Basic info | Taxonomic history | Classification | Included Taxa |
Morphology | Ecology and taphonomy | External Literature Search | Age range and collections |
Antilopinae was named by Gray (1821). It is extant.
It was assigned to Bovidae by Hay (1902), Hassanin and Douzery (1999), Grubb (2001), Hassanin and Douzery (2003), Agnarsson and May-Collado (2008), Gentry (2010), Wang et al. (2016).
It was assigned to Bovidae by Hay (1902), Hassanin and Douzery (1999), Grubb (2001), Hassanin and Douzery (2003), Agnarsson and May-Collado (2008), Gentry (2010), Wang et al. (2016).
Synonymy list
Year | Name and author |
1821 | Antilopinae Gray |
1902 | Antilopinae Hay p. 687 |
1976 | Etruria Hurzeler and Engesser |
1976 | Etruria viallii Hurzeler and Engesser p. 333 |
1999 | Antilopinae Hassanin and Douzery p. 893 |
2001 | Antilopinae Grubb p. 377 |
2003 | Antilopinae Hassanin and Douzery p. 223 |
2008 | Antilopinae Agnarsson and May-Collado p. 978 figs. Fig. 5 |
2010 | Antilopinae Gentry p. 757 |
2016 | Antilopinae Wang et al. pp. e1169190-2 |
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If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.
Subfm. Antilopinae Gray 1821
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Tr. Aepycerotini Gray 1872
G. Aepyceros Sundevall 1847 [impala]
Aepyceros melampus Lichtenstein 1812 [impala]
†Aepyceros premelampus Harris 2003
†Aepyceros shungurae Gentry 1985
Tr. Alcelaphini Brookes 1876
Subtr. †Alcelaphina Vrba 1997
G. Alcelaphus Blainville 1816 [hartebeest]
Alcelaphus buselaphus Pallas 1766 [hartebeest]
Alcelaphus cokii Günther 1884 [Coke's hartebeest]
†Alcelaphus kattwinkeli Scwarz 1932
Alcelaphus lichtensteinii Peteres 1852
Invalid names: Bubalis Goldfuss 1820 [synonym]
G. Beatragus Heller 1912 [hirola]
†Beatragus antiquus Leakey 1965
Beatragus hunteri Sclater 1889
†Beatragus whitei Vrba 1997
G. Connochaetes Lichtenstein 1812 [wildebeest]
†Connochaetes gentryi Harris 1991
†Connochaetes gentryi leptoceras Geraads et al. 2004
Connochaetes gnou Zimmermann 1780 [black wildebeest]
Connochaetes taurinus Burchell 1823 [blue wildebeest]
†Connochaetes tournoueri Thomas 1884
Invalid names: Catoblepas Gray 1821 [synonym], Oreonagor Thomas 1884 [synonym]
G. Damaliscus Sclater and Thomas 1894 [antelope]
†Damaliscus ademassui Vrba 1997
†Damaliscus agelaius Gentry and Gentry 1978
†Damaliscus cuiculi Arambourg 1979
Damaliscus dorcas Pallas 1766 [bontebok]
†Damaliscus gentryi Vrba 1977
†Damaliscus hadari Vrba 1997
Damaliscus korrigum Ogilby 1837 [topi]
Damaliscus lunatus Burchell 1823 [common tsessebe]
Damaliscus pygargus Pallas 1766 [bontebok]
†Damaliscus strepsiceras Geraads et al. 2004
G. †Maremmia Hurzeler and Engesser 1976
†Maremmia haupti Major 1873
†Maremmia lorenzi Hurzeler and Engesser 1976
G. †Numidocapra Arambourg 1949
†Numidocapra crassicornis Arambourg 1949
†Numidocapra porrocornutus Vrba 1971
Invalid names: Rabaticeras Ennouchi 1953 [synonym]
G. †Parmularius Hopwood 1934
†Parmularius altidens Hopwood 1934
†Parmularius ambiguus Pomel 1894
†Parmularius angusticornis Schwarz 1937
†Parmularius atlanticus Geraads and Amani 1998
†Parmularius braini Vrba 1977
†Parmularius eppsi Harris 1991
†Parmularius pachyceras Geraads 2001
†Parmularius pandatus Gentry 1987
†Parmularius parvus Vrba 1978
†Parmularius rugosus Leakey 1965
G. Sigmoceros Peters 1849
Invalid names: Damaliscina Vrba 1997 [empty]
Tr. Antilopini Gray 1821
G. Antidorcas Sundevall 1847 [springbok]
Antidorcas marsupialis Zimmerman 1780 [springbok]
†Antidorcas marsupialis australis Hendey and Hendey 1968
G. Antilope Pallas 1766
Subg. Antilope (Pantholops) Hodgson 1834 [chiru]
†Antilope arundinum Boddaert 1785 [southern reedbuck]
†Antilope campestris Thunberg 1811 [steenbok]
Antilope cervicapra Linnaeus 1758 [blackbuck]
†Antilope ellipsiprymnus Ogilby 1833 [waterbuck]
†Antilope equina Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire 1803 [roan antelope]
Antilope leptoceros Cuvier 1842
†Antilope lervia Pallas 1777 [barbary sheep]
†Antilope lindermayeri Wagner 1848
†Antilope ourebi Zimmerman 1783 [oribi]
†Antilope pallasi Wagner 1857
†Antilope patulicornis Lydekker 1878
†Antilope porrecticornis Lydekker 1878
†Antilope sivalensis Lydekker 1878
G. Eudorcas Fitzinger 1869
Eudorcas rufifrons Gray 1846 [red-fronted gazelle]
Eudorcas thomsoni Gunther 1884 [Thomson's gazelle]
G. Gazella Blaineville 1816 [gazelle]
†Gazella altidens Schlosser 1903
†Gazella atlantica Bourguignat 1870
Gazella bennettii Sykes 1831
†Gazella bondi Cooke and Wells 1951
Gazella cuvieri Ogilby 1841 [Cuvier's gazelle]
†Gazella dorcadoides Schlosser 1903
Gazella dorcas Linnaeus 1758 [Dorcas gazelle]
†Gazella dracula Geraads 1981
†Gazella emilii Bouvrain 1998
†Gazella gaudryi Schlosser 1904
Gazella gazella Pallas 1766
†Gazella jenenschi Dietrich 1950
†Gazella kohllarseni Dietrich 1950
Gazella leptoceros Cuvier 1842
†Gazella lydekkeri Pilgrim 1937
Gazella marica Thomas 1897 [sand gazelle]
†Gazella mytilinii Pilgrim 1926
†Gazella palaeosinensis Schlosser 1903
†Gazella paotehensis Teilhard de Chardin and Young 1931
†Gazella pilgrimi Bohlin 1935
†Gazella pomeli Arambourg 1979
†Gazella praegaudryi Arambourg 1959
†Gazella praethomsoni Arambourg 1947
†Gazella psolea Geraads and Amani 1998
†Gazella rufina Thomas 1894
Gazella saudilla Caruthers and Schwartz 1935
†Gazella setifensis Pomel 1895
†Gazella sinensis Teilhard de Chardin and Piveteau 1930
Gazella spekei Blythe 1863
Gazella subgutturosa Güldenstädt 1780
†Gazella thomasi Pomel 1895
†Gazella tingitana Arambourg 1957
G. Madoqua Ogilby 1837 [dikdik]
Madoqua guentheri Thomas 1894 [Gunther's dik-dik]
Madoqua kirkii Gunther 1880
Madoqua phillipsi Thomas 1894
Madoqua saltiana de Blainville 1816 [salt's dik-dik]
G. Nanger Lataste 1885 [gazelle]
Gazella (Nanger) dama mhorr Bennett 1833 [Mhorr gazelle]
Nanger dama Pallas 1766 [dama gazelle]
Nanger granti Brooke 1872 [Grant's gazelle]
Nanger soemmerringii Cretzschmar 1828 [Soemmerring's gazelle]
G. Procapra Hodgson 1846
Procapra gutturosa Pallas 1777
Procapra picticaudata Hodgson 1846
Invalid names: Prodorcas Pocock 1918 [synonym]
G. Raphicerus Smith 1827
†Raphicerus campestris Thunberg 1811 [steenbok]
Raphicerus melanotis Thunberg 1811 [Cape grysbok]
†Raphicerus paralius Gentry 1980
Raphicerus sharpei Thomas 1897 [Sharpe's grysbok]
G. Saiga Gray 1843 [saiga]
Tr. Caprini Gray 1821
G. †Bootherium Harlan 1825
†Bootherium bombifrons Harlan 1825
Invalid names: Bison appalachicolus Rhoads 1895 [synonym], Bootherium brazosis Hesse 1942 [synonym], Bootherium nivicolens Hay 1915 [synonym], Bootherium sargenti Gidley 1908 [synonym], Liops zuniensis Gidley 1906 [synonym], Ovibos cavifrons Leidy 1852 [synonym], Ovibos giganteus Frick 1937 [synonym], Scaphoceros tyrelli Osgood 1905 [synonym], Symbos australis Brown 1908 [synonym], Symbos convexifrons Barbour 1934 [synonym], Symbos promptus Hay 1920 [synonym]
Invalid names: Symbos Osgood 1905 [synonym]
G. Capra Linnaeus 1758 [goat]
Capra aegagrus Erxleben 1777 [wild goat]
Capra caucasica Güldenstaedt and Pallas 1779
Capra cylindricornis Blythe 1841
Capra falconeri Wagner 1839
Capra ibex Linnaeus 1758 [Alpine ibex]
Capra nubiana Cuvier 1825
†Capra perimensis Lydekker 1878
†Capra primaeva Arambourg 1979
Capra pyrenaica Schinz 1838
Capra sibirica Pallas 1776
†Capra sivalensis Lydekker 1878
G. Capricornis
Capricornis crispus Temminck 1845
Capricornis sumatraensis Linnaeus 1758
Invalid names: Capricornis milneedwardsii David 1869 [synonym]
G. Hemitragus Hodgson 1841
†Hemitragus cedrensis Crégut-Bonnoure 1989
Hemitragus jemlahicus Smith 1826
G. Naemorhaedus Smith 1827
Naemorhedus caudatus Milne-Edwards 1867
Naemorhedus goral Hardwicke 1825
Nemorhaedus goral Hardwicke 1825
Invalid names: Caprina Wagner 1844 [synonym], Kemas Ogilby 1837 [synonym], Urotragus Gray 1871 [synonym]
G. Oreamnos Rafinesque 1817 [mountain goat]
Oreamnos americanus Blainville 1816
Invalid names: Mazama dorsata Rafinesque 1817 [synonym], Ovis montanus Ord 1815 [synonym]
†Oreamnos harringtoni Stock 1936
Invalid names: Aplocerus Hamilton-Smith 1827 [synonym], Haplocerus Wagner 1844 [synonym]
G. Ovis Linnaeus 1758 [sheep]
Ovis ammon Linnaeus 1758 [argali]
Ovis ammon darwini Przewalski 1883
Ovis aries Linnaeus 1758 [domestic sheep]
Invalid names: Ovis guineensis Linnaeus 1758 [synonym], Ovis strepsiceros Linnaeus 1758 [synonym]
Ovis burrhel Blyth 1841
Ovis canadensis Shaw 1804 [bighorn sheep]
†Ovis canadensis auduboni Merriam 1901
Ovis canadensis californiana Douglas 1829
Ovis canadensis nelsoni Merriam 1897
Ovis canadensis weemsi Goldman 1937
Invalid names: Ovis canadensis canadensis Shaw 1804 [synonym], Ovis canadensis cremnobates Elliot 1903 [synonym], Ovis catclawensis Hibbard and Wright 1956 [synonym], Ovis cervina Desmarest 1804 [synonym], Ovis montana Cuvier 1817 [synonym], Ovis pygarus Griffith 1827 [synonym]
Ovis canadensis mexicana Merriam 1901
Ovis cylindricornis Blyth 1841
Ovis dalli Nelson 1884 [Dall sheep]
†Ovis dorshi Frick 1937
Ovis europea Kerr 1792
Ovis gmelini Blyth 1841 [mouflon]
†Ovis mamillaris Foster 1837
Ovis nivicola Eschscholtz 1829
†Ovis shantungensis Mastumoto 1926
Ovis sheldoni Merriam 1916
Ovis vignei Blyth 1841
Invalid names: Ovis orientalis Gmelin 1774 [nomen nudum]
G. Rupicapra de Blainville 1816
Rupicapra pyrenaica Bonaparte 1845
Rupicapra rupicapra Linnaeus 1758 [chamois]
Tr. Cephalophini Blyth 1863
G. Cephalophus Smith 1827 [duiker]
Cephalophus adersi Thomas 1918
Cephalophus callipygus Peters 1876
Cephalophus dorsalis Gray 1849 [bay duiker]
Cephalophus harveyi Thomas 1893
Cephalophus jentinki Thomas 1892
Cephalophus leucogaster Gray 1873
Cephalophus monticola Thunberg 1789 [blue duiker]
Cephalophus natalensis Smith 1834
Cephalophus niger Gray 1846
Cephalophus nigrifrons Gray 1871
Cephalophus ogilby Waterhouse 1838
Cephalophus rubidus Thomas 1901
Cephalophus rufilatus Gray 1846
Cephalophus silvicultor Afzelius 1815
Cephalophus spadix True 1890
Cephalophus sylvicultor Afzelius 1815 [yellow-backed duiker]
Cephalophus weynsi Thomas 1901
Cephalophus zebra Gray 1838
G. Philantomba Blkyth 1840
Philantomba maxwellii Hamilton Smith 1827 [Maxwell's duiker]
Philantomba monticola Thurnburg 1789 [blue duiker]
G. †Etruria Abbazzi et al. 2008
Tr. Hippotragini Sundevall 1845
G. Hippotragus Sundevall 1845
†Hippotragus bohlini Pilgrim 1939
†Hippotragus brevicornis Pilgrim 1933
†Hippotragus cookei Vrba 1987
†Hippotragus equinus Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire 1803 [roan antelope]
†Hippotragus gigas Leakey 1965
†Hippotragus leucophaeus Pallas 1766 [bluebuck]
Hippotragus niger Harris 1838 [sable antelope]
†Hippotragus niro Hopwood 1936
†Hippotragus priscus Arambourg 1979
G. Oryx de Blainville 1816 [oryx]
Oryx beisa Rüppell 1835 [East African oryx]
Oryx dammah Cretzschmar 1827
†Oryx eleulmensis Arambourg 1979
Oryx gazella Linnaeus 1758 [gemsbok]
†Oryx sivalensis Pilgrim 1939
G. †Praedamalis Dietrich 1950
†Praedamalis deturi Dietrich 1950
†Praedamalis howelli Vrba and Gatsey 1994
Tr. †Neotragini Sclater and Thomas 1894
G. Neotragus Hamilton Smith 1827
Neotragus pygmaeus Linnaeus 1758 [royal antelope]
Invalid names: Tragulus Pallas 1767 [synonym], Tragulus Boddaert 1785 [synonym]
Tr. Reduncini Knottnerus-Meyer 1907
G. Kobus Smith 1840
†Kobus barbarus Geraads and Amani 1998
†Kobus basilcookei Vrba 2006
Kobus defassa Rüppell 1835 [Defassa waterbuck]
†Kobus ellipsiprymnus Ogilby 1833 [waterbuck]
Kobus kob Erxleben 1777 [kob]
†Kobus korotorensis Geraads 2001
†Kobus laticornis Harris 2003
†Kobus leche Gray 1850
Kobus megaceros Fitzinger 1855
†Kobus oricornus Gentry 1985
†Kobus presigmoidalis Harris 2003
†Kobus sigmoidalis Arambourg 1941
†Kobus subdolus Gentry 1980
†Kobus tchadensis Gerrads 2001
Kobus vardoni Livingstone 1857
G. Redunca Smith 1827 [reedbuck]
†Redunca ancystrocera Arambourg 1947
†Redunca arundinum Boddaert 1785 [southern reedbuck]
†Redunca darti Wells and Cooke 1956
†Redunca eulmensis Arambourg 1979
Redunca fulvorufula Afzelius 1815 [mountain reedbuck]
†Redunca khroumirensis Arambourg 1979
Redunca redunca Hamilton Smith 1827 [bohor reedbuck]
G. †Sivacobus Pilgrim 1939
†Sivacobus palaeindicus Lydekker 1885
†Sivacobus sankaliai Vrba et al. 2015
Invalid names: Gangicobus Pilgrim 1939 [synonym], Hydaspicobus Pilgrim 1939 [synonym], Indoredunca Pilgrim 1939 [synonym], Sivadenota Pligrim 1939 [synonym], Vishnucobus Pilgrim 1939 [synonym]
G. †Zephyreduncinus Vrba and Haile-Selassie 2006
†Zephyreduncinus oundagaisus Verba and Haile- Selassie 2006
G. †Urmiatherium Rodler 1888
†Urmiatherium intermedium Schlosser 1903
†Urmiatherium kassandriensis Lazaridis et al. 2017
†Urmiatherium rugosifrons Sickenberg 1932
Invalid names: Etruria Hurzeler and Engesser 1976 [nomen nudum], Pantholopini [empty], Peleini Gray 1872 [empty]
No diagnoses are available
No measurements are available
Source: f = family, o = order, c = class, subp = subphylum | |||||
References: Carroll 1988, Nowak 1999, Hendy et al. 2009, Nowak 1991 |
Age range
Maximum range based only on fossils: base of the Langhian to the top of the Holocene or 15.97000 to 0.00000 Ma
Minimum age of oldest fossil (stem group age): 13.82 Ma
Minimum age of oldest fossil (stem group age): 13.82 Ma
Collections (1223 total)
Oldest occurrences | |||
Time interval | Ma | Country or state | Original ID and collection number |
Miocene | France | Antilope cristata (200296) | |
Miocene | France (Vaucluse) | Gazella deperdita (201497 201500) | |
Miocene - Pliocene | Tanzania | Alcelaphini indet. (22150) | |
Miocene - Pliocene | South Africa | Antidorcas sp., Raphicerus sp., Antilopini indet., Connochaetes taurinus, Gazella praethomsoni, Antidorcas australis, Kobus porrecticornis (22229) Damalacra acalla (22232) Damalacra neanica, Parmularius angusticornis (22224) Damaliscus sp., Oreotragus sp., Redunca sp. (22220) Gazella sp. (22228) | |
Miocene - Pliocene | Uganda | Aepyceros sp. (22365 22371) Alcelaphini indet. (22384) Kobus sp. (22385 22399) | |
Miocene - Pleistocene | Ethiopia | Aepyceros sp., Gazella janenschi (22128) | |
Miocene - Pleistocene | South Africa | Gazella sp., Redunca ancystrocera (22230) | |
Langhian | Kenya | Gazella sp. (22071 22082) | |
Langhian | Kenya (Nyanza) | Gazella sp. (21339) | |
Middle Miocene | Pakistan (Punjab) | Gazella lydekkeri (13472) | |
Middle Miocene | Saudi Arabia | Gazella sp. (41818) | |
Middle Miocene | Pakistan (Chakwal) | Gazella lydekkeri (225195) | |
Middle Miocene | Namibia | Homoiodorcas sp. (21855) | |
Middle Miocene | Greece (North Aegean) | Gazella stehlini (182752) | |
Middle Miocene - Tortonian | Pakistan (Minanwali) | Gazella sp. (13489) | |
Serravallian | Ukraine (Odessa) | Gazella brevicornis (75786) | |
Serravallian | China (shaanxi) | Antilopinae indet. (42851) | |
Serravallian | Ukraine | Antilope sp. (75788) Gazella sp. (75789) | |
Serravallian | Ukraine (Cherson) | Gazella sp., Procapra sp. (60256) | |
Serravallian | Kenya (Central Nyanza) | Gazella sp. (21340) |