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Rhynchonellata - Terebratulida - Notothyrididae

Cryptacanthiinae was named by Stehli (1965). Its type is Cryptacanthia.

It was assigned to Notothyrididae by Williams et al. (2006).

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1965Cryptacanthiinae Stehli
2006Cryptacanthiinae Williams et al. p. 2027

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EubilateriaAx 1987
PanbrachiopodaCarlson and Cohen 2020
phylumBrachiopodaCuvier 1805
subphylumRhynchonelliformeaWilliams et al. 1996
classRhynchonellataWilliams et al. 1996
superfamilyCryptonelloideaThomson 1926
familyNotothyrididaeLicharew 1960
subfamilyCryptacanthiinaeStehli 1965
subfamilyCryptacanthiinaeStehli 1965

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

Subfm. †Cryptacanthiinae Stehli 1965
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G. †Anadyrella Dagys 1974
Anadyrella infrequens Dagys 1974
Anadyrella maquensis Jin et al. 1979
G. †Anaptychius Hoover 1981
Anaptychius minutus Hoover 1981
G. †Cryptacanthia White and St John 1867
Cryptacanthia compacta White and St John 1867
Cryptacanthia glabra Cooper and Grant 1976
Cryptacanthia indica Reed 1944
Cryptacanthia permiana Licharew 1936
Cryptacanthia timanica Licharew 1936
Glossothyropsis carinata Cooper and Grant 1976
Glossothyropsis cryptacanthoides Cooper and Grant 1976
Glossothyropsis immatura Cooper and Grant 1976
Glossothyropsis juvenis Cooper and Grant 1976
Glossothyropsis magna Cooper 1953
Glossothyropsis polita Cooper and Grant 1976
Glossothyropsis rectangulata Cooper and Grant 1976
Glossothyropsis sinuata Stehli 1954
Glossothyropsis superba Cooper and Grant 1976
G. †Obnixia Hoover 1979
Obnixia thaynesiana Girty 1927
No diagnoses are available
No measurements are available
Composition: low Mg calcitep
Environment: marineuc
Locomotion: stationaryo
Attached: yesp
Life habit: low-level epifaunalo
Diet: suspension feedero
Vision: blindc
Created: 2004-02-28 14:14:12
Modified: 2018-11-10 17:47:38
Source: o = order, c = class, p = phylum, uc = unranked clade
References: Aberhan et al. 2004, Nesnidal et al. 2013

Age range: base of the Gzhelian to the top of the Norian or 303.70000 to 208.50000 Ma

Collections (103 total)

Time interval Ma Country or state Original ID and collection number
Gzhelian303.7 - 298.9USA (Alaska) Cryptacanthia compacta (111913)
Asselian298.9 - 295.5Slovenia Cryptacanthia compacta (129658)
Asselian - Sakmarian298.9 - 290.1Russian Federation Cryptacanthia timanica, Cryptacanthia permiana (112570)
Sakmarian293.52 - 290.1China (Xinjiang) Glossothyropsis sinuata (35513)
Kungurian279.3 - 272.3Canada (Nunavut) Glossothyropsis sp. (118084)
Kungurian279.3 - 272.3USA (Texas) Cryptacanthia glabra (75881) Cryptacanthia sinuata, Cryptacanthia glabra (75865) Cryptacanthia sp. 1 (43566) Glossothyropsis immatura (43589) Glossothyropsis sinuata (81848) Glossothyropsis sp. 1 (43492 43494 81949 105907) Glossothyropsis sp. 1, Cryptacanthia glabra (75864) Glossothyropsis superba (43517)
Kungurian279.3 - 272.3Venezuela (Merida) Anaptychius minutus (41510 41511 41512)
Roadian272.3 - 268.8USA (Texas) Glossothyropsis rectangulata (43548 43553 81645 102614 105592 105726 105887 105932) Glossothyropsis sp. (81693) Glossothyropsis sp. 1 (102602) Glossothyropsis superba (43518 43563 101783)
Roadian - Wordian272.3 - 264.28USA (Texas) Glossothyropsis carinata, Glossothyropsis robusta (106147)
Roadian - Capitanian272.3 - 259.51USA (Texas) Heterelasma shumardianum (108835)
Wordian266.9 - 264.28Mexico (Sonora) Glossothyropsis magna (40811 40815 40816 40817 40818 40821 40823 40846 40849)
Wordian266.9 - 264.28USA (Texas) Glossothyropsis cryptacanthoides (106108 106299) Glossothyropsis cryptacanthoides, Glossothyropsis polita, Glossothyropsis robusta (101867) Glossothyropsis juvenis (106244) Glossothyropsis juvenis, Glossothyropsis polita (102619) Glossothyropsis polita (105902) Glossothyropsis polita, Glossothyropsis robusta (105896) Glossothyropsis rectangulata (43550 105764 105821 105977) Glossothyropsis robusta (81627 81939) Glossothyropsis sp., Glossothyropsis cryptacanthoides, Glossothyropsis juvenis (106245)
Capitanian264.28 - 259.51USA (Texas) Glossothyropsis cryptacanthoides, Glossothyropsis juvenis (105894 105895 106243 106249) Glossothyropsis juvenis, Glossothyropsis polita (106248) Glossothyropsis sp. (108812) Glossothyropsis sp. 1 (81613)
Wuchiapingian259.9 - 254.17Australia (Queensland) Dielasmatidae indet. (97269)
Wuchiapingian259.9 - 254.17Pakistan Cryptacanthia indica (126265 126459)
Wuchiapingian - Changhsingian259.9 - 252.17Pakistan Cryptacanthia indica (126986)
Changhsingian254.17 - 252.17Pakistan Cryptacanthia indica (126897 126933)
Smithian251.3 - 247.2USA (Idaho) Obnixia thaynesiana (109744)
Spathian251.3 - 247.2USA (Utah) Obnixia sp. (44569) Obnixia thaynesiana (72294 109733 109736 109751 109752 156093)
Spathian251.3 - 247.2USA (Idaho) Obnixia thaynesiana (109739 109743) Terebratula thaynesiana (108752 109742)
Olenekian251.2 - 247.2USA (Utah) Obnixia thaynesiana (109749 109753 109769 109771)
Olenekian251.2 - 247.2USA (Arizona) Obnixia thaynesiana (109768)
Olenekian251.2 - 247.2USA (California) Terebratula thaynesiana, Obnixia thaynesiana (109758)
Olenekian251.2 - 247.2USA (Nevada) Obnixia thaynesiana (109732 109757)
Olenekian251.2 - 247.2USA (Idaho) Obnixia thaynesiana (109730 109735 109737 109738 109740 109741 109745)
Olenekian251.2 - 247.2USA (Wyoming) Obnixia thaynesiana (109734 109746 109747 109748)
Norian228.0 - 208.5Russian Federation Anadyrella infrequens (128027 128163)