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Cephalopoda - Orthocerida

  • Michelinoceratida was named by Flower and Kummel (1950). It is not extant.

    It was synonymized subjectively with Orthocerida by Sweet (1964).
  • Sinoceratida was named by Kobayashi (1958). It is not extant.

    It was synonymized subjectively with Orthocerida by Sweet (1964).
Synonymy list
YearName and author
1940Orthocerida Kuhn
1950Michelinoceratida Flower and Kummel
1958Sinoceratida Kobayashi
1964Orthocerida Teichert et al. p. 100
1981Orthocerida Chen et al. p. 17
1981Orthocerida Crick p. 228
1981Orthocerida Frey p. 1217
1988Orthocerida Wade
1994Orthocerida Evans p. 18
1995Orthoceratida Dzik and Kiselev p. 67
1996Orthocerida Evans p. 71
2005Orthocerida Evans p. 58
2008Orthocerida Kröger
2011Orthocerida Evans
2011Orthocerida Kröger et al.
2011Orthocerida Kröger and Evans
2012Orthocerida Kröger and Lefebvre
2013Orthocerida Kröger
2016Orthocerida Tongtherm et al.
2022Orthocerida Pohle et al. p. 21

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EubilateriaAx 1987
classCephalopodaCuvier 1797
subclassOrthoceratoidea(M'Coy 1844)
orderOrthoceridaKuhn 1940
orderOrthoceridaKuhn 1940

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

Or. †Orthocerida Kuhn 1940
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G. †Aptychopsis Barrande 1872
Aptychopsis angulatum Jones and Woodward 1892
Aptychopsis ovata Jones and Woodward 1888
Aptychopsis prima Barrande 1872
Aptychopsis salteri Woodward 1882
Fm. †Arionoceratidae Dzik 1984
G. †Adiagoceras Kröger 2008
Adiagoceras subnotatum Barrande 1868
Adiagoceras taouzense Kröger 2008
G. †Arionoceras Barskov 1966
Arionoceras canonicum Meneghini 1843
Invalid names: Arionoceras affine Meneghini 1857 [synonym], Orthoceras arion Barrande 1866 [synonym]
Arionoceras capillosum Barrande 1868
Arionoceras densiseptum Kobayashi et al. 1984
G. †Parakionoceras Foerste 1928
Parakionoceras originale Barrande 1868
Parakionoceras yanjinense Chen et al. 1981
Parakionoceras yinjiangense Chen et al. 1981
Fm. †Baltoceratidae Kobayashi 1935
G. †Annbactroceras Kröger and Evans 2011
Annbactroceras felinense Kröger and Evans 2011
Annbactroceras martyi Thoral 1935
G. †Bactroceras Holm 1898
Invalid names: Bactroceras guichiense Ying 1989 [synonym], Bactroceras jingshanlingense Zou 1987 [synonym], Bactroceras latisiphonatum Glenister 1952 [synonym], Bactroceras wilsoni Flower 1968 [synonym], Irianoceras antiquum Kobayashi and Burton 1971 [synonym]
Bactroceras avus Holm 1898
Bactroceras gossei Etheridge 1893
Bactroceras mourguesi Thoral 1935
Bactroceras sandbergeri Barrande 1867
Invalid names: Tretoceras parvulum Barrande 1868 [synonym]
Invalid names: Eobactrites Schindewolf 1932 [synonym]
G. †Castelloceras Evans 2005
G. †Cochlioceras Eichwald 1860
Cochlioceras avus Eichwald 1860
Invalid names: Cochlioceras sinense Chang 1957 [synonym]
Invalid names: Baltoceras Holm 1897 [synonym]
G. †Cyrtobaltoceras Flower 1964
Cyrtobaltoceras gracile Flower 1964
G. †Endorioceras Flower 1964
Endorioceras rarum Flower 1964
G. †Eosomichelinoceras Chen 1974
Eosomichelinoceras baldisii Kröger et al. 2007
G. †Hedstroemoceras Foerste 1930
G. †Metabaltoceras Flower 1964
Metabaltoceras fusiforme Flower 1964
Metabaltoceras minutum Flower 1964
G. †Microbaltoceras Flower 1964
Microbaltoceras minore Flower 1964
Ogygoceras gracile Ulrich et al. 1944
G. †Rhabdiferoceras Flower 1964
Rhabdiferoceras planiseptatum Hook and Flower 1977
Invalid names: Rhabdiferoceras floweri Zhuravleva 1994 [invalid subgroup]
G. †Semiannuloceras Evans 2005
G. †Sinocochleoceras Qi 1980
Fm. †Brachycycloceratidae Furnish et al. 1964
G. †Brachycycloceras Miller et al. 1933
Brachycycloceras curtum Meek and Worthen 1860
Brachycycloceras normale Miller et al. 1955
Brachycycloceras rustaqense Niko et al. 1996
G. †Chicagooceras Foerste and Savage 1927
G. †Cornuella Shimansky 1968
G. †Cycloceras M'Coy 1844
Cycloceras laevigatum M'Coy 1844
Cycloceras olorus Hall 1879
Cycloceras waageni Kittl 1903
Invalid names: Perigrammoceras Foerste 1924 [synonym]
G. Dictyoceras Eichwald 1860
G. †Garryoceras Foerste 1928
G. †Heloceras Eichwald 1860
G. †Jangziceras Lai 1964
G. †Joldagiroceras Miagkova 1967
Joldagiroceras gyratum Miagkova 1967
G. †Kentronites Zhuravelva 1964
Invalid names: Tambegiroceras Miagkova 1967 [synonym]
Fm. †Kionoceratidae Hyatt 1900
G. †Kionoceras Hyatt 1884
Kionoceras decorahense Flower 1952
Kionoceras densum Chen et al. 1981
Kionoceras diebuense Chen et al. 1981
Kionoceras doricum Barrande 1868
Kionoceras erraticum Flower 1952
Kionoceras heshuiense Chen et al. 1981
Kionoceras infrequens Flower 1952
Kionoceras laqueatum Hall 1847
Kionoceras liaojiaoshanense Chen et al. 1981
Kionoceras magnisulcatum Billings 1857
Kionoceras modicum Chen et al. 1981
Kionoceras muyagirum Miagkova 1967
Kionoceras polyplicatum Flower 1952
Kionoceras serenum Shimanskiy 1954
Kionoceras styliforme Chen et al. 1981
Kionoceras valcourense Flower 1952
Kionoceras virgatum de Sowerby and Murchison 1839
Invalid names: Kionoceras bellatulum Billings 1866 [synonym], Kionoceras canaliculatum de Sowerby and Murchison 1839 [synonym]
G. †Nothokionoceras Chen et al. 1981
Nothokionoceras leijiatunense Chen et al. 1981
G. †Ohioceras Shimizu and Obata 1935
Ohioceras annulum Chen et al. 1981
G. †Polygrammoceras Foerste 1927
Polygrammoceras ellisense Foerste 1928
G. †Thoracoceras Fischer de Waldheim 1844
G. †Loxoceras M'Coy 1844
Invalid names: Breynioceras Foerste 1930 [objective synonym]
G. †Molossus deMontfort 1808
G. †Naivs
G. †Neorthoceras Shimizu and Obata 1936
Fm. †Orthoceratidae M'Coy 1844
G. †Aethiosolen Flower 1968
Subfm. †Anaspyroceratinae Chen et al. 1981
G. †Calorthoceras Chen et al. 1981
Calorthoceras butovitzense Chen et al. 1981
Calorthoceras multicostatum Chen et al. 1981
Invalid names: Orthoceras pseudocalamiteum Barrande 1851 [synonym]
G. †Chebbioceras Klug et al. 2008
Chebbioceras erfoudense Klug et al. 2008
G. †Ctenoceras Noetling 1884
Ctenoceras schmidti Noetling 1884
Ctenoceras sweeti Kröger and Isakar 2006
Ctenoceras verticillatum Krause 1844
G. †Infundibuloceras Klug et al. 2008
Infundibuloceras brevimira Klug et al. 2008
Infundibuloceras komiense Zhuravleva 1978
Infundibuloceras mira Zhuravleva 1978
Infundibuloceras mohamadi Kröger 2008
G. †Kopaninoceras Kiselev 1969
Kopaninoceras dorsatoides Kröger 2008
Kopaninoceras jucundum Barrande 1870
Kopaninoceras thyrsus Barrande 1870
Subfm. †Leurocycloceratinae Sweet 1964
G. †Bohemites
G. †Euthyocycloceras Chen et al. 1981
Euthyocycloceras battlatum Chen et al. 1981
Euthyocycloceras curvatum Chen et al. 1981
Euthyocycloceras qujingense Chen et al. 1981
G. †Leurocycloceras Foerste 1928
Leurocycloceras raymondi Foerste 1928
Leurocycloceras yiwagouense Chen et al. 1981
G. †Obliocycloceras Chen et al. 1981
Obliocycloceras simplex Chen et al. 1981
G. †Obliocycloceroides Chen et al. 1981
Obliocycloceroides regulare Chen et al. 1981
G. †Xiaoxiangoceras Chen et al. 1981
Xiaoxiangoceras pseudoseptatum Chen et al. 1981
Xiaoxiangoceras xiaoxiangense Chen et al. 1981
G. †Merocycloceras Ristedt 1968
Merocycloceras declivis Ristedt 1968
G. †Michelinoceras Foerste 1932
Michelinoceras alticameratum Kobayashi et al. 1984
Michelinoceras avelinii Salter 1854
Invalid names: Orthoceras caereesiense Hicks 1875 [synonym]
Michelinoceras currens Barrande 1866
Michelinoceras floridaense Hook and Flower 1977
Michelinoceras melleni Hook and Flower 1977
Michelinoceras michelini Barrande 1866
Michelinoceras mizobuchii Kobayashi et al. 1984
Michelinoceras palatum Shimanskiy 1996
Michelinoceras primum Flower 1962
Michelinoceras richardsi Flower 1962
Michelinoceras vandiverense Ulrich et al. 1944
Subfm. †Michelinoceratinae Flower 1945
G. †Acanthomichelinoceras Kröger et al. 2005
G. †Arkonoceras Flower 1945
Arkonoceras arkonense Flower 1945
Arkonoceras circularis Sowerby 1814
G. †Balticoceras Teichert 1940
Balticoceras discors Eichwald 1857
G. †Hesperoceras Miller and Youngquist 1947
G. †Imbricatoceras Holland 1992
Imbricatoceras subundulatum Portlock 1843
G. †Pedanochonoceras Chen et al. 1981
Pedanochonoceras altothulamum Chen et al. 1981
Pedanochonoceras centrum Chen et al. 1981
Pedanochonoceras contractum Chen et al. 1981
Pedanochonoceras densum Chen et al. 1981
Pedanochonoceras nanum Chen et al. 1981
Pedanochonoceras submarginatum Chen et al. 1981
G. †Sinoceras Shimizu and Obata 1935
G. †Orthoceras Breynius 1832
Orthoceras annulata Sowerby 1818
Orthoceras bisignatum Barrande 1877
Orthoceras burgense Gemmellaro 1889
Orthoceras decrescens de Koninck 1863
Orthoceras dominans de Gregorio 1930
Orthoceras elegantulum Gemmellaro 1889
Orthoceras eurekensis Walcott 1884
Orthoceras expansum Blake 1882
Orthoceras fluminense Meneghini 1857
Invalid names: Orthoceras bohemicum Barrande 1866 [synonym]
Orthoceras geinitzi d'Orbigny 1850
Orthoceras gradatum Gemmellaro 1889
Orthoceras hulli Gemmellaro 1889
Orthoceras kingii Meek 1877
Orthoceras lentum Ruedemann 1906
Orthoceras lepton Gemmellaro 1889
Orthoceras luhai Stumbur 1956
Orthoceras modestum Ruedemann 1906
Orthoceras oehlerti Gemmellaro 1889
Orthoceras orientale Fliegel 1901
Orthoceras progressum Ruedemann 1906
Orthoceras punjabiense Waagen 1879
Orthoceras rachidium de Koninck 1863
Orthoceras randolphensis Worthen 1882
Orthoceras siculum Gemmellaro 1889
Orthoceras spissiseptum Dwight 1884
Orthoceras submoniliforme Meneghini 1857
Orthoceras subtriangulare Gemmellaro 1889
Orthoceras transversum Abich 1878
Orthoceras turritellum Abich 1878
Orthoceras vagum Ruedemann 1906
Orthoceras vesiculosum de Koninck 1863
Orthoceras waageni Gemmellaro 1889
Invalid names: Orthoceratites Lamarck 1799 [nomen nudum], Orthoceros Brünnich 1771 [objective synonym]
Subfm. †Orthoceratinae McCoy 1844
G. †Bifoveoceras Balashov 1956
G. †Orthocycloceras Barskov 1972
Orthocycloceras gomiense Kobayashi et al. 1984
G. †Palorthoceras Kröger et al. 2007
Palorthoceras buttsi Flower 1962
Palorthoceras kayseri Kröger et al. 2007
G. †Pleurorthoceras Flower 1962
Pleurorthoceras organi Kröger and Aubrechtova 2017
Pleurorthoceras selkirkense Whiteaves 1892
G. †Pojetoceras Frey 1995
Pojetoceras floweri Frey 1995
G. †Pseudospyroceras Kröger 2008
G. †Striatocycloceras Kröger and Isakar 2006
Striatocycloceras foerstei Teichert 1930
Striatocycloceras isbergi Kröger 2013
Striatocycloceras obliquum d'Eichwald 1860
G. †Theoceras Kröger 2008
Theoceras filondouzense Kröger 2008
G. †Tibichoanoceras Kröger 2008
Tibichoanoceras abditum Balashov and Kiselev 1968
Tibichoanoceras riphaeum Zhuravleva 1978
G. †Tienoceras Zhao 1954
Invalid names: Orthocerotidae Miller and Teichert 1936 [synonym], Prohypogeophis Marcus 1945 [nomen dubium], Prohypogeophis tunariensis Marcus 1945 [nomen dubium]
Subor. †Orthoceratina Dzik 1984
Fm. †Dawsonoceratidae Flower 1962
G. †Anaspyroceras Shimizu and Obata 1935
Anaspyroceras cylindricum Foerste 1932
G. †Calocyrtocerina Chen 1981
G. †Dawsonoceras Hyatt 1884
Dawsonoceras annulatum Sowerby 1818
Dawsonoceras barrandei Horný 1956
Dawsonoceras fenestratum Eichwald 1860
Invalid names: Dawsonoceras funiforme Angelin 1880 [synonym], Dawsonoceras porkunense Balashov and Zhuravleva 1962 [synonym]
Dawsonoceras fimbriatum de Sowerby and Murchison 1839
Dawsonoceras gregarium Kröger et al. 2011
Dawsonoceras hyatti Foerste 1928
Dawsonoceras stumburi Kröger 2013
Invalid names: Cedarvilleoceras [synonym]
G. †Dawsonocerina Horny 1956
G. †Metaspyroceras Foerste 1932
G. †Palaeodawsonocerina Kröger and Isakar 2006
Fm. †Eriditidae Chen in Chen et al 1981
G. †Allanoceras Barskov 1959
G. †Eridites Zhuravleva 1961
G. †Euvirgoceras Chen 1974
G. †Haloites Chen et al. 1981
G. †Malgaoceras Miagkova 1967
Malgaoceras moniliforme Miagkova 1967
G. †Nathorstoceras Kröger 2013
Nathorstoceras adnatum Kröger 2013
Nathorstoceras bacotense Balashov 1975
Fm. †Proteoceratidae Flower 1962
G. †Archigeisonoceras Chen 1984
G. †Baykonuroceras Barskov 1972
G. †Clothoceras Kröger and Aubrechtová 2019
Clothoceras thornquisti Kröger and Aubrechtová 2019
G. †Cyrtactinoceras Hyatt in Zittel 1900
Cyrtactinoceras boycii Whitfield 1886
G. †Ephippiorthoceras Foerste 1924
Ephippiorthoceras dowlingi Foerste and Savage 1927
Invalid names: Ephippiorthoceras modestum Troedsson 1928 [synonym]
G. †Euorthoceras Foerste 1893
G. †Gangshanoceras Zou 1988
Gangshanoceras villicumense Kröger et al. 2007
G. †Gorbyoceras Shimizu and Obata 1935
Gorbyoceras gorbyi Miller 1894
Gorbyoceras gracile Portlock 1843
Gorbyoceras hammelli Foerste 1910
Gorbyoceras tetreauense Wilson 1961
Invalid names: Hammelloceras Shimizu and Obata 1935 [synonym]
G. †Isorthoceras Flower 1962
Isorthoceras albersi Miller and Faber 1894
Isorthoceras angelini Kröger 2013
Isorthoceras cavi Kröger and Aubrechtova 2017
Isorthoceras dalecarlense Kröger et al. 2011
Isorthoceras heintzi Strand 1934
Isorthoceras heroyense Strand 1934
Isorthoceras hudsonicum Ruedemann 1912
Isorthoceras junceum Hall 1877
Isorthoceras maris Kröger and Aubrechtova 2017
Isorthoceras nikwis Kröger and Aubrechtová 2019
Isorthoceras padisense Kröger and Aubrechtova 2017
Isorthoceras rogersensis Foerste 1914
Invalid names: Treptoceras praenuntium Flower 1942 [synonym]
Isorthoceras sociale Hall in Miller 1877
Isorthoceras suave Angelin and Lindström 1880
Isorthoceras subcostatum Portlock 1843
Isorthoceras sylphide Kröger and Aubrechtová 2019
Isorthoceras urdr Kröger and Aubrechtová 2019
Isorthoceras vexilli Kröger and Aubrechtova 2017
G. †Liulinoceras Zou and Chen 1984
G. †Mesnaquaceras Flower 1955
G. †Metephippiorthoceras Zhuravleva 1957
G. †Monomuchites Wilson 1961
Monomuchites costalis Wilson 1961
Monomuchites obliquum Frey 1995
G. †Paraproteoceras Chen 1981
G. †Proteoceras Flower 1955
Proteoceras perkinsi Ruedemann 1906
Proteoceras pulchrum Flower 1955
Proteoceras tyronensis Foerste 1912
Invalid names: Sactoceras josephianum Foerste 1933 [synonym]
G. †Pseudeskimoceras Shimizu and Obata 1936
G. †Pseudoliolinoceras Zou and Chen 1984
G. †Stereospyroceras Flower 1955
G. †Tofangoceras Kobayashi 1927
Invalid names: Kogenoceras Shimizu and Obata 1936 [synonym], Tofangocerina Sweet 1964 [synonym]
G. †Transorthoceras Kröger et al. 2011
Transorthoceras osmundsbergense Kröger et al. 2011
G. †Treptoceras Flower 1942
Treptoceras duseri Hall and Whitfield 1875
Treptoceras fosteri Miller 1875
Treptoceras transversum Miller 1875
Invalid names: Orthoceras hindei James 1878 [synonym]
Treptoceras yokoyamai Kobayashi 1927
G. †Ulmioceras Zhuravleva 1990
Invalid names: Hammelloceratidae Shimizu and Obata 1936 [synonym]
Superfm. †Pseudorthocerataceae Sweet 1964
Fm. †Cyrtactinoceratidae Chen et al. 1981
G. †Armenocerina Chen et al. 1981
G. †Heyuncunoceras Chen et al. 1981
G. †Platysmoceras Chen et al. 1981
Fm. †Mysterioceratidae Sweet 1964
G. †Mysterioceras Teichert and Glenister 1953
Fm. †Songkanocerasidae Chen et al. 1981
G. †Songkanoceras Chen et al. 1981
Fm. †Stereoplasmoceratidae Kobayashi 1934
G. †Stereoplasmoceras Grabau 1922
G. †Stereoplasmocerina Kobayashi 1936
Superfm. †Pseudorthoceratoidea Flower and Caster 1935
Fm. †Sactoceratidae Troedsson 1926
G. †Sactoceras Hyatt 1884
Sactoceras hadelandicum Strand 1934
Sactoceras manitoulinense Foerste 1924
Sactoceras piso Billings 1865
Sactoceras tyriense Strand 1934
Sactoceras westonense Foerste 1924
G. †Rhabdites
G. †Rhipsites
Fm. †Sactorthoceratidae Flower 1946
G. †Braulioceras Kröger et al. 2007
Braulioceras sanjuanense Kröger et al. 2007
G. †Cartersoceras Flower 1964
Cartersoceras popei Frey 1995
Cartersoceras shideleri Flower 1964
G. †Centroonoceras Kobayashi 1934
Centroonoceras tokunagai Kobayashi 1927
G. †Glenisteroceras Flower 1957
Glenisteroceras obscurum Flower and Teichert 1957
G. †Leptoplatophrenoceras Chen and Zou 1984
G. †Murrayoceras Foerste 1926
Murrayoceras murrayi Billings 1857
Murrayoceras primum Flower 1955
G. †Sactorthoceras Kobayashi 1934
Sactorthoceras banestanensis Dastanpour et al. 2006
Sactorthoceras gonioseptum Kobayashi 1934
Sactorthoceras makkolense Kobayashi 1927
Invalid names: Cycloceras taihakuense Kobayashi 1934 [synonym], Kawasakiceras densistriatum Kobayashi 1934 [synonym], Sactorthoceras shimamurai Kobayashi 1934 [synonym], Sigmorthoceras sigmoidale Kobayashi 1934 [synonym]
Invalid names: Kawasakiceras Kobayashi 1934 [synonym]
G. †Scipioceras Zhuravleva 1964
G. †Sigmocycloceras Kobayashi 1934
G. †Wennanoceras Chen 1976
G. †Wolungoceras Kobayashi 1931
G. †Sannionites deWaldheim 1829
Fm. †Sichuanoceratidae Zhuravleva 1978
G. †Neosichuanoceras Chen et al. 1981
G. †Sichuanoceras Chang 1962
Sichuanoceras zizense Kröger 2008
Fm. †Sphaerorthoceratidae Ristedt 1968
G. †Akrosphaeorthoceras Ristedt 1968
G. †Akrosphaerorthoceras Ristedt 1968
G. †Hemicosmorthoceras Ristedt 1968
Hemicosmorthoceras aichae Kröger 2008
Hemicosmorthoceras dimidiatum Sowerby in Murchinson 1839
G. †Iwakiella Hatai et al. 1972
Iwakiella ichiroi Hatai et al. 1972
G. †Parasphaerorthoceras Ristedt 1968
G. †Plagiostomoceras Teichert and Glenister 1952
Plagiostomoceras angustum Holzapfel 1885
Plagiostomoceras bifrons Barrande 1866
Plagiostomoceras culter Barrande 1866
Plagiostomoceras placidum Barrande 1868
Plagiostomoceras thomasi Teichert and Glenister 1952
G. †Sphaerorthoceras Ristedt 1968
Sphaerorthoceras beatum Ristedt 1968
G. †Subspyroceras Shimizu and Obata 1935
G. †Tretoceras Salter 1958
Fm. †Tripteroceratidae Flower 1941
G. †Allumettoceras Foerste 1926
Allumettoceras giganteum Flower 1947
Allumettoceras tenerum Billings 1860
G. †Eotripteroceras Flower 1943
Eotripteroceras minutum Flower 1943
G. †Hadoceras Strand 1934
Hadoceras septocurvatum Strand 1934
G. †Mucteoceras Miagkova 1967
Mucteoceras bilobatum Miagkova 1967
G. †Rasmussenoceras Foerste 1932
G. †Tripteroceras Hyatt 1884
G. †Tripterocerina Foerste 1935
G. †Zeehanoceras Stait 1982
Zeehanoceras teicherti Stait 1982
G. †Uralharuspex Ceccolini and Cianferoni 2023
Uralharuspex latisiphonatus Shimansky 1968
Invalid names: Haruspex [replaced]
G. †Vericeras
Invalid names: Michelinoceratida Flower and Kummel 1950 [synonym], Orthodochmiocerataceae Chen et al. 1981 [empty], Sinoceratida Kobayashi 1958 [synonym], Sphaerortoceratidae Ristedt 1968 [empty]
No diagnoses are available
No measurements are available
Composition: aragoniteo
Environment: marineo
Locomotion: actively mobileo
Life habit: nektonico
Diet: carnivoreo
Vision: well-developedc
Comments: Nektonic, swimming, carnivore (McKerrow, 1979).o
Created: 2005-10-06 14:35:22
Modified: 2009-04-13 11:56:59
Source: o = order, c = class
References: Aberhan et al. 2004, Kiessling 2004

Age range

Maximum range based only on fossils: base of the Tulean to the top of the Berriasian or 480.80000 to 139.80000 Ma
Minimum age of oldest fossil (stem group age): 478.6 Ma

Collections (1463 total)

Oldest occurrences

Time interval Ma Country or state Original ID and collection number
Tremadoc486.5 - 477.7China (ShanXi) Stereoplasmoceras sp. (8003)
Tremadoc486.5 - 477.7China (Hunan) Bactroceras sp. (7703)
Demingian485.4 - 478.6USA (New Mexico) Endorioceras rarum (88827) Metabaltoceras minutum (88945)
Stairsian485.4 - 478.6USA (New York) Orthoceras sayi, Orthoceras aristides (42799)
Gasconadian485.4 - 477.7USA (Texas) Baltoceratidae indet. (282) Microbaltoceras sp., Microbaltoceras minore (88939)
Tremadocian485.4 - 477.7Canada (Nunavut) Gorbyoceras geronticum (88918)
Tremadocian485.4 - 477.7France (Languedoc-Roussillon) Annbactroceras martyi (101705) Annbactroceras martyi, Annbactroceras felinense, Bactroceras mourguesi (101704) Cochlioceras roemeri (101706)
Early/Lower Ordovician485.4 - 470.0Svalbard and Jan Mayen Polygrammoceras sp. (212927)
Tremadocian - Floian485.4 - 470.0France (Languedoc-Roussillon) Bactroceras mourguesi (101709 101710 101713) Cochlioceras roemeri (101707) Cochlioceras roemeri, Bactroceras mourguesi (101708)
Ordovician485.4 - 443.8Indonesia (unknown) Irianoceras antiquum (64611)
Cassinian482.3 - 470.0USA (Texas) Rhabdiferoceras sp. (88776)
Cassinian482.3 - 470.0USA (Nevada) Rhabdiferoceras annuliferum (88775)
Cassinian482.3 - 470.0USA (Vermont) Cyrtobaltoceras gracile (42793)
Cassinian482.3 - 470.0USA (New York) Cyrtobaltoceras gracile, Glenisteroceras obscurum (42798) Metabaltoceras fusiforme (42782 88944)
Tulean - Blackhillsian480.8 - 470.0United Kingdom (Scotland) Rhabdiferoceras pertinens (188702 188704 188714 188719 188725 188727 188741)
Arenigian478.6 - 468.1USA (Utah) Orthocerida indet. (64558)
Arenigian478.6 - 468.1Svalbard and Jan Mayen Bactroceras angustisiphonatum (89288)
Dawan478.6 - 468.1China (YunNan) Orthoceras sp. (7745)
Dawan478.6 - 468.1China (Hubei) Michelinoceras sp. (7727)
Dawan478.6 - 468.1China (Hunan) Bactroceras sp. (7691) Michelinoceras sp. (7692)