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Rhynchonellata - Orthida

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1932Orthidina Schuchert and Cooper
1974Orthidina Neuman and Bruton
1976Orthidina Cooper p. 280
1982Orthidina Owen and Harper
1984Orthidina Bruton et al.
1990Orthidina Potter
1997Orthidina Geyer and Mergl p. 793
2000Orthidina Williams et al. p. 724
2003Orthidina Benedetto
2005Orthidina Zuykov and Egerquist
2007Orthidina Zuykov and Harper
2008Orthidina Zuykov and Butts
2008Orthidina Zuykov et al.
2009Orthidina Popov et al.
2010Orthidina Hints
2010Orthidina Zhan et al.
2011Orthidina Hansen and Holmer
2011Orthidina Rubel
2014Orthidina Jakobsen et al.
2017Orthidina Liljeroth et al.

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EubilateriaAx 1987
PanbrachiopodaCarlson and Cohen 2020
phylumBrachiopodaCuvier 1805
subphylumRhynchonelliformeaWilliams et al. 1996
classRhynchonellataWilliams et al. 1996
orderOrthidaSchuchert and Cooper 1932
suborderOrthidinaSchuchert and Cooper 1932
suborderOrthidinaSchuchert and Cooper 1932

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

Subor. †Orthidina Schuchert and Cooper 1932
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Superfm. †Orthoidea Woodward 1852
Fm. †Anomalorthidae Ulrich and Cooper 1936
G. †Alimbella Andreeva 1960
G. †Anomalorthis Ulrich and Cooper 1936
Anomalorthis lonensis Walcott 1884
Anomalorthis nevadensis Ulrich and Cooper 1938
Anomalorthis oklahomensis Ulrich and Cooper 1938
Anomalorthis resoi Ross 1970
Anomalorthis rossi Hansen and Holmer 2011
Anomalorthis utahensis Ulrich and Cooper 1936
G. †Medessia
Fm. †Archaeorthidae Williams et al. 2007
G. †Archaeorthis Schuchert and Cooper 1931
Archaeorthis altaica Rozman and Severgina 1983
Archaeorthis christianiae Kjerulf 1865
Archaeorthis costellata Ulrich and Cooper 1938
Archaeorthis electra Billings 1865
Archaeorthis elongata Ulrich and Cooper 1936
Archaeorthis globosa Williams and Curry 1985
Archaeorthis groenlandica Poulsen 1937
Archaeorthis major Nikitina et al. 2006
Archaeorthis subcarinata Laurie 1980
Archaeorthis wimani Walcott 1905
G. †Cyrtonotella Schuchert and Cooper 1931
Cyrtonotella kuckersiana Wysogorski 1900
Invalid names: Orthis laine Opik 1930 [synonym]
Cyrtonotella semicircularis Eichwald 1829
G. †Diplonorthis Mitchell 1972
Diplonorthis portlocki Mitchell 1977
G. †Nicoloidea Zeng 1987
G. †Nothorthis Ulrich and Cooper 1938
Nothorthis delicatula Ulrich and Cooper 1938
Nothorthis kinderlensis Andreeva 1960
Nothorthis marginata Benedetto et al. 2003
Nothorthis perplexa Xu and Liu 1984
Nothorthis subpyramidalis Hansen and Holmer 2011
Nothorthis tarda Cooper 1956
Nothorthis tarda lata Williams 1962
Invalid names: Altorthis Andreeva 1960 [synonym]
G. †Pleurorthis Cooper 1956
Invalid names: Ambardella [synonym]
G. †Riograndella Kobayashi 1937
G. †Xinanorthis Xu and Liu 1974
Fm. †Bohemiellidae Havlicek 1977
G. †Bohemiella Schuchert and Cooper 1931
Bohemiella romingeri Barrande 1848
Invalid names: Shiragia [synonym]
G. †Cymbricia Roberts and Jell 1990
Cymbricia spinicostata Roberts and Jell 1990
G. †Diraphora
Diraphora arrojosensis Cooper et al. 1952
Diraphora dyunyin Kruse 1990
Diraphora simplex Popov 1984
G. †Murrinyinella Kruse 1990
Murrinyinella garradin Kruse 1990
G. †Oligomys
G. †Wimanella Walcott 1908
Wimanella highlandensis Walcott 1886
Wimanella inyoensis Walcott 1908
Wimanella maladensis Resser 1939
Wimanella nautes Walcott 1912
Wimanella rara Walcott 1908
Wimanella seges Kruse 1990
Wimanella shelbyensis Walcott 1908
Wimanella simplex Walcott 1908
Wimanella spencei Walcott 1912
Wimanella tricavata Roberts and Jell 1990
Fm. †Cathaysiorthidae Rong et al. 2013
G. †Asturorthis Villas and Cocks 1996
Asturorthis sarreoensis Villas and Cocks 1996
G. †Cathaysiorthis Rong et al. 2008
Cathaysiorthis enorme Laurie 1991
Cathaysiorthis xichuanensis Huang et al. 2019
Cathaysiorthis yushanensis Zeng and Hu 1997
Fm. †Glyptorthidae Schuchert and Cooper 1931
G. †Bassettella Zykov and Butts 2008
Bassettella alata Hints 2010
Bassettella gracilis Zuykov and Butts 2008
G. †Eridorthis Foerste 1909
Eridorthis australis Percival 1991
Eridorthis inexpecta Cooper 1956
Eridorthis nicklesi Foerste 1909
G. †Glyptorthis Foerste 1914
Glyptorthis alta Cooper 1956
Glyptorthis assimilis Cooper 1956
Glyptorthis balclatchiensis Davidson 1883
Glyptorthis balcletchiensis Davidson 1883
Glyptorthis bellarugosa Conrad 1843
Glyptorthis bellatula Cooper 1956
Glyptorthis cataclina Zeng 1987
Glyptorthis costellata Cooper 1956
Glyptorthis crenulata Cooper 1956
Glyptorthis crispa M'Coy 1846
Glyptorthis crispata Emmons 1842
Glyptorthis daytonensis Foerste 1887
Glyptorthis equiconvexa Cooper 1956
Glyptorthis fausta Foerste 1887
Glyptorthis glaseri Alberstadt 1973
Glyptorthis glypta Cooper 1956
Glyptorthis imbrex Havlicek and Branisa 1980
Glyptorthis irregularis Cooper 1956
Glyptorthis irrupta Rubel 1962
Glyptorthis marilara Li and Copper 2006
Glyptorthis maritima Wright 1964
Glyptorthis obesa Cooper 1956
Glyptorthis papillosa Jin and Harper 2024
Glyptorthis plana Rõõmusoks 1964
Glyptorthis pulchra Wang 1949
Glyptorthis sarcina Zhan and Jin 2005
Glyptorthis senecta Cooper 1956
Glyptorthis splendens Cocks 2014
Glyptorthis squamata Rõõmusoks 1964
Glyptorthis sulcata Cooper 1956
Glyptorthis uncinata Cooper 1956
Glyptorthis uniformis Cooper 1956
Invalid names: Glyptorthis virginica Cooper 1956 [synonym]
Glyptorthis vidari Baarli 1995
Glyptorthis viriosa Williams 1974
G. †Lepidorthis Wang 1955
Lepidorthis typicalis Wang 1955
Lomatorthis mimula Williams and Curry 1985
G. †Parisorthis Zhan and Jin 2005
Parisorthis dischidanteris Zhan and Jin 2005
G. †Spinorthis Wright 1964
Spinorthis geniculata Wright 1964
Fm. †Hesperonomiidae Ulrich and Cooper 1936
G. †Hesperonomia Ulrich and Cooper 1936
Hesperonomia antelopensis Ulrich and Cooper 1936
Hesperonomia crassa Ulrich and Cooper 1936
Hesperonomia nemea Hall and Whitfield 1877
Hesperonomia orientalis Benedetto 1998
Hesperonomia planidorsalis Ulrich and Cooper 1936
Hesperonomia subtransversa Ulrich and Cooper 1938
Hesperonomia uzunbulakensis Nikitina et al. 2006
Hesperonomiella arcuata Benedetto 2003
Hesperonomiella porcias Walcott 1924
Hesperonomiella uzunbulakensis Nikitina et al. 2006
Invalid names: Engenella [synonym]
G. †Mollesella Benedetto 2003
Mollesella planiventralis Benedetto 2003
G. †Monorthis
Monorthis menapiae Davidson 1868
Monorthis transversa Benedetto 2003
Protohesperonomia resupinata Williams and Curry 1985
G. †Treioria
Treioria chaulioda Neuman and Bates 1978
G. †Zhanorthis Popov and Cocks 2017
Zhanorthis gerdkuhensis Popov and Cocks 2017
Fm. †Hesperorthidae Schuchert and Cooper 1931
G. †Barbarorthis Opik 1934
Barbarorthis laurentina Billings 1857
Barbarorthis porkuniensis Oraspold 1959
G. †Dolerorthis Schuchert and Cooper 1931
Dolerorthis flabellites Foerste 1889
Dolerorthis intercostata de Sowerby and Murchison 1839
Dolerorthis interplicata Foerste 1909
Dolerorthis multicostellata Rong et al. 2013
Dolerorthis nadruvensis Paškevičius and Hints 2016
Dolerorthis plicata de Sowerby and Murchison 1839
Dolerorthis praeclara Temple 1968
Dolerorthis pristina Popov et al. 2002
Dolerorthis psygma Lamont and Gilbert 1945
Dolerorthis rankini Davidson 1883
Dolerorthis rustica Sowerby 1839
Dolerorthis savagei Amsden 1974
Dolerorthis sowerbyana Davidson 1871
Dolerorthis sowerbyiana Davidson 1869
Invalid names: Altaeorthis Severgina 1967 [synonym], Munhella Neuman 1971 [synonym]
G. †Flabellitesia Zhang 1989
Flabellitesia adaia Li and Copper 2006
Flabellitesia kessei Boucot et al. 1988
G. †Hesperorthis Schuchert and Cooper 1931
Hesperorthis australis Cooper 1956
Hesperorthis avalanchensis Jin and Chatterton 1997
Hesperorthis barbata Percival 1991
Hesperorthis biconvexa Stigall Rode 2005
Hesperorthis costalis Hall 1847
Hesperorthis davidsoni de Verneuil 1845
Hesperorthis dubia Cooper 1956
Hesperorthis gotlandica Schuchert and Cooper 1932
Hesperorthis ignicula Raymond 1905
Hesperorthis latecostata Rozman 1977
Hesperorthis laurentina Billings 1857
Hesperorthis leinsterensis Liljeroth et al. 2017
Hesperorthis martinssoni Bassett and Cocks 1974
Hesperorthis matutina Cooper 1956
Hesperorthis mucronata Oraspold 1959
Hesperorthis onniensis Whittard and Barker 1950
Hesperorthis pyramidalis Twenhofel 1928
Hesperorthis rae Oraspold 1956
Hesperorthis sulcata Cooper 1956
Hesperorthis tricenaria Conrad 1843
G. †Lordorthis Ross 1959
Lordorthis variabilis Ross 1959
G. †Ptychopleurella Schuchert and Cooper 1931
Ptychopleurella aleksandrovae Nikitin et al. 1996
Ptychopleurella angulaticostata Jin and Chatterton 1997
Ptychopleurella arthuri Pestana 1960
Ptychopleurella bouchardi Davidson 1847
Ptychopleurella decretoria Percival 1991
Ptychopleurella erecta Rubel 1962
Ptychopleurella kleinhamplei Ross and Barnes 1967
Ptychopleurella lamellosa Raymond 1905
Ptychopleurella lapworthi Davidson 1883
Invalid names: Glyptorthis biornata Reed 1945 [synonym]
Ptychopleurella lenzi Zhang 1989
Ptychopleurella multicostata Whittard and Barker 1950
Ptychopleurella pirguensis Rõõmusoks 1964
Ptychopleurella porcia Billings 1859
Ptychopleurella separata Wright 1964
Ptychopleurella sulcata Cooper 1956
Schizonema capillata Temple 1970
Schizonema fissistriata Foerste 1912
Invalid names: Schizoramma Foerste 1912 [objective synonym]
Fm. †Lycophoriidae Schuchert and Cooper 1931
G. †Lycophoria Lahusen 1885
Lycophoria globosa Eichwald 1829
Lycophoria lamanskii Rubel 1961
Lycophoria longissima Pander 1830
Lycophoria nucella Dalman 1828
Fm. †Orthidae Woodward 1852
G. †Almadenorthis Reyes-Abril et al. 2010
Almadenorthis auriculata Reyes-Abril et al. 2010
G. †Bastamorthis Ghobadi Pour et al. 2011
Bastamorthis multicostata Ghobadi Pour et al. 2011
G. †Boreadorthis Opik 1934
Boreadorthis crassa Opik 1934
Boreadorthis recula Opik 1934
Boreadorthis sheehani Cocks 2014
Diochthofera conspicua Potter 1990
G. †Duolobella Rasmussen et al. 2012
Duolobella sandiae Rasmussen et al. 2012
G. †Gutiorthis Reyes-Abril et al. 2010
Gutiorthis incurvata Reyes-Abril et al. 2010
G. †Lenorthis Andreeva 1955
G. †Leoniorthis Egerquist 2003
Leoniorthis robusta Hints 2014
Leoniorthis rubeli Hints 2014
G. †Orthambonites Pander 1830
Orthambonites aequalis Pander 1830
Orthambonites angulatus Cooper 1956
Invalid names: Orthambonites lata Pander 1830 [synonym], Orthambonites rotunda Pander 1830 [synonym]
Orthambonites decipiens Phleger, Jr. 1933
Orthambonites exfoliata Raymond 1905
Orthambonites exopunctata Williams 1974
Orthambonites fundata Rubel 1961
Orthambonites novitas Opik 1939
Orthambonites paucicostatus Ulrich and Cooper 1938
Orthambonites proava Salter 1865
Orthambonites tuvensis Andreeva 1982
Subfm. †Orthinae Woodward 1852
G. †Krattorthis Jaanusson and Bassett 1993
Krattorthis verneuili Rubel 1961
G. †Sivorthis Jaanusson and Bassett 1993
Sivorthis bellus Cooper 1956
Sivorthis calatravaensis Reyes-Abril et al. 2010
Sivorthis eucharis Ulrich and Cooper 1938
Sivorthis filistera Jaanusson and Bassett 1993
Sivorthis minus Cooper 1956
Sivorthis minutus Cooper 1956
Sivorthis noctilio Sharpe 1849
Sivorthis occidentalis Cooper 1956
Sivorthis precordillerana Benedetto 2015
Sivorthis tenuicostatus Cooper 1956
G. †Turanorthis Nikitina et al. 2006
Turanorthis kujandensis Nikitina et al. 2006
G. †Orthis Dalman 1828
Subg. †Orthis (Finkelnburgia) Walcott 1905
Subg. †Orthis (Orusia) Walcott 1905
Orthis acuminata Billings 1859
Orthis australis M'Coy 1847
Orthis berthoisi Davidson 1869
Orthis biforata Nicholson 1875
Orthis biforata reversata Foerste 1885
Orthis biloba Linnaeus 1758
Orthis bilobata Portlock 1843
Orthis callactis Dalman 1827
Orthis christianae Kjerulf 1865
Orthis cypha James 1874
Orthis davidsoni de Verneuil 1845
Orthis expansa de Sowerby and Murchison 1839
Orthis gwalia Bancroft 1949
Orthis intercostata de Sowerby and Murchison 1839
Orthis kreklingensis Opik 1939
Orthis laticostata James 1871
Orthis perveta Conrad 1843
Orthis piger Billings 1859
Orthis reversa McCoy 1862
Orthis ribeiroi Sharpe 1853
Orthis spinigera M'Coy 1847
Orthis subalata Ulrich and Cooper 1938
Orthis testudinaria Dalman 1828
Orthis tulliensis Vanuxem 1842
G. †Palaeowingella Rasmussen et al. 2012
Palaeowingella farewellensis Rasmussen et al. 2012
G. †Paralenorthis Havlicek and Branisa 1980
Paralenorthis alabamensis Ulrich and Cooper 1938
Paralenorthis alata de Sowerby and Murchison 1839
Invalid names: Lenorthis carausii Davidson 1868 [synonym]
Paralenorthis buttsi Schuchert and Cooper 1932
Paralenorthis carlottoi Gutiérrez−Marco and Villas 2007
Paralenorthis costata Zhan et al. 2014
Paralenorthis estenaensis Reyes-Abril et al. 2010
Paralenorthis immitatrix Havlicek and Branisa 1980
Paralenorthis lolae Reyes-Abril et al. 2010
Paralenorthis luritjaorum Jakobsen et al. 2014
Paralenorthis marshalli Wilson 1926
Paralenorthis minusculus Phleger, Jr. 1933
Paralenorthis mollesensis Levy and Nullo 1973
Paralenorthis panderania Hall and Clarke 1892
Paralenorthis proava Salter 1865
Paralenorthis rgaitensis Nikitina 1985
Paralenorthis riojanus Levy and Nullo 1973
Paralenorthis robustus Neuman 1964
Paralenorthis semnanensis Popov et al. 2009
Paralenorthis serica Chang 1934
Paralenorthis suriensis Benedetto 2003
Invalid names: Orthis calligramma chinensis Chang 1934 [synonym]
G. †Rogorthis Hints 2014
Rogorthis pakriensis Rubel 1961
G. †Sinorthis
Invalid names: Yichangorthis [synonym]
G. †Sulevorthis Jaanusson and Bassett 1993
Sulevorthis bielsteini Cooper 1956
Sulevorthis blountensis Cooper 1956
Sulevorthis cessatus Williams 1963
Sulevorthis exopunctatus Williams 1974
Sulevorthis lyckholmiensis Wysogorski 1900
Sulevorthis playfairi Reed 1917
G. †Suriorthis Benedetto 2003
Suriorthis depressus Benedetto 2003
G. †Taphrorthis Cooper 1956
Taphrorthis aspera Williams 1962
Taphrorthis bellatrix Reed 1917
Taphrorthis emarginata Cooper 1956
Taphrorthis guizhouensis Xu and Liu 1984
Invalid names: Taphrorthis obesa Xu and Liu 1984 [synonym]
Taphrorthis immatura Williams and Curry 1985
Taphrorthis peculiaris Cooper 1956
G. †Trondorthis Neuman 1974
Trondorthis bifurcatus Cooper 1956
Trondorthis sibirica Rozman and Severgina 1983
Trondorthis strandi Neuman and Bruton 1974
Invalid names: Ocorthis [synonym]
Fm. †Orthidiellidae Ulrich and Cooper 1936
G. †Eostrophomena Walcott 1905
Eostrophomena elegantula Walcott 1905
G. †Orthidiella Ulrich and Cooper 1936
Orthidiella carinata Ulrich and Cooper 1938
Orthidiella costellata Cooper 1956
Orthidiella extensa Ulrich and Cooper 1938
Orthidiella longwelli Ulrich and Cooper 1938
G. †Orthidium Hall and Clarke 1892
Orthidium barnesi Ross 1970
Orthidium bellulum Ulrich and Cooper 1938
Orthidium gemmiculum Billings 1865
Orthidium lamellosa Raymond 1905
Orthidium lamellosum Raymond 1905
Orthidium prominens Benedetto et al. 2003
G. †Portranella Wright 1964
Portranella exornata Sharpe 1853
Trematorthis karasaiensis Nikitina et al. 2006
Trematorthis tenuis Cooper 1956
G. †Tuvinia Andreeva 1982
Tuvinia alakulica Nikitina et al. 2006
Tuvinia fasciculata Nikitina et al. 2006
Tuvinia radiata Andreeva 1982
Fm. †Plaesiomyidae Schuchert 1913
G. †Bokotorthis Popov et al. 2000
Bokotorthis abayi Klenina 1984
Invalid names: Bokotorthis distincta Klenina 1984 [synonym], Bokotorthis nikitini Klenina 1984 [synonym], Bokotorthis tschingisensis Klenina 1984 [synonym]
Bokotorthis kasachstanica Popov et al. 2000
Bokotorthis kasakhstanica Rukavishnikova 1956
Bokotorthis minuta Popov and Cocks 2014
Subfm. †Evenkininae Williams 1965
G. †Evenkina
Subfm. †Metorthinae Williams 1965
G. †Metorthis
Subfm. †Plaesiomyinae Schuchert 1913
G. †Austinella Foerste 1909
Austinella kankakensis McChesney 1861
Austinella multicostella Alberstadt 1973
Austinella sarybulakensis Popov et al. 2002
G. †Campylorthis Ulrich and Copper 1942
Campylorthis deflecta Conrad 1843
Campylorthis discreta Reed 1952
G. †Chaulistomella Cooper 1956
Chaulistomella crassa Cooper 1956
G. †Dinorthis Hall and Clarke 1892
Subg. †Dinorthis (Pionorthis) Schuchert and Cooper 1932
Subg. †Dinorthis (Retrorsirostra) Schuchert and Cooper 1932
Dinorthis anticostiensis Shaler 1865
Invalid names: Orthis porcata Shaler 1865 [replaced]
Dinorthis atavoides Willard 1928
Dinorthis berwynensis Whittington 1938
Dinorthis carleyi Hall 1860
Dinorthis flabellulum Sowerby and Murchison 1839
Dinorthis hadra Percival 1991
Dinorthis holdeni Willard 1928
Dinorthis holdenoides Laurie 1991
Dinorthis interstriata Willard 1928
Dinorthis meedsi Winchell and Schuchert 1892
Dinorthis occidentalis Okulitch 1943
Dinorthis pectinella Emmons 1842
Dinorthis sweeneyi Winchell 1881
Dinorthis taukensis Nikitin et al. 2003
Dinorthis transversa Willard 1928
Invalid names: Dinorthis quadriplicata Willard 1928 [synonym]
Dinorthis venusta Cooper 1956
Orthis (Dinorthis) meedsi Winchell and Schuchert 1893
G. †Madiorthis Zuykov and Harper 2008
Madiorthis alsami Zuykov and Harper 2008
Multicostella platys Billings 1859
Multicostella plena Cooper 1956
G. †Plaesiomys Hall and Clarke 1892
Subg. †Plaesiomys (Plaesiomys) Hall and Clarke 1892
Subg. †Plaesiomys (Valcourea) Raymond 1911
Plaesiomys carletona Twenhofel 1928
Plaesiomys fidelis Popov et al. 2000
Plaesiomys idahoensis Ross 1959
Plaesiomys iphigenia Billings 1865
Plaesiomys multiplicata Bancroft 1945
Plaesiomys porcata M'Coy 1846
Plaesiomys proavita Winchell and Schuchert 1892
Invalid names: Plaesiomys planus Wang 1949 [synonym]
Plaesiomys rockymontana Wilson 1926
Plaesiomys saxbiana Oraspold 1959
Invalid names: Pionorthis Schuchert and Cooper 1932 [replaced]
G. †Retrorsirostra Schuchert and Cooper 1932
G. †Valcourea Raymond 1911
Valcourea angulata Phleger, Jr. 1933
Valcourea confinis Salter 1849
Valcourea plana Cooper 1956
Valcourea semicarinata Cooper 1956
Valcourea strophomenoides Raymond 1905
Valcourea transversa Cooper 1956
Fm. †Poramborthidae Havlicek 1950
Fm. †Productorthidae Schuchert and Cooper 1931
Subfm. †Glossorthinae Williams et al. 2000
G. †Glossorthis Öpik 1930
Glossorthis schmidti Wysogonski 1900
Glossorthis tacens Opik 1930
G. †Prantlina Havlíček 1949
Prantlina desiderata Barrande 1948
Prantlina nasuta Rubel 1961
Subfm. †Productorthinae Schuchert and Cooper 1931
G. †Ferrax
G. †Nicolella Reed 1917
Nicolella actoniae de Sowerby and Murchison 1839
Nicolella alliku Oraspold 1956
Nicolella crabbi Cocks 2014
Nicolella oswaldi Buch 1849
Nicolella patens Oraspold 1956
Nicolella pterygoidea Pander 1830
Nicolella sylvatica Reed 1936
G. †Panderina Schuchert and Cooper 1931
Panderina abscissa Pander 1830
Panderina ambigua Benedetto 2003
Panderina bocki Lamansky 1905
Panderina lata Pander 1830
Panderina pakriensis Rubel 1961
Panderina tetragona Pander 1830
G. †Productorthis Kozlowski 1927
Productorthis aculeata Pander 1830
Productorthis angulensis Benedetto 2003
Productorthis eminens Pander 1830
Productorthis mainensis Neuman 1964
Productorthis obtusus Pander 1830
Productorthis parallela Pander 1830
Saucrorthis obtusa Ghobadi Pour et al. 2011
Fm. †Whittardiidae Williams 1974
Invalid names: Bajanorthis [nomen dubium], Malinella Andreeva 1982 [nomen dubium], Nugnecella [nomen dubium], Orthacea Woodward and Schuchert 1852 [replaced], Ottadalenites [nomen dubium], Skenidioidae Kozlowski 1929 [empty], Tarfayidae Popov et al. 2009 [empty], Turarella [nomen dubium], Zhejiangorthis [nomen dubium]
Superfm. †Plectorthoidea Schuchert and Le Vene 1929
Fm. †Chilcorthidae Benedetto 2015
G. †Chilcorthis Benedetto 2015
Chilcorthis huarpe Benedetto 2015
Chilcorthis mucronata Williams and Curry 1985
Fm. †Cremnorthidae Williams 1963
G. †Brandysia
G. †Cremnorthis Williams 1963
Cremnorthis parva Williams 1963
Invalid names: Cremnorthinae Williams 1963 [empty]
Fm. †Cyclocoeliidae Schuchert and Cooper 1931
Fm. †Eoorthidae Walcott 1908
G. †Apheoorthina Havlíček 1949
Apheoorthina daunus Walcott 1905
Apheoorthina ferrigena Havlíček 1949
G. †Apheoorthis Ulrich and Cooper 1936
Apheoorthis lineocostis Walcott 1924
Apheoorthis melita Hall and Whitfield 1877
Apheoorthis ocha Walcott 1924
Apheoorthis samensis Kobayashi 1937
Apheoorthis submelita Yadrenkina 1967
Apheoorthis suecica Tjernvik 1956
Apheoorthis vicina Walcott 1924
G. †Austrohedra Roberts and Jell 1990
Austrohedra mimica Roberts and Jell 1990
G. †Brahimorthis Havlícek 1971
Brahimorthis alvaroi Mergl and Zamora 2012
Brahimorthis antiqua Havlícek 1971
Brahimorthis pompeckiana Havlícek 1977
G. †Eoorthis Walcott 1908
Eoorthis indianola Walcott 1905
Invalid names: Eoorthis laeviusculus Walcott 1905 [synonym], Eoorthis wichitaensis Walcott 1905 [synonym]
Eoorthis newberryi Walcott 1908
Eoorthis remnicha Winchell 1886
Invalid names: Eoorthis texana Walcott 1912 [synonym]
Eoorthis sabus Walcott 1924
Eoorthis thyone Walcott 1908
Eoorthis zeno Walcott 1908
G. †Glaphyrorthis Roberts and Jell 1990
Glaphyrorthis fastigiata Roberts and Jell 1990
G. †Jivinella
Invalid names: Jevinellina [synonym]
G. †Ocnerorthis Bell 1941
Ocnerorthis cooperi Bell 1941
Ocnerorthis opius Walcott 1924
G. †Otusia Walcott 1905
Pompeckium argenteum Walcott 1905
Fm. †Euorthisinidae Havlicek 1977
Euorthisina nazarenensis Benedetto 2007
Euorthisina orthiformis Havlicek and Branisa 1980
G. †Lesserorthis Benedetto 2007
Lesserorthis havliceki Benedetto 2007
G. †Protorthisina Benedetto 2007
Protorthisina simplex Benedetto 2007
Fm. †Finkelnburgiidae Schuchert and Cooper 1931
G. †Diparelasma Ulrich and Cooper 1936
Diparelasma pogonipensis Hall and Whitfield 1877
Diparelasma typicum Ulrich and Cooper 1936
G. †Finkelnburgia Walcott 1905
Finkelnburgia cullisoni Ulrich and Cooper 1936
Invalid names: Fasciculina fasciculata Cooper 1952 [synonym], Finkelnburgia auriculata Cooper 1952 [synonym]
Finkelnburgia macleodi Whitfield 1889
Finkelnburgia missouriensis Ulrich and Cooper 1936
Finkelnburgia wemplei Cleland 1900
Invalid names: Marcharella [synonym]
G. †Guoleella Zhan et al. 2010
Guoleella lata Zhan et al. 2010
Notoscaphidia relevata Williams and Curry 1985
G. †Orusia Walcott 1905
Orusia lenticularis Wahlenberg 1821
Fm. †Giraldiellidae Williams et al. 2000
Comatopoma sororia Marek and Havlíček 1967
Famatinorthis ponderosus Cooper 1956
Famatinorthis turneri Levy and Nullo 1973
Gelidorthis carlsi Villas 1992
Gelidorthis meloui Villas 1985
Gelidorthis perisiberiaensis Rasmussen et al. 2012
G. †Giraldiella Williams 1951
Giraldiella giraldi Williams 1951
Giraldiella protensa de Sowerby 1839
Invalid names: Giraldiella lata de Sowerby 1839 [synonym]
Giraldiella subsilurica Marek and Havlíček 1967
G. †Kvania Havlicek 1994
Kvania azulpampensis Benedetto 2007
Kvania lariensis Benedetto 2007
Kvania mergli Benedetto 2007
Kvania primigenia Benedetto 2007
G. †Phaceloorthis Percival 1991
Phaceloorthis decoris Percival 1991
Phaceloorthis fasciculata Percival 1991
Phaceloorthis recondita Popov et al. 2000
Invalid names: Boonderella Percival 1991 [synonym]
G. †Scaphorthis Cooper 1956
Scaphorthis aulacis Percival 1979
Scaphorthis perplexa Cooper 1956
Scaphorthis sulcata Wright 1964
Scaphorthis virginiensis Cooper 1956
Fm. †Nanorthidae Havlicek 1977
G. †Gondwanorthis Benedetto and Muñoz 2017
Gondwanorthis bastamensis Ghobadi Pour et al. 2011
Gondwanorthis calderensis Benedetto 2007
G. †Lampazarorthis Benedetto and Muñoz 2017
Lampazarorthis bifurcata Harrington 1937
Lampazarorthis brachymyaria Benedetto and Carrasco 2002
G. †Notorthisina Havlicek and Branisa 1980
Notorthisina musculosa Villas et al. 2009
Notorthisina notoconcha Havlicek and Branisa 1980
G. †Shoshonorthis Jaanusson and Bassett 1993
Shoshonorthis ovata Pander 1830
Shoshonorthis perplexus Ross and Barnes 1967
Shoshonorthis swanensis Ulrich and Cooper 1938
Shoshonorthis tifletensis Havlicek 1971
Fm. †Phragmorthidae Williams 1965
G. †Phragmorthis Cooper 1956
Phragmorthis antiqua Ross, Jr. 1972
Phragmorthis buttsi Cooper 1956
Phragmorthis eximia Popov and Cocks 2014
Phragmorthis noda Hansen and Holmer 2011
Fm. †Platystrophiidae Schuchert 1929
G. †Acanthorthis Neuman 1976
G. †Ffynnonia Neuman and Bates 1978
Ffynnonia costata Bates 1968
Ffynnonia famatinensis Benedetto 2003
G. †Gnamptorhynchos Jin 1989
Gnamptorhynchos globatum Twenhofel 1928
Invalid names: Gnamptorhynchos inversum Jin 1989 [synonym]
Gnamptorhynchos manitobensis Jin and Zhan 2000
Gnamptorhynchos orbiculoidea Jin and Chatterton 1997
Gnamptorhynchos prayi Howe 1966
G. †Mcewanella Foerste 1920
Mcewanella dorsisulcata Wright 1964
Mcewanella vulcanica Villas et al. 1989
G. †Neoplatystrophia Zuykov and Harper 2007
Neoplatystrophia deani Cocks 2014
Neoplatystrophia humilis Oraspold 1959
Neoplatystrophia janniensis Zuykov and Harper 2007
Neoplatystrophia lutkevichi Alikhova 1951
Neoplatystrophia lynx Eichwald 1830
Neoplatystrophia ovalis Alikhova 1951
Neoplatystrophia saxbyensis Oraspold 1959
Platystrophia lynx lynx Alikhova 1953
G. †Platystrophia King 1850
Platystrophia amoena McEwan 1919
Platystrophia anomala Hiller 1980
Platystrophia baltica Zuykov and Harper 2007
Platystrophia biforatus Schlotheim 1820
Platystrophia caelata Williams 1974
Platystrophia chama Eichwald 1861
Platystrophia colbiensis Foerste 1910
Platystrophia costata Pander 1830
Platystrophia costatus Pander 1830
Platystrophia crassa James 1874
Platystrophia crassoplicata Alichova 1951
Platystrophia cypha James 1874
Platystrophia dentata evari Oraspold 1956
Platystrophia elegantula McEwan 1919
Platystrophia extensa McEwan 1920
Platystrophia hongueda Li and Copper 2006
Platystrophia humilis Oraspold 1959
Platystrophia lutkevichi Alikhova 1951
Platystrophia orbiculata Oraspold 1959
Platystrophia pogrebovi Zuykov and Harper 2007
Platystrophia ponderosa Foerste 1909
Platystrophia quadriplicata Alikhova 1951
Platystrophia saxbyensis Oraspold 1959
Platystrophia scotica Williams 1962
Platystrophia tenuicosta d'Eichwald 1840
Platystrophia tenuicostata d'Eichwald 1840
Platystrophia tramorensis Liljeroth et al. 2017
G. †Salacorthis Williams 1974
Salacorthis costellata Williams 1979
G. †Siljanostrophia Zuykov and Egerquist 2005
Siljanostrophia camerata Twenhofel 1928
Siljanostrophia jaanussoni Zuykov and Egerquist 2005
G. †Vinlandostrophia Zuykov and Harper 2007
Vinlandostrophia annieana Foerste 1910
Vinlandostrophia cypha James 1874
Vinlandostrophia hopensis Foerste 1910
Vinlandostrophia juvenis McEwan 1919
Vinlandostrophia moritura Cumings 1908
Vinlandostrophia sublaticosa Zuykov and Harper 2007
Fm. †Plectorthidae Schuchert and Le Vene 1929
Invalid names: Apollonorthis lusitanica Mitchell 1974 [synonym]
G. †Ashinaorthis Popov and Cocks 2014
Ashinaorthis recta Klenina 1984
G. †Atlantida
G. †Desmorthis Ulrich and Cooper 1936
Desmorthis bifurcata Benedetto 2003
Desmorthis crassus Ross 1970
Desmorthis nevadensis Ulrich and Cooper 1936
Desmorthis planus Ross and Barnes 1967
Desmorthis segnis Havlicek and Branisa 1980
G. †Doleroides Cooper 1930
Doleroides germanus Steele and Sinclair 1971
Doleroides gibbosa Billings 1857
Doleroides mixticius Percival 1991
Doleroides panna Andreeva 1955
Doleroides tennesseensis Cooper 1956
Doleroides winchelli Cooper 1956
G. †Hebertella Hall and Clarke 1892
Subg. †Hebertella (Schizonema) Foerste 1909
Hebertella alveata Foerste 1909
Hebertella bursa Raymond 1928
Hebertella dinorthoides Laurie 1991
Hebertella estonica Rõõmusoks 1964
Hebertella maria Billings 1862
Invalid names: Hebertella latasulcata Foerste 1914 [synonym]
Hebertella parksensis Foerste 1909
Hebertella richmondensis Foerste 1909
Hebertella sinuata Hall 1847
Hebertella subjugata Hall 1847
G. †Irhirea
Irhirea gigantea Termier and Termier 1950
G. †Lipanorthis Benedetto and Carrasco 2002
Lipanorthis andinus Benedetto and Carrasco 2002
Lipanorthis santalaurae Benedetto and Carrasco 2002
G. †Mimella Cooper 1930
Mimella borealis Billings 1859
Mimella globosa Willard 1928
Invalid names: Mimella superba Butts 1942 [synonym]
Mimella globularis Cooper 1956
Mimella imperator Billings 1859
Mimella nucleoidea Cooper 1956
Mimella vulgaris Raymond 1911
Mimella zhejiangensis Liang 1983
Invalid names: Sonculina [synonym]
G. †Nanorthis Ulrich and Cooper 1936
Nanorthis carinata Laurie 1980
Nanorthis hamburgensis Walcott 1884
Nanorthis purmamarcaensis Benedetto and Carrasco 2002
Nanorthis putilla Walcott 1924
Invalid names: Evenkinorthis [synonym]
Oligorthis arbucklensis Ulrich and Cooper 1936
Subfm. †Orthostrophiinae Schuchert and Cooper 1931
G. †Giraldibella Havlícek 1977
Giraldibella bella Bergström 1968
Giraldibella hyskovensis Havlícek 1977
G. †Paterorthis Havlicek 1971
Paterorthis paterina Havlíček 1971
Subfm. †Plectorthinae Schuchert and Le Vene 1929
G. †Kujanorthis Nikitina et al. 2006
Kujanorthis anderkensis Nikitina et al. 2006
G. †Plectorthis Hall and Clarke 1892
Orthis (Plectorthis) retroflexa de Verneuil 1830
Plectorthis altaicus Severgina 1967
Plectorthis australis Cooper 1956
Plectorthis burultasica Popov et al. 2002
Plectorthis cliefdenensis Percival 1991
Plectorthis exfoliata Raymond 1905
Plectorthis licta Popov and Cocks 2006
Plectorthis magna Cooper and Kindle 1936
Plectorthis mazourkaensis Phleger, Jr. 1933
Plectorthis obesa Cooper 1956
Plectorthis patula Phleger, Jr. 1933
Plectorthis ponderosa Cooper 1956
Plectorthis punctata Cooper 1956
Plectorthis scotica McCoy 1852
G. †Schizophorella Reed 1917
Schizophorella fallax Salter 1846
Severginella altaica Severgina 1960
Invalid names: Platystrophiinae Schuchert 1929 [empty], Platystrophinae Schuchert and Le Vene 1929 [empty]
Fm. †Ranorthidae Havlicek 1949
Eodalmanella extera Popov 1985
G. †Ranorthis Öpik 1939
Ranorthis carinata Rubel 1961
Ranorthis norvegica Öpik 1939
Ranorthis parvula Lamansky 1905
Ranorthis trivia Rubel 1961
Fm. †Rhactorthidae Williams 1963
G. †Aberia
Eripnifera praecipitis Potter 1990
G. †Rhactorthis Williams 1963
Rhactorthis crassa Williams 1963
Fm. †Tasmanorthidae Laurie 1991
G. †Tasmanorthis Laurie 1991
Fm. †Wangyuiidae Zhang 1989
Subfm. †Alpeisinae Popov and Cocks 2014
G. †Alpeis Popov and Cocks 2014
Alpeis tolenensis Borissiak 1972
G. †Bowanorthis Percival 1991
Bowanorthis devexa Popov et al. 2002
Bowanorthis fragilis Percival 1991
G. †Sigmelasma Potter 1990
Sigmelasma pantherae Potter 1990
Sigmelasma peepi Hints 2012
G. †Toxorthis
Toxorthis proteus Temple 1968
G. †Wangyuia Zhang 1989
Subfm. †Wangyuiinae Zhang 1989
G. †Enbektenorthis Popov and Cocks 2014
Enbektenorthis molesta Popov and Cocks 2014
Invalid names: Apatoskenidioides [nomen dubium], Lebediorthis [nomen dubium]
Superfm. †Triplesiacea Schuchert 1913
Fm. †Oxopleciidae Havlicek and Storch 1990
G. †Placocliftonia Havlicek and Storch 1990
Placocliftonia colibri Barrande 1848
Invalid names: Triplesidae Schuchert 1913 [empty]
G. †Yeosinella Reed 1933
Invalid names: Enteletacea Waagen 1884 [empty], Protorthacea Cooper 1976 [empty]
No diagnoses are available
No measurements are available
Composition: low Mg calcitep
Environment: marineuc
Locomotion: stationaryo
Attached: yeso
Life habit: epifaunalo
Diet: suspension feedero
Vision: blindc
Created: 2004-02-28 14:11:06
Modified: 2009-04-11 14:18:14
Source: o = order, c = class, p = phylum, uc = unranked clade
References: Nesnidal et al. 2013, Aberhan et al. 2004

Age range: base of the Atdabanian to the top of the Bathonian or 521.00000 to 166.10000 Ma

Collections (5192 total)

Oldest occurrences

Time interval Ma Country or state Original ID and collection number
Cambrian538.8 - 485.4Sweden (Östergötland) Archaeorthis sp. (191159)
Cambrian538.8 - 485.4Russian Federation (kaliningrad oblast) Orusia lenticularis (235432)
Cambrian538.8 - 485.4USA (Montana) Apheoorthis sp. (258)
Atdabanian521.0 - 516.0China (Yunnan) Wangyuia yunnanensis (90135 90137)
Nangaoian521.0 - 514.0China (Yunnan) Wangyuia yunnanensis (132330 194140 194141 194153 194155 194161 194162 194163)
Lenian516.0 - 510.2Morocco Bohemiella a (9800)
Dyeran515.3 - 511.2USA (Vermont) Wimanella orientalis (121235) Wimanella sp. (191)
Dyeran515.3 - 511.2USA (California) Billingsella highlandensis (226618) Wimanella highlandensis (219695) Wimanella inyoensis (226589)
Dyeran515.3 - 511.2USA (Nevada) Nisusia argenta (203344) Wimanella sp. (8665)
Dyeran515.3 - 511.2Argentina Diraphora sp. (176949)

Youngest occurrences

Time interval Ma Country or state PBDB collection number
Asbian340.0 - 336.0Australia (New South Wales) Orthis spinigera (133349)
Asbian340.0 - 336.0Spain Orthidae indet. (34641)
Brigantian336.0 - 330.9United Kingdom (England) Orthoidea indet. (76172)
Gzhelian - Artinskian303.7 - 279.3Bolivia Orthis resupinata (120479)
Asselian298.9 - 295.5Slovenia Orthis sp. (129658)
Wordian266.9 - 264.28Laos Orthis sp. (125044)
Wuchiapingian259.9 - 254.17Pakistan Orthis sp. (125909 126278 127025)
Lopingian259.9 - 252.17India Orthis sp. (117558)
Wuchiapingian - Changhsingian259.9 - 252.17Pakistan Orthis sp. (126751)
Bathonian168.3 - 166.1France Orthis sp. (38741)