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Angiospermae - Fagales - Betulaceae

Alnipollenites was named by Potonie (1931). It is considered to be a form taxon.

It was assigned to Betulaceae by Huang et al. (2023).


Synonymy list
YearName and author
1931Alnipollenites Potonie
2023Alnipollenites Huang et al.

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genusAlnipollenitesPotonie 1931

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

G. †Alnipollenites Potonie 1931
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Alnipollenites verus Potonie 1931
No diagnoses are available
No measurements are available
Diet: "photoautotroph"p
Created: 2011-07-22 00:04:15
Modified: 2011-07-21 09:04:15
Source: p = phylum
Reference: Kiessling 2009

Age range: base of the Late/Upper Maastrichtian to the top of the Late/Upper Miocene or 70.60000 to 5.33300 Ma

Collections (142 total)

Time interval Ma Country or state Original ID and collection number
Late/Upper Cretaceous - Miocene100.5 - 5.333China (Xingjian) A. sp. (140039)
Maastrichtian72.1 - 66.0China (Heilongjiang) A. trina (79034)
Late/Upper Maastrichtian70.6 - 66.0Canada (Alberta) A. quadrapollenites (32522)
Danian66.0 - 61.6Canada (Manitoba) A. quadrapollenites, A. trina, A. verus (232093 232094 232096 232097) A. trina (232089) A. trina, A. verus (232088 232095)
Paleocene66.0 - 56.0USA (Montana) A. verus (236721 236725 236726 236728 236729 236816 236817 236818 236819 236822)
Paleocene66.0 - 56.0USA (Alaska) A. verus (238558 238560)
Paleocene66.0 - 56.0USA (Wyoming) A. verus (236778 236779 236781 236782 236783 236785 236786 236787 236788 236789 236790 236794 236795 236796 236797 236798 236799 236800 236802 236803 236806 236807 236812 236813 236814 236825 236826 236827 236830 236832 236833 236834 236835 236836 236837 236838 236839 236840 236841 236842 236843 236844 236845 236846 236848 236849 236850 236851 236852 236887 236888 236889 236891 236892 236893)
Paleocene66.0 - 56.0USA (Louisiana) A. spp. (237283 237413)
Eocene56.0 - 33.9USA (Louisiana) A. trina (33789 33834 33838) A. trina, A. verus (33783 33833) A. verus (11093 33759 33760 33764 33768 33772 33776 33779 33781 33791 33796 33806 33823 33840)
Eocene56.0 - 33.9USA (Wyoming) A. verus (236611 236612 236613 236614 236615 236616 236617 236618 236619 236620 236621 236622 236623 236730 236777)
Eocene56.0 - 33.9USA (Alaska) A. verus (237804 237808 237809 237810 237811 237832 237833 237834 237835 237837 237839 237840 237842 238561 238562 238563 238564 238565 238566 238569 238570 238571)
MP 1348.6 - 40.4Germany (Eifel) A. verus (24201)
Late/Upper Eocene37.2 - 33.9Myanmar (Sagaing) A. sp. (227652) A. verus (227633 227661 227701 227782)
Late/Upper Miocene11.608 - 5.333Argentina (Catamarca) A. verus (137142)