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Actinopteri - Centropomidae



Synonymy list
YearName and author
1868Centropomidae Poey
1963Centropomidae Jordan p. 690
1966Centropomidae Casier p. 442
2008Centropomidae Sereno et al.
2013Centropomidae Betancur et al.
2016Centropomidae Nelson et al. p. 430

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EubilateriaAx 1987
phylumChordataHaeckel 1874
subclassNeopterygii(Regan 1923)
Teleostei(Müller 1846)
Teleocephalade Pinna 1996
ClupeocephalaPatterson and Rosen 1977
NeoteleosteiRosen 1973
Eurypterygia(Rosen 1973)
Acanthomorphata(Rosen 1973)
familyCentropomidaePoey 1868
familyCentropomidaePoey 1868

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

Fm. Centropomidae Poey 1868
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G. Centropomus Lacépède 1802
Centropomus excavatus Casier 1966
G. Lates Cuvier 1828 [lates]
Lates gibbus Agassiz 1833
Lates gracilis Agassiz 1833
Lates macrurus Agassiz 1833
Lates niloticus Linnaeus 1758 [Nile perch]
Lates notaeus Agassiz 1833
Lates qatraniensis Murray and Attia 2004
No diagnoses are available
No measurements are available
Composition: phosphaticsubp
Environment: marinesubp
Locomotion: actively mobileo
Life habit: nektonico
Diet: omnivoreo
Created: 2009-07-20 20:44:22
Modified: 2009-07-20 22:44:22
Source: o = order, subp = subphylum
References: Carroll 1988, Hendy et al. 2009

Age range

Maximum range based only on fossils: base of the Late/Upper Paleocene to the top of the Holocene or 58.70000 to 0.00000 Ma
Minimum age of oldest fossil (stem group age): 55.8 Ma

Collections (123 total)

Time interval Ma Country or state Original ID and collection number
Late/Upper Paleocene58.7 - 55.8Kazakhstan (Chimkent) Centropomidae indet. (48888)
Middle Eocene47.8 - 37.71Uzbekistan Centropomidae indet. (45701)
Bartonian - Late/Upper Eocene41.3 - 33.9Libya Lates sp. (48077 55449)
Rupelian33.9 - 28.1Germany Centropomus ruscheli (95898)
Aquitanian23.03 - 20.44USA (Texas) Centropomus sp. (18663)
Early/Lower Miocene23.03 - 15.97Venezuela (Paraguana) Centropomus undecimalis (118106)
Miocene - Pliocene23.03 - 2.588Uganda Lates niloticus (22215 22217 22218 22245 22246 22247 22343 22344 22392 22396 22398 22400 22405 22408 22409 22422 22425 22430 22431 22433 22437 22440 22449 22450 22451 22452 22453 22454 22457 22463)
Burdigalian20.44 - 15.97Saudi Arabia Lates sp. (47026 47074)
Burdigalian20.44 - 15.97Kenya (Nyanza) Lates sp. (92703)
MN 416.9 - 15.97Egypt Lates sp. (53970)
Serravallian13.82 - 11.62Slovakia (Bratislava) Lates sp. (58983)
Serravallian - Tortonian13.82 - 7.246Tunisia Lates niloticus (118015 118016)
Serravallian - Tortonian13.82 - 7.246Tunisia (Gafsa) Lates sp. (35279 35280 35281)
Late/Upper Clarendonian12.5 - 9.4USA (Florida) Centropomus sp. (18554)
Tortonian - Messinian11.62 - 5.333Kenya Lates niloticus (22241)
Pannonian11.608 - 7.246Hungary Lates sp. (237418)
Late/Upper Miocene - Early/Lower Pliocene11.608 - 3.6Uganda Lates niloticus (22345 22456)
Late/Upper Miocene - Early/Lower Pliocene11.608 - 3.6Chad Lates niloticus (24181)
Hemphillian10.3 - 4.9USA (Florida) Centropomus sp. (18601)
Messinian7.246 - 5.333Italy Lates niloticus (219783) Lates sp. (210248)
Messinian7.246 - 5.333Peru Centropomidae indet. (13079)
Messinian - Zanclean7.246 - 3.6Tanzania Centropomidae indet. (22042)
Messinian - Zanclean7.246 - 3.6Kenya Lates niloticus (22242)
Early/Lower Pliocene5.333 - 3.6Tanzania Lates sp. (22144)
Zanclean5.333 - 3.6Kenya Lates sp. (22338)
Pliocene5.333 - 2.588Uganda Lates niloticus (22250 22255 22256 22257 22258 22260 22261 22262 22263 22265)
Pliocene5.333 - 2.588Congo-Kinshasa Lates niloticus (22198)
Pliocene5.333 - 2.588Ukraine (Odessa) Lates sp. (76502)
Pliocene5.333 - 2.588Tanzania Lates sp. (22153 22154)
Zanclean - Piacenzian5.333 - 2.588Kenya Lates niloticus (22235 22239)
Zanclean - Calabrian5.333 - 0.774Kenya Lates sp. (21531)
Pliocene - Pleistocene5.333 - 0.0117Uganda Lates niloticus (22201 22202 22203 22208 22210)
Pliocene - Pleistocene5.333 - 0.0117Congo-Kinshasa Lates niloticus (22207) Lates sp., Lates niloticus (22346) Lates sp., Lates rhachirhinchus, Lates niloticus (22122)
Pliocene - Holocene5.333 - 0.0Uganda Lates niloticus (22244)
Blancan4.9 - 1.8USA (Florida) Centropomus sp. (19753)
Late/Upper Pliocene3.6 - 2.588Egypt Lates nilocticus (22592)
Piacenzian3.6 - 2.588Chad Lates sp. (22506)
Piacenzian3.6 - 2.588Kenya Lates sp. (21538)
Late/Upper Pliocene - Late/Upper Pleistocene3.6 - 0.0117Uganda Lates niloticus (22178)
Gelasian2.588 - 1.806Kenya Lates sp. (21446 21451 21497 32116)
Gelasian - Calabrian2.588 - 0.774Kenya Lates sp. (21442 21453 21456 21466 21499 21500 21513 21522)
Pleistocene2.588 - 0.0117Egypt Lates niloticus (21888 21889)
Pleistocene - Holocene2.588 - 0.0Congo-Kinshasa Lates sp. (22098 22103)
Calabrian1.8 - 0.774Kenya Lates sp. (21414 21443 21524 21526 21534)
Irvingtonian1.8 - 0.3USA (Florida) Centropomus sp. (20400)
Late/Upper Pleistocene0.129 - 0.0117Congo-Kinshasa Lates niloticus (22065 22066)
Holocene0.0117 - 0.0Congo-Kinshasa Lates niloticus (22068)
Holocene0.0117 - 0.0Sudan Lates niloticus (21871 208786 208787)
Holocene0.0117 - 0.0Niger Lates niloticus (83303 83304 83305)