Q. lavadamensis (62067 62068)
Aksaian492.8 - 491.5Kazakhstan Q. declivis (118394 118399 118454 118467 118874 118883 122773 122777 122781 122791) Q. minor (118396 118453 122778 122780 122790) Q. minor, Q. declivis (118450 122789)
Aksaian - Batyrbaian492.8 - 485.4Kazakhstan Q. declivis (123104 123105 123106)
Varangu485.4 - 484.5Sweden (Västerbotten) Q. sp. (191675)