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Proboscidea (proboscidean)

Mammalia - Proboscidea

Proboscidea was named by Illiger (1811). It is extant.

It was reranked as the suborder Proboscidea by Flower and Lydekker (1891), Gadow (1898), Andrews (1906); it was reranked as the unranked clade Proboscidea by McKenna and Bell (1997), Shoshani and Tassy (2005), O'Leary et al. (2006), Gheerbrant (2009); it was reranked as the order Proboscidea by Leidy (1873), Cope (1889), Hay (1902), Gregory (1910), Simpson (1945), McKenna (1975), Thurmond and Jones (1981), Rasmussen et al. (1990), Waddell et al. (1999), Waddell et al. (2001), Wilson and Reeder (2005), Gheerbrandt et al. (2005), Delmer et al. (2006), Seiffert (2007), Sanders (2007), Asher and Helgen (2010).

It was assigned to Ungulata by Gray (1821); to Ungulata by Flower and Lydekker (1891), Gadow (1898); to Monodelphia by Hay (1902); to Ungulata by Owen (1848), Flower (1883), Cope (1889), Andrews (1906); to Ungulata by Gregory (1910); to Eutheria by Carroll (1988), Nowak (1991); to Behemota by McKenna and Bell (1997); to Afrotheria by Madsen et al. (2001); to Mammalia by Leidy (1873), Thurmond and Jones (1981), Shoshani et al. (1989), Abraczinskas (1993), Wilson and Reeder (2005), Shoshani et al. (2006), Hulbert and Whitmore (2006), Sanders (2007); to Paenungulata by Simpson (1945), Rasmussen et al. (1990), Waddell et al. (1999), Gheerbrant (2009); and to Tethytheria by McKenna (1975), Lambert and Shoshani (1998), Waddell et al. (2001), Gheerbrandt et al. (2005), Shoshani and Tassy (2005), O'Leary et al. (2006), Delmer et al. (2006), Seiffert (2007), Asher and Helgen (2010).

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1811Proboscidea Illiger p. 96
1821Proboscidiae Gray p. 305
1848Proboscidia Owen p. 132
1873Proboscidea Leidy p. 329
1877Caenobasileus Cope
1877Caenobasileus tremontigerus Cope p. 585
1883Proboscidea Flower p. 185
1889Proboscidea Cope p. 875
1891Proboscidea Flower and Lydekker p. 90
1898Proboscidea Gadow p. 45
1902Proboscidea Hay p. 706
1906Proboscidea Andrews p. 99
1910Proboscidea Gregory p. 466
1945Proboscidea Simpson
1975Proboscidea McKenna p. 43
1981Proboscidea Thurmond and Jones p. 179
1988Proboscidea Carroll
1989Proboscidea Shoshani et al. p. 436
1990Proboscidea Rasmussen et al. p. 4691
1991Proboscidea Nowak
1993Proboscidea Abraczinskas p. 345
1997Proboscidea McKenna and Bell p. 497
1998Proboscidea Lambert and Shoshani p. 608
1999Proboscidea Waddell et al. p. cover
2001Proboscidea Madsen et al. p. 610
2001Proboscidea Waddell et al. p. 148
2005Proboscidea Gheerbrandt et al. p. 297
2005Proboscidea Shoshani and Tassy p. 9 figs. Table 2
2005Proboscidea Wilson and Reeder
2006Proboscidea Delmer et al. p. 423
2006Proboscidea Hulbert and Whitmore p. 19
2006Proboscidea O'Leary et al. p. 985
2006Proboscidea Shoshani et al. p. 17296
2007Proboscidea Sanders p. 2
2007Proboscidea Seiffert
2009Proboscidea Gheerbrant p. 10717
2010Proboscidea Asher and Helgen p. 3 figs. Figure 1

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EubilateriaAx 1987
phylumChordataHaeckel 1874
subclassDipnotetrapodomorpha(Nelson 2006)
subclassAmphibiosauriaKuhn 1967
AfrotheriaStanhope et al. 1998

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

Or. Proboscidea Illiger 1811 [proboscidean]
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G. †Arcanotherium Delmer 2009
Arcanotherium savagei Court 1995
Subor. †Barytherioidea Simpson 1945
Fm. †Barytheriidae [barythere]
G. †Barytherium Andrews 1901
Barytherium grave Andrews 1901
G. †Omanitherium Seiffert et al. 2012
Omanitherium dhofarensis Seiffert et al. 2012
Fm. †Numidotheriidae Shoshani and Tassy 1996
G. †Daouitherium Gheerbrant and Sudre 2002
Daouitherium rebouli Gheerbrant and Sudre 2002
G. †Numidotherium Jaeger 1986
Numidotherium koholense Mahboubi et al. 1986
Numidotherium savagei Court 1995
Fm. †Choerolophodontidae Gaziry 1976
G. †Afrochoerodon Picford 2001
Afrochoerodon kisumuensis Picford 2001
Afrochoerodon zaltaniensis Pickford 2001
G. †Choerolophodon Schlesinger 1917
Choerolophodon anatolicus Ozansoy 1965
Choerolophodon chioticus Tobien 1980
Choerolophodon pentelici Gaudry and Lartet 1856
G. †Cryptomastodon von Koenigswald 1933
Cryptomastodon martini Koenigswald 1933
Superfm. †Deinotherioidea Osborn 1936
Fm. †Deinotheriidae Bonaparte 1845 [deinothere]
Subfm. †Chilgatheriinae Sanders et al. 2004
G. †Chilgatherium Sanders et al. 2004
Chilgatherium harrisi Sanders et al. 2004
Subfm. †Deinotheriinae Bonaparte 1845
G. †Deinotherium Kaup 1829
Deinotherium bozasi Arambourg 1934
Invalid names: Deinotherium gigantissimum Stef?nescu 1892 [synonym], Deinotherium levius Jourdan 1868 [synonym]
Deinotherium hobleyi Andrews 1911
Deinotherium indicum Falconer 1845
Deinotherium proavum Eichwald 1835
Dinotherium indicum Falconer 1845
Dinotherium konigii Kaup 1825
Dinotherium pentapotamiae Falconer and Lydekker 1876
Dinotherium sindiense Lydekker 1880
Invalid names: Antoletherium Falconer [synonym]
G. †Prodeinotherium Ehik 1930
Prodeinotherium bavaricum von Meyer 1831
Invalid names: Dinotherium secundarium Lartet 1836 [synonym], Prodeinotherium cuvieri Kaup 1832 [synonym], Prodeinotherium hungaricum Ehik 1930 [synonym]
Prodeinotherium hobleyi Andrews 1911
Prodeinotherium orlovii Sahni and Tripathi 1957
Prodeinotherium pentapotamiae Falconer and Lydekker 1876
Invalid names: Dinotheriina Bonaparte 1850 [invalid subgroup]
Subor. Elephantiformes Tassy 1988
G. †Dagbatitherium Hautier et al. 2021
Dagbatitherium tassyi Hautier et al. 2021
Superfm. Elephantoidea Gray 1821
Fm. Elephantidae Gray 1821 [elephant]
Subfm. Elephantinae Gray 1821
Tr. Elephantini Gray 1821
Tr. Loxodontini Osborn 1918
G. †Primelephas Maglio 1970
G. †Emmenodon Cope 1889
G. †Selenetherium Mackaye et al. 2005
Selenetherium kolleensis Mackaye et al. 2005
G. †Stegodibelodon Coppens 1972
Stegodibelodon schneideri Coppens 1972
G. †Stegodon Falconer 1857
Stegodon bombifrons Falconer 1847
Stegodon florensis Hooijer 1957
Stegodon ganesa Falconer and Cautley 1875
Stegodon insignis Falconer 1857
Invalid names: Stegodon orientalis Owen 1870 [synonym]
Stegodon kaisensis Hopwood 1939
Stegodon luzonensis von Koenigswald 1956
Stegodon mindanensis Naumann 1890
Stegodon sompoensis Hooijer 1964
Stegodon sondaari van den Bergh 1999
Stegodon sumbaensis Sartono 1979
Stegodon syrticus Petrocchi 1943
Stegodon trigonocephalus Martin 1887
Stegodon yuanmouensis You et al. 1978
G. †Stegotetrabelodon Petrocchi 1941
Stegotetrabelodon lybicus Petrocchi 1943
Stegotetrabelodon orbus Maglio 1970
Stegotetrabelodon syrticus Petrocchi 1941
Invalid names: Stegodontinae Osborn 1918 [empty], Stegotetrabelodontinae Aguirre 1969 [empty], Suina Gray 1825 [empty]
G. †Paratetralophodon Tassy 1983
Fm. †Stegodontidae Osborn 1918
G. †Stegolophodon Pohlig 1888
Stegolophodon sahabianus Petrocchi 1943
Invalid names: Loxodontinae Osborn 1921 [empty], Mammontinae Osborn 1921 [empty], Mammutoidea [empty]
G. †Hemimastodon Pilgrim 1912
Hemimastodon annectens Matsumoto 1924
Fm. †Palaeomastodontidae Andrews 1906
G. †Palaeomastodon Andrews 1901
Palaeomastodon beadnelli Andrews 1901
Palaeomastodon minor Andrews 1904
Palaeomastodon parvus Andrews 1905
Palaeomastodon wintoni Andrews 1905
Invalid names: Phiomiidae Kalandadze and Rautian 1992 [empty]
Unr. Elephantimorpha Tassy and Shoshani 1997
Unr. Elephantida Tassy and Shoshani 1997
Invalid names: Gomphotherioidea Hay 1922 [empty]
G. †Eritreaum Shoshani et al. 2006
G. †Eritreum Shoshani et al. 2006
Eritreum melakeghebrekristosi Shoshani et al. 2006
Fm. †Mammutidae Hay 1922 [mastodon]
G. †Eozygodon Tassy and Pickford 1983
G. †Losodokodon Rasmussen and Gutierrez 2009
Losodokodon losodokius Rasmussen and Gutierrez 2009
G. †Mammut Blumenbach 1799 [mastodon]
Mammut americanum Kerr 1792 [American mastodon]
Invalid names: Elephas americanus De Kay 1842 [synonym], Mammut ohioticum Blumenbach 1797 [synonym], Mammut progenium Hay 1914 [synonym], Mastodon giganteum Cuvier 1817 [synonym], Pliomastodon adamsi Hibbard 1944 [synonym], Tapirus mastodontoides Harlan 1825 [synonym], Tetracaulodon mastodontoideum Godman 1830 [synonym]
Mammut borsoni Hays 1834
Mammut cosoensis Schultz 1937
Mammut floridanum Leidy 1886
Mammut furlongi Shotwell and Russell 1963
Mammut matthewi Osborn 1921
Invalid names: Mammut nevadanus [synonym], Pliomastodon sellardsi Simpson 1930 [synonym], Pliomastodon vexillarius Matthew 1930 [synonym]
Mammut pacificus Dooley et al. 2019
Invalid names: Leviathan Koch 1841 [synonym], Mastodon Cuvier 1817 [synonym], Missourium Koch 1840 [synonym], Pliomastodon Osborn 1926 [synonym], Tetracaulodon Godman 1830 [synonym]
G. †Sinomammut Mothé et al. 2016
G. †Zygolophodon Vacek 1877
Zygolophodon aegyptensis Sanders and Miller 2002
Zygolophodon morotoensis Pickford and Tassy 1980
Zygolophodon proavus Cope 1873
Invalid names: Mastodon brevidens Cope 1889 [synonym], Mastodon merriami Osborn 1921 [synonym]
Zygolophodon tapiroides Cuvier 1824
Zygolophodon turicensis Schintz 1824
Invalid names: Miomastodon Osborn 1922 [synonym], Turicius Osborn 1926 [synonym]
Invalid names: Eozygodontinae McKenna and Bell 1997 [empty], Mammutinae Hay 1922 [empty]
Invalid names: Mammutida Tassy and Shoshani 1997 [empty]
G. †Eritherium Gheerbrant 2009
Eritherium azzouzorum Gheerbrant 2009
Fm. †Gomphotheriidae Hay 1922 [gomphothere]
G. †Amahuacatherium Romero-Pittman 1996
Subfm. †Amebelodontinae Barbour 1927
G. †Afromastodon Pickford 2003
Afromastodon coppensi Pickford 2003
G. †Amebelodon Barbour 1927
Subg. †Amebelodon (Amebelodon) Barbour 1927
Amebelodon floridanus Leidy 1886
Invalid names: Amebelodon sinclairi Barbour 1930 [synonym], Trilophodon hicksi Cook 1922 [synonym], Trilophodon leidii Frick 1926 [synonym], Trilophodon paladentatus Cook 1922 [synonym]
Amebelodon fricki Barbour 1927
Amebelodon grandincisivus Schlesinger 1917
Amebelodon joraki Frick 1933
G. †Archaeobelodon Tassy 1984
G. †Platybelodon Borissiak 1928
Platybelodon barnumbrowni Barbour 1931
Platybelodon dangheesis Wang and Qiu 2002
Platybelodon danovi Borissiak 1928
Platybelodon grangeri Osborn 1929
Platybelodon loomisi Barbour 1929
Subfm. †Platybelodontinae Borissiak 1928
G. †Aphanobelodon Wang et al. 2017
Aphanobelodon zhaoi Wang et al. 2017
G. †Progomphotherium Pickford 2003
Progomphotherium maraisi Pickford 2003
G. †Protanancus Arambourg 1945
Protanancus macinnesi Arambourg 1945
Subfm. †Anancinae Hay 1922
G. †Anancus Aymard 1855
Anancus arvernensis Croizet and Jobert 1828
Anancus bensonensis Gidley 1926
Anancus brazosius Hay 1923
Anancus capensis Sanders 2007
Anancus defloccatus Hay 1926
Anancus kazachstanensis Auberkerova 1974
Anancus kenyensis MacInnes 1942
Invalid names: Anancus osiris Arambourg 1945 [synonym]
Anancus lehmanni Gaziry 1997
Anancus orarius Hay 1926
Anancus perimensis Falconer and Cautley 1847
Anancus petrocchii Coppens 1965
Anancus sinensis Hopwood 1935
Anancus sivalensis Cautley 1836
Invalid names: Brevirostrinae Osborn 1923 [synonym]
G. †Blancotherium May 2019
Blancotherium buckneri Sellards 1940
Subfm. †Cuvieroniinae Cabrera 1929
G. †Notiomastodon Cabrera 1929
Notiomastodon platensis Ameghino 1888
Invalid names: Amahuacatherium peruvium Romero-Pittman 1996 [synonym], Haplomastodon chimborazi Proaño 1922 [synonym], Mastodon bonaerensis Moreno 1888 [synonym], Notiomastodon ornatus Cabrera 1929 [synonym], Stegomastodon superbus Ameghino 1888 [synonym], Stegomastodon waringi Holland 1920 [synonym]
Invalid names: Haplomastodon Hoffstetter 1950 [synonym]
G. †Cuvieronius Osborn 1923
Cuvieronius arellanoi Ochoterena and Silva 1970
Cuvieronius hyodon Fischer 1814
Invalid names: Mastodon bolivianus Philippi 1893 [synonym], Mastodon humboldtii Cuvier 1805 [synonym]
Cuvieronius priestleyi Hay and Cook 1930
Cuvieronius tropicus Cope 1884
Invalid names: Cordillerion defloccatus Hay 1926 [synonym], Cordillerion orarius Hay 1926 [synonym], Mastodon oligobunis Cope 1893 [synonym]
Invalid names: Cordillerion Osborn 1926 [synonym], Cuvieronius tarijensis Cabrera 1929 [nomen nudum]
G. †Eubelodon Barbour 1914
Eubelodon morrilli Barbour 1914
G. †Eurybelodon Lambert 2016
Eurybelodon shoshanii Lambert 2016
G. †Gnathabelodon Barbour and Sternberg 1935
Gnathabelodon thorpei Barbour and Sternberg 1935
Subfm. †Gomphotheriinae Hay 1922
Tr. †Amebelodontini Barbour 1927
Invalid names: Amebelodontina McKenna and Bell 1997 [empty], Protanancina McKenna and Bell 1997 [empty]
Invalid names: Gnathabelodontinae Barbour and Sternberg 1935 [synonym], Gomphotheriini Hay 1922 [empty]
G. †Gomphotherium Burmeister 1837
Gomphotherium angustidens Burmeister 1837
Gomphotherium connexus Hopwood 1935
Gomphotherium ngorora Maglio 1974
Invalid names: Gomphotherium pojoaquense Frick 1926 [synonym], Mastodon serridens Cope 1884 [synonym], Megabelodon minor Mawby 1968 [synonym], Ocalientinus ojocaliensis Frick 1933 [synonym], Tetrabelodon lulli Barbour 1914 [synonym], Trilophodon cruziensis Frick 1933 [synonym], Trilophodon joraki Frick 1933 [synonym], Trilophodon phippsi Cook 1928 [synonym]
Gomphotherium pygmaeus Depéret 1897
Gomphotherium shensiensis Chang and Zhai 1978
Gomphotherium wimani Hopwood 1935
Invalid names: Genomastodon Barbour 1917 [synonym], Ocalientinus Frick 1933 [synonym], Serridentinus Osborn 1923 [synonym], Tatabelodon Frick 1933 [synonym], Tetrabelodon Cope 1884 [synonym], Trilophodon Falconer 1857 [synonym], Trobelodon Frick 1933 [synonym]
G. †Konobelodon Lambert 1990
Konobelodon atticus Wagner 1857
Konobelodon britti Lambert 1990
G. †Masthodon Proano 1922
Masthodon chimborazi Proano 1922
G. †Mastotherium Fischer 1814
Mastotherium hyodon Fischer 1814
Invalid names: Mastodon andium Cuvier 1805 [objective synonym]
G. †Megabelodon Barbour 1914
G. †Morrillia Osborn 1924
Morrillia barbouri Osborn 1921
G. †Pediolophodon Lambert 2007
Pediolophodon fricki Osborn 1936
G. †Pentalophodon Falconer 1857
Pentalophodon sivalensis Petrocchi 1943
Subfm. †Rhynchotheriinae Hay 1922
Invalid names: Cuvieroniini Cabrera 1929 [empty], Rhynchorostrinae Osborn 1923 [synonym], Rhynchotheriini Hay 1922 [empty]
G. †Rhynchotherium Falconer 1868
Rhynchotherium blicki Frick 1933
Invalid names: Rhynchotherium tlascalae Falconer 1868 [synonym]
Rhynchotherium falconeri Osborn 1923
Invalid names: Rhynchotherium browni Osborn 1936 [synonym], Trilophodon edensis Frick 1921 [synonym]
Invalid names: Aybelodon Frick 1933 [synonym], Blickotherium Frick 1933 [synonym], Dibelodon Cope 1884 [synonym]
G. †Selenolophodon Chang and Zhai 1978
G. †Serbelodon Frick 1933
Serbelodon burnhami Osborn 1933
G. †Sinomastodon Tobien et al. 1986
Sinomastodon bumiajuensis van der Maarel 1932
Sinomastodon yangziensis Wang et al. 2014
G. †Stegomastodon Pohlig 1912
Stegomastodon aftoniae Osborn 1924
Stegomastodon chapmani Osborn 1924
Invalid names: Mastodon chapmani Hays 1834 [objective synonym]
Invalid names: Mastodon successor Cope 1892 [synonym], Stegomastodon arizonae Gidley 1926 [synonym], Stegomastodon rexroadensis Woodburne 1961 [synonym], Stegomastodon texanus Osborn 1924 [synonym]
Stegomastodon primitivus Osborn 1936
Invalid names: Rhabdobunus Hay 1914 [synonym]
G. †Synconolophus Osborn 1929
G. †Tetralophodon Falconer 1857
Subg. †Tetralophodon (Lydekkeria) Osborn 1924
Subg. †Tetralophodon (Tetralophodon) Falconer 1857
G. †Torynobelodon Barbour 1929
Invalid names: Mastodon shepardii Leidy 1870 [nomen dubium], Rhynchotherium rectidens Osborn 1923 [nomen dubium]
Subor. †Mastodontoidea Osborn 1921
Fm. †Bunomastodontidae Osborn 1921
Invalid names: Longirostrinae [empty], Serridentinae Osborn 1936 [empty], Tetralophodontinae van der Maarel 1932 [empty]
Superfm. †Moeritherioidea Osborn 1921
Fm. †Moeritheriidae Andrews 1906
G. †Moeritherium Andrews 1901
Moeritherium chehbeurameuri Delmer et al. 2006
Moeritherium gracile Andrews 1902
Moeritherium lyonsi Andrews 1901
Invalid names: Moeritherium ancestrale Petronievics 1923 [synonym]
Moeritherium trigonodon Andrews 1904
Invalid names: Moeritherium andrewsi Schlosser 1911 [synonym]
Invalid names: Moeritherium latidens Deraniyagala 1955 [nomen dubium], Moeritherium pharaonensis Deraniyagala 1955 [nomen dubium]
G. †Neodesmostylus Khomenko 1928
Neodesmostylus primigenius Khomenko 1928
Invalid names: Desmostylus wollosowitschi Pfizenmayer 1927 [objective synonym]
G. †Phiomia Andrews and Beadnell 1902
Phiomia major Sanders et al. 2004
Phiomia serridens Andrews and Beadnell 1902
Unr. †Plesielephantiformes Shoshani 2001
Fm. †Phosphatheriidae Gheerbrandt et al. 2005
G. †Phosphatherium Gheerbrant et al. 1996
Phosphatherium escuilliei Gheerbrant et al. 1996
G. †Saloumia Tabuce et al. 2020
Saloumia gorodiskii Tabuce et al. 2020
Invalid names: Caenobasileus Cope 1877 [nomen vanum], Caenobasileus tremontigerus Cope 1877 [nomen vanum], Deinotherioidea Osborn 1936 [empty], Dinotherioidea Osborn 1921 [empty], Euelephantoidea [empty], Hemimastodontidae McKenna and Bell 1997 [empty], Mastodontidae Gray 1821 [empty]
No diagnoses are available
No measurements are available
Composition: phosphaticsubp
Environment: terrestrialsubc
Locomotion: actively mobilec
Life habit: ground dwellingf
Diet: grazerf
Diet 2: browserf
Reproduction: viviparoussubc
Comments: life habit and diet based on Nowak 1999 f
Created: 2005-08-26 13:32:09
Modified: 2005-08-26 15:32:09
Source: f = family, subc = subclass, c = class, subp = subphylum
References: Hendy et al. 2009, Nowak 1999, Carroll 1988, Lillegraven 1979, Ji et al. 2002

Age range

Maximum range based only on fossils: base of the Thanetian to the top of the Holocene or 59.20000 to 0.00000 Ma
Minimum age of oldest fossil (stem group age): 56.0 Ma

Collections (3388 total)

Oldest occurrences

Time interval Ma Country or state Original ID and collection number
Thanetian59.2 - 56.0Morocco (Beni Mellal) Eritherium azzouzorum (77353)
Ypresian56.0 - 47.8Algeria Proboscidea indet. (71984)
Ypresian56.0 - 47.8Mali (Gao) Proboscidea indet., Numidotheriidae indet., Plesielephantiformes indet. (175262)
Ypresian56.0 - 47.8Mali Numidotheriidae indet., Proboscidea indet. (209422)
Ypresian56.0 - 47.8Morocco Daouitherium rebouli (71235) Phosphatherium escuilliei (71233)
Ypresian - Lutetian56.0 - 41.3Algeria (Bechar region) Proboscidea indet. (77014)
Lutetian47.8 - 41.3India (Kutch) Moeritheriidae indet. (45590 45592)
Lutetian47.8 - 41.3Senegal (Thies region) Moeritherium sp., Saloumia gorodiskii (36616)
Lutetian47.8 - 41.3Mali Moeritherium sp. (136910)
Lutetian47.8 - 41.3Togo Dagbatitherium tassyi (223952)
Lutetian47.8 - 41.3Turkey (Ankara) Proboscidea indet. (84511)
Bartonian41.3 - 38.0Libya Phiomia sp., Barytherium sp. (49942)
Bartonian41.3 - 38.0Western Sahara Proboscidea indet. (175734)
Bartonian - Late/Upper Eocene41.3 - 33.9Libya Moeritherium lyonsi, Barytherium grave (48077) Numidotherium savagei (174667) Phiomia wintoni, Phiomia minor, Barytherium sp., Moeritherium trigodon (55449)
Bartonian - Priabonian41.3 - 33.9Algeria Moeritherium chehbeurameuri (59733)
Priabonian38.0 - 33.9Egypt (Fayum) Moeritherium lyonsi (74737 181545 181547 181548 181549 181550 181551 181552 181553 181554 181555 181556 181557) Moeritherium lyonsi, Barytherium grave (175910)
Priabonian38.0 - 33.9Western Sahara Numidotherium sp. (96686)
Priabonian38.0 - 33.9Egypt Moeritherium lyonsi, Moeritherium gracile, Barytherium grave (79700)
Late/Upper Eocene37.2 - 33.9Egypt Moeritherium sp. (40516)
Early/Lower Oligocene33.9 - 28.4Egypt Phiomia sp. (187873)