Basic info | Taxonomic history | Classification | Included Taxa |
Morphology | Ecology and taphonomy | External Literature Search | Age range and collections |
Aquifoliales was named by Senft (1856). It is extant.
It was assigned to Eudicots by Jud (2011); and to Campanulids by Taylor et al. (2008) and The Angiosperm Phylogeny Group (2016).
It was assigned to Eudicots by Jud (2011); and to Campanulids by Taylor et al. (2008) and The Angiosperm Phylogeny Group (2016).
Synonymy list
Year | Name and author |
1856 | Aquifoliales Senft |
2008 | Aquifoliales Taylor et al. p. 1030 |
2011 | Aquifoliales Jud |
2016 | Aquifoliales The Angiosperm Phylogeny Group |
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If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.
Or. Aquifoliales Senft 1856
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Fm. †Aquifoliaceae Richard 1820
G. Ilex Linnaeus 1753 [holly]
†Ilex affinis Lesquereux 1871
Ilex aquifolium Linnaeus 1753
†Ilex armata Lesquereux 1891
Ilex asiatica Linnaeus 1753
†Ilex borealis Heer 1883
†Ilex calvertensis Berry 1916
Ilex cassine Linnaeus 1753
Ilex cornuta Lindley and Paxton 1851
Ilex cuneifolia Linnaeus 1753
†Ilex dakotensis Lesquereux 1891
Ilex dipyrena Wallich 1820
†Ilex dissimilis Lesquereux 1878
Ilex dodonaea Linnaeus 1753
†Ilex elongata Newberry 1895
†Ilex eolignitica Berry 1916
†Ilex florissantensis Knowlton and Cockerell 1919
Invalid names: Ilex microphylla Lesquereux 1883 [replaced]
Ilex glabra Gray 1856
†Ilex grandifolia Lesquereux 1883
†Ilex insignis Heer 1869
Ilex integrifolia Elliott 1850
†Ilex maculata Lesquereux 1883
†Ilex masoni Lesquereux 1891
Ilex microphylla Hooker 1862
†Ilex microphyllina Knowlton and Cockerell 1919
Invalid names: Ilex microphylla Newberry 1882 [replaced]
Ilex opaca Aiton 1789
†Ilex ovata Göppert 1852
†Ilex papillosa Lesquereux 1891
†Ilex prunifolia Lesquereux 1878
†Ilex pseudostenophylla Lesquereux 1883
Ilex quercifolia Meerburgh 1798
†Ilex scudderi Lesquereux 1891
†Ilex severnensis Berry 1911
†Ilex sphenophylla Heer 1873
†Ilex strangulata Lesquereux 1875
†Ilex subdenticulata Lesquereux 1873
Ilex verticillata Linnaeus 1753
†Ilex vomitoriafolia Berry 1916
Ilex wightiana Wallich 1856
†Ilex wyomingiana Lesquereux 1878
G. †Ilexpollenites Thiergart 1937
†Ilexpollenites anguloclavatus McIntyre 1968
†Ilexpollenites clifdenensis McIntyre 1968
†Ilexpollenites ornus Sah and Dutta 1968
Invalid names: Tricolpopites aquifoliaceaeformis Biswas 1962 [synonym]
†Ilexpollenites salamanquensis Archangelsky and Zamaloa 1986
G. Irvingbaileya Howard 1943
Fm. Stemonuraceae Karehed 2001
Invalid names: Cardiopteridaceae von Blume 1847 [empty], Helwingiaceae Decne. 1836 [empty], Phyllonomaceae Small 1905 [empty]
No diagnoses are available
No measurements are available
Source: p = phylum | |||||
Reference: Kiessling 2009 |
Age range
Maximum range based only on fossils: base of the Middle Cenomanian to the top of the Holocene or 99.60000 to 0.00000 Ma
Minimum age of oldest fossil (stem group age): 93.9 Ma
Minimum age of oldest fossil (stem group age): 93.9 Ma
Collections (260 total)
Oldest occurrences | |||
Time interval | Ma | Country or state | Original ID and collection number |
Early/Lower Cretaceous - Late/Upper Cretaceous | Antarctica (Antarctic peninsula) | Ilexpollenites indet. (172746) | |
Albian - Turonian | Australia (Victoria) | Ilexpollenites indet. (163583) | |
Cenomanian | USA (Utah) | Ilex serrata (31968) | |
Middle Cenomanian - Late/Upper Cenomanian | USA (Utah) | Ilex serrata (103148) | |
Late/Upper Santonian | Canada (Alberta) | Ilex mammillata (35093) | |
Late/Upper Campanian - Danian | Antarctica | Ilexpollenites sp. (168697) | |
Maastrichtian | Argentina (Santa Cruz) | Ilexpollenites salamanquensis (168710) | |
Maastrichtian | Argentina (Chubut) | Ilexpollenites clifdenensis (149815) | |
Late/Upper Maastrichtian | Canada (Alberta) | Ilexpollenites obscuricostata (32522) | |
Danian | Argentina (Chubut) | Ilexpollenites clifdenensis (151455 151456 151457 151458 151460 151462 151463) | |
Early/Lower Paleocene - Danian | Antarctica (Seymour Island) | Ilexpollenites sp. (168705) | |
Paleocene | USA (Colorado) | Ilex artocarpidioides (39893 39899) | |
Tertiary | Japan (Aichi) | Ilex subcornuta (22819) | |
Tertiary | Japan (Nagano) | Ilex sp. (22815) | |
Late/Upper Paleocene | Australia (New South Wales) | Ilexpollenites spp. (166738 167490 167491 167504 167505 167506 167507 167508 167510 167511 167514 167516) | |
Eocene | USA (Missouri) | Ilex spp. (231931 231932) | |
Eocene | USA (Virginia) | Ilexpollenites spp. (233006 233008 233009) | |
Eocene | Argentina (Santa Cruz) | Ilexpollenites clifdenensis (144270 144274 144276 144277 144283 144284 144286 144287 151621 151622 151623) | |
Eocene | Japan (Yamaguchi) | Ilex nagatoensis (24463 24465 24481) | |
Eocene | USA (Alaska) | Ilexpollenites sp. (238483) Ilexpollenites spp. (237811 237837 237842 238566) |