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Lucinoma (Lucinoma)

Bivalvia - Lucinida - Lucinidae

Lucinoma (Lucinoma) was named by Dall (1901). It is extant.

It was assigned to Lucinoma by Dall (1901) and Moths et al. (2010).

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1901Lucinoma (Lucinoma) Dall
2010Lucinoma (Lucinoma) Moths et al. p. 18

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EubilateriaAx 1987
subclassAutobranchia(Groblen 1894)
infraclassHeteroconchia(Gray 1854)
CardiomorphiFerussac 1822
CardioniFerussac 1822
LucinidiaGray 1854
orderLucinida(Stoliczka 1871)
superfamilyLucinoideaFleming 1828
familyLucinidaeFleming 1828
genusLucinomaDall 1901
subgenusLucinomaDall 1901

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

Subg. Lucinoma (Lucinoma) Dall 1901
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Invalid names: Codakia jutensis Sorgenfrei 1958 [synonym]
No diagnoses are available
No measurements are available
Composition: aragonitef
Locomotion: facultatively mobileg
Life habit: infaunalg
Diet: chemosymbioticg
Vision: blindc
Created: 2009-09-09 14:00:34
Modified: 2009-09-09 16:02:45
Source: g = genus, f = family, c = class
References: Kiessling 2004, Aberhan et al. 2004, Sanchez Roig 1926

Age range

Maximum range based only on fossils: base of the Chattian to the top of the Holocene or 28.10000 to 0.00000 Ma
Minimum age of oldest fossil (stem group age): 23.03 Ma

Collections (82 total)

Time interval Ma Country or state Original ID and collection number
Late/Upper Oligocene28.4 - 23.03Hungary Lucinoma borealis (8338)
Chattian28.1 - 23.03Denmark Lucinoma borealis (111472 111474 111475)
Chattian28.1 - 23.03Hungary Lucinoma borealis (8211)
Aquitanian - Burdigalian23.03 - 15.97Germany Lucinoma borealis (171410)
Early/Lower Miocene23.03 - 15.97Germany (North Rhein-Westfalia) Lucinoma borealis (62883) Lucinoma borealis, Codakia jutensis (62882)
Early/Lower Miocene - Middle Miocene23.03 - 11.608Germany (North Rhein-Westfalia) Lucinoma borealis (62884)
Miocene23.03 - 5.333Germany (North Rhein-Westfalia) Lucinoma borealis (62899 62903 62934)
Burdigalian20.44 - 15.97Austria Lucinoma borealis (77402 77403)
Burdigalian20.44 - 15.97Italy Lucinoma borealis (178108 178111)
Burdigalian20.44 - 15.97Germany Lucinoma borealis (111599)
Burdigalian - Langhian20.44 - 13.82Belgium Lucinoma borealis (114830)
Langhian15.97 - 13.82Italy Lucinoma borealis (178116)
Langhian15.97 - 13.82Italy (Pordenone) Lucinoma borealis (37372)
Langhian - Serravallian15.97 - 11.62Netherlands Lucinoma borealis (186883)
Middle Miocene15.97 - 11.608Poland Lucinoma borealis (51688 51690 51691)
Middle Miocene15.97 - 11.608Germany (North Rhein-Westfalia) Lucinoma borealis (61895 61896 61897 61898 61899 61900 61901 61902 61903 61905 61906 62885 62886 62891 62893)
Serravallian13.82 - 11.62Belgium Lucinoma borealis (77858 77859 77861)
Badenian13.65 - 12.7Poland Lucinoma borealis (51687)
Badenian13.65 - 12.7Slovakia Lucinoma borealis (145973)
Tortonian11.62 - 7.246Morocco Lucinoma borealis (161327 173165)
Tortonian11.62 - 7.246Belgium Lucinoma borealis (77862 77863 77864 77866 77867 77868 77869 77870 77871)
Tortonian11.62 - 7.246Belgium (Antwerpen) Lucinoma borealis (48092)
Tortonian - Messinian11.62 - 5.333Morocco Lucinoma borealis (173163 173164 173167)
Zanclean5.333 - 3.6United Kingdom (England) Lucina borealis (84755 84763 84795 84992)
Zanclean5.333 - 3.6Belgium Lucinoma borealis (86801 86802)
Pliocene5.333 - 2.588Belgium Lucinoma borealis (76982)
Zanclean - Piacenzian5.333 - 2.588Netherlands (Noord-Brabant) Lucinoma borealis (59003)
Late/Upper Pliocene3.6 - 2.588Japan (Niigata) Triodonta borealis (89861)
Late/Upper Pliocene3.6 - 2.588United Kingdom (England) Lucina borealis (84819)
Piacenzian3.6 - 2.588Belgium Lucinoma borealis (86803 86804 86805 86806)
Gelasian2.588 - 1.806Belgium Lucinoma borealis (86807)
Early/Lower Pleistocene2.588 - 0.781Italy Lucinoma borealis (78312)
Early/Lower Pleistocene2.588 - 0.781United Kingdom (England) Lucinoma borealis (97966 97967 97969)
Pleistocene2.588 - 0.0117United Kingdom (England) Lucina borealis (84834)
Late/Upper Pleistocene0.129 - 0.0117Netherlands Lucinoma borealis (98196 98199)
Holocene0.0117 - 0.0France Lucinoma borealis (56806)